SES Comments on Spac

COMMENT submitted by SES Americom, Inc. and O3b Limited

Comments of SES and O3b


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                       Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

    In the Matter of                            )
    Space Exploration Holdings, LLC             )    IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083
                                                )    Call Signs S2983 and S3018
    Application For Modification of             )
    Authorization for the SpaceX NGSO           )
    Satellite System


                  SES Americom, Inc. and its affiliate O3b Limited (collectively, “SES”), hereby

comment on the above-captioned application by Space Exploration Holdings, LLC (“SpaceX”)

to modify its license to operate a system of non-geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) satellites in Ku-

and Ka-band spectrum.1 SES has a strong interest in the Modification, as SES entities operate

both NGSO and geostationary orbit (“GSO”) networks that use these bands.

                  Prior to further considering the Modification, the Commission must require

SpaceX to demonstrate that the Modification will not increase the potential for harmful

interference to other NGSO systems, including the operating O3b NGSO constellation and its

authorized expansion. Absent such a showing, the SpaceX request for consideration of the

Modification without triggering a new processing round must be rejected.2 In addition, any grant

of the Modification must be conditioned to require SpaceX to comply with applicable

International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) requirements necessary to protect GSO FSS

networks in Ku- and Ka-band frequencies.

1See Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (the
“Modification); Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, 33 FCC Rcd 148 (2018) (the “SpaceX
2   Modification, Waiver Requests at 1-2.


                  Before it can determine whether the Modification is eligible for action outside a

processing round, as SpaceX requests, the Commission must require SpaceX to submit a

supplemental showing that the changes it proposes do not increase the potential for harmful

interference to existing and planned NGSO constellations that were timely filed in the recent

Ku/Ka-band processing round. SpaceX explicitly recognizes this requirement, citing

Commission rules and precedent that allow a modification to an authorized NGSO system to be

handled without initiating a new processing round only if no significant interference problems

are created by the requested changes. 3 As the Commission has emphasized, NGSO processing

rounds serve “to establish a sharing environment among NGSO systems, to provide a measure of

certainty in lieu of adopting an open-ended requirement to accommodate all future applicants.” 4

Permitting SpaceX to modify its license without a robust interference analysis would directly

conflict with these objectives, casting doubt on the Commission’s willingness to protect NGSO

systems authorized for Ku- and Ka-band operations

                  SpaceX asserts that the Modification will not raise interference issues for other

NGSO networks, but its showing on this point is patently inadequate. In the Modification,

SpaceX proposes a number of changes to its Ku-/Ka-band NGSO constellation, including

decreasing the number of orbital planes from 32 to 24, increasing the number of satellites per

plane from 50 to 66, decreasing the total number of satellites in the constellation from 4,425 to

3   Id. at 1-2 & nn.4-9.
4Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and
Related Matters, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 32 FCC Rcd
7809, 7830, ¶ 61 (2017).


4,409, and lowering the altitude of the initial portion of the constellation from 1,150 kilometers

to 550 kilometers. In the technical materials filed with the application, SpaceX claims that the

changes “will not increase interference to any other NGSO system operating in the bands used

by SpaceX satellites.”5 But SpaceX presents an analysis only with respect to a single

Intersputnik ITU filing6 – SpaceX does not address the in-orbit O3b Ka-band NGSO network,

the Commission-sanctioned expansion of O3b’s system, or any of the eleven other NGSO

constellations proposed in the Ku-/Ka-band processing round, many of which have also been


                  The parameters of the network described in the Intersputnik ITU filing, including

the network’s orbital configuration and space and earth station receive characteristics, are not

representative of any of the other filed constellations in the Ku-/Ka-band NGSO processing

round. Moreover, the data provided by SpaceX in Figures A.8.2-1 through A.8.2-4 do not

clearly show the effects this Modification would have on other NGSO systems. For example,

there appear to be discontinuities in the cumulative distribution function (“CDF”) curves

representing the authorized SpaceX constellation of 4,425 satellites that make it difficult to

understand and interpret the results in those graphs.7 In order to adequately demonstrate the

impact of the changes proposed in the Modification on other NGSO constellations, SpaceX must

provide CDF curves that clearly indicate whether the Modification increases or decreases the

likelihood of interference into victim NGSO systems.

5   Modification, Attachment A at 24.
6See id., Section A.8.2, at 24 (“SpaceX used the characteristics of the IK-NGSO-A10K-1
network filed with the ITU” to “assess the potential impact of the modification on an NGSO
system operating in the Ku-band”), 34 (same with respect to Ka-band).
7   See id. at 27-29.


                  The analysis also fails to reflect the planned phased deployment of the SpaceX

constellation. The only comparison SpaceX provides is between the originally authorized

network of 4,425 satellites and the revised constellation of 4,409 spacecraft. But SpaceX has

explained that it plans to deploy an initial “shell” of satellites capable of operating as a

standalone constellation and has argued that the Commission should require only those

spacecraft to be deployed within the six-year NGSO operating milestone, with no deadline to

launch and operate the remainder of the network. 8 Although the Commission declined to grant

SpaceX’s milestone waiver request, it left open the possibility that SpaceX could reapply at a

later date.9 Given SpaceX’s stated intention to rely on the first shell of satellites for a potentially

significant period of time and the substantial change in altitude for that shell proposed in the

Modification, SpaceX should be required to provide an analysis comparing the interference

effect of the Modification taking into account only the initial deployment – 1,584 satellites at

550 kilometers as opposed to 1,600 satellites at 1150 kilometers under the original SpaceX

proposal. This showing is necessary to allow NGSO operators to understand the impact of the

Modification during the potentially lengthy period when only the initial shell of the SpaceX

constellation will be in place.

                  In short, the limited SpaceX technical analysis does not support the broad claim

that no other NGSO system will experience increased interference as a result of the changes

sought in the Modification. Before the Commission can determine whether to consider the

Modification outside a processing round, it must require SpaceX to submit a supplemental

interference showing that demonstrates the Modification will not increase the potential for

8   See SpaceX Authorization at ¶ 31.
9   See id. at ¶ 32.


harmful interference to O3b’s existing and planned medium earth orbit constellation, as well as

the other Ku-/Ka-band NGSO processing round constellations. Absent such a showing, the

Commission must deny SpaceX’s request for a waiver of Section 25.157 and must consider the

Modification only as part of a new Ku-/Ka-band NGSO processing round.


                 The Commission must also require SpaceX to comply with equivalent power

flux-density (“EPFD”) limits set forth in Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations, which are

designed to ensure operations of GSO FSS systems in Ku- and Ka-band spectrum are protected.

In the Modification, SpaceX seeks a waiver of the requirement specified in both the

Commission’s rules and the SpaceX Authorization10 that before it initiates service, SpaceX must

receive a “favorable” or “qualified favorable” finding with respect to its compliance with these

EPFD limits.11 SpaceX argues that an ITU backlog makes it unlikely that a finding would be

issued prior to the time SpaceX would be ready to begin operations, and adhering to the

condition would therefore delay SpaceX’s ability to begin serving customers.12

                 SES takes no position on the SpaceX request provided that any waiver grant

addresses only the timing of the ITU finding and is conferred at SpaceX’s own risk. SpaceX’s

license must still be conditioned on the need to obtain the required ITU finding. Moreover, the

Commission must specify that if SpaceX commences service before the ITU issues a finding,

SpaceX would be obligated to cease operations in the event the ultimate finding by the ITU is


10   See 47 C.F.R. § 25.146(c); SpaceX Authorization at ¶ 9.
11   Modification, Waiver Requests at 3-4.
12   Id.



               For the foregoing reasons, unless SpaceX provides a supplemental demonstration

that its modified operations do not increase the potential for harmful interference to O3b and

other participants in the Ku/Ka-band NGSO processing round, the Commission must defer

consideration of the Modification to a subsequent round. The Commission must also require

SpaceX to comply with ITU EPFD requirements designed to protect GSO systems.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             SES AMERICOM, INC. AND O3B LIMITED

 /s/ Petra A. Vorwig                                /s/ Suzanne Malloy
 Senior Legal and Regulatory Counsel                Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
 SES Americom, Inc.                                 O3b Limited
 1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 1000                   1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 1000
 Washington, DC 20036                               Washington, DC 20036
 (202) 478-7143                                     (202) 813-4026

 Of Counsel                                         Noah Cherry
 Karis A. Hastings                                  Legal and Regulatory Counsel
 SatCom Law LLC                                     O3b Limited
 1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                     1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 1000
 Washington, D.C. 20004                             Washington, DC 20036

February 8, 2019


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

               I hereby certify that on this 29th day of January 2019, I caused to be served a true

copy of the foregoing “Comments of SES Americom, Inc. and O3b Limited” by first class mail,

postage prepaid, upon the following:

 William Wiltshire                                    Tim Hughes
 Paul Caritj                                          Senior Vice President, Global Business and
 Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP                      Government Affairs
 1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800                       Patricia Cooper
 Washington, DC 20036                                 Vice President of Satellite Government Affairs
 Counsel to Space Exploration Holdings, LLC           Space Exploration Technologies Corp.
                                                      1155 F Street, NW, Suite 475
                                                      Washington, DC 20004

                                             Noah Cherry

Document Created: 2019-02-08 14:13:45
Document Modified: 2019-02-08 14:13:45

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