Attachment reply


REPLY submitted by Intelsat

reply to SES


This document pretains to SAT-MSC-20040210-00027 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                    Jennifer D. Hindin
                          May 19,2004                                                               202.719.4975
PHONE    202.719.7000
FAX      202.719.7049                                          F@WAL COMMUNICATIONS C O W I S O N
                          Marlene H. Dortch                 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
Virginia Office
SUITE 6200
                          Federal Communications Commission
McLEAN, VA 22102          445 1 2 ‘ ~Street, N.W.
PHONE    703.905.2800     Washington, D.C. 20554
FAX      703.905.2820

                                  Re: Inmarsat Ventures Limited, File No. SAT-MSC-20040210-00027
w ww.wrf .corn
                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          Intelsat hereby responds to the letter filed on May 13, 2004 by SES AMERCOM,
                          lnc. (“SES”) in the above referenced proceeding in order to correct a
                          mischaracterization made by SES and to clarify the record. As an initial matter,
                          Intelsat previously has not participated in this proceeding and takes no position on
                          the issues raised in it. Intelsat strenuously objects to SES’s gratuitous attempt, in its
                          May 13 letter, to attribute a position on the issues to lntelsat based on a
                          mischaracterization of comments made by Intelsat’s Chief Executive Officer.

                          In its May 13 letter, SES quotes two statements made by Intelsat Chief Executive
                          Officer Conny Kullman. SES then asserts that those two statements “support the
                          position taken by SES AMERJCOM and others in the instant proceeding: that
                          Inmarsat’s transactions do not suffice to satisfy the clear and unambiguous directive
                          of Congress that Inmarsat conduct an 1PO of equity securities.”’ In fact, as
                          explained below, Mr. Kullman’s statements provide no such support.

                          In his first statement, Mr. Kullman is quoted as saying that “the ORBIT legislation
                          is very clear in requiring an P O . It uses that term very clearly.”* The statement is
                          accurate: the ORBIT Act does very clearly use the term “initial public ~ f f e r i n g . ” ~
                          Mr. Kullman’s statement does not, however, express a view as to whether the term
                          “initial public offering” requires an offering of equity securities.

                          ’Letter from Phillip L. Spector, Paul, Weiss, Riflund, Wharton & Garrison LLP,
                          Attorneys for SES Americom, Inc. to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary FCC, at 2
                          (dated May 13, 2004) (“SES Letter”).
                           See Open-Market Reorganization for the Betterment of International
                          Telecommunications Act, Pub. L. No. 106-180, 114 Stat. 48, Section 621(2) (Mar.
                          17, 2000).

Rhley Rein & Fielding LLP

Ms. Marlene Dortch, Secretary
May 19,2004
Page 2

In his second statement, Mr. Kullman is quoted as saying that for Intelsat to satisfy
the ORBIT Act P O requirement via a buyout similar to Inmarsat’s, it would “need
a ruling from the FCC [on the Inmarsat request] which is different from the
interpretation we have          This statement merely refers to the fact that the only
interpretation of the ORBIT Act term “initial public offering” taken to date by the
FCC involved the offering of equity securities by New Skies Satellites, N.V. Again,
Mr. Kullman’s statement did not express a view as to whether the term “initial
public offering” requires an offering of equity securities.

Again, Intelsat is extremely troubled by SES’s attempt to manufacture support for
its position where none exists. This tactic is reminiscent of SES’s earlier attempt to
paint a picture for the Commission that was less than a ~ c u r a t e .To
                                                                        ~ be sure, SES is
entitled to argue its position to the Commission. It should not, however, attempt to
put inaccurate words in the mouths of other parties.

cc: Attached Certificate of Service

    SES Letter at 2.
 The FCC previously reprimanded SES for misstating its aggregate foreign
ownership to the Commission. Applications of General Electric Capital Corp.,
Traizsferors, SES Global, S.A. Transferees, For Consent to Transfer of Control of
Liceizses and Autliorizatiorzs Pursuant to Sections 214(a) arid 31O(d)of the
Conzimnicatiorzs Act and Petition for Declaratory Ruling Pursuant to Section
3109b)(4)of the Coi?zmuizicatioizsAct,16 FCC Rcd 18878 (2001) (“Indeed, we are
concerned that the Applicants may have violated one or more of the Commjssion’s
rules, including Section 1.17. Accordingly, we are referring this mater to the
Enforcement Bureau .’7.

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
       I, Claudia L. Cartagena, hereby certify that on May 19,2004,I caused a copy of the
foregoing Response to SES Letter to be mailed via first-class postage prepaid mail to the

Alan Auckenthaler                                  Bruce A. Henoch
Vice President & General Counsel                   Assistant General Counsel
Inmarsat, Inc.                                     Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.
1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.                      1101 Wootton Parkway, 1lothFloor
Suite 1000                                         Rockville, MD 20852
Washington, DC 20036
                                                   Attorney for Teleizor Satellite Services, Inc.

William M. Behan                                   Lon C. Levin
Vice President, Washington Affairs                 Vice President
John Deere Public Affairs Worldwide                Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
1808 I Street, NW                                  10802 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20006                               Reston, VA 20191

Gary M. Epstein                                    Bruce D. Jacobs
John P. Janka                                      David S. Konczal
Alexander D. Hoehn-Saric                           Shaw Pittman LLP
Latham & Watkins LLP                               2300 N Street, NW
555 Eleventh Street, NW, Suite 1000                Washington, DC 20037
Washington, DC 20004-1304
                                                   Attorneys for Mobile Satellite Ventures
Attorneys ,for Iiziiiursat Ventures Limited        Subsidiary LLC

Eliot J. Greenwald                                  Alfred M. Mamlet
Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP                Chun Hsiang Mah
3000 K Street, NW, Suite 300                        Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Washington, DC 20007                                13330 Connecticut Ave., NW
                                                    Washington, DC 20036
Attorney for Deere & Company
                                                    Attorneys for Stratos Mobile Networks, Inc.
                                                    and Stralos Coi?znzuizicatiorzs,Inc.

 Qualex International                               Policy Branch
 Portals I1                                         Satellite Division, International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
 445 12th Street, SW, Room CY-B4202                 445 1 2 ' ~Street, sw
 Washington, DC 20554                               Washington, DC 20554

Phillip L. Spector
Patrick S . Campbell
Brett M. Kjtt
Paul, Weiss, Riflund, Wharton & Garrison LLP
1615 L. Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Attorneys for SES AMERICOM, IIX.


Document Created: 2004-06-01 12:17:48
Document Modified: 2004-06-01 12:17:48

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