Attachment request





This document pretains to SAT-MSC-20040210-00027 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                          Washington, D.C. 20004-1304
                                                                          Tel: (202) 637-2200 Fax: (202) 637-2201

                                                                          FIRM I AFFIL.IATEOFFICES
L AT H A Mt+ W AT K I N S LLP                                             Boston          New Jersey
                                                                          Brussels        New York
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      June 10,2004                                                        Hong Kong       San Diego
                                                                          London          San Francisco
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                                                                          Milan           Singapore
      Paul Margie
      Office of Commissioner Copps                      .\i3
                                                               ,   $w     Moscow          Tokyo

      Federal Communications Commission         '4,'-
      445 12th Street, S.W.
      Washington, D.C. 20554

      Dear Mr. Margie:

                      In a meeting with you and Commissioner Copps last week regarding this
       proceeding, Inmarsat mentioned that it had responded to a request for information made by the
       Department of Homeland Security. Enclosed as promised is a copy of the DHS request for
       information, as well as Inmarsat's response, which provides an overview of the next-generation
       Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) system currently under development by Inmarsat.

                        Please let us know if you need any additional information.

                                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                                         J o h P. Janka
                                                         Alexander D. Hoehn-Saric

       Enclosures (2)

       cc:    Marlene Dortch
              Andrea Kelly
              Qualex International

58 Request for Information,

SAFECOM Program, Technologies and
Processes Enabling Public Safety

      Modification 01 - Posted on Nov 07,2003

General Information

      Document Type:          Presolicitation Notice
      Solicitation Number:    HSSCHQ-04-RFI-0002
      Posted Date:            Oct 20,2003
      Archive Date:           Nov 29,2003
      Original Response Date: Nov 14,2003
      Current Response Date: Nov 14,2003
      Classification Code:   5 8 -- Communication, detection, & coherent radiation

Contracting Office Address

      DHS - Direct Reports, Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, Office of
      Procurement Operations, Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, Washington,
      DC, 20528


      Processes Enabling Public Safety Interoperability      ---- INTRODUCTION----
      The SAFECOM Program (SAFECOM) is soliciting comments and input from
      qualified vendors and the academic research community regarding technology
      concepts and existing or under-development products or services to provide for
      the interoperability of public safety communications. SAFECOM is asking for 5-7
      page White Papers describing the technology product, service, or concept to be
      submitted by November 14,2003. White Papers should be submitted to            SAFECOM is the umbrella program within the
      Federal government intended to help local, tribal, State and Federal public safety

agencies improve public safety response through more effective, efficient,
interoperable wireless communications. The SAFECOM program was created by
the Office of Management and Budget ( O m ) as a high priority e-government
initiative and is housed within the Science and Technology Directorate of the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). SAFECOM is currently working with
existing Federal communications initiatives and key public safety stakeholders to
facilitate the development of better technologies and processes for the cross-
jurisdictional and cross-disciplinary coordination of existing communications
systems and future networks. A public safety practitioner driven program,
 SAFECOM has a customer base of over 44,000 local and State public safety
agencies and organizations, in addition to over 100 Federal agencies involved in
public safety response.        This Request for Information (RFI) is intended to
increase SAFECOM’s awareness of the technology available, under development
or in concept that will help realize the program’s long-term goal: The creation of a
“system of systems” by which public safety across disciplines and jurisdictions
will be fully interoperable when necessary. A panel of SAFECOM representatives
will review submissions to this RFI and select respondents may be invited to
present to a board of these representatives to answer questions regarding
 submitted products, services, or technology concepts. A Broad Agency
 Announcement (BAA) under which SAFECOM may fund demonstration projects
 undertaken jointly by industry and public safety agencies will likely follow this
 RFI.       ----BACKGROUND---- Public safety wireless “interoperability” is the
 ability of public safety service and support providers to communicate with each
 other via voice, data or video, on demand, in real time, when needed and as
 authorized. Inadequate and unreliable wireless communications are serious issues
 plaguing public safety. In many instances, agencies lack the technology necessary
 to perform their mission-critical duties. Such agencies are unable to share critical
 voice andor data information in routine day-to-day operations, within pre-
 established task forces and in large-scale events such as acts of terrorism and
 natural disasters. This lack of interoperability comes at a high price: Property may
 be damaged or even lives lost when public safety agencies cannot effectively
 communicate.         According to a report issued by the National Task Force on
 Interoperability (NTFI) in January 2003, there are many factors-- political,
 technological, and financial-- that hamper public safety interoperability today,
 including:         Incompatible and aging communications equipment in use
 across the 44,000 agencies in the United Sates, ranging fiom newer, digital
 systems to 30 year old analog systems           Limited and fragmented budget
 cycles and funding at the federal level (where grant funding agencies have not
 previously coordinated a common set of requirements) and at the local level
 (where individual agencies often have different planning cycles, procurement
 processes and technology requirements)            Limited and fragmented planning
 and cooperation among public safety agencies due in part to the limited resources
 of small and sometimes volunteer organizations            Limited and fragmented
 radio spectrum dedicated to public safety          Limited equipment standards for
 public safety communications which would incorporate universally recognized,
 fully open, implementable standards         ----TECHNOLOGIES OF INTEREST--

-- SAFECOM is requesting information from qualified vendors and the research
community for products, service models or enabling technologies that can
accomplish one or more of the following functional requirements:
Interconnect disparate voice and/or data public safety communications
systems          Extend andor enhance public safety communications systems
coverage (including but not limited to improved spectrum management, signal
coverage, system reliability)          Extend and/or enhance capabilities to public
safety communications systems (including, but not limited to extension of battery
life, user/message prioritization)       SAFECOM and its associated programs
have identified a number of parameters expected to characterize the technologies
and processes submitted in response to this RFI. While submissions are not
necessarily expected to respond to all of these considerations, SAFECOM would
like to identify concepts that hlfill or enable as many as possible. Evaluations
will be based on these parameters.          These parameters include:         Open
Standards rather than proprietary solutions           Leveraging of “mainstream”
commercial technology            Backwards compatibility with legacy systems and
technologies          Scalability to fbnction in both day-to-day public safety
response and in major event situations with small and large number of responders
and varying functional requirements of different types of subscribers (e.g. police,
fire, EMS) and levels of government (local, State and Federal)             High end-to-
end Quality of Service and performance characteristics             High degree of
reliability and redundancy           Useful for day-to-day operations-        Limited
power requirements-           Flexibility in ergonomics / ease of use        Inherent
and supportable elements of security            Inherent and supportable elements of
privacy          Acceptable Total Cost of Ownership for public safety agencies
   Interoperability across public safety disciplines and all levels of
government           Spectral efficiency         Non-Repudiation
Interoperable across all Public Safety frequency bands           Stage of
Development:          SAFECOM is interested in receiving submissions from
industry that illustrate any new or developing technologies that can provide
solutions, full or partial, towards public safety interoperability. Information on
technologies in all stages of development is welcome and sought after, whether
 the products are already on the shelf, in development, or merely a concept on the
 drawing table. It is asked that industry clearly articulate the stage of development
 of any technologies in the submissions.         ----WHITE PAPER CONTENTS:----
 In response to this Request, white papers of 5-7 pages should be submitted which
 cover:       1. Background, Current State, and Categorization of Proposed
 Technology Describe in adequate detail the specific technology or solution being
proposed for SAFECOM consideration, the current state of its development, any
 current deployments of the technology within the public safety environment, and
 how the technology or solution compares with the parameters outlined
 above.       2. Applicability of Proposed Technology to Public Safety
 Communications Explain how the proposed technology or solution would be
 deployed in a public safety communications setting, and how public safety
 officers would gain access to and use it.        3. Timeline and Cost to Develop
 Provide a rough estimate of the time and cost to develop the technology for

utilization.      ----SUBMISSION PROCESS:---- In response to this Request,
white papers of 5-7 pages should be submitted electronically by Friday November
14,2003 to-          ----CONTACTS:---- Parties
requiring further information may contact:-       Dereck Orr, SAFECOM Program,         ----RESOURCES:---- Additional information on public
safety communications and associated federal efforts can be obtained at the
following websites.        AGILE Program The AGILE Program within the Office
of Science and Technology at the National Institute of Justice has a mission to
assist State and local law enforcement agencies to effectively and efficiently
communicate with one another across agency and jurisdictional boundaries. It is
dedicated to studying interoperability options and making valuable information
available to law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency technicians across the
country.-         Association of Public Safety
Communications Officials - International, Inc. (APCO) APCO is the world's
oldest and largest not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to the
enhancement of public safety communications.           http://www
Justice Technology Information Network (JUSTNET) The official web site for
the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center system,
JUSTNET contains various publications on communications interoperability
issues.       http://www.justnet.orgl      National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Summit on Interoperable Communications for Public Safety
The Summit on Interoperable Communications for Public Safety, held at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg,
Maryland, on June 26 and 27,2003 was a joint effort between NIST, the
Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate,
Project SAFECOM, and the National Institute of Justice's AGILE Program. The
Summit brought together a variety of programs that were created to assist public
safety practitioners, including the First Responders. The Summit was the initial
step in familiarizing key interoperabilityplayers with the work being done by
others so that mutually beneficial coordination, and collaboration, among the
various technical programs could be established.        National Public Safety Telecommunications
Council (NPSTC) NPSTC is a federation of associations representing public
safety telecommunications.NPSTC serves as a resource and advocate for public
safety telecommunications issues.       National
Task Force on Interoperability (NTFI) Recognizing that solutions to the national
problem of public safety communications interoperability could only be achieved
through cooperation between all levels of government, 18 national associations
representing State and local government and public safety officials formed a task
force to address this issue. NTFI's recommendations have been published in the
form of a brochure, guide, and supplemental resources.
http://www        Public Safety Wireless Network (P SWN)
Formerly a joint Department of Justice and Department of Treasury program and
now part of the SAFECOM program under DHS, PSWN is dedicated to the
 establishment of a seamless, coordinated public safety communications system for

      the safe, effective, and efficient protection of life and property.

Point of Contact

      Jean Carter, Contracting Officer, Phone 2027725044, Fax 2027729729, Email

                          Response of Inmarsat, Inc.

                  Request for Information: SAFECOM Program
                    Technologies and Processes Enabling
                         Public Safety lnteroperability
                               November 14,2003

This paper responds to the above referenced Request for Information (RFI) by
providing an overview of the Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) system
currently under development by Inmarsat@.

By providing a portable, highly reliable, IP-based connection at data rates up to
432 kbits/s on a shared satellite channel, BGAN will allow mobile users to access
any IP-based network, or device connected to the Internet, anywhere in the
world. The BGAN system will also provide circuit switched voice and ISDN
connectivity, including tolfrom mobile terrestrial wireless users. This
interoperability will allow BGAN to make an important contribution to the “system
of systems” envisioned in the RFI. In doing so, BGAN can help ensure that public
safety users have on-demand access to critical data, video and voice
communications, even in areas where the wireline and terrestrial mobile
infrastructure is damaged or lacking, or in situations where interoperability
challenges threaten vital communications. Furthermore, until such time as full
public safety communications is achieved, Inmarsat’s global coverage, proven
reliability and portability also make it an ideal choice for fallback communications

lnmarsat operates a global satellite system relied upon by governments and
other mobile users for a range of voice and data communications. Using satellite
terminals and services available from Inmarsat’s distribution and manufacturing
partners, the lnmarsat system provides a readily available, scaleable and highly
reliable communications platform for voice and high-speed data required by
mobile users. These solutions are currently available in North America at data
rates up to 64 kbit/s. BGAN will offer much higher data rates, along with
expanded features.

lnmarsat provides service through its distribution network. Accordingly, this
response provides an overview of BGAN system capabilities relevant to the RFI,

Page 2 of 4

but does not address details of pricing, packaging with other communications
services or applications, or other issues that might be proposed by individual
distribution partners during an actual procurement process. A list of lnmarsat
distribution partners is available on request and can be found at its web site

The 1-4 Satellites
Responding to the growing demand from corporate mobile satellite users for
high-speed Internet access and multimedia connectivity, lnmarsat is now building
its fourth generation of satellites. When fully assembled, the two lnmarsat 4 (1-4)
satellites will be the largest commercial satellites ever launched. The satellites
will provide major increase in system capacity over existing lnmarsat satellites.

The BGAN Svstem
When operational in mid-2005, the BGAN system will provide access to high-
speed Internet and other IP-based data networks without the restrictions or
limitation of either fixed line or terrestrial mobile services. BGAN will also enable
circuit switched voice services via a peripheral handset, as well as circuit
switched ISDN (64Kbps) data via the user terminal. BGAN service will be offered
on Inmarsat’s 1-4 satellites.

Set against existing satellite and even terrestrial mobile services, BGAN will offer
significant improvements in data rates, Downlink data rates will be up to 432
kbits/s using a secure shared channel. From a network design standpoint, BGAN
service is similar to GPRS but with the advantages of higher speed and full
coverage within its operational area. Unlike GRPS, BGAN services will not be
affected by network “holes” where base stations are either absent or have not
been upgraded to carry high-seed data. BGAN performance will be enhanced
by at TCP/IP accelerator to compensate for satellite delay.

Flexible/Ease of Use: BGAN is designed as a “turn up and go” system, which
means that a small workgroup or an individual will be able to get on-line at high
speed within minutes of arrival at an emergency site. BGAN will provide access
to standard networking protocols, so a single satellite data modem can give
access to virtually any IP service, including the Internet, to a workgroup or even a
group of offices. As a broadband service, the BGAN IP offering will be “always
on,” with users paying according to the data they transmit rather than by the time
they spend on line. This means there will be no need to wait for a dial up
connection to the Internet. And as BGAN terminal will allow users to access both
the BGAN IP network and the BGAN circuit switched network, users will have the
flexibility to use, as necessary, a range of voice, video, fax, text messaging and
other data applications. The direct dial voice service will offer landline quality
speech using cutting edge voice compression technology (4kbps), including
calling to and from terrestrial mobile users. Voice service features will include:
caller identification, call hold, call waiting, call barring, and voice mail.

Inmarsat Inc., 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N W ,Suite 1000, Washington DC 20036

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Page 3 of 4

Backwards Compatibility: As a system using IP standards, BGAN will give
seamless access over virtual private networks, wireless LAN and remote access
technologies, so a BGAN user can have all the advantages of a connection to
their corporate networks. BGAN users will be able to access any users
connected to the Internet. At the same time, the 1-4 satellites will also continue to
support existing lnmarsat services relevant to the public safety community.

Standards and Mainstream Technology: BGAN terminal will support standard
industry interfaces, including 802. I1 wireless, Bluetooth and Ethernet, so there
will be no need to consider drivers, data cards and (if desired) connection cables.
Running over IP, BGAN will offer “plug and play” connectivity with standard
networking and operating systems, including Microsoft Windows.

Reliability and Redundancy: lnmarsat has a strong track record of providing
reliable mobile communications. Reliability is a key factor for users of Inmarsat’s
existing satellite services and as the international provider of emergency
communications for those at sea; resilience is at the heart of Inmarsat’s network.
In order to meet strict International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements,
the entire lnmarsat network, including the satellites, must provide better than
99.9% availability at all times. This availability is independently audited by an
Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO) and is reported to IMO at least once per
year. lnmarsat has, since its inception, always bettered this 99.9% requirement
for availability.

Quality of Service: BGAN will support two service levels:

Standard IP Service features include:
   0  Alwayson;
      Variable bit rate (dependent on demand);
   0  Web access, file transfer, e-mail;
      Pay only for data sent and received; and
      Satellite capacity redeployed in real-time to service areas f high del   1   nd.

Premium IP Service (subscription option) include:
   0  Streaming Class IP;
      Guaranteed bit rate over the satellite;
   0  Possible 64, 128,256, 384 kbps send or receive; and
      Available “on-demand” (as with GAN ISDN) and Ideal for voice over P or
      video over IP application.

 SecuritylPrivacy: As with other lnmarsat digital services, BGAN service will be
 highly secure, supporting full military standard encryption as required. In addition,
 as BGAN works on IP standards, existing security procedures such as secure
 sockets layer (SSL) and virtual private networks (VPN) will operate in the same
 way as they would within the office.

 Inmarsat Inc., 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1000, Washington DC 20036

Page 4 of 4

Status of Development: Underscoring the potential of its BGAN system, in
November 2002, Inmarsat launched the Regional BGAN service, a forerunner to
the full BGAN service. Available over a wide area of Europe, North Africa, the
Middle East and the Indian sub-continent, R-BGAN service provides packet data
communications to light weight (1.6 kg) notebook-size satellite modems over
shared 144 kbitskec channels. Development of both the 1-4 satellites and the
BGAN system are well advanced. The two satellites are currently expected to be
launch, respectively, in the fourth quarter of 2004 and the first quarter of 2005,
with BGAN service launch currently planned for the second quarter of 2005.

Name and Address of Responder: Inmarsat Ltd.
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036

Point of Contact: Jack Deasy, Manager, Government Development, North
America, tel. 202 772-3139; e-mail:

Inmarsat Inc., 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1000, Washington DC 20036

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Document Created: 2004-06-21 16:52:50
Document Modified: 2004-06-21 16:52:50

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