Attachment Sched S Tech Report

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20181105-00082 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                           Approved by OMB 3060-0678
                                                                       Estimated Burden: up to 80 hours
                                                                                             April 2016

                     312 File Number: SATMOD2018110500082

Filing Description    Question             Response

                      Description          Galaxy 13 at 127 W.L. Renewal

Satellite     Question                                                       Response
              Select Orbit Type                                              GSO

              Space Station or Satellite Network Name                        Galaxy 13

              Estimated Lifetime of Satellite(s) From Date of Launch         20 Years

              Will the space station(s) operate on a Common Carrier basis?   No

Operating   Nature of service         Description   Frequency Band(s)        Mode Type
Bands (2)   Fixed-Satellite Service                 3700.0 MHz -4200.0 MHz   Transmit

            Fixed-Satellite Service                 5925.0 MHz -6425.0 MHz   Receive

Orbital           Section                          Question                         Response
Information For
Geostationary     Orbital Longitude Information    Orbital Longitude                127.0
Satellites                                                                          degrees

                                                   Hemisphere of Orbital            W

                  Longitudinal Tolerance or East   Toward West                      0.05
                  /West Station-Keeping                                             degrees

                                                   Toward East                      0.05

                  Inclination Excursion or North   Inclination Excursion or North   0.1
                  /South Station-Keeping           /South Station-Keeping           degrees
                  Tolerance                        Tolerance

                  Antenna Axis Attitude Accuracy   Roll                             0.1

                                                   Pitch                            0.1

                                                   Yaw                              0.1

Receiving   Question                                 Response
Beams 1:
            Beam ID                                  NAHU

            Receive Beam Frequency                   5925.0 MHz -6425.0 MHz

            Beam Type                                Fixed

            Polarization                             H

            Peak Gain                                dBi

            Antenna Pointing Error                   0.19 degrees

            Antenna Rotational Error                 0.34 degrees

            Polarization Switchable                  No

            Polarization Alignment Relative to the   0.0 degrees
            Equatorial Plane

            G/T at Max. Gain Point                   -10.0 dB/K

            Min. Saturation Flux Density             -101.0 dBW/m2

            Max. Saturation Flux Density             -71.0 dBW/m2

            Co- or Cross Polar Mode                  C

            Service Area Description                 the United States including Alaska
                                                     and Hawaii

Receiving   Question                                 Response
Beams 2:
            Beam ID                                  NAVU

            Receive Beam Frequency                   5925.0 MHz -6425.0 MHz

            Beam Type                                Fixed

            Polarization                             V

            Peak Gain                                dBi

            Antenna Pointing Error                   0.19 degrees

            Antenna Rotational Error                 0.34 degrees

            Polarization Switchable                       No

            Polarization Alignment Relative to the        90.0 degrees
            Equatorial Plane

            G/T at Max. Gain Point                        -10.0 dB/K

            Min. Saturation Flux Density                  -101.0 dBW/m2

            Max. Saturation Flux Density                  -71.0 dBW/m2

            Co- or Cross Polar Mode                       C

            Service Area Description                      The United States including Alaska
                                                          and Hawaii

Receiving   Question                                                   Response
Beams 3:
            Beam ID                                                    CMRU

            Receive Beam Frequency                                     5926.0 MHz -5927.5

            Beam Type                                                  Fixed

            Polarization                                               RHCP

            Peak Gain                                                  6.0 dBi

            Antenna Pointing Error                                     0.19 degrees

            Antenna Rotational Error                                   0.34 degrees

            Polarization Switchable                                    No

            Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial          45.0 degrees

            G/T at Max. Gain Point                                     13.0 dB/K

            Min. Saturation Flux Density                               -85.0 dBW/m2

            Max. Saturation Flux Density                               -70.0 dBW/m2

            Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                    C

            Service Area Description                                   Global

Receiving   Question                                            Response
Beams 4:
            Beam ID                                             CMHU

            Receive Beam Frequency                              6420.0 MHz -6421.5

            Beam Type                                           Fixed

            Polarization                                        H

            Peak Gain                                           6.0 dBi

            Antenna Pointing Error                              0.19 degrees

            Antenna Rotational Error                            0.34 degrees

            Polarization Switchable                             No

            Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial   45.0 degrees

            G/T at Max. Gain Point                              13.0 dB/K

            Min. Saturation Flux Density                        -105.0 dBW/m2

            Max. Saturation Flux Density                        -95.0 dBW/m2

            Co- or Cross Polar Mode                             C

            Service Area Description                            Global

Receiving                                   Center
Channels (26)   Channel   Channel           Frequency s   Feeder Link, Service
                ID        Bandwidth (MHz)   (MHz)         Link or TT&C

                CU20      36.0              6325.0        Service Link

                CU19      36.0              6305.0        Service Link

                CU18      36.0              6285.0        Service Link

                CMD2      1.5               6420.75       TT&C

                CMD1      1.5               5926.75       TT&C

                CU01      36.0              5945.0        Service Link

                CU02      36.0              5965.0        Service Link

                CU03      36.0              5985.0        Service Link

                CU05      36.0              6025.0        Service Link

                CU06      36.0              6045.0        Service Link

                CU07      36.0              6065.0        Service Link

                CU08      36.0              6085.0        Service Link

                CU09      36.0              6105.0        Service Link

                CU10      36.0              6125.0        Feeder Link

                CU11      36.0              6145.0        Service Link

                CU12      36.0              6165.0        Service Link

                CU13      36.0              6185.0        Service Link

                CU14      36.0              6205.0        Service Link

                CU15      36.0              6225.0        Service Link

                CU16      36.0              6245.0        Service Link

                CU17      36.0              6265.0        Service Link

                CU21      36.0              6345.0        Service Link

                CU24      36.0              6405.0        Service Link

                CU22      36.0              6365.0        Service Link

CU23   36.0   6385.0   Service Link

CU04   36.0   6005.0   Service Link

Transmitting   Question                                        Response
Beams 1:
               Beam ID                                         NAHD

               Transmit Beam Frequency                         3700.0 MHz -4200.0 MHz

               Beam Type                                       Fixed

               Polarization                                    H

               Peak Gain                                       dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                          0.19 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                        0.34 degrees

               Polarization Switchable                         No

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the          0.0 degrees
               Equatorial Plane

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                      -35.5 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                              40.0 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                         C

               Service Area Description                        The United States, Alaska and

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                   * 10° -   * 15° -      * 20° -   * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°   * 5° - 10°   15°       20°          25°       90°
                 *        (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):       /BW):        /BW):     /BW):        /BW):     /BW):

                 4.0      -162.8      -162.6       -162.5    -162.4       -162.3    -161.5

Transmitting   Question                                        Response
Beams 2:
               Beam ID                                         NAVD

               Transmit Beam Frequency                         3700.0 MHz -4200.0 MHz

               Beam Type                                       Fixed

               Polarization                                    V

               Peak Gain                                       dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                          0.19 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                        0.34 degrees

               Polarization Switchable                         No

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the          90.0 degrees
               Equatorial Plane

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                      -35.5 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                              40.0 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                         C

               Service Area Description                        The United States, Alaska and

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                   * 10° -   * 15° -       * 20° -    * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°   * 5° - 10°   15°       20°           25°        90°
                 *        (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2   (dbW/m2       (dbW/m2    (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):       /BW):        /BW):     /BW):         /BW):      /BW):

                 4.0      -162.8      -162.6       -162.5    -162.4        -162.3     -161.5

Transmitting   Question                                                Response
Beams 3:
               Beam ID                                                 T1VD

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                 4198.0 MHz -4199.0

               Beam Type                                               Fixed

               Polarization                                            V

               Peak Gain                                               dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                  0.19 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                  0.34 degrees

               Polarization Switchable                                   No

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial         0.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                                -49.95 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                                        10.05 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                   C

               Service Area Description                                  Global

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                   * 10° -     * 15° -        * 20° -    * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°   * 5° - 10°   15°         20°            25°        90°
                 *        (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2    (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):       /BW):        /BW):       /BW):          /BW):      /BW):

                 4.0      -162.8      -162.6       -162.5      -162.4         -162.3     -161.5

Transmitting   Question                                                  Response
Beams 4:
               Beam ID                                                   T1RD

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                   4198.0 MHz -4199.0

               Beam Type                                                 Fixed

               Polarization                                              RHCP

               Peak Gain                                                 dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                    0.19 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                  0.34 degrees

               Polarization Switchable                                   No

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial         45.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                                -49.95 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                                        10.05 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                   C

               Service Area Description                                  Global

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                   * 10° -     * 15° -        * 20° -    * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°   * 5° - 10°   15°         20°            25°        90°
                 *        (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2    (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):       /BW):        /BW):       /BW):          /BW):      /BW):

                 4.0      -162.8      -162.6       -162.5      -162.4         -162.3     -161.5

Transmitting   Question                                                  Response
Beams 5:
               Beam ID                                                   T2VD

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                   4199.0 MHz -4200.0

               Beam Type                                                 Fixed

               Polarization                                              V

               Peak Gain                                                 dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                    0.19 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                  0.34 degrees

               Polarization Switchable                                   No

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial         0.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                                -49.95 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                                        10.05 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                   C

               Service Area Description                                  Global

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                   * 10° -     * 15° -        * 20° -    * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°   * 5° - 10°   15°         20°            25°        90°
                 *        (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2    (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):       /BW):        /BW):       /BW):          /BW):      /BW):

                 4.0      -162.8      -162.6       -162.5      -162.4         -162.3     -161.5

Transmitting   Question                                                  Response
Beams 6:
               Beam ID                                                   T2RD

               Transmit Beam Frequency                                   4199.0 MHz -4200.0

               Beam Type                                                 Fixed

               Polarization                                              RHCP

               Peak Gain                                                 dBi

               Antenna Pointing Error                                    0.19 degrees

               Antenna Rotational Error                                  0.34 degrees

               Polarization Switchable                                   No

               Polarization Alignment Relative to the Equatorial         45.0 degrees

               Max. Transmit EIRP Density                                -49.95 dBW/Hz

               Max. Transmit EIRP                                        10.05 dBW

               Co- or Cross Polar Mode                                   C

               Service Area Description                                  Global

               Max. Power Flux Density

                                                   * 10° -     * 15° -        * 20° -    * 25° -
                          * 0° - 5°   * 5° - 10°   15°         20°            25°        90°
                 *        (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2      (dbW/m2     (dbW/m2        (dbW/m2    (dbW/m2
                 BW:      /BW):       /BW):        /BW):       /BW):          /BW):      /BW):

                 4.0      -162.8      -162.6       -162.5      -162.4         -162.3     -161.5

Transmitting                                Center
Channels (25)   Channel   Channel           Frequency s   Feeder Link, Service
                ID        Bandwidth (MHz)   (MHz)         Link or TT&C

                TLM2      1.0               4199.5        TT&C

                CD21      36.0              4120.0        Service Link

                CD22      36.0              4140.0        Service Link

                CD23      36.0              4160.0        Service Link

                CD24      36.0              4180.0        Service Link

                TLM1      1.0               4198.5        TT&C

                CD20      36.0              4100.0        Service Link

                CD19      36.0              4080.0        Service Link

                CD18      36.0              4060.0        Service Link

                CD17      36.0              4040.0        Service Link

                CD16      36.0              4020.0        Service Link

                CD15      36.0              4000.0        Service Link

                CD14      36.0              3980.0        Service Link

                CD13      36.0              3960.0        Service Link

                CD12      36.0              3940.0        Service Link

                CD11      36.0              3920.0        Service Link

                CD10      36.0              3900.0        Service Link

                CD09      36.0              3880.0        Service Link

                CD08      36.0              3860.0        Service Link

                CD06      36.0              3820.0        Service Link

                CD05      36.0              3800.0        Service Link

                CD04      36.0              3780.0        Service Link

                CD03      36.0              3760.0        Service Link

                CD02      36.0              3740.0        Service Link

CD01   36.0   3720.0   Service Link

Certification   Question                                        Response
                Are the applicable service area                 N/A
                coverage requirements of 25.143(b)(2)
                (ii) and (iii), or 25.144(a)(3)(i), or 25.145
                (c)(1) and (2), or 25.146(i)(1) and (2),
                or 25.148(c), or 25.225 met?

                Are the applicable frequency                    Yes
                tolerances of 25.202(e) and out-of-
                band emission limits of 25.202(f)(1),(2),
                and (3) met?

                Are the cessation of emissions                  Yes
                requirements of 25.207 met?

                Are the applicable power-flux-density           Yes
                limits of 25.208 met, and is the
                appropriate technical showing provided
                within the application?

                For NGSO applications, are the                  N/A
                applicable equivalent-power-flux-
                density limits of 25.208 met, and is the
                appropriate technical showing provided
                within the application?

                Are the applicable full-frequency-reuse         Yes
                requirements of 25.210 met?

                If the application is for a 17/24 GHz
                BSS space station, will it be operated
                at an offset location with full power and
                interference protection in accordance
                with 25.262(b)?

Attachments                                         Attachment
              File Name   Beam   Field              Type            Description

              g13_127w.          GSO Antenna Gain   GIMS file (*.   GXT Files for
              mdb                Contour Data       mdb)            G13 at 127WL

Document Created: 2018-11-06 09:17:01
Document Modified: 2018-11-06 09:17:01

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