Attachment PN Globalstar Low Po

PN Globalstar Low Po

PUBLIC NOTICE submitted by IB, FCC

DA 17-509


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20170411-00061 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    PUBLIC NOTICE
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            Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                  News Media Information 202 / 418—0500

           445 12¢" St., S.W.                                                                Internet:

           Washington, D.C. 20554                                                        .          TTY: 1—888—835—5322

                                                                                                 DA 17—509
                                                                                               May 24, 2017

                                   SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION
                                      APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING:
                         IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—20170411—00061, SES—MOD—20170412—00422

Report No. SPB—270

         Globalstar License LLC and GUSA License LLC (collectively, "Globalstar") request a minor
modification of their space station and earth station licenses to implement a new Ancillary Terrestrial
Component (ATC) using licensed Big LEO mobile satellite service spectrum. The proposed ATC will be
a terrestrial low—power network providing wireless broadband service. Both base stations and user
terminals will transmit and receive at 2483.5—2495 MHz. Globalstar proposes to operate pursuant to rules
adopted in Terrestrial Use of the 2473—2495 MHz Band for Low—Power Mobile Broadband Networks;
Amendments to Rules for the Ancillary Terrestrial Component of Mobile Satellite Service Systems,
Report and Order, FCC 16—181 (2016).

        Acceptedforfiling. Globalstar‘s applications listed above are accepted for filing. The
Commission reserves the right to return any application or petition if, upon further examination, it is
determined to be defective and not in conformance with the Commission‘s rules or policies.

Pleading cycle established. Interested parties may file comments or petitions to deny the applications
listed above no later than June 23, 2017. Responses to comments and oppositions to petitions must be
filed no later than July 3, 2017. Replies to oppositions must be filed no later than July 11, 2017.
Interested parties must file comments or pleadings electronically via the IBFS,, in each of the above—captioned file numbers. Petitions, oppositions, and
other pleadings filed in response to this notice should conform to section 25.154 of the Commission‘s
rules, unless otherwise noted. 47 CFR § 25.154.


Document Created: 2017-05-24 16:44:00
Document Modified: 2017-05-24 16:44:00

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