Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-MSC-20040210-00027 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                         .C. 20004-1304
                                                                           Tel: (202)637-2200 Fax: (202)637-2201

                                                                           FIRM /AFFILIATE OFFICES
L AT H A M W AT K I N SLLP                                                 Boston          New Jersey
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                                         RECEIVED                          Chicago         Northern Virginia
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     June 3,2004                            JiJN   -3    2004              Hong Kong       San Diego
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                                   fLLltZ”C 1                 coMM1561oM   Los Angeles     Silicon Val
                                           :;F,;t of THE SECRETARY         Milan
     Marlene H. Dortch                                                     Moscow          Tokyo
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554

            Re:    Notice of Ex P a m Presentation
                   File No. SAT-MSC-200402 10-00027

             Yesterday, Andy Sukawaty, Chairman and CEO of lnmarsat Ventures Limited
     (“Inmarsat”), Alan Auckenthaler, General Counsel, and John Janka of Latham & Watkins met
     with Legal Advisor to Chairman Powell, Sheryl Wilkerson, and Intern to Chairman Powell
     Bethany Smocer. The enclosed presentation and Inmarsat’s positions of record formed the basis
     for the discussion.

            If you have any questions, please contact me.

                                                        Sincerely yours,

     Encl osure
     cc:    Sheryl Wilkerson
            Bethany Smocer

                                                                                 June 2,2004

                     Inmarsat Has Complied with the ORBIT Act
*3 U.S. Interests Are at Stake
   9 U.S. Investment
        0   Lockheed (through Comsat) owns approximately 14% of Inmarsat
        0   U.S. investors account for over 40% of the capital in the Apax Partners and
            Permira funds that control Inmarsat
   >    U.S. Services
        0   U.S. industry relies on Inmarsat as a competitive MSS alternative
        0   Federal, state and local government users need continued access to current and
            next-generation Inmarsat spacecraft
                Current federal government users include the Department of Defense, U.S.
                Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, and law enforcement
                The Department of Defense has indicated its interest in and intent to use
                Inmarsat’s next-generation BGAN service
        0   Next-generation Inmarsat spacecraft will offer a new class of mobile
            broadband services to consumers in underserved parts of the U.S.
Q Inmarsat’s Initial Public Offering and Sipnatory Ownership Dilution
   >    Prior to the fall of 2003, Inmarsat had prepared five times for a public equity
        offering, incumng expenses of over $1 0 million
        0   Each time, weak financial markets foiled Inmarsat’s efforts
   9 In late 2003, Inmarsat faced:
        0   a continued weak kquity market with no sure prospect for improvement
        0   former Signatories seeking to divest their ownership interests
        0   a takeover proposal it was obligated to consider under the UK Takeover Code
    >   The Board determined that the proposal made by Apax Partners and Permira was
        in the best interests of /the company and its owners
        0   former Signatory dwnership would be diluted by more than 50%
        0   positive control and majority ownership interests would be acquired by funds
            controlled by new, non-Signatory entities
        0   management would obtain a vested interest in the company through its own
            ownership interest ,
        0   Inmarsat would become a public company, subject to national securities
            regulation through the issuance of publicly traded debt securities
    >   The takeover was structured as a leveraged buy out, reliant on money to be raised
        through the issuance of public debt securities

File No. SAT-MSC-20040210-00027                                       Inmarsat Ventures Limited


                                                                                        June 2,2004

              0   the takeover and resulting dilution would not have occurred but for the
                  subsequently planned initial public offering of debt
              0   "Series A" debt securities were sold and listed for trading on the Luxembourg
                  Stock Exchange
              0   after completion of a forthcoming SEC registration, the Series A securities
                  will be exchanged for "Series B" securities, which will be freely and publicly
                  tradeable in the U.S.
    *:*   Inmarsat Has Satisfied the Purposes of ORBIT Act
          9 Through an initial public offering, Inmarsat has substantially diluted the aggregate
              ownership interests of former Signatories
              0   As a result of its initial public offering, 57% of the ownership of lnmarsat
                  resides with non-Signatory, non-governmental entities
                      This is over two times the level of dilution recognized as "substantial" in

                  .   the New Skies decision
                      70 of 85 former Signatories have fully redeemed their ownership interest

                  .   in the company
                      3 former Signatories hold a residual interest of only one share

                  .   Foreign government ownership has been substantially reduced
                      Only 12 of 85 former Signatories hold an interest similar to what they held

                  Inmarsat has financed this dilution through an initial public offering
                      Inmarsat has listed its Series A debt securities on the Luxembourg Stock
                      Exchange, where they are freely and publicly tradeable
                      The expert U.d. agency on securities matters recognizes Inmarsat's
                      forthcoming A/B exchange as an "initial public offering" in the U.S.
                      +   The A/B exchange of debt securities to be registered at the SEC is an
                          Exxon Capita2 transaction that the SEC deems an initial public offering
                      +   After the Afl3 exchange, the "Series B" securities will be freely and
                          publicly tra eable in the U.S.
                  The initial public offering of debt and the buyout of the equity ownership
                  interests of the former Signatories are part of the same transaction and cannot
                  be examined independently
          >   Inmarsat has securities listed for trading on a major stock exchange with
              transparent and effective securities regulation
                  The listing of debt securities on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange has
                  subjected Inmarsat to the transparent and effective security regulations of both
                  that exchange and the European Union

     File No. SAT-MSC-200402 10-00027                                        Inmarsat Ventures Limited

                                              __.__Ill_"       -   _____"

                                                                                    June 2,2004

          e   Inmarsat soon-will subject t o regulation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange
              Commission as well
*:*   Inmarsat Has Complied with the Initial Public Offering Requirement of the
      ORBIT Act
      >   The plain language of the Act provides for apublic oflering of securities, which
          allows an offering of either debt or equity securities
              This general language amends the Satellite Act of 1962 (the predecessor of the
              ORBIT Act), where Congress specifically required Comsat to issue voting
              stock to the American public
      >   As an initial step to funding the buyout of Signatories, Inmarsat issued debt
          securities that are listed for public trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
      P Next, Inmarsat is effectuating an E n o n Capital Ah3 exchange of debt securities
        in a U.S. “initial public offering” as recognized by the U.S. Securities and
        Exchange Commission
*:*   Inmarsat’s Listing of Debt Securities Is “Consistent With” the ORBIT Act
          Inmarsat is subject to the transparent and effective securities regulations of
          Luxembourg and the EU, as a result of the listing of its debt securities for public
          trading in Europe
          Inmarsat will be subject to U.S. federal securities regulations at the conclusion of
          the A/B exchange public offering
          The ORBIT Act provides the Commission with flexibility to find Inmarsat’s
          listing of debt “consistent with” the Act
          e   Congress granted &ie Commission this discretion so that the purpose of the
              Act would not be frustrated by an overly technical application of the statute
              9  The goal of thk Act is to promote a fully competitive global market for
                 satellite communications services by fully privatizing Inmarsat

                  The Administration and two key Senators have recognized that Inmarsat
                  has satisfied the purpose of the ORBIT Act
              Exercise of this di+retion is warranted here

                  The overarchinb goal of the ORBIT Act has been met
              9   No stated purpose of the Act would be advanced by requiring a separate
                  listing of some type of Inmarsat equity securities
                      The level of U.S. federal securities regulation or securities regulation
                      in Luxembourg or the EU would not be any more effective

                     No greater dilution would occur
                      Control over the company would not change
                     No increase in competition in the satellite communications services
                      market would result

 File No. SAT-MSC-200402
                       10-00027                                          Inmarsat Ventures Limited

                                             ~   I_-._   I   -I_                                     -I

Document Created: 2004-06-21 16:39:53
Document Modified: 2004-06-21 16:39:53

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