Attachment 1994Application for

1994Application for

APPLICATION submitted by TRW

Application For Waiver


This document pretains to SAT-MSC-19941031-00061 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      FECJmELLON OCT 27 1994
                                                           LAW OFFICES

                                            LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN
                                                               SUITE 600
NORMAN P. LEVENTHAL                                     2000 K STREET, NW.                                  TELEPHONE
MEREDITH S. SENTER, JR                                                                                   y 202)   429—8970
STEVEN ALMAN LERMAN                               WasHncton, D.C. 20006—1809                            E——
RAUL R. RODRICUEZ                                                                                   {        TELECLOPIER
DENNIS P. CORBETT                                                                                          (202) 293—7783
SALLY A. BUCKMAN                                                                                             Or CounseL
DAVID 5. KEIR                                                                                            BRIAN M. MADDEN
LINDA G. MORRISON®*                                    October 27,          1994                          NANCY L. WOLF


         BY_R&S COURIERS,                 INC.

         Federal Communications Commission
         Satellite and Radiocommunication                                                         47;55
             Division                                                            g.—:DSS, M( Sc se
         P.0.        Box 358160
         Pittsburgh,              PA 15251—5160

                                Re:     Application for Waiver of Section 319(d) of the
                                        Communications Act,            File Nos.      20—DSS—P—91(12)      and

         Dear Sir or Madan:

                                On behalf of TRW Inc.              ("TRW"),      enclosed are the
         original and nine copies of TRW‘s Request for Waiver of Section
         319(d) of the Communications Act ("Waiver Request") in connection
         with the above—referenced application for a satellite system
         license in the new Mobile—Satellite Service Above 1 GHz ("MSS
         Above 1 GHz").

                                On October 20,         1994,     the FCC‘s International Bureau
         granted the Section 319 (d) waiver requests of Motorola Satellite
         Communications, Inc., Loral Qualcomm Satellite Services, Inc.
         (now Loral/QUALCOMM Partnership, L.P.), and Mobile Communications
         Holdings,              Inc.,    and enabled each to begin construction of its
         proposed MSS Above 1 GHz satellite system at its own risk. See
         Letter to Durrell W. Hillis, President, Motorola Satellite
         Communications, Inc., from Scott B. Harris, Chief, International
         Bureau,          File No.        8—DSS—MISC—94          (Oct.     20,    1994); Letter to Douglas
         G. Dwyre, President, Loral Qualcomm Satellite Services, Inc.,
         File No. 23—DSS—MISC—94 (Oct. 20, 1994); Letter to David Castiel,
         Chairman and CEO, Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc., File No.
         5s0O—DSS—MISC—94               (Oct.    20,   1994)).       TRW‘s Waiver Request is no
         different in scope or intent from the requests just granted by
         the International Bureau,                      and should therefore be granted on the
         same terms and conditions.


                               LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN

Federal Communications Commission
October 27, 1994
Page — 2           —

          Also enclosed are an FCC Form 159 and a check in the
amount of $1,725.00, made payable to the Federal Communications
Commission, to cover the requisite filing fee.  Finally, enclosed
is a "Return Copy" of the Waiver Request.  Please date—stamp this
"Return Copy" and return it to the courier delivering this

          Please address any questions concerning this matter to
the undersigned.

                                                       Respectfully yours,
                                                        l          o

                                                       Walter P.   Jacob

cc w/ enclosures:
           Scott Blake Harris
                Chief, International Bureau
                       Cecily C. Holiday,   Esq.
                            Chief,   Satellite Radio Branch
                            Common Carrier Bureau
                       Thomas S.   TyCcz
                            Deputy Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
                            Common Carrier Bureau
                       Attached Service List (By Mail)


                                                                                                             4 ZNWUW

TRW Space & Electronics   Executive Office:         Timothy W. Hannemann              |
Group                     One Space Park            Exscutive Vice President
                          Redondo Beach, Z— 30278   & Ssseral Manager

                          310.812 1030

                          October 26, 1994

                          Mr. William F. Caton
                          Acting Secretary
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          1919 M Street N.W.
                          Room 222
                          Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:         Request for Waiver of Section 319(d) of the
                                      Communications Act

                          Dear Mr. Caton:

                          TRW Inc. ("TRW"), by its attorneys, hereby requests a waiver of
                          Section 319(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the
                          "Act"), so that it may spend up to $10 million to procure certain long—
                          lead items and begin developing certain components for Odyssey,/
                          its proposed global mobile satellite service Above 1 GHz ("MSS Above
                          1 GHz") system.Z/ As TRW explains more fully below, the grant of its
                          request would serve the public interest, convenience and necessity,
                          and would not prejudice the outcome of any ongoing licensing or
                          rulemaking proceeding.

                          TRW seeks, by means of Odyssey, to provide affordable, hand—held
                          MSS to the public via a global, medium Earth orbit satellite system at
                          the earliest possible date. To this end, TRW has established a
                          program schedule that calls for the launch of the first satellite in

                           1/ "Odyssey" is a trademark of TRW Inc. Odyssey is a satellite
                           telecommunications system which is to be comprised of a constellation of twelve
                           satellites in medium Earth orbit.
                           2/ See Application of TRW Inc. (File Nos. 20—DSS—P—91(12) and CSS—91—015
                           (filed May 31, 1991), as amended ("Application").

                            TRW Inc

 Mr. William F. Caton
 October 24, 1994
 Page —2—

Odyssey by 1998.3/ If TRW is to adhere to this program schedule,
and it certainly wishes to do so, it is necessary for TRW to begin
procurement activity for certain long—lead items immediately. The
following long—lead items are representative of those that are
encompassed by this waiver request: field programmable gate array
integrated circuits; magnetic cores for power supply transformers; and
high reliability electronic parts for spacecraft components. TRW will
also need to spend money to commence a development program for
the spacecraft‘s‘ solid state power amplifiers (and associated

TRW estimates that these activities and undertakings will cost up to
$10 million. TRW understands and accepts that its proposed
expenditure will be entirely at its own risk, and that the expenditure will
not entitle TRW to any expectation of favorable Commission action on
TRW‘s application for a license for Odyssey.

The grant of TRW‘s Section 319(d) waiver request will serve the public
interest, convenience and necessity by ensuring that high—quality MSS
Above 1 GHz services are delivered to the user public, within the
United States and abroad, at the earliest possible time. The rapid
development of such systems will increase the pace and intensity of
competition among the providers, and thereby make the benefits of
MSS Above 1 GHz service available to the public sooner, and in
greater abundance.

 2/ Pursuant to the Commission‘s recent Report and Order in CC Docket No. 92—
 166, TRW intends to file conforming amendments to its Application for Odyssey
 by November 16, 1994, which amendments will demonstrate TRW‘s financial,
 technical, and other basic qualifications, and will place TRW in a position to
 receive an MSS Above 1 GHz system license by January 31, 1995. See
      ndm            mmission‘    I           |       |    n      ligi        inin
          i     l     rvice in th    —1   .5/2483.5—
 Bands, CC Docket No, 92—166, FCC 94—261, slip op. at «. 39 (released October 14,
 1994) ("Report and Order")

Mr. William F. Caton
October 24, 1994
Page —3—

Finally, TRW notes that the Commission stated in the Report
Order that it will entertain Section 319(d) waiver requests from MSS
Above 1 GHz applicants and that upon approval of an applicant‘s
request, it will allow the applicant to commence construction of its
system, including necessary components for feeder links, at its own
risk.4/ TRW‘s Section 319(d) waiver request falls squarely within the
scope of the Commission‘s invitation, and should therefore be granted.

For all of these reasons, TRW urges the Commission to grant
expeditiously its request for a waiver of Section 319(d) of the Act, so
that it may take important steps towards the construction of Odyssey
pending the Commission‘s decision on TRW‘s application for that
satellite system.

Respectfully submitted,
TRW Inc.

By: //"‘”"mf %’WW
Timothy W. Hannemann
Executive Vice President

Norman P. Leventhal
Raul R. Rodriguez
Stephen D. Baruch
Walter P. Jacob
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
2000 K Street, NW., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 429—8970
 Counsel for TRW Inc.

 4/ Report and Order, FCC 94—261, slip op. at €166 n. 213.

 Mr. William F. Caton
 October 24, 1994
 Page —4—


No party to this application, as defined in Section 1.2002(b) of the
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2002(b), is subject to a denial of
federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

                     TRW Inc.

                        By:    MZJ%W CoorRQraain__
                              Timothy W. Hannemann
                              Executive Vice President

                              Dated: October 24, 1994

       \%               —                                                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                  Approved by OMB
                                                                                           _ FCC REMITMNCE ADVICE                                                         Expires 22997
                                                                                           ie           mt               L2
                                                                                                                                    :i Nno.       _1     _or        _1
                                             (RESERVED)                                                       SPECIAL USE

                                                                                                              FCC USE ONLY

            \                     I                                                   _/
                            (Read instructions carefully BEFORE proceeding.)

                                                                               PAYOR INFORMATION
            (1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                                  Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.            (2) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)

            0[5 | |1 [ 3[6 | 5[9|4 |[2]                                | |        |        | |    |     [ [ |        |         s                           1,725e00
            (3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

                   Leventhal,                Senter        & Lerman
            (4) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 1
                   2000           K Street,          NW
            (5) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2
                   Suite              600
            (6) CITY                                                                                            (7) STATE             (8) ZIP CODE
                   Washington                                                                                        D.C.                     20006
            (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                    (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A.)
                   (202)              429—8970
                                                                               TTEM #1 INFORMATION
            (11A) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                 FCC USE ONLY

                   TRW Inc.                                                                                                         oo
            (12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                         (13A) ZIP CODE                   (14A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE           (15A) QUANTITY             (16A) FEE DUE FOR

                   N/A                                                  90278                             c      x         w                  1                $ 1,725.00
            (17A) FCC CODE 1                                                                '     (18A) FCC CODE 2

            (19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                            (20A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2)                                (21A) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

                   One Space Park                                                                                              Redondo Beach,                             CA
                                                                               ITEM #2 INFORMATION
            (11B) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                  Fecuseony
            (12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (13B) ZIP CODE                    (14B) PAYMENT TYPECODE            |(15B) QUANTITY            |(16B) FEEDUEFOR
                                                                                                                                                               PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                                               IN BLOCK 14
            (17B) FCC CODE 1                                                                      (18B) FCC CODE 2

            (19B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                            (20B) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                 (21B) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

            pp crrort canrp Payycent mrorvaron &n
            (22)                            MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:
            [] Mastercard                                                                              EXPIRATION DATE:
            D      v;                                                                                                              Month          Year

                                            182                                                          AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                      DATE
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,(23)IherebyauthorizetheFCCtocharge my VISA or Mastercard   ._
                   for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.

                                                                           See public burden estimate on reverse.                                                         FCC FORM 159
                                                                                                                                                                          April 1994

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

             I,   Kimberly A. Moats,      hereby certify that true and

correct copies of the foregoing "Application for Waiver of

Section 319 (8)     of the Communications Act" were sent by first—

class postage prepaid mail this 27th day of October,           1994 to the


                    Robert A. Mazer, Esq.
                    Rosenman & Colin
                    1300   19th Street,   NW
                    Suite 200
                    Washington, DC   20036
                      Counsel for Constellation

                    Robert Halperin, Esq.
                    William Wallace, Esq.
                    Crowell & Moring
                    1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                    Washington, DC  20004—2505
                      Counsel for Loral/QUALCOMM
                      Partnership, L.P.

                    Leslie Taylor, Esq.
                    Leslie Taylor Associates
                    6800 Carlynn Court
                    Bethesda, MD  —20817—4302
                      Counsel for Loral/QUALCOMM
                       Partnership, L.P.

                    Philip L. Malet, Esq.
                    Alfred M. Mamlet,      Esq.
                    Pantelis Michalopoulos, Esq.
                    Steptoe & Johnson
                    1330 Connecticut Avenue,      NW
                    Washington, DC     20036—1795
                      Counsel for Motorola Satellite
                      Communications, Inc.

                    Jill Abeshouse Stern, Esq.
                    Jane M. Sullivan, Esq.
                    Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
                    2300 N Street,   NW
                    Washington, DC   20037
                      Counsel for Mobile Communications
                      Holdings, Inc.

Bruce D.    Jacobs, Esq.
Glenn S.    Richards, Esq.
Fisher, Wayland,         Cooper, Leader &
2001 Pennsylvania Avenue,         NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC  20006—1851
  Counsel for AMSC

Dale Gallimore,      Esq.
Loral Qualcomm
7375 Executive Place
Suite 101
Seabrook,    M     20706

Lon C.    Levin,   Esq.
Vice President and Reqgulatory Counsel
AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
10802 Parkridge Boulevard
Reston,    VA    22091

Gerald Hellman
Vice President
Policy and International Programs
Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.
1120 19th Street,         NW
Washington, DC       20036

                                 Kimbgf y A. Moats

Document Created: 2014-09-19 14:34:52
Document Modified: 2014-09-19 14:34:52

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