Flock Aggregate Orbi

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Planet Labs Inc.

Flock Aggregate Orbital Debris Assessment Report


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20170713-00103 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                        346 9th street
                                                                                             San Francisco, CA 94103

    January 18, 2018

                              Aggregate Orbital Debris Assessment Report
                                      for the Flock Constellation

        This report by Planet Labs Inc. (Planet) provides information concerning the difference in
the risk of in-orbit collision for Planet’s 200 satellite constellation at two different orbit altitudes,
500 km vs. 550 km. Planet requested a Modification1 to its Authorization2 for its Flock satellite
system (FCC call sign S2912), to increase to 550 km the limit of its orbit deployment altitude
applicable to 80% of its authorized satellites. The Modification request presented an orbital
debris assessment report (ODAR)3 showing the risk for any individual satellite operating at an
orbit of 550 km. The Commission has requested more information about the total risk of
collision for a 200 satellite constellation operating at 550 km. Further, the Commission asked for
a comparison of the risks of a 200 satellite constellation operating at 500 km and at 550 km.
This report presents that information, and progresses through the following parts:

      1. Summary of Single Satellite Case
      2. Summary of the 200 Satellite Case
      3. Additional Perspectives on Risk

1. Summary of Single Satellite Case

As previously provided to the Commission, Table 1 below provides information on calculated
collision risks and orbital lifetime for Dove Satellites at 500 km and 550 km altitude. Results
are shown for an individual satellite at either altitude, using NASA’s Debris Assessment
Software (DAS) 2.0.2 software as well as STK’s Conjunction Analysis Toolkit (CAT).

  ​See​ Modification Application, File No., IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20170713-00103 (filed July 13, 2017)
(“Modification”). Planet is currently authorized to deploy 600 satellites over the term of its FCC license with no
more than 200 operational satellites at any one time. Eighty percent of the constellation (or 480 satellites) must be
deployed at an orbital altitude no higher than 500 km, and up to twenty percent of the constellation (or 120 satellites)
may be deployed at an orbital altitude between 500 km and 660 km.
   ​ ​See ​Stamp Grant, Application, File No. SAT-MOD-20150802-00053 (granted Sep. 15, 2016) (“Planet
     See “Attachment ODAR”, section “Dove vs US Space Catalog”, to Modification Application, File No., IBFS File
No. SAT-MOD-20170713-00103 (filed July 13, 2017).

                                                                                                        346 9th street
                                                                                             San Francisco, CA 94103

                               Orbital Lifetime         Orbital Lifetime     Collision Risk via    Collision Risk via
                               NASA DAS                 STK CAT              NASA DAS              STK CAT

          Single Dove          3.7 years                5.6 years            <1E-064               7.44E-05
          @ 500 km

          Single Dove          4.9 years                8.3 years            1E-06                 2.88E-04
          @ 550 km
          Table 1: Collision Risk of Single Dove at a given altitude, assessed against the
          space object catalogue.

2. Summary of the 200 Satellite Case

The general case assessment for the aggregate risk extends the single satellite case by the number
of satellites in the constellation (assuming all satellites are in the same orbit and are statistically
                                         P A = 1 − (1 − P 1 )N

where P A is the aggregate collision probability, P 1 is the lifetime collision probability of one
satellite, and N is the number of satellites. Table 2 below shows the lifetime risk of collision for
200 satellites at 500 km and 550 km orbit based on NASA DAS and STK CAT results above5.

                                           Collision Risk via   Collision Risk via
                                           NASA DAS             STK CAT

              200 Doves                    <2E-046              1.489E-02
              @ 500 km

              200 Doves                    2E-04                5.598E-02
              @ 550 km
             Table 2: Collision Risk of 200 Doves at a given altitude, assessed
             against the space object catalogue.

  ​NASA DAS results limit precision to 1E-6.
   ​The results between the tools differ because of their underlying model of the space objects. NASA DAS uses
analytical statistical models for the satellite orbit and other orbiting objects. STK CAT takes a user input initial
condition of the satellite and propagates it through a snapshot of the current space catalog, making the results highly
dependent on the initial conditions.
  NASA DAS results limit precision to 1E-6 which limits the precision of the aggregate calculation.

                                                                                                          346 9th street
                                                                                               San Francisco, CA 94103
Planet believes the modification requested for the majority of its satellites to operate at 550 km
altitude or lower does not represent a significant increase in risk for its operations as compared to
the Commission’s previously granted licensed operations, where the majority of satellites were
to operate at 500 km altitude or lower. The STK CAT analysis shows the same
order-of-magnitude results for risk at either altitude for both the single satellite and 200 satellite
case. For the NASA DAS analysis Planet is within NASA’s standard for compliance for the 200
satellite case.

3. Additional Risk Mitigation Considerations

Neither the NASA DAS or STK CAT model accounts for actions that Planet currently employs
to actively control Doves while in orbit, which reduce the risk of collision during a Dove’s
     ● First, Planet can orient the satellite attitude such that its minimum-size profile is
        facing the relative velocity vector of the object of a potential collision reducing
        the surface profile of a Dove by a factor of four compared to the above referenced
        collision risk analysis. The full measurable effectiveness of this minimum area
        maneuver depends on the size of the other object, as the collision probability is a
        function of the combined size of the two objects involved in the conjunction.
     ● Second, Planet is developing the same differential drag techniques it uses for
        satellite orbit phasing in support of collision avoidance. Planet has previously
        reviewed this technique with the Commission, and will further describe it in an
        upcoming peer-reviewed journal article7. Planet has been studying the efficacy of
        this technique for collision avoidance maneuvers and expects it to have a
        significant effect on lifetime collision risk.
     ● Third, in support of Planets in-orbit actions, Planet: (a) works closely and
        routinely with Joint Space Operations Center (JSPoC) for space situational
        awareness (SSA), including discussions in advance of satellite deployments and
        other activities; (b) has a SSA Sharing Agreement with USSTRATCOM, which
        results in expanded screening volumes for any JSpOC warnings;8 and (c) actively
        participates in the Space Data Association9 (SDA), which assesses all conjunction
        warnings from the JSpOC for satellites belonging to member organizations.
        These proactive efforts to share information10 facilitate the ability of others to
        assess potential conjunctions and further minimize collision risk.

  Foster, C., Mason, J., Vittaldev, V., et. al., Constellation Phasing with Differential Drag on Planet Labs Satellites,
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, ​Manuscript ID 2017-03-A33927.R1​, Accepted September 2017
     Including publicly available up to date precision ephemerides, ​http://ephemerides.planet-labs.com/

                                                                                   346 9th street
                                                                        San Francisco, CA 94103

                               TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE

       I, Craig Scheffler, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that I am the

technically qualified person responsible for the preparation of the engineering

information contained in the technical portions of the foregoing report, that I am familiar

with Part 25 of the Commission’s rules, and that the technical information is complete

and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                              Craig Scheffler
                                              Spectrum Manager
                                              Planet Labs Inc.


Document Created: 2019-04-10 15:20:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 15:20:11

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