Attachment Engineering Statemt

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20180305-00019 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


    Engineering Statement
1      Introduction
Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) seeks authority in this application to operate the satellite
designated as Intelsat 9 (Call Sign S2380), at 66.15° E.L. The characteristics of the Intelsat 9
spacecraft, as well as its compliance with the various provisions of Part 25 of the Federal
Communications Commission’s (“FCC” or “Commission”) rules, are provided in this
Engineering Statement, which also updates the beam gain contours. In all other respects, the
characteristics of Intelsat 9 are the same as those described in SAT-MOD-20161110-00105.

2      Spacecraft Overview
Intelsat 9 is a Boeing model 601HP spacecraft capable of operating in the C-band and Ku-band
frequencies listed below and will provide service to Asia, Europe, and North Africa.

                                     Direction                    Frequency
                                                              5925 – 6425 MHz
                                                            14000 – 14500 MHz
                                                              3700 – 4200 MHz
                                     Downlink               11450 – 11700 MHz
                                                            11700 – 12200 MHz1

2.1 Spacecraft Characteristics
Intelsat 9 is a Boeing model BS601HP three-axis stabilized type spacecraft that has a rectangular
outer body structure. Intelsat 9 utilizes two deployable solar array wings and a number of
deployable and non-deployable antennas.

The Intelsat 9 spacecraft is composed of the following subsystems:

             Thermal;
             Power;
             Attitude Control;
             Propulsion;
             Telemetry, Command and Ranging;
             Uplink Power Control; and
             Communications.

    Operations in 11700-12200 MHz at 66.15° E.L. will be in Regions 1 and 3 only.

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These subsystems maintain the correct position and attitude of the spacecraft; ensure that all
internal units are maintained within the required temperature range; and ensure that the
spacecraft can be commanded and controlled with a high level of reliability from launch to the
end of its useful life. The spacecraft design incorporates redundancy in all of the various
subsystems in order to avoid single-point failures.

The structural design of Intelsat 9 provides mechanical support for all subsystems. The structure
supports the communication antennas, solar arrays, and thrusters. It also provides a stable
platform for preserving the alignment of critical elements of the spacecraft.

2.2 Communication Subsystem
Intelsat 9 provides active communication channels at C-band frequencies, each having a
bandwidth of 36 MHz, and Ku-band frequencies each having a bandwidth of 36 MHz. The
Intelsat 9 frequencies, polarization, and channel plan are provided in the Schedule S. An
explanation of how uplink frequency bands are connected to downlink frequency bands is
provided in Exhibit 5.

The coverage contours and performance characteristics of all Intelsat 9 beams except for the
global beams are provided in the Schedule S. The global beams have gain contours that vary by
less than 8 dB across the surface of the Earth and, accordingly, the gain at 8 dB below the peak
falls beyond the edge of the Earth. Therefore, pursuant to Section 25.114(c)(4)(vi)(A) of the
FCC’s rules, contours for these beams are not required to be provided and the associated GXT
files have not been included in Schedule S. Intelsat has included the Schedule S beam
designation for all beams in Exhibit 1. Exhibits 2 and 3 provide the beam parameters for the
Intelsat 9 uplink and downlink beams, respectively.

2.3 Telemetry, Command and Ranging Subsystem
The telemetry, command and ranging (“TC&R”) subsystem provides the following functions:

      Acquisition, processing and transmission of spacecraft telemetry data;

      Reception and retransmission of ground station generated ranging signals; and

      Reception, processing and distribution of telecommands.

The Intelsat 9 command and telemetry channel frequencies are shown in Exhibit 4. The
coverage patterns of the command and telemetry beams have gain contours that vary by less than
8 dB across the surface of the Earth, and accordingly the gain at 8 dB below the peak falls
beyond the edge of the Earth. Therefore, pursuant to Section 25.114(c)(4)(vi)(A) of the FCC’s
rules, contours for these beams are not required to be provided and the associated GXT files have
not been included in Schedule S. The Intelsat 9 command and telemetry subsystem performance
is summarized in Exhibit 4.

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2.4 Uplink Power Control Subsystem
Intelsat 9 utilizes two Ku-band channels for uplink power control (“ULPC”), antenna tracking,
and ranging. The coverage patterns of the ULPC beams have gain contours that vary by less
than 8 dB across the surface of the Earth, and accordingly the gain at 8 dB below the peak falls
beyond the edge of the Earth. Therefore, pursuant to Section 25.114(c)(4)(vi)(A) of the FCC’s
rules, contours for these beams are not required to be provided and the associated GXT files have
not been included in Schedule S. The Intelsat 9 ULPC frequencies and subsystem performance
are summarized in Exhibit 4.

2.5 Satellite Station-Keeping
The spacecraft will be maintained within 0.05° of its nominal longitudinal position in the east-
west direction. Accordingly, it will comply with Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules.

The attitude of the spacecraft will be maintained with accuracy consistent with the achievement
of the specified communications performance, after taking into account all error sources (i.e.,
attitude perturbations, thermal distortions, misalignments, orbital tolerances, and thruster
perturbations, etc.).

3   Services
Intelsat 9 is a general purpose communications satellite and has been designed to support various
services offered within the Intelsat satellite system. Depending upon the needs of the users, the
transponders on Intelsat 9 can accommodate television, radio, voice, and data communications.
Typical communication services include:

       Compressed digital video;

       High speed digital data; and

       Digital single channel per carrier (“SCPC”) data channels.

4   Power Flux Density
The power flux density (“PFD”) limits for space stations operating in the 3700 – 4200 MHz and
11450 –11700 MHz bands are specified in Section 25.208 of the Commission’s rules. There are
no PFD limits specified for the 11700 – 12200 MHz band in either Section 25.208 of the
Commission’s rules or No. 21.16 of the International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) Radio
Regulations. The maximum PFD levels for the Intelsat 9 transmissions were calculated for the
3700 – 4200 MHz and 11450 – 11700 MHz bands. The results are provided in Schedule S and
show that the downlink power flux density levels of the Intelsat 9 carriers do not exceed the
limits specified in Section 25.208 of the Commission’s rules or the limits specified in No. 21.16
of the ITU Radio Regulations.

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5   Emission Compliance
Section 25.202(e) of the Commission’s rules requires that the carrier frequency of each space
station transmitter be maintained within 0.002% of the reference frequency. Intelsat 9 is
designed to be compliant with the provisions of this rule.

Intelsat will comply with the provisions of Section 25.202(f) of the Commission’s rules with
regard to Intelsat 9’s emissions.

6   Orbital Location
Intelsat requests that it be assigned the 66.15° E.L. orbital location for Intelsat 9. The 66.15°
E.L. location satisfies Intelsat 9 requirements for optimizing coverage, elevation angles, and
service availability. Additionally, the location also ensures that the maximum operational,
economic, and public interest benefits will be derived.

7   ITU Filings
Intelsat 9’s operations in the 3700 – 4200 MHz, 5925 – 6425 MHz, 11450 – 11700 MHz, and
14000 – 14500 MHz frequency bands have been notified under the Administration of the United
States’ International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) filings INTELSAT7 66E and

Intelsat 9’s operation in the 11700 – 12200 MHz frequency band has been notified under the
Administration of the United Kingdom’s ITU filing Intelsat KUEXT 66E.

Intelsat respectfully requests that the United States Administration state its non-objection to the
United Kingdom’s use of Intelsat 9 for purposes of bringing back into use and maintaining the
United Kingdom’s Intelsat KUEXT 66E filing.

8   Coordination Statement and Certifications
The downlink EIRP density of Intelsat 9 transmissions in the conventional C-band will not
exceed 3 dBW/4kHz for digital transmissions or 8 dBW/4kHz for analog transmissions, and
associated uplink transmissions will not exceed applicable EIRP density envelopes in Sections
25.218 or 25.221(a)(1) unless the non-routine uplink and/or downlink operation is coordinated
with operators of authorized co-frequency space stations at assigned locations within six degrees
of Intelsat 9 at 66.15° E.L.

The downlink EIRP density of Intelsat 9 transmissions in the conventional or extended Ku-bands
will not exceed 14 dBW/4kHz for digital transmissions or 17 dBW/4kHz for analog
transmissions, and associated uplink transmissions will not exceed applicable EIRP density
envelopes in Sections 25.218, 25.222(a)(1), 25.226(a)(1), or 25.227(a)(1) unless the non-routine
uplink and/or downlink operation is coordinated with operators of authorized co-frequency space
stations at assigned locations within six degrees of Intelsat 9 at 66.15° E.L.

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9   Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan
Intelsat is proactive in ensuring safe operation and disposal of this and all spacecraft under its
control. The four elements of debris mitigation are addressed below.

9.1 Spacecraft Hardware Design
The spacecraft is designed such that no debris will be released during normal operations. Intelsat
has assessed the probability of collision with meteoroids and other small debris (<1 cm diameter)
and has taken the following steps to limit the effects of such collisions: (1) critical spacecraft
components are located inside the protective body of the spacecraft and properly shielded; and
(2) all spacecraft subsystems have redundant components to ensure no single-point failures. The
spacecraft does not use any subsystems for end-of-life disposal that are not used for normal

9.2 Minimizing Accidental Explosions
Intelsat has assessed the probability of accidental explosions during and after completion of
mission operations. The spacecraft is designed in a manner to minimize the potential for such
explosions. Propellant tanks and thrusters are isolated using redundant valves and electrical
power systems are shielded in accordance with standard industry practices. At the completion of
the mission and upon disposal of the spacecraft, Intelsat will ensure active units are turned off.
Due to the design of Intelsat 9, Intelsat will not be able to vent all pressurized systems. Upon
disposal Intelsat will vent the fuel and Oxidizer tanks; the Xenon propellant on Intelsat 9 has
already been completely vented. However, because of the spacecraft design, Intelsat will not be
able to vent two helium tanks on Intelsat 9. Intelsat notes that the Satellite Industry
Association’s pending request for blanket waiver of Section 25.283(c) includes the Intelsat 9
satellite. See Satellite Industry Association, Request for Blanket Waiver of Section 25.283(c) of
the Commission’s Rules, IB Docket No. 02-54 (Oct. 1, 2010).

9.3 Safe Flight Profiles
Intelsat has assessed and limited the probability of the space station becoming a source of debris
as a result of collisions with large debris or other operational space stations. Subject to receipt of
FCC approval, Intelsat 9 will be drifted to 66.15 E.L

Intelsat is not aware of any other FCC-licensed system, or any other system applied for and
under consideration by the FCC, that will have an overlapping station-keeping volume with
Intelsat 9 at 66.15° E.L. Intelsat is also not aware of any system with an overlapping station-
keeping volume with Intelsat 9 that is the subject of an ITU filing and that is either in orbit or
progressing towards launch.

9.4 Post Mission Disposal
At the end of the mission, Intelsat intends to dispose of the spacecraft by moving it to an altitude
of at least 150 kilometers above the geostationary arc. Intelsat has reserved 36.1 kilograms of
fuel for this purpose. In its Second Report and Order in IB Docket 02-54, Mitigation of Orbital
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Debris,2 the FCC declared that satellites launched prior to March 18, 2002, such as the Intelsat 9
satellite, would be designated as grandfathered satellites not subject to a specific disposal
altitude. Therefore, the planned disposal orbit for Intelsat 9, as revised, complies with the FCC’s

The reserved fuel figure was determined by the spacecraft manufacturer and provided for in the
propellant budget. This figure was calculated taking into account the expected mass of the
satellite at the end of life and the required delta-velocity to achieve the desired orbit. The fuel
gauging uncertainty has been taken into account in these calculations.

10 TC&R Control Earth Stations
Intelsat will conduct TC&R operations through one or more of the following earth stations:
Fuchsstadt, Germany; Hartebeeshoek, South Africa; or Fucino, Italy. Additionally, Intelsat is
capable of remotely controlling Intelsat 9 from its facilities in McLean, VA or in Long Beach,

       Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 (2004).
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Certification Statement

I hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person and am familiar with Part 25 of the
Commission’s rules. The contents of this engineering statement were prepared by me or under
my direct supervision and to the best of my knowledge are complete and accurate.

     /s/ Alexander Gerdenitsch                              March 5, 2018
       Alexander Gerdenitsch                                    Date
     Manager, Spectrum Policy,

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                                 EXHIBIT 1
                                                 Schedule S Beam Names
                              Linear Polarization                   Circular Polarization
  Designation       Uplink     Uplink Downlink Downlink Uplink              Uplink Downlink Downlink
                   (H-Pol.)   (V-Pol.) (H-Pol.) (V-Pol.) (LHCP)            (RHCP) (LHCP) (RHCP)
                                           C-Band Beams
 Central Africa     AMHU      AMVU     AMHD      AMVD      ----              ----        ----     ----
                                          Ku-Band Beams
 Africa & China      ----      AEVU     AEHD       ----    ----              ----        ----     ----
  Indian Ocean      BRHU        ----     ----    BRVD      ----              ----        ----     ----
  North Africa      MXHU      MXVU     MXHD      MXVD      ----              ----        ----     ----
                     ----       ----     ----      ----    ----              ----        ----     ----
                     ----       ----       ----      TLM*         ----       ----        ----     ----
                     ----       ----       ----        ----       ----       ----        ----    TLMP*
Telemetry Bicone     ----       ----     TLMB*         ----       ----       ----        ----     ----
                     ----     CMD*         ----        ----       ----       ----        ----     ----
 Command Pipe        ----      ----       ----       ----         ----     CMDP*         ----     ----
Command Bicone       ----     CMDB*       ----       ----         ----      ----         ----     ----
    ULPC             ----      ----      UPCH*      UPCV*         ----      ----         ----     ----

 * GXT files are not provided for the indicated beams because their -8 dB gain contours extend
 beyond the edge of the Earth.

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                   EXHIBIT 2
                                                               Ku-Band Indian    Ku-Band Africa
 Beam Name                       C-Band Central Africa
                                                                   Ocean            & China
 Schedule S Beam ID           AMHU              AMVU              BRHU              AEVU

 Frequency Band (MHz)     5925 - 6425         5925 - 6425       14000 - 14260    14000 - 14240

 Polarization              Horizontal           Vertical          Horizontal        Vertical
 G/T (dB/K)                     -0.2              -0.8               3.3              0.0
 Minimum SFD--
                                -94.8            -93.3              -96.8            -93.1
 Maximum SFD--
                                -78.8            -77.3              -80.8            -77.1

                 Beam Name                           Ku-Band North Africa
                 Schedule S Beam ID               MXVU              MXHU

                 Frequency Band (MHz)          14240 - 14500     14260 - 14500

                 Polarization                     Vertical         Horizontal
                 G/T (dB/K)                         8.6               8.4
                 Minimum SFD--
                                                  -102.2             -101.6
                 Maximum SFD--
                                                   -86.2             -85.6

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                    EXHIBIT 3
                                                               Ku-Band Indian    Ku-Band Africa
   Beam Name                     C-Band Central Africa
                                                                   Ocean            & China
   Schedule S Beam ID         AMHD               AMVD             BRVD              AEHD
   Frequency Band
                            3700 - 4200        3700 - 4200      11700- 11960     11450 - 11700
   Polarization             Horizontal           Vertical          Vertical        Horizontal
   Maximum Beam
                                42.7               42.8              48.1             49.6
   Peak EIRP (dBW)
   Maximum Beam
   Peak EIRP Density                               4.5               9.8              11.3

                    Beam Name                        Ku-Band North Africa
                    Schedule S Beam ID             MXVD             MXHD

                    Frequency Band (MHz)       11900 - 12200     11900 - 12200

                    Polarization                  Vertical         Horizontal
                    Maximum Beam Peak
                                                    54.2              54.2
                    EIRP (dBW)
                    Maximum Beam Peak
                    EIRP Density                    15.9              15.9

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                          EXHIBIT 4
                                            Command          Command           Command
     Beam Name
                                             Global            Pipe             Bicone
     Schedule S Beam ID                       CMD             CMDP              CMDB
     Frequencies (MHz)                       14494.5          14000.5             14494.5
     Polarization                            Vertical         RHCP                Vertical
     Peak Flux Density at Command
                                             -103.0           -102.2                -90
     Threshold (dBW/m2-Hz)

                                Telemetry       Telemetry   Telemetry
Beam Name                                                                 ULPC1              ULPC2
                                  Global           Pipe      Bicone
Schedule S Beam ID                TLM             TLMP       TLMB         UPCH               UPCV
                                11700.5 &       11700.5 &   11700.5 &
Frequencies (MHz)                                                         11699.0            11703.0
                                  11702           11702       11702
Polarization                     Vertical         RHCP      Horizontal   Horizontal          Vertical
Maximum Channel EIRP (dBW)          9.2            14.8       10.7         13.2               12.3
Maximum Beam Peak EIRP
                                    -11.8          -6.7       -10.3         5.2                4.3
Density (dBW/4kHz)

Note: RHCP: Right Hand Circular Polarization, LHCP: Left Hand Circular Polarization

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                                   EXHIBIT 5
                                                Uplink                                                  Downlink
  Uplink         Uplink                         Center     Downlink      Downlink                         Center     Channel
 Channel         Beam            Uplink       Frequency    Channel         Beam           Downlink      Frequency   Bandwidth
Designation      Name          Polarization     (MHz)     Designation      Name          Polarization     (MHz)      (MHz)
  CU01        Central Africa    Horizontal       5945       CD01        Central Africa     Vertical        3720        36
  CU03        Central Africa    Horizontal       5985       CD03        Central Africa     Vertical        3760        36
  CU05        Central Africa    Horizontal       6025       CD05        Central Africa     Vertical        3800        36
  CU07        Central Africa    Horizontal       6065       CD07        Central Africa     Vertical        3840        36
  CU09        Central Africa    Horizontal       6105       CD09        Central Africa     Vertical        3880        36
  CU11        Central Africa    Horizontal       6145       CD11        Central Africa     Vertical        3920        36
  CU13        Central Africa    Horizontal       6185       CD13        Central Africa     Vertical        3960        36
  CU15        Central Africa    Horizontal       6225       CD15        Central Africa     Vertical        4000        36
  CU17        Central Africa    Horizontal       6265       CD17        Central Africa     Vertical        4040        36
  CU19        Central Africa    Horizontal       6305       CD19        Central Africa     Vertical        4080        36
  CU21        Central Africa    Horizontal       6345       CD21        Central Africa     Vertical        4120        36
  CU23        Central Africa    Horizontal       6385       CD23        Central Africa     Vertical        4160        36

  CU02        Central Africa     Vertical       5945        CD02        Central Africa   Horizontal       3720         36
  CU04        Central Africa     Vertical       5985        CD04        Central Africa   Horizontal       3760         36
  CU06        Central Africa     Vertical       6025        CD06        Central Africa   Horizontal       3800         36
  CU08        Central Africa     Vertical       6065        CD08        Central Africa   Horizontal       3840         36
  CU10        Central Africa     Vertical       6105        CD10        Central Africa   Horizontal       3880         36
  CU12        Central Africa     Vertical       6145        CD12        Central Africa   Horizontal       3920         36
  CU14        Central Africa     Vertical       6185        CD14        Central Africa   Horizontal       3960         36
  CU16        Central Africa     Vertical       6225        CD16        Central Africa   Horizontal       4000         36
  CU18        Central Africa     Vertical       6265        CD18        Central Africa   Horizontal       4040         36
  CU20        Central Africa     Vertical       6305        CD20        Central Africa   Horizontal       4080         36
  CU22        Central Africa     Vertical       6345        CD22        Central Africa   Horizontal       4120         36
  CU24        Central Africa     Vertical       6385        CD24        Central Africa   Horizontal       4160         36

  KU01        Africa/China       Vertical      14020        KD01        Africa/China     Horizontal      11477         36
  KU03        Africa/China       Vertical      14060        KD03        Africa/China     Horizontal      11517         36
  KU05        Africa/China       Vertical      14100        KD05        Africa/China     Horizontal      11557         36
  KU07        Africa/China       Vertical      14140        KD07        Africa/China     Horizontal      11597         36
  KU09        Africa/China       Vertical      14180        KD09        Africa/China     Horizontal      11637         36
  KU11        Africa/China       Vertical      14220        KD11        Africa/China     Horizontal      11677         36

  KU07        Africa/China       Vertical      14140        KD07        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11597         36
  KU09        Africa/China       Vertical      14180        KD09        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11637         36
  KU11        Africa/China       Vertical      14220        KD11        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11677         36

  KU13        North Africa       Vertical      14260        KD13        North Africa     Horizontal      11960         36
  KU15        North Africa       Vertical      14300        KD15        North Africa     Horizontal      12000         36
  KU17        North Africa       Vertical      14340        KD17        North Africa     Horizontal      12040         36
  KU19        North Africa       Vertical      14380        KD19        North Africa     Horizontal      12080         36
  KU21        North Africa       Vertical      14420        KD21        North Africa     Horizontal      12120         36
  KU23        North Africa       Vertical      14460        KD23        North Africa     Horizontal      12160         36

  KU02        Indian Ocean     Horizontal      14040        KD02        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11740         36
  KU04        Indian Ocean     Horizontal      14080        KD04        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11780         36
  KU06        Indian Ocean     Horizontal      14120        KD06        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11820         36
  KU08        Indian Ocean     Horizontal      14160        KD08        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11860         36
  KU10        Indian Ocean     Horizontal      14200        KD10        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11900         36
  KU12        Indian Ocean     Horizontal      14240        KD12        Indian Ocean      Vertical       11940         36

  KU14        North Africa     Horizontal      14280        KD14        North Africa      Vertical       11980         36
  KU16        North Africa     Horizontal      14320        KD16        North Africa      Vertical       12020         36
  KU18        North Africa     Horizontal      14360        KD18        North Africa      Vertical       12060         36
  KU20        North Africa     Horizontal      14400        KD20        North Africa      Vertical       12100         36
  KU22        North Africa     Horizontal      14440        KD22        North Africa      Vertical       12140         36
  KU24        North Africa     Horizontal      14480        KD24        North Africa      Vertical       12180         36

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Document Created: 2018-03-05 13:51:13
Document Modified: 2018-03-05 13:51:13

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