CSSMA Reply 022219.p

REPLY submitted by CSSMA

Joint Reply to Consolidated Opposition


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Before the
                             Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                               )
Application of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC )            File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083
For Modification of Authorization for the      )
SpaceX NGSO Satellite System                   )

To: The International Bureau

                                         JOINT REPLY

       The Commercial Smallsat Spectrum Management Association (“CSSMA”) and several

of its members1 (collectively, the “Petitioners”) jointly submit this Joint Reply to the

Consolidated Opposition to Petitions and Response to Comments (the “Opposition”) of Space

Exploration Holdings, LLC (“SpaceX”).2 Nothing in the Opposition rebuts the Petitioners’

position that responsible space stewardship and the FCC’s rules require that SpaceX conduct a

collision risk analysis to assess the impact of its proposal to relocate more than 1,500 satellites to

the 550 km orbital altitude.3 SpaceX’s proposal radically changes the makeup of the 400-600 km

orbital region, which to date has been primarily used by small satellite constellations of varying

  A number of the CSSMA members separately filed Petitions to Defer the SpaceX
application. See Planet Labs, Inc., Petition to Defer, File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (filed
Jan. 29, 2019); Spire Global, Inc., Petition to Defer, File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (filed
Jan. 29, 2019); Kepler Communications Inc., Comments and Conditional Petition to Deny, File
No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (filed Jan. 29, 2019); and Astro Digital U.S., Inc., Petition to
Defer, File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (filed Jan. 29, 2019); see also CSSMA, Comments
and Petition to Defer, File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (filed Jan. 29, 2019) (“CSSMA
Comments”). Kepler Communications Inc. has separately filed a reply.
 See Consolidated Opposition to Petitions and Response to Comments of Space Exploration
Holdings, LLC, File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (filed Feb. 11, 2019) (“SpaceX
  See Application of Space Exploration Holdings for Modification of Authorization for the
SpaceX NGSO Satellite System, File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (filed Nov. 8, 2018)
(“SpaceX Modification”).

mass and propulsive capabilities (“smallsats”). Accordingly, granting the SpaceX Modification

prior to due consideration of the significant policy issues regarding the sharing of valuable low-

Earth orbit resources or without establishing appropriate license conditions could inadvertently

erect regulatory barriers that effectively preclude smallsat systems from using the 400-600 km

orbital region and make SpaceX the de facto gatekeeper for satellite deployment in this region.4

         For these reasons, the Petitioners request that the International Bureau (“Bureau”) defer

action on the application until SpaceX submits a collision risk analysis and until the conclusion

of relevant rulemaking proceedings regarding the sharing of valuable low-Earth orbit resources.

Alternatively, assuming SpaceX provides the collision risk analysis and that analysis

demonstrates that SpaceX’s commitment to assume the burden of conducting collision avoidance

maneuvers is operationally practical and credible, Petitioners would have no objection to the

grant of the SpaceX Modification subject to the adoption of appropriate license conditions.


         In comments and petitions to defer, the Petitioners raised concerns that SpaceX did not

fully analyze the impact of its proposal to relocate 1,584 satellites from their currently authorized

altitude of 1,150 km to an altitude of 550 km.5 SpaceX failed to provide, as required by the

FCC’s rules,6 a detailed collision risk analysis with the other satellites in the 400-600 km orbital

range, even though the company was proposing to operate in “identical” or “very similar” low-

Earth orbits as other non-geostationary orbit satellite (“NGSO”) systems.7 Indeed, SpaceX’s

    See, e.g., CSSMA Comments at 4, n.14.
    See supra note 1.
 See 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(14)(iii); see also Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and
Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 ¶ 50 (2004).
  Although SpaceX asserts that its satellites at 53° inclination are not at “identical” or “very
similar” to most smallsat constellations, many of the CSSMA members have authority to deploy

application did not acknowledge the numerous NGSO constellations operating in the 400-600

km orbital altitude range or evince awareness that the orbital range is used extensively by

government, commercial, domestic, and international operators.8

       In light of this omission and also because of significant policy issues regarding the

sharing of the valuable orbital resources9 and the potential resolution of these issues in pending

rulemaking proceedings, the Petitioners asked that the FCC defer consideration of the SpaceX

at various inclinations, including 53°. For example, Planet has wide authority to deploy at any
inclination 30° and above (except for 51.6°). See Stamp Grant Planet Labs, Inc., IBFS File No.
SAT-MOD-20170713-00103 (granted Aug. 25, 2017); see also Application, Narrative, SAT-
MOD-20150802-00053, at 3 (filed August 2, 2015) (identifying orbital parameters of
constellation); Application, Narrative, SAT-MOD-20170713-00103, at 3 (filed July 13, 2017)
(“The minimum inclination for any Flock Satellite will be 30 degrees.”); Stamp Grant, Spire
Global, Inc., IBFS File No. SAT-AMD-20180102-00001 (granted in part and deferred in part
Nov. 28, 2018) (granting Spire authority to (i) construct, deploy, and operate satellites initially
deployed to altitudes from 385 to 650 km with inclinations ranging from equatorial to polar sun-
synchronous (98 degrees) and (ii) deploy satellites directly above the International Space Station
at 51.6 degrees).
  SpaceX states that in light of its general obligation to coordinate with all NGSO systems it did
not identify other systems specifically. See SpaceX Opposition at 2. Nevertheless, the text of
the SpaceX application suggests that its focus was on avoiding other NGSO FSS systems
participating in the relevant processing rounds. See SpaceX Modification, Attachment A
Technical Information to Supplement Schedule S, at 43-44; Narrative at 9 (“SpaceX proposes to
separate itself from most other NGSO constellations ....”).
 Although such policies are best debated in relevant rulemaking proceedings, the Petitioners
note that SpaceX’s conclusion that propulsive satellites systems have “better technologies” and
create a more responsible space environment is unsupported and simplistic. See SpaceX
Opposition at 7. For example, as a technical matter, small satellites (even in large constellations)
can pose a considerably smaller collision threat due to their smaller mass and cross sectional area
and minimal stored energy (e.g., there is no unused fuel/propellant or pressurized systems).
More generally, the Commission should support a commercial space policy that facilitates
opportunities for space actors having varying business plans and technologies and not attempt to
pick winners and losers. See, e.g., Inquiry Concerning the Deployment of Advanced
Telecommunications Capability to All Americans in A Reasonable & Timely Fashion, & Possible
Steps to Accelerate Such Deployment Pursuant to Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of
1996, Report, 14 FCC Rcd 2398 ¶ 5 (1999) (“Our role is not to pick winners and losers, or to
select the best technology to meet consumer demand.”); Creation of Low Power Radio Service,
Report and Order, 15 FCC Rcd 2205 (2000) (Statement of Chairman William Kennard) (“[I]t is
not the business of the FCC to pick winners and losers.”).


Modification.10 Petitioners also cautioned that premature action on the SpaceX Modification

could inadvertently make SpaceX the de facto gatekeeper for satellite deployment in the 400-600

km region by creating regulatory barriers that act to effectively preclude smallsat systems from

using it.11

         In the Opposition, SpaceX commits to sharing the 400-600 km orbital region with

smallsat systems by making “clear that it intends to conduct active maneuvers to avoid collisions

with both debris and other spacecraft throughout the life of [SpaceX’s] satellites,”12 including

during orbit raising and end-of-life de-orbiting. As a result of this commitment, SpaceX asserts

that it has fully addressed Petitioners’ concerns that SpaceX’s system, as modified, would have

any impact on Petitioners’ respective operations.13 Although the Petitioners commend SpaceX

for its willingness to accommodate commercial development of space by smallsat operators, the

commitment alone is not sufficient to justify grant of the SpaceX Modification.

  SpaceX is wrong in asserting that the Commission does not defer applications based on
concerns of general applicability that will be addressed in ongoing rulemaking proceedings. See
SpaceX Opposition at 4. Rather, longstanding Commission precedent provides that, as a general
matter, a rulemaking is a better, fairer, and more effective method of implementing a new
industry-wide policy than is the ad hoc and potentially uneven application of conditions in an
isolated proceeding affecting a single party. See, e.g., Stockholders of Renaissance
Communications Corp. and Tribune Co., 12 FCC Rcd 11866, 11887-88 ¶ 50 (1997) (citing
Community Television of Southern California v. Gottfried, 459 U.S. 498, 511 (1983)).
  For this reason, among others, the Petitioners have a direct interest in participating in this
application proceeding and cannot simply wait until policy matters are resolved in rulemaking
proceedings, as SpaceX suggests. See SpaceX Opposition at 5. Further, as Petitioners have
explained, they have experienced specific efforts by operators in other application proceedings to
preclude the deployment of smallsat systems on physical coordination grounds. See CSSMA
Comments at 4, n.14 (referencing IBFS File Nos. SAT-MOD-20150802-00053 and SAT-STA-
     See SpaceX Opposition at 8.
     See SpaceX Opposition at 9.


         SpaceX is proposing to operate roughly the equivalent of 129,000 3U cubesats in terms

of cross-sectional area14 in a region that historically has been the primary operating home of

hundreds of smallsats, many of which operate without propulsion.15 Such an extraordinary

change to the orbital environment warrants the submission of collision risk analysis to determine

whether SpaceX’s commitment is operationally practical and credible.16

         The orbital environment in the 400-600 km orbital region is substantially different from

the 1,150 km orbital region. Petitioners estimate that currently there are only several dozen

satellites operating in the 1,150 km orbital region,17 and in the future the only other operators in

this region are likely to be other kilo-constellation operators. Accordingly, while imposing

conditions requiring kilo-constellation operators to comply with future rulemaking conditions

and to coordinate primarily with other kilo-constellation operators may have been an appropriate

licensing solution for deployment in the 1,150 km orbital region, it is not a solution by itself for

  Each of SpaceX’s proposed 1,584 satellites has an average cross-sectional vehicle area of
15.45 m2, compared with an estimated cross-sectional vehicle area of 0.19 m2 for a typical 3U
cubesat with solar arrays. See Application of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC for Authority to
Launch and Operate an NGSO Satellite System, File Nos. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118,
Attachment A at 54 (Nov. 15, 2016); compare, e.g., Planet Labs, Inc. File No. SAT-MOD-
20170713-00103, Attachment ODAR at 19. Comparing the SpaceX system using other orbital
parameters, such as maximum vehicle area, minimum vehicle area or average total area, does not
materially change the magnitude of the differences between the SpaceX system and typical 3U
cubesat systems.
     See, e.g., CSSMA Comments at 3.
   For example, what would be the expected number of conjunction warning alerts or expected
collision avoidance maneuvers per satellite per year? What operational impact would such
expected parameters have on the SpaceX system? See CSSMA Comments, Technical Appendix
at 4-5.
 See, e.g., UCS Satellite Database available at https://www.ucsusa.org/nuclear-weapons/space-


the more heavily used and spatially dense 400-600 km orbital region.18 SpaceX must also submit

a collision risk analysis to show the impact to the orbital region.

         To the extent that the collision risk analysis shows that SpaceX’s commitment to take

active measures to avoid smallsats operating in the 400-600 km orbital region, including those

without propulsion, is operationally practical and credible, the Petitioners would withdraw their

objections to the SpaceX modification application subject to the adoption of an appropriate

condition requiring SpaceX to abide by its commitments.19 Specifically, Petitioners propose the

following condition based on SpaceX’s commitment:

         “Pending the adoption of rules in applicable orbital debris rulemaking
         proceedings, including IB Docket No. 18-313, SpaceX shall conduct, throughout
         the life of each of its satellites (including during orbit raising and de-orbiting),
         active maneuvers to avoid collisions with non-kilo-constellation space stations
         operating in the 400-600 km orbital region, unless such space stations are
         specifically excluded by the FCC from this obligation. With respect to other kilo-
         constellation space stations, SpaceX shall be required to coordinate its physical
         operations with such space stations at similar orbital altitudes.”

Adoption of an appropriate condition would eliminate the need to defer consideration of the

application pending conclusion of relevant orbital debris mitigation rulemaking proceedings.

         Petitioners support innovation and growth of the satellite industry for all space actors and

believes that grant of the modification application, as conditioned, would allow SpaceX, a

recognized innovator and leader in the industry, to move forward (if otherwise permitted by the

Bureau) with its proposed deployment while preserving the ability of current and prospective

  See SpaceX Opposition at 7-9. Despite SpaceX’s arguments to the contrary, the Petitioners
are not seeking to “reserve” the 400-600 km orbital region for smallsat systems. See SpaceX
Opposition at 5-6. Rather, the Petitioners support a public debate regarding the appropriate
shared use of this orbital resource in appropriate rulemaking proceedings and wish to ensure that
this application proceeding does not inadvertently preempt that discussion.
     See SpaceX Opposition at 8-9.


smallsat operators to continue to use and share valuable orbital resources.20 For all of the above

reasons and those stated by Petitioners in prior filings in this proceeding, the Petitioners request

that the Bureau take action consistent with Petitioners’ pleadings.

   Neither the CSSMA nor the signing members of this Joint Reply take a position on whether
the Bureau should grant the SpaceX Modification and/or consider the application within the
relevant satellite processing round. See, e.g., CSSMA Comments at 2, n.6.


                           Respectfully submitted,


                           By: /s/ Craig Scheffler

                           Craig Scheffler
                           President, Commercial Smallsat
                           Spectrum Management Association

Spire Global, Inc.         Planet Labs Inc.

By: /s/ George John        By: /s/ Rich Leshner
575 Florida Street         645 Harrison Street
Suite 150                  Floor 4
San Francisco, CA 94110    San Francisco, CA 94107
(202) 747-2619             (202) 827-5152

Astro Digital U.S., Inc.

By: /s/ Jan King
3171 Jay Street
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(650) 919-4032

Dated: February 22, 2019

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Craig Scheffler, hereby certify that on February 22, 2019, a true and correct copy of the
Joint Reply was sent via U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the following:

William M. Wiltshire                             Tim Hughes
Paul Caritj                                      Senior Vice President, Global Business and
Harris, Wiltshire, & Grannis LLP                 Government Affairs
1919 M Street NW                                 Patricia Cooper
Suite 800                                        Vice President of Satellite Government
Washington, DC 20036                             Space Exploration Technologies Corp.
                                                 1155 F Street NW
Counsel for Space Exploration Technologies       Suite 475
Corp.                                            Washington, DC 20004

Karis A. Hastings                                Petra A. Vorwig
SatCom Law LLC                                   Senior Legal and Regulatory Counsel
1317 F Street, NW                                SES Americom, Inc.
Suite 400                                        1129 20th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004                             Suite 1000
                                                 Washington, DC 20036
Counsel for SES Americom, Inc. and O3b
                                                 Suzanne Malloy
Nick G. Spina                                    Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Director, Launch & Regulatory Affairs            Noah Cherry
Kepler Communications Inc.                       Legal and Regulatory Counsel
675 King Street West                             O3b Limited
Suite 204                                        1129 20th Street, NW
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1M9                         Suite 1000
Canada                                           Washington, DC 20036

Brian Weimer                                     Mariah Dodson Shuman
Douglas Svor                                     Head of Regulatory Affairs, Americas
Samuel Swoyer                                    WorldVu Satellites Limited
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP            1785 Greensboro Station Place, Tower 3
2099 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 100              McLean, VA 22102
Washington, DC 20006
Counsel for WorldVu Satellites Limited

                                                 /s/ Craig Scheffler
                                                 Craig Scheffler

Document Created: 0600-04-26 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0600-04-26 00:00:00

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