Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SAT-MPL-20170606-00083 for Modification Permitted List (space station) on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                       SES DTH do Brasil Ltda.
                                                                               FCC Form 312
                                                                                   Exhibit A
                                                                                  Page 1 of 3

                            (Response to Question 40)

      The applicant, SES DTH do Brasil Ltda. (“SES DTH Brasil”), is an indirect wholly-
owned subsidiary of SES S.A. (“SES”). See attached organizational chart.

Ownership Information

        SES is a Luxembourg company that wholly owns SES ASTRA (formerly Société
Européenne des Satellites S.A.), New Skies and SES Americom, Inc. Through its subsidiaries
and affiliates, SES engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America,
Europe, Africa and Asia under the single brand name “SES.” The individual legal entities,
however, remain distinct.

        SES has offices at L-6815 Château de Betzdorf, Luxembourg. The address of SES DTH
Brasil is Avenida das Nacoes Unidas, 12.551,18 andar, Sao Paolo, Brazil CEP 04578-903. SES
DTH Brasil is held 99% by SES Satélites Directo Ltda., a Brazilian entity registered at Av. Rio
Branco n° 311, sala 508, CEP 20040-009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and 1% by SES Latin America
S.A., a Luxembourg entity located at L-6815 Château de Betzdorf, Luxembourg. SES Satélites
Directo Ltda., in turn is 99% owned by SES Global South America Holdings, S.L., a Spanish
company registered at c/ Velázquez, 47 - 2º B 28001, Madrid, Spain and 1% by SES Latin
America S.A. SES Latin America S.A is wholly owned by SES.

       The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record and/or voting 10
percent or more of SES voting stock are:

   1. The Etat du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (the “State of Luxembourg”) – and Banque et
      Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat (“BCEE”) and Société Nationale de Crédit et d’Investisement
      (“SNCI”), each of which is an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament
      and 100% owned by the State of Luxembourg – hold Class B shares of SES representing
      a combined effective economic interest of 16.67% and effective voting power of 33.33%.
      In addition, in 2007 and 2008 these entities received SES Fiduciary Deposit Receipts
      (“FDRs”), each of which represents one Class A share of SES. The FDRs distributed to
      these entities represented a combined 5.43% economic interest and effective voting
      power of 4.35%. SES does not know how many of these FDRs are still held by the Class
      B shareholders. The principal business of both BCEE and SNCI is financial services.
      The addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:

                      Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat
                      1, place de Metz
                      L-2954 Luxembourg

                                                                        SES DTH do Brasil Ltda.
                                                                                FCC Form 312
                                                                                    Exhibit A
                                                                                   Page 2 of 3

                      Société Nationale de Crédit et d’Investissement
                      7, place du St. Esprit
                      L-1475 Luxembourg

The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de la Congrégation, L-2910,

Directors and Officers

       Jurandir Pitsch is the managing director of SES DTH Brasil with his address at Avenida
das Nacoes Unidas, 12.551,18 andar, Sao Paolo, Brazil CEP 04578-903.

        Under Brazilian law, corporations are not required to have officers. Accordingly, there
are no officers of SES DTH Brasil. SES, the ultimate parent of SES DTH Brasil, is managed by
an Executive Committee comprised of the following:

       Karim Michel Sabbagh, President and CEO (Canadian and Lebanese citizen)
       Padraig McCarthy, Chief Financial Officer (Irish citizen)
       Martin Halliwell, Chief Technology Officer (U.K. citizen)
       Ferdinand Kayser, Chief Commercial Officer (Video) (Luxembourg citizen)
       Steve Collar, Chief Commercial Officer (Networks) (U.K. citizen)
       Christophe de Hauwer, Chief Development Officer (Belgian citizen)
       Evie Roos, Chief Human Resources Officer (U.S. and Belgian citizen)
       John Purvis, Chief Legal Officer (U.K. citizen)

      The address for Steve Collar is Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 5, 2582 NE The Hague,
The Netherlands. The address for the remaining members of the Executive Committee is L-6815
Château de Betzdorf, Luxembourg.

                                            SES DTH do Brasil Ltda.
                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                        Exhibit A
                                                       Page 3 of 3


                     SES S.A.


               SES Latin America S.A.


              SES Global South America
                   Holdings S.L.               1%

              SES Satelites Directo Ltda.


               SES DTH do Brasil Ltda.

Document Created: 2017-06-06 10:34:40
Document Modified: 2017-06-06 10:34:40

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