Attachment 1989Geostar petition

1989Geostar petition

PETITION submitted by Geostar

Petition for immediate declaratory order concerning Inmarsat lease requests


This document pretains to SAT-MSC-19891107-00044 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                          imi pat $                                         RECEIVED
                               BEFORE THE                ‘s " l'dfl
                                       W l                                       NoV 7 — 1989
             Beberal ommunications Commisston
                                                                  Federal Communications Commission
                         WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                          Office of the Secretary
                                            INTERNA i:   s   tath    2 ui¥is:
                                                                       \i    j

In the Matter of

Establishment of
Policies and Procedures to
Govern the Lease of    Inmarsat
Satellite Capacity for Domestic
Mobile Satellite Service

To:   The Commission

                      PETITION FOR IMMEDIATE
                      INMARSAT LEASE REQUESTS

      Geostar Messaging Corporation ("GMC"), by its attorneys,

hereby requests the Federal Communications Commission (the

"Commission") to issue immediately a declaratory order concern—

ing the lease of Inmarsat satellite capacity to provide domestic

mobile satellite service ("MSS").           It is requested that the

declaratory order state that the Communications Satellite

Corporation ("Comsat"), as well as any other party involved, may

lease Inmarsat capacity for such purpose, but that it does so at

its own risk, and that any such lease will be subject to the

outcome of Commission proceedings to establish policies for the

provision of interim domestic MSS.           In support of its petition,

GMC presents the following.

     I.   GMC is Filing Simultaneously Herewith a
          Separate Petition to Establish Policies
          and Procedures to Govern the Use of
          Inmarsat Space Seqgment Capacity for
          Interim Domestic MSS

     GMC is filing simultaneously herewith a separate petition

requesting the FCC to establish policies and procedures to

govern the use of Inmarsat satellite capacity for the provision

of interim domestic MSS service (hereafter "Petition to Es—

tablish Interim MSS Policies").     In its Petition to Establish

Interim MSS Policies, GMC explains that it is a company that is

actively seeking to provide domestic MSS service as both a space

segment licensee and an end—service provider.     GMC needs access

to interim Inmarsat capacity in order to compete with other

space seqgment operators and end—service providers for a share of

the domestic MSS market.

     As is more fully discussed in the Petition to Establish

Interim MSS Policies,   for at least the next two years,   and

probably longer, the only space seqgment capacity available for

use by end—service providers of domestic MSS will be space

segment provided by Inmarsat.     Such capacity as Inmarsat can

provide will be limited.

     In its Petition to Establish Interim MSS Policies, GMC

requests the Commission to decide how space seqgment and end—

service providers of domestic MSS are to gain access to the

limited amount of Inmarsat space seqgment that will be available.

In GMC‘s view, end—service providers of interim MSS service

should be permitted to acquire Inmarsat space seqgment directly

through Comsat.    To impose a middleman between Comsat and end—

service providers would be anticompetitive,   add unnecessarily to

the costs of serving the public,   and be inconsistent with the

Commission‘s MSS Licensing Decision.1l1/

     In its Petition to Establish Interim MSS Policies, GMC

explains that there are numerous avenues available to the

Commission for addressing these issues.    These include GMC‘s

application for a blanket radio station license to operate

10,000 mobile earth stations using interim space seqgment

facilities;2/ pending applications relating to the Marisat AOR

1/   Second Report and Order, Gen. Dkt. No. 84—1234, 2 FCC Red
     485 (1987).
2/   In re Application of Geostar Messaging Corporation For a
     Blanket Radio Station License to Operate Mobile Earth
     Stations in the 1530—1544 MHz and 1626 .5—1644.5 MHz Bands,
     File No.                    (filed May 30, 1989).

satellite3/ in which GMC raised these issues,4/ and future

Section 214 application5/ and tariff6é/ filings which GMC

believes are required.

     It is not clear when,        and in which proceeding, the Commis—

sion will address the issues raised by GMC.            In the meantime,      it

appears that Comsat and others may have proceeded with the

development of lease arrangements before all the necessary

applications have been filed to implement such lease arrange—

3/   In re Communications Satellite Corporation‘s Application
     for authority to participate in an Inmarsat program to
     extend the lease of the L—band capacity of the Inmarsat
     system through 1992, File No. CSS—89—002—P/L (filed April
     10,   1989)    ("Lease Extension Application"); In re Applica—
     tion of Comsat General Corporation for authority to
     relocate the Marisat F—1 Atlantic Ocean Regqion Satellite
     (KS—33),      File No.   1299—DSS—ML—89    (filed April 17,   1989).

     Comments of Geostar Messaging           Corporation, filed May 19,
     1989,   in connection with Comsat—WSD‘s Lease Extension
     Application, File No. CSS—89—002—P/L.

     Comsat is a "dominant" carrier under the Commission‘s
     Competitive Carrier decisions.  Fifth Report and Order in
     CC Docket No.      79—252,   98 F.C.C.2d 1191,    1201 n.33   (1984).
     As such, it is subject to Section 214 of the Communications
     Act of 1934, as amended, which states,           inter alia, that
     "[nljo carrier shall ...operate any line... or shall engage
     in transmission over or by means of such additional or
     extended line, unless and until there shall first have been
     obtained from the Commission a certificate that the present
     or future public convenience and necessity require or will
     require the ...operation... of such additional or extended
     line."  47 U.S.C.A. §214(a)(1984).

     See AT&T,      42 F.C.C.2d 654,   659    (1973); GTE Satellite Corp.,
     57 F.C.C.2d 153, 170 (1975); American Satellite Corp., 73
     F.C.C.2d 377, 322 (1979).

       It is standard practice for the Commission to insulate

itself from such arguments until it has had an opportunity to

consider an issue before it, either by prohibiting the activity

from occurring, or by advising the contracting parties that they

may proceed at their own risk.

       Thus, for example, Section 319(a) of the Communications Act

(47 U.S.C. §319(a)) provides that "[njo license shall be issued

under the authority of this Act for the operation of any station

unless a permit for its construction has been granted by the

Commission."      According to the legislative history of this

section,      "Congress adopted the construction permit requirement

to discourage applicants from making considerable expenditures

in .    .   . unmarketable equipment and using these investments to

exert undue pressure on the licensing authority.        .   .   ."7/

       Similarly, in considering whether domestic satellite

carriers should be allowed to sell transponders in addition to

offering them on a common carrier basis, the Common Carrier

Bureau advised those carriers that they could sell transponders

7/     UA — Columbia Cablevision,    Inc.,   55 F.C.C.2d 656,     658,   34
       R.R.2d 1133, 1135 (1975). While §319(a) may not be
       directly applicable to the facilities under consideration
       here, the same concerns have apparently been the basis for
       the Commission‘s requirement that Comsat file applications
         prior to Inmarsat Council action on new facilities and
       . services.  See e.g., 1974 Policy Statement, 46 F.C.C.2d
       338, 339 (1974).

ments and before the Commission has addressed the issues raised

by the use of Inmarsat space seqment for interim domestic MSS.

GMC believes that the Commission should immediately issue a

declaratory order to clarify the status of such activities

pending final Commission action on these matters.

     II.   The Commission Should Issue the Requested
           Declaratory Order to Avoid Being Presented
           wWith a Fait Accompli With Respect to Past
           and Future Lease Activities.

     GMC is concerned that Comsat has and/or will obtain a lease

of Inmarsat space seqgment from the Inmarsat Council on behalf of

one or more domestic MSS service providers before the Commission

decides what policies regarding the interim use of Inmarsat

space seqgment best comport with the public interest.   Should

that happen, Comsat (and the MSS service provider whose lease

request has been satisfied) may argue that the Commission cannot

or should not retroactively apply an equitable access policy to

nullify, modify or otherwise condition a lease entered into

before the Commission established its policy.    To accept such an

argument would severely prejudice GMC‘s pending applications and

Petition to Establish Interim MSS Policies and unfairly obstruct

GMC‘s efforts to establish competitive domestic MSS services.

before the Commission issued a decision, but that they did so at

their own risk.8/

        Because the same considerations apply in the instant

situation, the Commission is requested to issue immediately a

declaratory order that any lease of Inmarsat space seqgment for

the provision of domestic MSS, as well as any Commission

authorization to utilize such capacity, will be subject to the

outcome of the Commission‘s proceedings to establish policies

for the provision of interim domestic MSS which are described

above .

                            Respectfully submitted,

                            GEOSTAR MESSAGING CORPORATION

                            By: amzs
                              yés G. Ennis
                                            b ¢al

                            Barry Lambergmi@n

                            Its attorneys

1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202)     828—5700

November 7,     1989

8/      Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in CC Docket No. 82—45, In re
        Domestic Fixed—Satellite Transponder Sales, 88 F.C.C.2d
        1419, 1421 (1982).

                       CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I, Marissa Yatco,   a secretary in the law firm of Fletcher,

Heald & Hildreth, certify that on November 7,   1989,   a copy of

the foregoing "Petition For Declaratory Order Concerning

Inmarsat Lease Requests" was mailed first—class, U.S. postage

prepaid to:

   * Chairman Alfred C. Sikes
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Room 814
     Washington, D.C.    20554

   * Commissioner James H. Quello
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Room 802
    Washington, D.C.     20554

   * Commissioner Sherrie P. Marshall
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Room 826
     Washington, D.C.    20554

   * Commissioner Andrew C. Barrett
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Room 844
    Washington, D.C.     20554

   * Richard M. Firestone, Esq.
     Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Room 500
     Washington, D.C.  20554

   * Gerald P. Vaughan
     Deputy Director of Operations
     Common Carrier Bureau
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Room 500
    Washington, D.C.     20554

Thomas P. Stanley
Chief Engineer
Office of Engineer and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W.
Room 6324
Washington, D.C.    20554

Cecily Holiday, Esq.
Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W.
Room 6324
Washington, D.C.    20554

Fern Jarmulnek, Esq.
Satellite Radio Branch
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W.
Room 6324
Washington, D.C.    20554

Wendell R. Harris
Assistant Bureau Chief,
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W.
Room 534
Washington, D.C.    20554

Joel Pearlman, Esq.
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W.
Room 534
Washington, D.C.    20554

Randolph J. Earnest,    Esq.
Bureau of International Communications
 and Information Policy
U.S. Department of State, CIP/SCP
2100 C Street, N.W.
Room 6317
Washington, D.C.    20520

Janice Obuchowski
Assistant Secretary for
 Communications and Information
U.S. Department of Commerce/NTIA
l4th and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Room 4898
Washington, D.C.    20230

Gregg Daffner, Esq.
Director, International Policy
U. S. Department of Commerce/NTIA
14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Room 4701
Washington, D. C.     20230

Carl Wayne Smith, Esq.
McKenzie Whitaker, Esq.
Office of Chief Regulatory Counsel —
Department of Defense
Defenes Communications Agency
Attn:  Code 115
Washington, D.C.    20305—2000

Warren Y.   Zeger, Esq.
World Systems Division
Communications Satellite Corporation
Room 6278
950 L‘Enfant Plaza,    S.W.
Washington, D.C.    20024

Linda M. Wellstein, Esq.
World Systems Division            /
Communications Satellite Corporation
950 L‘Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Washington, D.C.    20024

Lon C. Levin, Esq.
Gurman, Kurtis, Blask & Freedman
1400 l6th Street, N.W.
Suite 501
Washington, D.C.   20036

Richard R. Zaragosa, Esq.
Bruce D. Jacobs, Esquire
Fisher, Wayland, Cooper & Leader
1255 23d Street, N.W.
Suite 800
Washington, D.C.  20037


     John L. Bartlett, Esq.
     Wiley, Rein & Fielding
     1776 K Street, N.W.
     Suite 1100
     Washington, D.C.     20006

     Raul R. Rodrigqguez, Esq.
     Leventhal,    Senter & Lerman
     2000 K Street, N.W.
     Suite 600
     Washington, D.C.     20006

                                      sa Yatco

* Hand Delivered

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                                                                       |                  ‘.u,q%hal ied 44A


                                GEOSTAR" MESSAGING CORPORATION
                                                                                       SERVICE:                    Satellite System
                                                                             Type of Application:           Initial Station License
                                                                             Number of Stations:                             10,000

                                                              May 30, 1989          '              e
               Federal       Communications           Commission
    wree       1919 M Street, N.W.                                                  JUN        21989
;              Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                        OrFiCE Of CHIEr
                        3               ;             3       §                             ACi‘T‘‘S      DIVISION
               Attention:         Cecily C. Holiday, Chief                    D?‘%QSJBCNF&RR'ERSBSRJU‘
                                  Satellite Radio         Branch                §
                                  Room 6324

                                  Re:        Application for Blanket License for 10,000 Mobile:
                                             Earth Stations

                Dear Ms. Holiday,

                       Attached is an original and nine copies of the application of Geostar >
                Messaging Corporation for a blanket radio station license to operate up to
                10,000 mobile earth stations in the bands 1530—1544 MHz (downlink) and
                1626.5—16845.5     MHz        (uplink).

                        Tke proposed mobile earth stations will operate on an interim basis with
                Inmarsat® satellites, such as the Marisat—Atlantic satellite. The Commission has
                already accepted applications concerning the use of Inmarsat facilities for,
                interim domestic mobile satellite services and placed them on public notice.
                These mobile earth stations will later be switched over to a domestic mobile:
                satellite system.     Although rulemaking proceedings are still pending
                concermming the use of these bands by domestic mobile satellites, GMC requests
                the Commission to accept and process this application for the reasons
                described in the accompanying Motion To Accept Application.

                Pursuant to §1.1105 of the Commission‘s rules and regulations, a filing fee in
                the amount of $5,000.00 is submitted with this application.                                  >       $

                       Please contact Ron Lepkowski at (202)—778—6008 if there are any
                questions concerning this filing.

                                                           Respectfully       submitted,

                                                           ‘&L‘ s
                                                             Geostar       essaging Corporatlon
                                                             T.    Stephen Cheston, President

                co:    > Gerald P.          Vaughan
                +           William Torak
                            James R. Keegan
                            Thomas Tycz
                            Fern    Jarmulnek
                            Geraldine Matise
                            Harry Ng

      GEOSTAR MESSAGING CORPORATION, 1001 22nd Street N.W., Suite 550, Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 887—0872 e FAX: (202) 887—0874

                                                  Before the
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Application of

For a Blanket Radio Station License to Operate Mobile
Earth Stations in the 1530—1 544 MHz and 1626.5—1645.5
MHz Bands

                        MOTION TO ACCEPT APPLICATION

         Geostar Messaging Corporation (GMC) requests the Commission to accept for

filing at this time a concurtrently filed application for a blanket radio station license to

operate up to 10,000 mobile earth stations in the bands 1530—1544 MHz (downlink)

and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz (uplink).!

         GMC is proposing to use these mobile earth stations to provide digitized voice,

data and facsimile services to users over existing Inmarsat space segment facilities,

such as the Marisat—Atlantic satellite being relocated to 106.5° West Longitude, on an

interim basis. Operations of these mobile earth stations will later be switched to a

domestic mobile satellite system operating in these bands once such a system is placed

into service.*

         The Commission has already accepted for filing an application by Comsat

General Corporation (Comsat General) to relocate the Marisat—Atlantic satellite to 106.5°

West Longitude in order to provide interim land mobile satellite services within the

 In its MSS Licensing Order, FCC 86—552 (released January 26, 1987) at paragraph 31, the Commission
decided that mobile earth stations would be licensed on a blanket basis to vendors providing end—services to
users. Other analogous examples of blanket licensing for mobile earth stations include Geostar Corporation,
DA 87—145 (released February 20, 1987), and Qualcomm, Inc., FCC 82—24 (released February 14, 1989).

2 Some of these stations will be operated in the maritime mobile satellite service in coastal and inland
waterway areas in accordance with the current table of frequency allocations, while most will be operated in
accordance with the interim (co—directional) provisions of the digital land mobile satellite service proposed by
GMC in RM—6459 and/or the land mobile satellite service allocations of the Final Acts of the 1987 Mobile

United States!. GMC‘s mobile earth station blanket application complements Comsat

General‘s application by providing a concrete proposal for end—user terminals to be

operated with the Inmarsat space segment should the Commission authorize its use in

providing interim domestic mobile satellite services. Since the Commission has already

accepted Comsat General‘s application and issued public notice of its filing, there

would be no prejudice or delay to action on that application by accepting and processing

GMC‘s blanket earth station application at this time. In fact, consideration of concrete

mobile earth station applications in parallel with the proceedings concerned with the use

of Inmarsat space segment capacity would assist the Commission in its examination of

the issues involved in approving the use of Inmarsat facilities for interim domestic

mobile satellite services.

         GMC recognizes that the non—maritime uses of the bands proposed for its

mobile earth stations are the subject of pending rulemaking proceedings with respect to

a domestic space segment.2 Acceptance of GMC‘s mobile earth station application at

this time would not prejudice those proceedings", and would be consistent with the

Commission‘s parallel actions in its pending rulemaking and application proceedings

concerned with the provision of aeronautical satellite services over the Inmarsat system.

         In March of this year, the Commission decided to accept for filing and place on

public notice the application of the Communications Satellite Corporation (Comsat), as

well as other qualified entities, to provide aeronautical satellite service over the Inmarsat

1 Application File No. 1299—DSS—ML—89. See Public Notice DS—856 released May 17, 1989 at page 2.

2 One of these proceedings involves GMC‘s June 16, 1988 Petition for Rulemaking in RM—6459 to allocate
these frequencies for a digital land mobile satellite service. Another involves the implementation of the Final
Acts of the 1987 Mobile WARC. The Commission recently reviewed the status of its current allocations and
the WARC results, and concluded that matters concerning the L—band portion of the spectrum would be
addressed in a future proceeding. See Notice ofProposed Rulemaking in General Docket No. 89—103, FCC 89—
125 (released May 5, 1989).

3 To the extent necessary, GMC will amend its application to bring its proposed mobile earth station facilities
into conformance with any rules finally adopted by the Commission with respect to the operation of domestic
mobile satellites in these bands.

system.! Although the Commission stated that such applications will not be granted
"until it determined who is legally authorized to provide Inmarsat aeronautical services

under the International Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act, and under what

circumstances such services may be provided," it concluded that:

             [AlJecepting [Comsat‘s] applications for filing at this time is without
             prejudice to the outcome of pending policy issues in this proceeding.
             A waiver of the freeze will permit Comsat‘s applications to be
             accepted for filing and placed on public notice and give an
             opportunity for petitions to deny and competing applications to be
             filed by others who believe they may ultimately be authorized to
             provide INMARSAT aeronautical services.2

          Similarly, the acceptance of GMC‘s application at this time will not harm any

interested party. Interested parties will still be given the opportunity to file petitions to deny

GMC‘s application and/or to file competing applications. Moreover, the Commission retains

full flexibility to resolve any issues raised by GMC‘s application either in the context of a

separate rulemaking proceeding or in the course of processing these applications.3

          Acceptance of GMC‘s application now will encourage the prompt development of

domestic mobile satellite services. GMC has been actively working with potential customers

and suppliers to develop interim digital land mobile satellite services. GMC has found
widespread interest in these services and believes that early introduction of its digital mobile

satellite services will benefit the public. Acceptance of GMC‘s application, as well as

applications of other potential end service providers, will also encourage the development of

1 Memorandum Opinion and Order, CC Docket No. 87—75, FCC 89—84 (released March 14, 1989)(Comsat
Waiver Order). The Commission had earlier imposed a freeze on the filing of such applications in its Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking in CC Docket No. 87—75, FCC 87—106 (released March 30, 1987).

2 Comsat Waiver Order at paragraph 7.

3 It is well established that the choice made between proceeding by general rule or by individual, ad hoc
adjudication is one that lies primarily in the informed discretion of the administrative agency. Securities and
Exchange Commission v. Chenery Corporation, 332 U.S. 194, 203 (1947), reh‘g denied, 332 U.S. 783

concrete interim service concepts that will assist the Commission in addressing the various

policy issues that will be raised in this regard.

         More importantly, accepting GMC‘s application at this time will reduce or eliminate

unnecessary administrative delays in the future, and allow GMC and other mobile satellite

service providers to bring service to the public more promptly if the Commission authorizes

the provision of domestic mobile satellite services in the 1530—1544 and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz


         For these reasons, GMC requests the Comission to accept and process the application

it is filing today for a blanket license for 10,000 mobile earth stations.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                               \’7 A
                                                                              *   ;   .

                                                    GEOSTAR MESSAGING CORPORATION
                                                    T. Stephen Cheston, President
                                                    1001 22nd Street, NW. — Suite 550
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20037

May 30, 1989

                                                  Before the
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Application of

                                                                      Nn n i2z
GEOSTAR MESSAGING CORPORATION                                                    File No.

For a Blanket Radio Station License to Operate Mobile
Earth Stations in the 1530—1544 MHz and 1626.5—1645.5
MHz Bands


         Geostar Messaging Corporation (GMC)! requests a blanket radio station license? to

operate up to 10,000 mobile earth stations in the bands 1530—1544 MHz (downlink) and
1626.5—1645.5 MHz (uplink).3 These facilities will be used to provide digital mobile satellite

services within the United States, including its coastal waters and inland waterways. Initially,

these stations will operate with interim space segment capacity provided over the Inmarsat

system.¢ The operation of these stations will later be switched over to a domestic mobile
satellite system as soon as it becomes available in these bands."

1        GMC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Geostar Corporation. Another Geostar subsidiary, Geostar
Positioning Corporation, has been authorized by the Commission to construct and operate a satellite system in
the radiodetermination satellite service (RDSS), and is currently providing an interim RDSS service.

2 A construction permit is not required for mobile stations pursuant to §319(d) of the Communications Act.

3 In its MSS Licensing Order, FCC 86—552 (released January 26, 1987) at paragraph 31, the Commission
decided that mobile earth stations would be licensed on a blanket basis to vendors providing end—services to
users. Other analogous examples of blanketlicensing for mobile earth stations include Geostar Corporation,
DA 87—145 (released February 20, 1987), and Qualcomm, Inc., FCC 89—24 (released February 14, 1989).

4 The Commission has already accepted such applications for filing. See, e.g., the applications of
Communications Satellite Corporation—World Systems Division, File No. CSS—89—002—P/L, and Comsat
General Corporation, File Nos. 1299—DSS—ML—89 et al.

5 An application for such a domestic mobile satellite system has already been filed with the Commission.
See GMC‘s Application for a Digital Land Mobile Satellite System filed on June 18, 1988, at Tab 19. GMC
recognizes that the Commission has only recently issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement the
Final Acts of the 1987 Mobile WARC, but has deferred action to a future proceeding with respect to changes in
the allocation of these bands to the mobile satellite services. Similarly, action is still pending with respect to
GMC‘s Petition for Rulemaking in RM—6459. In any event, GMC has also filed today a Motion to Accept
Application pending the completion of such rulemaking proceedings. Thus, to the extent necessary, GMC


        GMC submits the following information in support of this application‘:

(A)     The name and address of the applicant is:

                           Geostar Messaging Corporation
                           1001 22nd Street, NW., Suite 550
                           Washington, D.C. 20037

(B)     Correspondence concerning this application should be addressed to:

                           Geostar Messaging Corporation
                           1001 22nd Street, N.W.
                           Suite 550
                           Washington, D.C. 20037

                           Attention: Ronald J. Lepkowski
                                      (202) 778—6008

with a copy to applicant‘s counsel:

                           James G. Ennis, Esq.
                           Fletcher, Heald and Hildreth
                           1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                           Suite 400
                           Washington, D.C. 20036—2679
                           (202) 828—5700

(C)      GMC requests a blanket license for 10,000 mobile earth stations to be operated within

the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands and adjacent coastal

waters. The mobile earth stations would be operated primarily on land—based vehicles.

However, GMC will also operate some of these facilities in the maritime mobile satellite

service, e.g. to serve small boats or other vessels operating on inland and coastal waters.

requests a temporary waiver of the Table of Frequency Allocations in order for the Commission to accept and
process this application pending the outcome of such rulemaking proceedings. Moreover, since it is GMC‘s
intention to provide commercial service over these facilities, it does not appear appropriate to file this
application under the current Part 5 experimental license procedures.

1   GMC has used the Commission‘s June 18, 1987 Public Notice, DA 87—732, and April 19, 1989 Public
Notice, DA 89—417, as guidelines for this filing.

(D)     The technical parameters of the proposed mobile earth stations are presented in Exhibit

1 to the attached FCC Form 403. These stations are intended to operate within the 1530—1 544

MHz (space—to—earth) and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz (earth—to—space) bands.! These facilities will

be capable of operating with both space segment capacity leased from other entities, such as

the Marisat—Atlantic satellite to be relocated to 106.5° West Longitude, as well as with

domestic mobile satellite facilities, such as the DLMSS—Prime satellite proposed by GMC in its

June 18, 1988 satellite system application.

        These mobile earth stations will be designed with the flexibility to provide digitized

voice, data and facsimile communications services. These facilities support digital

transmissions at data rates between 1200 and 4800 bps. Offset QPSK has been selected as the

type of modulation for spectrum use efficiency. The particular data rate and forward error

correction characteristics will be chosen according to the type of service desired and to

optimize system capacity for other users.2

        S‘ince initial operations will be with Inmarsat satellites employing global beam

satellites, these terminals will utilize medium gain (nominal 12 dBi gain) mobile antennas®.

Use of such high gain antennas with the Marisat satellite is necessary because of the low EIRP

and G/T of this satellite. By using such higher gain antennas with this satellite, GMC believes

it will be possible for the Marisat—Atlantic satellite to support several channels at the data rates

needed to provide usable voice, data and facsimile services to mobile users within the United

States. By careful choice of mobile earth station hardware and transmission characteristics

1 For operations with interim Inmarsat facilities, the operating frequency range will be more limited, e.g. the
Marisat—Atlantic satellite operates only in the 1537—1541 and 1638.5—1642.5 MHz bands.

2 GMC currently expects that these mobile terminals will utilize a signalling and protocol scheme similar to
the Standard—M system being developed by Inmarsat. GMC will cooperate fully with other users of interim
Inmarsat space segment capacity to insure compatible operations.

3 The use of such high gain antennas in newly installed mobile terminals is planned only until domestic space
segment capacity becomes available that can support the use of omnidirectional antennas. The initial mobile
units using higher gain antennas will be equipped with power control switching capabilities to reduce EIRP
once more sensitive domestic mobile satellites become available.

and Marisat transponder loading plans, the Commission should be able to allow competing
end—service providers to utilize interim Inmarsat space segment capacity for mobile satellite

services until higher capacity domestic mobile satellites can be brought into service in these


(E)       The qualifications of the applicant are a matter of record before the Commission.

Geostar Messaging Corporation filed its most recent Common Carrier and Satellite Radio

Licensee Qualifications Report (FCC Form 430) with the Commission on October 26, 1988,

and that filing is incorporated into this application by reference.

(F)       The proposed facilities are categorically excluded from environmental processing

under §1.1306 of the Commission‘s rules and regulations because these stations:

          (1) do not involve a site location specified under §1.1307(a)(1)—(5);

          (2) do not involve high intensity lighting under §1.1307(a)(6); and

          (3) do not result in human exposure to radio frequency radiation in
          excess of the applicable safety standards specified in §1.1307(b).

With respect to certain other specific information required by the Commission‘s application

guidelines, it should be noted that FAA notification is not required pursuant to Part 17 of the

FCC rules because the antenna will not extend more than 20 feet above an existing structure.

Site availability is not applicable to mobile units since they will be installed as requested by

customers in their vehicles. No frequency coordination is required for these mobile earth

station facilities.

1 GMC is currently investigating potential sites for its hub earth station facilities and will file an amendment
to this blanket application once such a site has been selected and frequency coordination has been completed in
accordance with the procedures specified in Parts 21 and 25 of the Commission‘s rules and regulations.


(G)       The public interest will be served by a grant of this application because the proposed

facilities will allow the early introduction of new mobile satellite services and will foster the

Commission‘s objective of achieving a competitive supply of satellite services.

          GMC has been actively working with potential customers and suppliers to develop

interim digital land mobile satellite services. GMC has found widespread interest in such

services and has developed an interim service concept to bring these services to the public.

          GMC has proposed to utilize specific bands that have been allocated internationally,

but not yet domestically, for digital land mobile satellite services. This proposal will result in

the provision of high quality, yet economic services that are particularly well—suited to mobile

voice, data and facsimile applications that require full two—way satellite channels. Interim

space segment capacity in these bands has been proposed through use of the Inmarsat space

segment, and proposals are pending before the Commission in this regard. To the extent that

the Commission authorizes the use of Inmarsat satellites for interim domestic mobile satellite

services, GMC will utilize such space segment capacity to develop its proposed digital land

mobile satellite services.

          Thus, GMC‘s mobile stations have been designed to be compatible with a wide range

of potential space segment facilities in these bands. Grant of this application will allow the

Commission to implement its policies favoring a competitive supply of retail mobile satellite

services without prejudicing later decisions on the licensing of domestic space segment

facilities such as those proposed by GMC in these bands. Grant of this application will allow

GMC to proceed promptly and efficiently with the development of innovative digital mobile

satellite services in the 1530—1544 and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz bands to serve the American


       The applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the

electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United State because of the

previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in

accordance with this application. The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, certifies

that the statements make in this application are true, complete and accurate to the best of his

knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

                                        Is% 3. C
                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            GEOSTAR        MESSAGING CORPORATION
                                            T. Stephen Cheston


A. ECC Form 403
B. Technical Certificate

May 30, 1989

                                                                                 aATTACHMENT                                *30600019_
                                                                                                                                Expires 9—30—87
                                                                               APPLICANT SHOULD NOT USE THIS BLOCK
                                                                        File Number                                   Call Sign

           Federal Communications Commission
                 Washington, D. C. 20554

                 UNDER PARTS 23 OR 25

=~~                                                        INSTRUCTIONS
 A. Submit TWO COPIES of this application direct to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D. C. 20554, for radio licen—
    ses in the following services (check appropriate box below).

 C FCC Rules Part 23 + International Fixed                       [xyFCC Rules Poart 25 — Satellite Communications
      Public Radiocommunication Services

 B. It is recommended that, before submitting application, applicant refer to the appropriate rule part which govems the class of station
      %pp(l:iego%r.z Copies of the rules may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington,

 C. Use additional sheets only where necessary. Such sheets must be marked as exhibits and referred to in the application.
                                  NOTIFICATION TO INDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT OF 1974
                                       AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980
 The information requested by this form will be used by Federal Communications Commission staff to determine
 eligibility for issuing authorizations in the use of frequency spectrum and to effect the provisions of regulatory
 responsibilities rendered the Commission by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Information requested
 by this form will be available to the public. Response to the information requested is required to obtain the
 requested authorization.

 l(a)   Name of Applicant:                                               (c)    Purpose of application:
                                   .                       &                     .           Blanket ,Lice
      Geostar Messaging Corporation                                             l:censeie-em—cmtme{fen-pefiffise                           C3

                                                                                Modification of License                                  o
  (b\   Mailing Address (number, street, city, state,                                 Present File No.
         Zip Code):                                                       (d)    If for modification of license indicate proposed
          100L      22nd      St.,      N.W.,       Suite        550                 change:

          Washington, D.C.                    20037                                  Change in frequencies                                (Q
 Y(a) Class of Station and Call Sign:                                                Change in authorized power                           uns
          Mobile Earth Station                       (New)                           Change(s) of control point(s)                        3
  (b) Nature of Scrvice Mobile Satellite                                             Change in points of communication                    &
Service inciuding ianua ana maritime                                                 Change in other particulars                          CJ]
mobile satellite service                                                                              .
 d(a)    List the outstandine construction permit(S), if anv, which this application covers:

      File Number              Date          Call Sign               Manufacturer of Transmitter                     Type No.         Sertial No.

          Construgtion Perfmit Not [Required.
                                                                                                                                       FCC Form 403
                                                                                                                                            L. «noe

    (b) If licensed transmitters &re being deleted or replaced, show the Zollowing with respect to such
           transmitters :
               Manufacturer                                           Type No.

                                                             Not Appllcable

   (d) Is the station now ready for operation?                                           €0      0k        0e   k   e       e    e   6   6   e   YEes J            no []

   (e) Have all the terms of thgGonstruction permit(s) listed in 3(a) been met?                                                                   ves []           no C

    (f) Are all the stateme                s made in the applications for the construction permits or
              the modxficatlons,          ereof mentioned in 3 (a) still true as of the date of this appli—
              cation?    .    .2                                                                                “""'YESDNOC

    (g) If the a             ver to either or both 3(d) and 3(e) above is "no", the discrepancies
                  Aibmitted as a part of this form.
                 icate method of submission below :
               umbers of parmagraphs containing corrected data ... ...
              Identification of exhibits containing corrected data ..

4. Specify in the table all particulars of operation exactly as they are desired in the license or modifica—
   tion thereof.

t                )                              |    (2)       |        (3)          J
                                                                                                                        [ O TRANSMiSSION
                                                                                                                                  5                        (6)
                                                !   po wen
          FREQUENCIES                           |              ‘     Exission        %         FrequeNcy                          SPEED                   or
   AND ANTENNA POLARIZATION                                    1                               ~tEyrter)—               |       ~tBauds) —          Com MUNICATION

                        ——                                                                                              |
se (MH2)                                                                                                                1                        ........................
------------------------------------                                                                                    |                        All mobile
 ©1626.5—1645.5 RHe‘__....20.....                                                                                       |                        satellite
.............................................                                                                           |                      service _
 ~1530—1544                          RHC.                                                                                                    ) satellites
 .(receive) .                            .                                                                                                     within. the
   pon n ie                      nn es eeneee dn ccrnarere enc erre en e ce usnn e                                                               _band           ....__._.___.

     t4)   List all frequencies. indicating whether kilohertz or megahertz, and polarization of radiated signal.
     tl)   Specity whether watts or kilo watts. In the Expenmental Radio Services specify effective radiated power and in case of puise
             vmission peak power.
     (31   List all vpes of emission desired for each frequency. Describe special emission in space below.
           Give maximum modulating frequency for each type of emission involved.
     (4)   Give maximum cransmission speed employed in normal operation opposite each type of emission involved. To convert transmission
     (5)   speed of Continental Morse to bauds, multiply the nugber of words per minute by 0.8.
     (6)   Show below the operating agency at cach point of communication.


  5. If this application is for authority to operate with an operator on duty at control point(s) other than
     the transmitter location —
     (@) What will be the location of the control point(s)?
         State District        of   Columbi@mmty

     (b) What will be the airlinedistance between transmitter location and the control point(s)? _n/a

~ (c) By what means will the station be monitored while in operation?

              Spectrum Anaylzers

     (d) Can the transmitter be shut down by the licensed operator at the control
          point so as to prevent operation from other point(s)?                                                        * ves [X])   no (]

     (e) How will unauthorized persons be prevented from having access to the transmitter?

              Transmitters will be                  secured within user vehicles.

  6. Proposed location of transmitter :

      (a) If portable:   {[]   mobile: [¥] (check one, if applicable) give geographical area of proposed

          _______ContinentalUnited States,. Alaska,. Hawaii,_Puerto.Rico/_.._.__
              Virgin Islands and adjacent coastal waters.

      (b) If permanently located at a fixed location, give:

          State ..                                                                        COUNMEY ...2lllll200000000000000000000czzzzzlz

          e io e                                                                          Street and number _....__.__.__.__zl

          N. Latitude: Degrees ......_.....cccccclclllcull, Minutes _2222222222, SeCONGS ...._._.222222222222222.

          W. Longitude: Degrees ...._...______.____.__.; MIMUt@® ... 222. , Secondsg ............22202.02222222.
                                        (Give latitude and longitude correct to seconds.)

   7. Note any alteration in transmitter(s) or antenna systems not previously reported to the Commission.
              Not applicable

   8. (a) Have there been iny changes in the data furnished in the application for con—
           struction permit covering ownership, citizenship, station control, business con—
          nections, and mor:opolistic practices? . ROt applicable .                                .   .   .   .   .   . ves J       No C

      (b) Have such changes been reported to the Commission?                            If not, such data must
           be submitted herewith . . not applicable . .                             .     .   .«   .   .   +   +   +   > YESs Q]     No C


 9. (a) Is station to be open to public cOrrespORAG@NG@? ................}.06.ekk6 6k esc c000s                       ¥es (X] no TT

           If so, state hours during which station will be open for Suth S@rViGG ....................... 666266 ......
                     Continuously,               24 hours a day

       (b) Will any charge be made for handling public correspondence? .....................                          veEs [X     no °L

 e          If so, state schedules of charges ................]o
ln l       The statement of rates required herein does not constitute a filing of schedules of charges re—
           quired by Section 203 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, prior to commencing

       (c) State basis of division of charges with other stations ......... ............................................

10.     If this application is for medificatieref license, state why the proposed change(s) is (are) deemed
        necessary and the purpose(s) it will serve.
         . Grant. of. this. application.will.permit thae early. introduction. of
       ._ d@igital, mobile, satellite services in a cost—effective, and. efficient

            ** Gateway earth station and end—service providers are foreborne
             from Common Carrier reqgulation. See Second Report and Order,
             BSEES%agfiglfigéss?cc 86—552 (released January 26, 1987) at
       THE APPLICANT hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against
the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests a
station license in accordance with this application.

       All the attached exhibits are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full
in the application.        All the answers on this application are a material part of the application.


    I certify that the statements in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

       Signed and dated this30thkay of __May , 19839.

                            ‘ GEOSTAR (MESSAGING CORPORATION
                                       Name of Applicant (must correspond with item 1a)

                                                       f§§                             T. Stephen Cheston, President
By                           Signature (designate by cReckmark below appropriate classification)

                                                                       7 notvrouau arrpurc ant

          WILLFEUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON                            Jmusmser or arrLicant PARTNERSHIP

          THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND                         KXjorricenr or aprruicant corporation or OFFiCER ano
          IMPRISONMENT. U. 5. CODE, TITLE 18                               MEMBER OF APPLICANT ASSOCIATION
          sECTION 1001.

                                                                                   Exhibit 1

                                  Technical Information

(1) Applicant:                      Geostar Messaging Corporation
                                    1001 22nd Street, NW., Suite 550
                                    Washington, D.C. 20037
                                    (202) 887—0872

(2) Point of Contact                Ronald J. Lepkowski
                                    Geostar Messaging Corporation
                                    1001 22nd Street, NW., Suite 550
                                    Washington, D.C. 20037
                                    (202) 778—6008

(3) Number of Stations:              10,000

(4) Type of Service:
       (a) Class of Station:        Mobile Earth Station
       (b) Regulatory Class:        Common Carrier (foreborne)
       (c) Type of Facility:        Transmit/Receive

(5) Frequency Bands:      1.5 GHz (receive)/1.6 GHz (transmit)

(6) Points of Communication: All satellites operating in the 1.5/1.6 GHz mobile satellite
service bands between 15° West Longitude and 183.5° West Longitude (176.5° East
Longitude), including:

       (a) Marisat AOR satellite at 106.5 ° West Longitude

       (b) other INMARSAT Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Region satellites that might be
       available on an interim basis for domestic mobile satellite services

       (c) GMC‘s DLMSS—Prime satellite (see DLMSS System Application filed June 16,
       1988, Tab 19).

(7) Operating Orbital Arc: 15° — 183.5° West Longitude

(8) Transmitting Equipment

        (a) Number of HPA‘s: One
        (b) Manufacturer and Model Number: Geostar Messaging Corproation,
                       Model GMC 2000
       ‘(c) Maximum power output: 20 watts

                                                                                          Exhibit 1

     (9) Antenna Facilities

            (a) Mobile earth station antennas are not required to conform to Section 25.209
            (b) Antenna size: (not applicable)
            (c) Maximum antenna height: 1 foot above supportive structure
o>          (d) Type of feed not applicable — reflector antenna not used.
C           (e) Manufacturer and Model Number: GMC 2000
                 (transmitter and antenna are incorporated into a single user terminal)
            (f) Antenna Gain:
                 (1) 12 dBi at 1635 MHz (Transmit)
                 (2) 12 dBi at 1537 MHz (Receive)

     (10) Remote Control Operations

           (a) Location:         Geostar Messaging Corporation
                                 1001 22nd Street, N.W.
                                 Washington, D.C. 20037
                                 (202) 887—0872

            (b) Transmissions are made only upon specific assignment by the
            central control station, except for random access service request channels.

     (11) Receiving System Noise Temperature: 220 K

     (12) Specifics of Operation

            (a)     Frequencies:             1530—1 544 MHz (Receive)
                                             1626.5—1645.5 MHz (Transmit)

            (b)     Polarization:           circular

            (c)     Emission Designators:              2K40G1ID

            (d)     Maximum EIRP:                      25 dBW

            (e)     Maximum EIRP density:              25 dBW/4 KHz

            (£)     Description :     PSK digital carrier

                    (i)       Data Transmission Rate: 1200, 2400 and 4800 bps
                   (i1)       Forward Error Encoding: up to rate —1/2
                  (i11)       R.F. Carrier Transmission Rate: up to 9600 bps
                  (iv)        Modulation Type: OQPSK °
                   (v)        Maximum Downlink EIRP Density: 17.3 dBW/4 kHz

                                                                                Attachment B

                           TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE

        I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for the
preparation of this application; that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules and
Regulations; that I have either prepared or reviewed the technical information contained in this
application; and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                         faunald Ibegpleracle
                                       Ronald J. Lepkowski
                                       Vice President, System Implementation

                                       Date:     )77/‘//‘7 )70, 1I47

Document Created: 2014-08-14 11:28:24
Document Modified: 2014-08-14 11:28:24

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