Attachment 1990Waiver Request m

1990Waiver Request m

REQUEST submitted by Hughes, STLC

Waiver Request


This document pretains to SAT-MSC-19900315-00012 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           LATHAM ‘&NWATEKINS..; :               al   nouk Viienk Uike &

                                                    ATTORNEYS AT LAW
          CHICAGO OFFICE                        1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W.                  PAUL R. WATKINS (1899—197,
     SsEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800                                                                     DANA LATHAM (1898—1974)
      CHICAGO, ILLINOIS sosos                             SUITE 1300
     TELEPHONE (312) 876—7700                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20004—2505
         FAX (312) gas—o7e?                                                                     ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE
                                                   TELEPHONE (202) 637—2200
                                                                                                650 TOWN CENTER DRIVE
                                                       FAX (202)   637—2201                        TWENTIETH FLOOR
     633 WEST FIFTH, SUITE 4000
                                                                                           COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA s2626—1918
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071—2007                        TLX 590775
                                                                                               TELEPHONE (714) 540—1235
      TELEPHONE (213) 485—1234                           ELN 62793269                              FAX (714) 755—8290
          FAX (213) s91—8763
                                                                                                    SAN DIEGO OFFICE
                                                                                                701 ‘B* STREET, SUITE 2100
     53R0 AT THIRD, SUITE 1000
                                                    March     15 T     1990                 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA s2101—8197
         885 THIRD AVENUE
                                                                                                TELEPHONE (619) 236—1234
  NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022—4802
                                                                                                    FAX (619) s96—7419
     TELEPHONE (212) 906—1200
         FAX (212) 751—4864

        BY MESSENGER                                                                                  RECEIVED
        Ms.    Donna R.
                                         §                                                                 MAR 1 5 1990
        Federal Communications Commission ;.
                                                                                                         Communications   Commissi
                                                                                                               ut ho S:Eetarr;\mlssuon
        1919 M Street,               NW
        Washington,             DC 20554

                          Re:        Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
                                     Request for Section 319 (d) Waiver

                                                         AHU—DbSS — hISL —46
        Dear Ms.        Searcy:

                  On behalf of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
        ("HCG"), enclosed is a request that the Commission grant a waiver
        pursuant to Section 319(d) of the Communications Act permitting
        HCG to expend up to $30 million at its own risk during the next
        12 months to construct the Galaxy VII(H) satellite for which HCG
        has recently applied.  If there are any questions in connection
        with this request, please call me.

                                                           Very truly yours,

                                                                   es F. Rogers
                                                                   LATHAM & WATKINS


        cc    (w/enc.):              James R.     Keegan
                                     Cecily C. Holiday
                                     Fern J.    Jarmulnek

March 15, 1990                                                              Hughes Aircrggbégjri:;%:;

Ms. Donna R. Searcy
Secretary           2o            20.                                              MAR 1 5 1990
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W.                                                           Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                              Officeof the Secretary

Attention:            Satellite Radio Branch

              Re:     Section 319(d) Waiver for Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. to
                      begin Construction of a Hybrid Domestic Communications
                      Satellite, to be Known as Galaxy VII(H), to Serve as a —
                      Replacement for SBS—4 and as a Substitute for Galaxy V

Dear Ms. Searcy:

               Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("HCG"), in conjunction with
Satellite Transponder Leasing Corporation ("STLC"), has recently filed an application
(the "Application") for authority to construct a hybrid C/Ku band satellite, to be known
as Galaxy VII(H), to serve as a replacement for STLC‘s SBS—4 satellite and a
substitute for HCG‘s Galaxy VI satellite. The Commission has recently granted HCG‘s
and STLC‘s application for consent to transfer control of STLC to HCG. File Nos. 1838—
DSS—TC—89, et al. Upon that transfer, HCG will control the SBS—4 satelhte and its
proposed replacement.

        The purpose of this letter is to request a waiver, pursuant to Section 319(d) of
the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 319(d), so that HCG may spend up to thirty
million dollars during the next twelve months to construct Galaxy VII(H).

       HCG explains in the Application how the proposed Galaxy VII(H) satellite will
become an important element in HCG‘s Galaxy system of domestic satellites. Galaxy
VII(H) is a response to customer demands. Only recently has technology been
developed that allows the construction of hybrid satellites that provide full frequency re—
use in each band, without any decrease in the power levels now standard on single—
band satellites. The proposed hybrid incorporates this state—of—the—art satellite
technology to better meet customer needs into the next century.

       in order to meet these needs, however, it is imperative that HCG order
construction of Galaxy VII(H) to begin as soon as possible. The grant of this waiver is
necessary to avoid delay in the timely availability of satellite services should the
Commission grant the Application. Such delay would hinder HCG‘s business plans
and restrict HCG‘s ability to provide services to the public.

                                                                 PO Box 92424 Worldway Postal Center
                                                                              Los Angeles, CA 90009
                                                                                      (213) 607—4000

Ms. Donna Searcy
March 15, 1990
Page 2

     Moreover, HCG has recently been granted Section 319(d) waivers to
commence construction of its proposed Galaxy IV(H) hybrid satellite and its proposed
hybrid Ground Spare. See Letter from Chief, Domestic Facilities Division to HCG
dated January 8,. 1990 (Galaxy IV(H)); Letter from Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
to HCG dated February 9, 1990 (Ground Spare). The technical specifications of each
of those satellites are identical to those of the Galaxy VII(H) satellite. Grant of this
requested Section 319(d) waiver will therefore permit HCG to coordinate the
procurement of various long lead—time items and realize certain economies of scale
with respect to all three of these satellites.

        Significantly, no new orbital locations are needed for the proposed Galaxy
VII(H) satellite and no other satellite operators will be disrupted by the construction of
this satellite. Galaxy VII(H) will, however, afford significant savings compared with
operating two single—band satellites at the same 91° W.L. location.

       HCG acknowledges that the grant of this Section 319(d) waiver will be without
prejudice to any further action by the Commission on the pending Application, and that
any expenditures will be made at HCG‘s risk.

      Accordingly, HCG respectfully requests that the Commission grant a Section
319(d) waiver to permit HCG to expend up to thirty million dollars on the proposed
Galaxy VII(H) satellite during the next twelve months.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS GALAXY, INC.

                            By:         %7                      .
                                     ddy   W. Hartenstein
                                   Seniof Vice President

Document Created: 2014-08-20 17:42:53
Document Modified: 2014-08-20 17:42:53

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