Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-MSC-20040210-00027 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                 FIRM I AFFILIATE OFFICES
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June 22,2004                    OFFICE OF THE SECRETMY
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Marlene H. Dortch          JL~L0 8 2004                          Moscow          Tokyo
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Federal Communications C o m m k q i m
445 12th Street, S.W.   jrltam8tiORd Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:     Notice of Ex Parte Presentation
               File No. SAT-MSC-20040210-00027

Dear Ms. Dortch:
        On behalf of            Ventures
                                          .#-'-  I_*             I had a conversation with Sheryl J.
Wilkerson, Legal Advisor to Chaihan Powell, on June 18,2004, in which I explained the record
basis for tkie pro-competitive benefits that support a favorable decision in this matter. On June
21,2004, I sent Ms. Wilkerson the enclosed e-mail summarizing the relevant provisions of the
pleadings I identified in our conversation, and enclosing those pleadings.

       If you have any questions, please contact me.


cc:    Sheryl J. Wilkerson

    Janka, John (DC)
    From:                          Janka, John (DC)
    Sent:                          Monday, June 21,2004 339 PM
    To:                            Sheryl J. Wilkerson (E-mail)
    cc:                            Alan Auckenthaler (E-mail)
    Subject:                       Inmarsat: ORBIT


    As a follow up to our conversation on Friday, I am writing to provide you with a brief summary of the places in the record
    where the pro-competitive effects of a favorable decision in the lnmarsat ORBIT proceeding (ensuring continued US
    market access) are addressed:

    Telenor Reply (Apr. 20, 2004) at 6 7 (describing reliance of federal, state and local governments on lnmarsat Services,
    including for homeland security, as well as reliance by media and the oil & gas, shipping and fishing industries).

    Stratos Comments (Apr. 5,2004) at 1-2 (describing reliance on lnmarsat services by military, federal, state and local
    governments, reliance by media and the oil & gas, shipping and fshing industries, and the competitive alternatives that
    lnmarsat services provide, and explaining that a favorable decision would ensure the continuity of WmWrtiOn and
    essential services for government and private sector end users).

    StratOS Reply Comments (Apr. 20, 2004) at 1-2, 5-6 (explaining that Stratos resells MSS services of a number of
    companies, and how continued access to lnmarsat in the U.S. benefds competition by increasing mnsumer choices).

    Deere & CO. Reply Comments (Apr. 20,2004) at 1-4 (describing Deeds dependence on access to lnmarsat to Support
    applications not supported by other MSS systems, increased productivity by U.S. agriculture and other industries
    resulting from lnmarsat services, and how lnmarsat services facilitate a stronger position for Deere in the global market
    for farm equipment).

    lnmarsat Consolidated Response (Apr. 20, 2004) at 2-5 (explaining competitive benefrts of Inmarsat's continued ability to
    serve the U.S., reliance by many types of U.S.end users, including the military, law enforcement, and government
    entities responsible for safetykecurity, new and innovative lnmarsat broadband services that are forthcoming, and the
    adverse competitive consequences of accepting the arguments of the opponents in this matter and limiting competition in
    the U.S.).

    lnmarsat Reply in Report to Congress Regarding the ORBIT Act (May 14, 2004) at 12-13 (filed in this proceeding on May
    18,2004) (explaining the impact of an adverse finding on Inmarsat's U.S. government users).

    I've attached pdf copies of these pleadings. Please let me know if I can provide anything else.

    Deere Reply (April Inmarsat Response    stratos Comments S b w x Reply (April relenor Reply (April Inmarsat Reply in
      20, 2004).p...      (April 20, 2...      (April 5,. 20...  20, 2004)...         20,2004)...       ORBIT Repoft...

    John P. Janka
    555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
    Washington, D.C. 20004-1304
    Direct Tel: (202) 037-2289
    Fax: (202) 637-2201


Document Created: 2004-07-21 11:34:07
Document Modified: 2004-07-21 11:34:07

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