Attachment Order DA 90-1879 rel

Order DA 90-1879 rel

ORDER submitted by FCC

Order DA 90-1879


This document pretains to SAT-MSC-19901015-00060 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        Federal Communications Commission                                           DA 90—1879

                                                                      3. Moving Satcom 1R, however, would leave the 139°
                        Before the                                  W.L. location unoccupied. GE Americom notes that the
           Federal Communications Commission                        Aurora 2 satellite —— which is assigned to 139° W.L. and
                 Washington, D.C. 20554                             which will eventually serve the Satcom 1R customers ——
                                                                    will not be launched until mid—1991. GE Americom
                                                                    therefore proposes to locate its Satcom C—1 satellite, which
  In the Matters of                                                 was launched in November 1990 and is assigned to 137°
                                                                    W.L., at 1399 W.L. on a temporary basis." It states that it
                                                                    will move Satcom C—1 to its assigned location when Au—
  GE AMERICAN                         File Nos. 65—DSS—ML—90
                                                                    rora 2 becomes operational. GE Americom submits that
  COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                              this plan is less disruptive than requiring customers to
  Application for                                                   repoint their antennas twice —— once to Satcom C—1 at 137"
  Orbital Reassignment                                              W.L. and then back to Aurora 2 at 139° W.L. —— at a cost
  of Satcom 1R                                                      of approximately $1.25 million.
                                                                      4. Finally, Alascom requests authority to test Aurora 2
  GE AMERICAN                                 64—DSS—MISC—90        at 136° W.L. before it is moved to 139° W.L. Alascom
                                                                    states that if Satcom C—1 is operating at 139° W.L. when
  COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                              Aurora 2 is launched, as proposed, testing Aurora 2 at its
  Application for                                                   assigned location will prematurely and unnecessarily dis—
  Temporary Assignment                                              rupt customers receiving service from 139° W.L. Alascom
  of Satcom C—1                                                     states that 136° W.L. is the most feasible location for
                                                                    testing Aurora 2 since it will be separated by three degrees
  ALASCOM, INC.                                   1—DSS—MISC—91     from Satcom C—1, which will be operating on the same
                                                                    polarization, and two degrees from Hughes‘s Galaxy 1
  Application for                                                   satellite, which is cross—polarized with Aurora 2. Alascom
  Temporary Assignment                                              states that Aurora 2 should be fully tested and on station
  of Aurora 2                                                       at 1399 W.L. no later than July 1991.
                                                                      5.   No    oppositions     to   the   proposed      orbital
                                                                    rearrangements were filed.    HCG, however, filed com—
                           ORDER                                    ments in which it alleges that the operation of Satcom C—1
                                                                    from its assigned 137° W.L. location presents a serious
Adopted: December 28, 1990;         Released: January 4, 1991       potential for disrupting millions of cable television view—
                                                                    ers on HCG‘s Galaxy 1 satellite, Galaxy 1 is currently
  By the Domestic Facilities Division:                              operating at 134° W.L. although it is assigned to the 133"
                                                                    W.L. location. HCG suggests that we require GE
                                                                    Americom to monitor the earth station antennas transmit—
                        I. BACKGROUND                               ting to Satcom C—1 and require power reductions in their
  1.   GE  American     Communications,   Inc.     (GE              uplink transmissions, as necessary, during the transition
Americom) and Alascom, Inc. (Alascom) have filed three              period to HCG‘s next generation satellite in 1994.
related applications pertaining to their Satcom and Au—
rora domestic fixed—satellite systems.       In    the first, GE
Americom requests authority to          relocate     its in—orbit                        II. DISCUSSION
Satcom 1R satellite from 139° W.L. to 131° W.L. In the                 6. Granting the GE Americom and Alascom requests
second, GE Americom requests authority to operate its               will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.
recently launched Satcom C—1 satellite at the vacated 139°          No new orbital locations are involved. The proposed or—
W.L. location on a temporary basis. In the third, Alascom           bital plan and temporary assignments will allow GE
requests authority to test its Aurora 2 satellite at 136°           Americom and Alascom to provide continued service and
W.L. for an eight—week period when the satellite is                 will eliminate the need for customers to repoint their
launched in mid—1991. Hughes Communications Galaxy,                 antennas. Moreover, no party has objected to any of the
Inc.   (HCG)    filed    comments     with    respect    to   GE    relocations requested in the applications at issue. We
Americom‘s applications. For the reasons discussed below,           therefore grant the requests.
the three applications are granted.                                   7. With respect to HCG‘s comments, the allegations of
  2. All three requests stem from the impending retire—             potential interference from Satcom C—1‘s operations at
ment of GE Americom‘s Satcom 3R satellite, which is                 137° W.L. are not properly raised in this proceeding.
operating at 131° W.L. Satcom 3R was launched in 1981               Satcom C—1 was assigned to 137° W.L. in January 1990,
and is currently operating beyond its eight—year nominal            after its application was placed on public notice and after
design life. The satellite is used exclusively to distribute        opportunity for public comment. 3 HCG did not object to
video programming primarily to cable television systems             Satcom C—l‘s operations at that time. Its comments here
and, according to GE Americom, serves approximately 50              may be considered as an untimely petition for reconsider—
million homes. GE Americom states that the least disrup—            ation of that decision and dismissed on those grounds.*
tive means of maintaining programming for its customers               8. In any event, HCG has not presented any potential
is to move its in—orbit spare satellite, Satcom 1R, from            interference concerns that warrant placing any extraor—
139° W.L., where it is currently operating, to 131° W.L.            dinary conditions regarding the monitoring of uplinking
Satcom 1R would then operate at 131° W.L. until Satcom              earth stations or other coordination      requirements on
3R‘s authorized replacement, Satcom C—3, is launched in             Satcom C—1‘s license. HCG‘s concerns stem not from the
early 1993.‘                                                        operations of Satcom C—1 per se, but from problems

DA 90—1879                              Federal Communications Commission

caused by earth station uplink transmissions into the sat—                                 FOOTNOTES
ellite. As HCG acknowledges, "[wlith proper power limits             © GE Americom states that it plans to maintain Satcom 3R as
on the operation of small and transportable earth stations,       a non—operational in—orbit spare.
HCG    does   not   expect   that   Satcom   C—1   will   cause
                                                                    2 GE Americom states that it will operate Satcom C—1, which
unacceptable interference into Galaxy 1.‘"" HCG, how—             is equipped with polarization switching capability, in the verti—
ever, does not provide any documentation to support its           cal polarization sense while it is operating at 139° W.L. to
claims that earth station licensees are regularly exceeding       conform to the C—band polarization plan at that location.
their authorized powers or that licensed earth stations
operating at higher powers are causing harmful interfer—            3 Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the
                                                                  Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service, 5 FCC Red 179 (1990) (Re—
ence." As with all licensees of new satellites, it is incum—
bent on GE Americom to coordinate its operations with             consideration Order).
the operations of adjacent in—orbit satellites before it            * HCG states that its objections are timely because it recently
brings its satellite into service at 137° W.L. Satcom C—1‘s       learned that Satcom C—1‘s performance specifications are dif—
power levels fall within those levels that are routinely          ferent from what HCG had understood them to be. This does
authorized. Other satellites are operating with comparable        not alter the procedural deficiencies of HCG‘s pleading. If HCG
specifications and these satellites have been and are con—        believes that GE Americom is implementing the Satcom C—1
tinuing to be coordinated among affected licensees with—          satellite with technical specifications different from those au—
out a special license requirement. There is no reason to          thorized, this proceeding —— which involves only Satcom C—I‘s
believe that Satcom C—1 will not similarly be successfully        temporary assignment to 139° W.L. —— is not the appropriate
coordinated with adjacent satellites without the need for         place in which to raise these issues.
Commission involvement.                                             5 HCG Response at 3.
                                                                    ° If HCG believes this to be the case in general, it is more
                                                                  appropriately addressed in the context of a Rule Making pro—
                    III. CONCLUSION                               ceeding. The Commission will take any necessary action in the
  9. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Application File             context of that proceeding.
Nos. 64—DSS—MISC—90, 65—DSS—ML—90, and 1—DSS—MISC—
  10. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Orbital. As—
signment Plan set forth in the Appendix to Assignment of
Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Saqarellite Service, 3
FCC Red 6972 (1988), modified, 5 FCC Red 179 (1990),
further modified in American Satellite Company, 5 FCC
Red 1186 (1990), in GTE Spacenet Corporation, 5 FCC
Red 1182 (1990), and in Hughes Communications Galaxy,
Inc., 5 FCC Red 3423 (1990) IS FURTHER MODIFIED
to assign Satcom 1R to 131° W.L.
  11. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that GE Americom
Communications, Inc. IS AUTHORIZED to operate
Satcom C—1 at the 139° W.L. orbital location on the
condition that the satellite be moved to its regularly as—
signed location of 137° W.L. not later than the date on
which 139° W.L. is ready to be occupied by Alascom,
Inc.‘s Aurora 2 satellite.
   12. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Alascom, Inc. IS
AUTHORIZED to test Aurora 2 at the 136° W.L. orbital
location for an eight week period after it is launched. At
the expiration of this period, it must begin to move the
satellite to its regularly assigned location of 139° W.L.
   13. GE American Communications, Inc. and Alascom,
Inc. are afforded thirty days from the date of release of
this order to decline the authorizations as conditioned.
Failure to respond within this time period will constitute
formal acceptance of the authorizations as conditioned.


  James R. Keegan
  Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
  Common Carrier Bureau

Document Created: 2015-03-02 16:24:01
Document Modified: 2015-03-02 16:24:01

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