Attachment Narr and Tech App

This document pretains to SAT-MPL-20170606-00083 for Modification Permitted List (space station) on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                        )
SES DTH DO BRASIL LTDA                                  )    File No. SAT-MPL-___________
                                                        )    Call Sign S2974
Request for U.S. Market Access for SES-14               )


               SES DTH do Brasil Ltda (“SES DTH Brasil,” doing business as “SES”) hereby

requests modification of its authority to use the Brazilian-licensed SES-14 spacecraft to serve the

U.S. market from 47.5° W.L. 1 The purpose of this modification is to seek U.S. market access for

the GOLD (“Global-Scale Observations of the Limb and Disk”) payload onboard SES-14; and

seek authority to use SES-14 conventional Ku-band capacity for the provision of direct-to-home

(“DTH”) services between the U.S. and additional markets in Europe and Africa. Grant of the

requested authority is consistent with Commission precedent and will serve the public interest by

allowing SES to provide expanded service from 47.5° W.L. and to respond to customer demand

for DTH capacity.

               A completed FCC Form 312 is attached, along with technical materials on

Schedule S and in narrative form pursuant to Section 25.114 of the Commission’s rules. Launch

of SES-14 is currently scheduled to occur in the first quarter of 2018, and SES seeks action on

this modification consistent with that schedule.

        See SES DTH do Brasil Ltda, File No. SAT-PPL-20160918-00093 (the “SES-14
Petition”), granted Feb. 9, 2017 (the “SES-14 Grant”).

I.             BACKGROUND

               As noted in the original SES-14 Petition, New Skies Satellites B.V., an affiliate of

SES DTH Brasil, currently operates the Netherlands-licensed NSS-806 spacecraft at 47.5° W.L.

in accordance with International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) filings of the Brazilian

Administration and has been granted U.S. market access authority for that spacecraft. 2 SES

DTH Brasil obtained additional operating rights at the nominal 48° W.L. from the Brazilian

administration in 2014 and will operate the SES-14 satellite pursuant to those rights.

               In addition to the communications payloads described in the SES-14 Petition, the

SES-14 satellite will carry a hosted payload for the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (“NASA”) that is being constructed by the University of Colorado. The GOLD

payload is designed to permit imaging of Earth’s upper atmosphere in order to provide increased

understanding of space weather events that can affect operations of communications and global

positioning satellites. 3 The GOLD payload consists of a two-channel ultraviolet scanning

spectrometer, which will collect data regarding the Sun’s impact on the Earth’s thermosphere

and ionosphere, and a Ku-band downlink beam in the frequency range 11670-11680 MHz, which

will deliver the data collected by the spectrometer. The GOLD payload does not include an

uplink beam.

               SES is also seeking authority to serve additional DTH markets using the SES-14

Ku-band capacity. The broad coverage of the satellite’s spot beams provides opportunities for

        New Skies Satellites B.V., Call Sign S2591, File No. SAT-MPL-2013090-00114, granted
in part on Dec. 6, 2013 and in part on Feb. 4, 2014.
        See “SES to Host NASA Payload on SES-14,” 13 April 2015, available at:


SES to meet DTH service demand in markets in Europe and Africa, in addition to the markets

covered by the SES-14 Grant.


               In the DISCO II proceeding, 4 the Commission adopted policies for determining

whether to permit foreign-licensed satellites to serve the U.S. market, and these standards are

codified in Section 25.137 of the Commission’s Rules. 5 The Commission’s policies are intended

to ensure that entry by a foreign-licensed satellite will not distort competition in the U.S. 6 The

DISCO II market access policies include a presumption that, with respect to services covered by

the WTO agreement, entry into the U.S. market by entities licensed by WTO member countries

will promote competition in the U.S. market. 7 Fixed-satellite service (“FSS”) operations except

for DTH are covered by the WTO agreement. 8

               The GOLD payload on SES-14 was commissioned by NASA in order to measure

the Sun’s impact on Earth’s thermosphere and ionosphere. The data collected by the payload’s

spectrometer will be downlinked in a portion of the SES-14 extended Ku-band spectrum, 11670-

11680 MHz, to a ground station located in Woodbine, Maryland for analysis by researchers

studying the effects of space weather.

       See Amendment of the Commission’s Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space Stations
providing Domestic and International Service in the United States, Report & Order, 12 FCC Rcd
24094 (1997) (“DISCO II”).
       47 C.F.R. § 25.137.
       DISCO II at ¶ 7.
       Id. at ¶ 39.
       Id. at ¶¶ 25 & 30.


               Authorizing the SES-14 GOLD payload to communicate with U.S. earth stations

is consistent with the market access framework set forth in DISCO II and with Commission

precedent. SES seeks authority to use the SES-14 GOLD payload to provide FSS. Because

Brazil, which is the licensing administration for SES-14, is a WTO-member country, the SES

proposal to provide WTO-covered services is subject to the presumption in favor of entry

described above.


               In DISCO II, the Commission adopted the “ECO-Sat” test for services such as

DTH that are excluded from the U.S. commitments in the WTO Telecom Agreement. 9 That test

requires a determination whether U.S.-licensed satellites have “effective competitive

opportunities” in the relevant foreign markets to provide analogous services. 10 Under the

Commission’s rules, the relevant foreign markets for this test are (i) the country in which the

non-U.S.-licensed satellite is licensed; and (ii) the countries in which communications with U.S.

earth stations will originate or terminate. 11 To assess compliance with the ECO-Sat test, the

Commission looks at whether there are de jure or de facto barriers to entry for U.S. satellite

operators seeking to provide comparable services in the relevant foreign jurisdiction. 12

               The SES-14 Grant authorizes use of conventional Ku-band capacity on SES-14 to

provide DTH services within the U.S. and between the U.S. and various countries in North,

Central, and South America, and Europe. SES now seeks authority for DTH services between

       Id. at ¶ 98.
       Id. at ¶ 99.
       See 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(a).
       DISCO II at ¶ 75.


the U.S. and the following additional countries in Europe and Africa: Iceland, Norway, Ukraine,

Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, and Sierra Leone.

               SES is not aware of any de jure or de facto barriers in Iceland, Norway, Ukraine,

Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, or Sierra Leone to U.S. satellite operators wishing to

provide capacity for DTH service. None of these countries requires that a satellite be granted

landing rights prior to commencing service. Accordingly, there is nothing that would prevent a

U.S.-licensed satellite from providing video services to customers in any of these jurisdictions.

               Because U.S.-licensed operators have effective competitive opportunities to

provide DTH transmission capacity in Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania,

Morocco, and Sierra Leone, the ECO-Sat test is satisfied for these additional route markets for

DTH service by SES-14. Accordingly, SES respectfully requests that the Commission add

Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, and Sierra Leone to the route

markets authorized for SES-14 to provide DTH services in the conventional Ku-band frequencies.



              For the foregoing reasons, SES respectfully requests that the Commission

authorize U.S.-licensed earth stations to communicate with the SES-14 GOLD payload and

permit use of SES-14 conventional Ku-band capacity for DTH service between the U.S. and

Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, and Sierra Leone.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           SES DTH BRASIL SATELLITES B.V.

                                           By: /s/ Petra A. Vorwig

Of Counsel                                    Petra A. Vorwig
Karis A. Hastings                             Senior Legal & Regulatory Counsel
SatCom Law LLC                                for SES DTH Brasil Satellites B.V.
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                1129 20th Street N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004                        Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: (202) 599-0975

Dated: June 6, 2017



             FOR SES-14 AT 47.5° W.L.


1.0   Overall Description (§25.114(d)(1))

This technical appendix is submitted in support of the modification application of SES DTH do

Brasil Ltda. (“SES”) seeking U.S. market access for the GOLD (“Global-Scale Observations of

the Limb and Disk”) payload of the SES-14 spacecraft to be located at 47.5° W.L. SES

incorporates by reference the technical information it has already provided regarding SES-14 in

File No. SAT-PPL-20160918-00093 (the “SES-14 Petition”), and provides here technical

information describing the GOLD payload.

The GOLD payload includes a 2-channel ultraviolet scanning spectrometer, which will collect

data regarding the Sun’s impact on the Earth’s thermosphere and ionosphere, and a Ku-band

downlink beam in the frequency range 11670-11680 MHz, which is used to deliver the data

collected by the spectrometer. The GOLD payload does not include an uplink beam.

2.0   Schedule S (§25.114(c))

The online Schedule S being filed with this modification provides data regarding the GOLD

payload to supplement the Schedule S information that was submitted with the SES-14 Petition.

As noted above, the GOLD payload does not include an uplink beam. Because the online

Schedule S requires submission of receive beam information, SES has input information

regarding the receive beam TCOL that duplicates the materials concerning that beam provided in

the Schedule S filed with the SES-14 Petition.

The online Schedule S rounds the orbital slot to 48.0° W.L., but the authorized orbital position

for SES-14 is 47.5° W.L.

3.0   PFD limits (§25.208)

Table 1 demonstrates that the PFD values for SES-14’s Ku-band GOLD payload will comply

with §25.208(b).


     Table 1: Maximum PFD values and margins relative to permissible limits of §25.208(b) for
                                      GOLD payload
Elevation angle, deg                           5.0        10.0       15.0       20.0          25.0     90.00
Max. EIRP, dBW                                42.0        42.0       42.0       42.0          42.0      42.0
Output backoff, dB                             0.0         0.0        0.0        0.0           0.0      0.0
Gain roll-off at elevation angle, dBi        -14.0       -10.0       -7.0       -4.0          -1.0      0.0
EIRP at elevation angle, dBW                  28.0        32.0       35.0       38.0          41.0      42.0
Carrier bandwidth, MHz                         8.4         8.4        8.4        8.4           8.4      8.4
EIRP density at elevation angle dBW/4kHz      -5.2        -1.2        1.8        4.8           7.8      8.8
Minimum spreading loss, dB/m2               -163.3      -163.2      -163.1     -162.9        -162.8   -162.7
25.208(b)(1) pfd limit, dBW/m2/4kHz         -150.0      -147.5      -145.0     -142.5        -140.0   -140.0

pfd, dBW/m2/4kHz                            -168.5      -164.4      -161.3     -158.2        -155.1   -153.9
Margin, dB, relative to 25.208(b)(1)         18.5        16.9        16.3       15.7          15.1     13.9

  4.0    Satellite Antenna Gain Contours (§25.114(c)(4)(vi)(A))

  The Schedule S and accompanying gxt file provide the typical antenna gain contours for the

  SES-14 GOLD beam at 47.5° W.L.

  5.0    Maximum Theoretical Operation Levels

  The SES-14 GOLD payload will be operated consistently with coordination agreements with

  adjacent satellites. In any case, in the 11.45-11.7 GHz band, the downlink EIRP density of the

  SES-14 GOLD payload digital carriers will not exceed -18 dBW/Hz.

  6.0    Two Degree Spacing Certification (§25.114(d)(7) and 25.140(a))

  SES certifies that SES-14 GOLD payload downlink EIRP density will not exceed 14 dBW/4kHz

  in the Ku-band unless higher levels are coordinated with the operators of authorized co-

  frequency space stations at assigned locations within six degrees of 47.5° W.L. There will be no

  uplink transmissions.



       I, Philippe Secher, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the technically

qualified person responsible for preparation of the technical information contained in the

foregoing exhibit; that I am familiar with the technical requirements of Part 25; and that I either

prepared or reviewed the technical information contained in the exhibit and that it is complete

and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                              _/s/__Philippe Secher__________________
                                              Philippe Secher
                                              Senior Manager, Spectrum Management &
                                              SES Americom, Inc.

Dated: June 6, 2017


Document Created: 2017-06-06 11:14:38
Document Modified: 2017-06-06 11:14:38

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