Attachment reply


REPLY TO COMMENTS submitted by Deere & Company



This document pretains to SAT-MSC-20040210-00027 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Before the
                                                                                   APR 2          Q    2004
                             Washington, DC 20554
                                                                         F H M A L COMU!IIVICP f l g & C O ~ , ~ M I S C ; I ~ ~ ~
                                                                                  OFFICE OF rtiE SECRETARY

In the Matter of                           )

Inmarsat Ventures Limited
                                           )      File No. SAT-MSC-20040210-00027
                                           1                                     APE 2 6 2%
                     REPLY COMMENTS OF DEERE & COMPANY

       Deere & Company (“Deere”), by its attorneys, hereby files comments in reply to the

Comments of SES Americom, Inc. (“SES”) and Opposition of Mobile Satellite Ventures

Subsidiary LLC (“MSV”). Deere is an American company that holds a license (“License”) to

access non-core services of Inmarsat Ventures Ltd. (“Inmarsat”) via receive-only VSAT earth

stations operating in the L-band.’    Deere fully supports the February 10, 2004 request

(“Request”) of Inmarsat for a determination that it has satisfied the independence and initial

public offering (“IPO”) requirements of the Open-Market Reorganization for the Betterment of

International Telecommunications Act (“ORBIT

The Public Interest and Deere Dependence on Services Offered by Inmarsat

       In previous submissions in support of the grant of its License, Deere has described its

GreenStarB precision farming system, which combines the StarFireB receive-only earth station,

       File No. SES-LIC-20010112-00051 (“License”); Comsat Corporation d/b/a Comsat
Mobile Communications, Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, FCC 01-272, 16 FCC
Rcd 21661,24 CR 1019 (2001) (“Access Order”).
       See Letter from Alan Auckenthaler, hnarsat Ventures Limited, to Marlene H. Dortch,
Federal Communications Commission (Feb. 10,2004) (“Inmarsat Letter”). The Inmarsat Letter
was placed on Public Notice on March 5,2004 and assigned file number SAT-MSC-20040210-
00027. See Public Notice, SAT-00197 (Mar. 5,2004).

mobile processor, and display terminal hardware, mounted on farm equipment, with a suite of

computer applications that have transformed agriculture for the twenty-first century. In brief,

GreenStarB-equipped tractors offer automated GPS-based guidance systems and farm

management tools. These tools allow a f m e r to save fuel, accurately steer the vehicle, and vary

the amount of seed, fertilizer, and herbicides used according to the specific location involved, as

well as to plan the variance based on previously-collected data relating to yields, weather,

irrigation, etc. Until Deere received the License, however, the highest SF2-level positioning

accuracy, which relies on reception of the Inmarsat-distributed signal, was available only outside

the United States; Deere’s U.S. receive-only VSATs were not permitted to access the network

feed, although, as a technical matter, the signal was available “in the ether” throughout the U.S.,

incidental to Deere’s service to, for example, Canada, Mexico and South A m e r i ~ a . ~

        Once Deere’s StarFireB receivers were authorized to receive Inmarsat signals in the

U.S., the improved accuracy resulted in increased equipment capabilities and product demand.

The SF2 differential correction signal delivered by Inmarsat improves the accuracy of the

positioning system to a pass-to-pass accuracy for agricultural applications of approximately +/- 4

i n ~ h e swhich
           , ~ has allowed Deere both to upgrade and to expand its suite of agricultural software

applications. Since 2003 Deere has provided the AutoTrac system, which allows self-steering of

tractors, even at night.5 Even less-experienced operators can successfully operate farm vehicles

    See Access Order at 7 64.
    Deere feeds proprietary global positioning correction information to an Inmarsat satellite by
    landline, and the StarFireB receivers download the satellite signal (as well as signals from
    the GPS satellites) for use by the guidance system software application.

    See Access Order at Appendix A.


equipped with AutoTrac, making jobs available to less skilled workers, and all operators

experience less fatigue, resulting in more productivity and increased safety. A University of

Illinois study ranked the Deere SF2 system first for accuracy,‘ as did a recent study by a major

German farm machinery j ~ u r n a l .Deere
                                      ~    dealers report that farmers are sold on the product after

testing it for only 1000 yards.8 Demand for GreenStarB products has far exceeded even Deere’s

expectations, with more than 5000 units installed in only four years. Adding the huge U.S.

domestic market to its potential customer base for SF2-network applications has also allowed

Deere to make the increased technology research and development investment necessary for an

expanded application suite and services. Not only has this resulted in major gains in efficiency

and productivity for U.S. farmers, but also it has provided a base for expansion of Deere sales

abroad, improving the U.S. position in the global marketplace.

       In addition to the GreenStaB agronomic products, Deere’s SF2 differential correction

network is used in other types of applications. For example, the United States military has also

found important uses for the precision positioning afforded by Deere’s SF2 network. With

respect to military applications, the License made possible domestic testing and training using

SF2-network based equipment destined for deployment abroad. The off-shore drilling industry

    See Press Release, John Deere StarFireB GPS System Excels In University Of Illinois Study
    (July 18,2002).
    See GreenStarB Talk, GreenStarB PARALLEL TRACKING-THE                       ACCURATE
    CHOICE (13 May 2002) (citing Farm Journal February 2002 article reporting results of
    study of farm equipment by editors of German farm equipment journal ProJi).
    For more information on the Greenstar@ system, see the brochure in Attachment A, or visit
    Deere’s       website    at US/ag/servicesupport/ams/ams-
    customertestimonial.htm1 . Video which shows the system in operation is available at
    steering-system.htm1 .


uses precise positioning from the SF2 network for seismic mapping, as well as for precise

positioning for supply vessels serving off-shore rigs. In areas such as the Gulf of Mexico,

accurate positioning is an important safety requirement where large structures and vessels must

maneuver in close proximity to each other in very deep and exposed locations. While Inmarsat-

distributed services can be made available as “core” services for maritime users, the greatly

expanded U.S. market for SF2 network-based products has led to substantial cost savings, and

product availability to more users, as network costs can be spread among many more users and


        Issuance of the License to Deere has resulted in important public interest benefits to U.S.

agriculture and industry with respect to efficiency and productivity, as well as to U.S. industry’s

global technology leadership, competitiveness, and access to world markets. Deere’s experience

validates the Commission’s decision that grant of the License was in the public interest.’

Continued access to Inmarsat by Deere is therefore helpful to the recovery of the U.S. economy,

including job recovery, particularly in the agricultural and agricultural equipment sectors.

Inmarsat Compliance with the IPO Requirements of the ORBIT Act

        In their pleadings, SES and MSV each allege that Inmarsat’s issuance of debt securities

does not comply with (1) the requirement for substantial dilution of aggregate ownership of the

former Inmarsat signatories found in Section 621(2) of the ORBIT Act, (2) the requirement for

an initial public offering of securities found in Section 621(5)(A) of the ORBIT Act, and (3) the

requirement that shares be traded on one or more major stock exchanges with transparent and

effective securities regulation as found in Section 621(5)(B) of the ORBIT Act.      In making its

allegations, MSV argues that Inmarsat must comply with a strict literal reading of each provision

    Access OrAer at T 108.


of the ORBIT Act. While SES acknowledges that the ORBIT Act sets as its standard for

compliance that Inmarsat’s privatization be “consistent with” the criteria set out in the ORBIT

Act, SES then proceeds to argue as though a strict, literal compliance standard were in effect.

        Standard of Interpretation. Contrary to the claims of MSV and the implicit arguments of

SES, Section 601(b)(2) of the ORBIT Act does not call for privatization in a manner that strictly

complies with a literal reading of each and every provision of the ORBIT Act. Rather Section

60 1(b)(2) requires that privatization of Inmarsat be “consistent with” the pro-competitive criteria

set out in the ORBIT Act. The Commission addressed the meaning of the words “consistent

with” in the Access Order, concluding that the language of the ORBIT Act calls for a standard

that permits flexibility:

       In the context of applying the ORBIT Act criteria, we construe the “consistent
       with” standard as inferring a degree of flexibility by requiring “congruity or
       compatibility.” This flexibility allows us to avoid frustrating Congressional intent
       to enhance competition in the U.S. telecommunications market by an overly
       narrow interpretation. Also, applying this reasonably flexible standard will allow
       the Commission to act in accordance with Section 601(c) which requires the
       Commission to construe the licensing requirements of the Act in accordance with
       United States trade obligations under the General Agreement on Trade in Services
       (GATS). We therefore disagree with Motient and PanAmSat that the “consistent
       with” standard requires Inmarsat’s strict compliance with each and every criteria
       specified in the Act.”

With this Commission precedent in mind, we can turn to a discussion of whether Inmarsat’s

initial public offering of debt securities satisfies the ORBIT Act’s substantial dilution and initial

public offering criteria for privatization in a manner that does not harm competition.

        Compliance with Section 621(2). Section 621(2) of the ORBIT Act calls for Inmarsat to

conduct an initial public offering for the purpose of achieving independence from the Inmarsat

signatories. Specifically, the section requires that “[ sluch offering shall substantially dilute the

        Access Order at para. 35 (footnotes omitted).


aggregate ownership of such entities by such signatories. . . .” SES and MSV both argue that

Inmarsat’s initial public offering of debt securities does not satisfy Section 621(2) because (1)

the offering of debt securities does not result in any dilution of ownership, and (2) the majority

ownership of Inmarsat is now concentrated in two private equity groups, thereby defeating what

they view as the intent of the ORBIT Act to achieve dilution through the issuance of equity

securities to the general public.

        However, as explained by Inmarsat in its Request and supported by Stratos Mobile

Networks, Inc. (“Stratos”) in its comments, substantial dilution was achieved through a two step

process of integrally-related transactions. Although the initial public offering of debt securities

was subsequent in time to the acquisition of equity of funds advised by Apax Partners (“Apax”)

and funds advised by Permira (“Permira”), the initial public offering of debt securities was an

integral part of the acquisition of equity by Apax and Permira. Without the expectation of the

initial public offering of debt securities, Apax and Permira would not have been able to obtain a

bridge loan to fund in part their acquisition of Inmarsat equity. Therefore, the initial public

offering of debt securities was inextricably intertwined with the dilution of ownership in

Inmarsat held by the former signatories.

        Moreover, as explained by Inmarsat in its Request, the signatories were diluted by 57

percent-a   percentage of dilution that would be considered substantial by any measure.’   ’   SES

and MSV argue that the dilution is insufficient because most of the new equity will be in the

hands of two private equity firms. However, the purpose of Section 621(2) of the ORBIT Act is

to eliminate one of the benefits Inmarsat previously enjoyed as an intergovernmental

      Cf:New Skies Satellites, N. V., 16 FCC Rcd. 7482 (2001) (dilution of Intelsat signatories
by 23% sufficient under the ORBIT Act).


organization and the perceived harm to competition caused by such benefit. In this case it was

the perceived harm to competition resulting from a government controlled company competing

with private companies. The 57 percent dilution eliminates government control.

        SES and MSV would have the Commission interpret Section 621(2) in a manner that is

more restrictive than expressed by Congress rather than flexibly as mandated by the “consistent

with” standard as previously concluded by the Commission. There is no difference regarding the

independence of Inmarsat from the former signatories and the effect on competition whether

Inmarsat is controlled by two private equity funds or by dispersed shareholders. Either way

Inmarsat is independent and the purpose of Section 621(2) has been achieved.               Therefore

Inmarsat’s initial public offering of debt securities is consistent with the independence criteria

enunciated in Section 621(2) of the ORBIT Act.

        Compliance with Section 621(5)(A). Section 621(5)(A) calls for an initial public offering

of securities. Using the argument that an initial public offering is usually in the form of an initial

public offering of equity securities, SES and MSV argue that the ORBIT Act requires that

Inmarsat must have an initial public offering of equity, and not debt, securities. However, there

is nothing in the language of Section 621(5)(A) to require that the securities cannot be debt

securities. Rather, the language simply uses the word “securities” with no further restriction.

Again, SES and MSV would have the Commission interpret the ORBIT Act in a manner more

restrictive then the language written by Congress, rather than flexibly as mandated by the

“consistent with” standard found in Section 601(b)(2) of the ORBIT Act.

        Compliance with Section 621(5)(B). Section 621(5)(B) requires that shares of Inmarsat

“be listed for trading on one or more major stock exchanges with transparent and effective

securities regulation.” Contrary to the claims of SES, the language does not require the


exchange to be located in any particular country, the language does not mandate any particular

exchange, and the language does not require any particular set of regulations other than that such

regulation be “transparent and effective.” Inmarsat has listed the securities on the Luxemburg

Stock Exchange, one of the most respected exchanges in Europe. In addition, Inmarsat will be

listing the securities on the PORTAL0 Market in the United States. As a result of these listings,

and as detailed in Inmarsat’s Request, Inmarsat is subject to a host of reporting and other

regulatory requirements, thereby achieving “transparent and effective securities regulation” as

required by Section 62 1(5)(B).

        SES and MSV further argue that Inmarsat has not complied with Section 621(5)(B)

because Inmarsat has listed debt securities rather than equity securities for trading. They contend

that the word “shares” is used to describe equity securities and could not possibly include debt

securities. They thus maintain that the only way to comply with the section is to list equity

securities for trading on a major exchange.

        SES and MSV would have the Commission strictly interpret the language of the ORBIT

Act as literally written. However, as discussed earlier, the “consistent with” standard found in

Section 601(b)(2) of the ORBIT Act calls for flexibility in determining whether the competition

test of the ORBIT Act has been met when examining Inmarsat’s privatization efforts. In the

instant case, Inmarsat’s debt securities are being traded on the Luxemburg Stock Exchange and

will be traded on the PORTAL@ Market in the United States. As a result of such listings the

debt securities are subject to “transparent and effective securities regulation.” Therefore, as

explained by Inmarsat in its Request and Stratos in its comments, when interpreting the section

flexibly pursuant to the “consistent with” standard, the Commission can reasonably find that the

listing of debt securities is sufficient to comply with the criteria for an initial public offering.


Thus, the purpose of Section 621(5)(B) has been achieved in a manner consistent with the

criteria set forth in the section.


        As a result of Deere’s ability to access non-core services of Inmarsat within the United

States, Deere’s customers have been able to deploy the Greenstar33 precision farming system

which utilizes the StarFireB receive-only earth station. The Greenstar33 system has improved

agricultural productivity of United States farmers, thereby helping the agricultural sector of the

economy. As explained above, Inmarsat’s issuance of debt securities as described in its February

10, 2004 Request is consistent with the criteria for an initial public offering as required by the

ORBIT Act. Because the initial public offering is consistent with such criteria, and Deere’s

access to Inmarsat’s non-core services are beneficial to agricultural production in the United


States, a finding by the Commission that Inmarsat’s initial public offering is consistent with the

privatization criteria of the ORBIT Act would serve the public interest.

                                             SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
                                             3000 K Street, N.W. - Suite 300
                                             Washington, D.C. 20007
                                             (202) 424-7809 (telephone)
                                             (202) 424-7643 (facsimile)

                                             Counsel for
                                             DEERE & COMPANY

                                             Of Counsel:

                                             William M. Behan
                                             Vice President, Washington Affairs
                                             John Deere Public Affairs Worldwide
                                             1808 I Street, N.W. - Eighth Floor
                                             Washington, D.C. 20006
                                             (202) 223-4817 (telephone)
                                             (202) 296-00 11 (facsimile)

April 20,2004




    Guidance Introduction                                   Three common components                                                                            Pass-to
    A John Deere Greenstar Guidance System
    not only helps you get the most out of your
    machinery investment, but more importantly,
    get the most out of the hours you spend in the
    field. Whether you go with Parallel Tracking or a
    Greenstar AutoTrac Assisted Steering system,
    you'll be improving the efficiency and
    productivity of your guidance-equipped vehicle,
    while saving time, fuel, labor and input costs.
        A John Deere Greenstar Guidance system
    helps you:                                          The StarFire receiver is             The brains of a Greenstar          The Greenstar display is
                                                        the most advanced receiver           system is the mobile               simple to use. Menu-driven
    Optimize Machine Efficiency                         available. The dual-frequency        processor. This mobile             commands allow you to
           Reduce implement or spray boom overlap       DGPS receiver uses a 1Q-             computer attaches quickly          program information quickly.
           Allows operator to more closely monitor      channel engine to pick up            to the back of the GreenStar       And the display lets
                                                        signals from Global Positioning      display It logs field, crop, and   you readily view operational
           implement or sprayer function                System satellites, and is            position information to the        data while on-the go. The
    Reduce Operator Fatigue                             compatible with four                 PC Data Card when using            same display works in all
           Easier operation, especially in narrow-row   differential correction signals -    mapping software. It also          your equipment - tractoc
                                                        Starfire RTK, SF2, SF1 and           holds the KeyCard software for     combine, sprayer; and
           or drilled crops                             WAAS. The GreenStar System           several applications, including    Gator utility vehicle.
           Easier operation in reduced-visibility       uses these signals to pinpoint       Parallel Tracking,AutoTrac, and
                                                        machine longitude, latitude,         other applications. Best
                                                        and altitude. Moving the             of all, the processor can be
           More awareness of obstacles in the field     receiver from one machine to         moved quickly from machine
    Increase Productivity                               another is simple.                   to machine.
           More accurate placement of seed,
           herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers
           Cover more acres with fewer machine and
                                                                              TCM Terrain Compensation Module

           operator hours.                                                                              StarFire .
                                                                                 The TCM is designed to
                                                                                      enhance the performance
    NEW - StarFire RTK                                                        d.       of Greenstar Guidance
                                                                                        systems in conditions
        Designed to work with the proven StarFire                             1 "WY that cause vehicle roll.
    receiver and AutoTrac, StarFire RTK (Real Time                           On uneven or sloped ground, the
    Kinematic) provides your operation with an                            vehicle will roll to one side, causing
                                                                   the StarFire receiver to shift in its position
    accurate and repeatable guidance solution day          relative to the ground. The TCM accounts for this
    after day, month after month, or year after year.      vehicle roll and provides the true position of the
                                                           vehicle. TCM is attached to the Starfire receiver.
    See pages 6-7 for more information.


                                                                                       Now you can apply fertilizer or chemicals
                                                                                       without worrying about skips or overlaps,
                                                                                       or straining to see foam markers ...even in
                                                                                       low-visibility situations.
Allows faster field speeds.                                                                Or, hook up your widest tillage tool and
Uses a vehicle icon and audible alerts to   equipment with a 12-voltpower source.      drive down the field without wrenching your
show location, not a complex lightbal:      Works in straight or curved tracks and     neck from constantly pivoting to check the
Makes counting rows an easy task in         with four Starfire si nal options - WAS,
row-crop applications.                      SF1, SF2 and RTK.
                                                             P                         tool’s position.
                                                                                            It’s all possible with Greenstar Parallel

                                                           i.                          Tracking. Even better, you can do all this in
                                                                                       irregularly-shaped fields, because of
                                                                                       Parallel Tracking’s curved track capabilities.
                                                                                            Parallel Tracking uses GPS signals to
                                                                                       pinpoint your machine’s location. Once you’ve
                                                                                       designated the path you want to follow by
                                                                                       establishing a baseline, visual indicators and
                                                                                       audible alerts keep you parallel to this line at
                                                                                       all times as you move across the field.
                                                                                            Greenstar Parallel Tracking also lets you
                                                                                       save points in the field. So if you run out of
                                                                                       spray solution, just mark the point, refill, and
                                                                                       let Parallel Tracking guide you to the exact
                                                                                       place you stopped spraying. Stored markers
                                                                                       are saved in the memory indefinitely, so you
                                                                                       can pick up where you left off hours or even
                                                                                       days later.
                                                                                            If you already own the Greenstar common
                                                                                       components and a GreenStar-ready tractor or
                                                                                       sprayer, all you need is the Parallel Tracking
                                                                                        KeyCard to guide your way to increased profits.

                                                                                         /                     \-
                                                                                        Greenstar”Guidance Systems                        3

    Greenstar AutoTrac Assisted Steering

    Now, owners of John Deere wheeled
    tractors can find out what track
                                                     Wheels or fracks   ...go hands free with
    owners have known for a couple of
    years: the Greenstar AutoTrac Assisted
    Steering System can help reduce operator
    fatigue during long hours in the cab and
    increase the accuracy of any straight-line
    operation. AutoTrac saves you time, fuel,
    and money, while making every pass
    more efficient.
         AutoTrac uses the three common
    Greenstar components - the Greenstar
    display, mobile processor, and StarFire
    receiver -to steer your wheel or track
    vehicle during tillage, spraying, or seeding.
    All you have to do is steer through your first
     pass, mark it as Track 0, and let AutoTrac
    take over from there. The operator still
     makes headland turns and steers around
    obstacles, but with a push of a button,
    AutoTrac puts you back on track with the
     highest level of pass-to-pass GPS accuracy
     available. You and your operators will see
     the benefits immediately.
         And now, AutoTrac assisted steering
     is available on select John Deere
     4710 Self-Propelled sprayers. Now you
     can bring the productivity advantages of
     AutoTrac to these high-capacity sprayers,
     allowing operators to reduce boom overlap,
     and ease operation in drilled crops and low
     visibility situations. See your John Deere
     dealer for a complete model-by-model
     breakdown of AutoTrac compatibilities.


Greenstar AutoTrac                                                                                                                                                          utoTrac Advantages

                                                                                                             w                                                             Return on investment, or ROI. Those are
                                                                                                                                                                           critical numbers for anyone running a
                                                                                                                                      I                                    business. And the aoal"                - is
                                                                                                                                                                                                      for these fiaures
                                                                                                                                                                           always the same: make them better so you
                                                                                                                                                                           can recoup your initial investment faster.
                                                                                                                                                                               To get all of the productivity advantages
                                                                                                                                                                           your John Deere equipment offers, you
                                                                                                                                                                           have to look beyond the iron. Making the
                                                                                                                                                                           operator more effective and efficient when
                                                                                                                                                                           in the cab is a must. This is how AutoTrac
                                                                                                                                                                           can help you.
                                                                                                                                                                             Reduce operator fatigue. Feel better at
                                                                                                                                                                           the end of the day, after the long hours
                                                                                                                                                                           spent in the cab.
                                                                                                                                                                              More efficient use of inputs. Increase
                                                                                                                                                                           vields and reduce costs throuah more
     New for 2004 - 7020 Series tractors with Greenstar AutoTrac.                                New for 2004 - 4710 Self-Propelled Strayers can be equipped               accurate placement of seed, fertilizer, and
     An AutoTrac system allows owners to get even more productivity                              with Greenstar AutoTrac. An AutoTrac-equipped sprayer provides            other crop inputs.
     out of these new "around-the-clock" performers. Available from                              your operation with even more product application productivity by            Higher operating speeds. AutoTrac
     140- to 170-PTO hp, the 7020 Series brings AutoTrac productivity                            reducing boom overlap, thus saving product, while also reducing
     advantages to a whole new horsepower range and farming                                      operator fatigue and stress.                                              allows you to maintain superior pass-to-
     operations.                                                                                                                                                           pass accuracy - even at higher speeds -
                                                                                              Current AutoWac Availability (availabilityas OfOYO4)                         so you get more done in a day.
    John Deere                              +-E*                                                                                                                             Seed without marker arms. AutoTrac
       Starlink                   I                   I
                                                                                                    w   7720,7820,7920 MFWD or TLS Tractors                                eliminates the need for markers on air
                                                                                                        8000,8010,8020 MFWD or ILS Tractors Tractors                       seeding equipment.
                                                                                                        8000,8010,8020 Track Tractors                                         Reduced fuel use. With less
                                                                                                    w   9020 4WD Tractors (with Powershift/ Manual Shift Transmission)

         Racal                                                                                                                                                              Dass-to-Dassoverlap, . you~ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                    -      use lessfuel.
      Outback                                                                                           9000 4WD Tractors (with Manual Shift Transmission)                    Multiple applications. Move the
          RDS                                                                                           (PIN 40000 and above)
                                                                                                                                                                            KeyCard to your non-AutoTrac-ready
                                                                                                        9000 and 9020 Track Tractors
                                                                                                                                                                           vehicle, and AutoTrac defaults to
                                                              source ~ O a 6 1 2 1 0 1              w   4710 Sprayers
                  Maximum Error
                                      Average Error
                                                                                                                                                                            Parallel Tracking.
                                                                                         _"   _- -~
                                                                                                 I_         -
                                                                                                        "_--I-                 ___._l-l-_l__,.._ll_".l-p-v
                                                                                                                                    " ~ 1

      If you're looking for the most accurate GPS signal and                                  AutoTrac System Performance = GPS Signal + Implement Factors + Vehicle Factors + Field Conditi
      receiver available, look to Greenstar. In independent testing                           If is important to understand that AutoTrac system accuracy encompasses a wide range of vehicle, implement,
.     conducted by Profi magazine, the Greenstar system generated
      at least a two-inch pass-to-pass accuracy 95% of the time.
                                                                                              system and signal conditions. See your John Deere AMS-Ready dealer for more detailed information on getting the
                                                                                              most out of your Autoliac system.
                                                                                                                              -__ -_-_.  --__--_~            ----- ----
                                                                                                                                                    - - - I - I "                      ____ _____-_
                                                                                                                                                                                                 -l__l   I-I--

    NEW StarFire RTK (Real Time Kinematic)
                                                         Introducing StarFire RTK: Adding rep
    Designed to work with the proven StarFire
    receiver and Greenstar AutoTrac Assisted                                                              The StarFire RTK system consists of a
    Steering system, StarFire RTK provides                                                                local base station in or near the field
                                                                                                          that transmits corrections to the StarFire
    your operation with an accurate and                                                                   receiver on the RTK-equipped vehicle.
    repeatable guidance solution day after day,                                                           Corrections are transmitted from the base
    month after month, or even year after year.                                                           station to the vehicle via the RTK radio.
                                                                                                               The base station monitors the
        Using a ground-based reference station,                                                           government constellation of GPS satellites
    StarFire RTK provides high accuracy that’s                                                            and continuously calculates a position,
    ideal for drip tape, strip-till, or any controlled                                                    and since the base station is not moving,
                                                                                                          the errors can be calculated in real-time.
    traffic field operation.                                                                              This error is sent to the vehicle via the
         With the StarFire RTK base station                                                               RTK radio where the vehicle’s receiver
                                                                                                          uses this information to calculzte a
    providing a ground-based correction signal,                                                           highly accurate, corrected position.
    GPS drift is essentially eliminated, thus your
    tractor can be guided down the same path                                                                             .   A reoeater; which is
                                                                                                                             simply an RTK radio
    time after time.
         RTK Extend, exclusive to John Deere,
    allows StarFire RTK to sustain RTK accuracy for
                                                                              -c          RTK Vehicle
                                                                                                                             supplied with 12 volts
                                                                                                                             of powec can be used
                                                                                                                             to receive the base
                                                                                                                             station signal and
    up to 15 minutes should the base station RTK                                                                             establish a new
    signal be temporarily obstructed from the
    tractor-mounted receiver.This feature keeps you
     running, maximizing your up-time when a
    continuous line of sight to the base station is
     not available.                                      Yd

        And best of all, StarFire RTK has been
     designed from the ground up to work with            AutoTrac System Performance = GPS Signal + Implement Factors + Vehicle Factors + Field Conditions
    your existing John Deere Greenstar
                                                                                                          It is important to understand that AutoTrac system accuracy encompasses
     components - the StarFire receiver, mobile
                                                                                                          a wide range of vehicle, implement, system, and signal conditions.
     processor, Greenstar display, and AutoTrac
                                                                                                           Implement Factors                      Vehicle Factors
     system - extending your precision ag                                                                    Integral or Drawn                     Vehicle Platform
     investment even further.                                                                                Draft Load                            Proper Setup
                                                                                                             Proper Setup                          (ballast, tire, pressure, etc.)
         See your John Deere AMS-Ready dealer                                                                                                      Steer Sensitivity
                                                                                                           Field Conditions
     for more information about this newest                                                                  Soft or Hard Soils                   Signal Accuracy at
     addition to the John Deere AMS Guidance                                                                 Soil Profile (rough or smooth)       StarFire Receiver
     family of products.                                                                                     Compaction (moisture levels, etc.)    RTK sub-inch*

6                                                                                                       te (pass-to-pass) Accuracy 95% of time

’atability to the Greenstar Guidance Family
                                                                          StarFire RTK Advantages

                                                                          The key advantage of the
                                                                          StarFire RTK system is
                    RTK Exfend        Industry Exclusive                  repeatability. StarFire RTK
                                                                          eliminates nearly all of the GPS
                                 RTK Extend Keeps You Moving              drift that occurs with satellite-
                                  This unique feature will maintain the   based differential corrections
                                                                          systems, such as the StarFire
                                                                          Network (SF2 and SF1) and
                                                                          WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation
                                                                              By eliminating GPS drift, the
                                                                          vehicle can be guided down the
                                                                          same tracks, day after day,
                                                                          month after month, or year after
                                                                          year. What’s more, without GPS
                                                                          drift, the operator won’t have to
                                                                          periodically use the Shift Track
                                                                          feature as they work the field.
                                                                          StarFire RTK Accuracy
                                                                              The StarFire RTK signal
                                                                          accuracy is dependent upon the
                                                                           distance of the StarFire RTK-
                                                                           equipped vehicle from the base
                                                                           station. If the vehicle is within 6
                                                                           miles of the base station, signal
                                                                           accuracy is sub-inch 68% of the
                                                                           time. Remember, GPS signal
                                                                           accuracy is only part of the whole
                                                                           AutoTrac system accuracy

                                                                          Greenstar GuidanceSystems

    The BEST support in precision ag                                                                                                                                                                              mmm   period!
   There's a long list of reasons to adopt a Greenstar Precision
   Ag System.. . but one of the best reasons is the long line of
   people you'll find standing behind every product.

   A knowledgeable dealer, close to home.
   Your John Deere dealer offers the only fully integrated
   precision ag system available. All components work
   together. And the entire system is backed by a single dealer
   who knows how important it is to keep your equipment
   running at peak condition.

   Stellar web support.
   A dedicated customer-support web site,
    www.Ste/larSuppo~-com,gives you the tools you've been
   asking for.. .and more. Position receiver activation, online
   discussion, and product enhancements are all available at
   the click of your mouse.

    2417 phone support.
    Trained John Deere professionals are only a phone call
    away, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help troubleshoot
    any software or hardware problems and answer any
    questions you may have.

    AMS Support Agreement
    To help keep you up and running if either a hardware or
    software problem arises, an annual service agreement is
    available that provides unlimited phone support 24 hours
    a day. You can purchase the AMS SupportAgreement at
    anytime through your John Deere dealer, at
    1-888-GRN-STAR,or at you
    prefer, support is also available on an as-needed basis,
    with a charge being assessed for each phone call made.
                                                                                         ...........                    I"   .             .. -     ..       ~   __     .~.            .....

                                                          This literature has been compiled lo1 worlowide wLuiatiuii Wriile yelleldl iiiturnlaiiuii pictures. and aesLriptions dre pruvided. some illustrations
                                                          and lex1 may include Iinance:insurance, proouct upliuiis d i d dccessories NOT AVAILABLE In all regiuris PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER
                                                          FOR DETAILS John Deere reserves the rignt tu ctidliye apscilicaliuiis, deslyn and price 01 products flescriwfl 111 this literature without notice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        JOHN DEERE
                                    -.---                 John Deerek green and YellUW COlOl scheme Illt:leaDlllU UWI Syinboi dlld JUhrl D e w dltl IrdUeillalkS 01 D e l e dlid Colnpdiiy                              Nothing Runs Like A 3eere
DSAA14611 Litho in U.S.A. (04-02)

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Valerie M. Steen, a secretary with the law firm of Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman,
LLP, hereby certify that on this 20* day of April 2004, served a true copy of the foregoing
“Reply Comments of Deere and Company” by first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, upon the

Bruce D. Jacobs                                  Lon C. Levin
David S. Konczal                                 Vice President
Shaw Pittman LLP                                 Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
2300 N Street, N.W.                              10802 Park Ridge Blvd.
Washington, D.C. 20037                           Reston, Virginia 20 191

Alan Auckenthaler                                John P. Janka
Vice President & General Counsel                 Alexander D. Hoehn-Saric
Inmarsat, Inc.                                   Latham & Watkins LLP
1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.                    555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
Suite 1000                                       Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20036                           Washington, D.C. 20004- 1304

Qualex International*                            Policy Branch*
Portals 11, Room CY-B402                         Satellite Division, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 lzthStreet, S.W.                             445 1 2 ‘ ~Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                           Washington, D.C. 20554

Scott B. Tollefsen                               Phillip L. Spector
Nancy Eskenazi                                   Patrick S. Campbell
SES Americom, Inc.                               Brett M. Kitt
4 Research Way                                   Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison,
Princeton, NJ 08540                               LLP
                                                 1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1300
                                                 Washington, D.C. 20036

Alfred M. Mamlet
Chung Hsiang Mah
Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

*By Hand Delivery


Document Created: 2004-04-27 15:18:52
Document Modified: 2004-04-27 15:18:52

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