Intelsat 903 to 328.

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Intelsat License LLC

Intelsat 903 Mod Application Further Supplement


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20170131-00010 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                        Envision. Connect. Transform.

March 3, 2017

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:          Application of Intelsat License LLC to Modify Authorization for Intelsat 903
                       Call Sign: $2407; File No. SAT—MOD—20170131—00010

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Intelsat License LLC ("Intelsat"), at the request of the International Bureau staff, hereby further
supplements its above—referenced Application to add information regarding the satellite‘s payload.
Specifically, the first paragraph on the fifth page of the narrative should now read:

                       Grant of this modification application to extend the license term will serve
                       the public interest by enabling customers to continue receiving service
                       from Intelsat 903. Extending the license term will also promote the
                       continued efficient use of orbital resources and is consistent with recent
                       decisions by the Commission to extend satellite license terms. There are
                       no single points of failure on Intelsat 903 that would result in an inability
                       to de—orbit the satellite, and most of the payload is operational.

Also attached, in its entirety, is a copy of the updated narrative.

Please direct any questions regarding this supplement to the undersigned at (703) 559—6949.

Respectfully submitted,

 CArothaa Q . Ifhaol
Cynthia J. Grady
Regulatory Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

ce:                    Stephen Duall
                       Kathryn Medley

Intelsat Corporation
7900 Tysons One Place, McLean, VA 22102—5972 USA T +1 703—559—6800

                                         Before the
                             Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, DC 20554

      In the Matter of

      Intelsat License LLC                             File No. SAT-MOD- _____________

      Application to Modify Authorization for
      Intelsat 903 (S2407)


       Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”), pursuant to Section 25.117 of the rules of the Federal

Communications Commission (“Commission” or “FCC”), 47 C.F.R. § 25.117, hereby seeks to

modify the authorization for the Intelsat 903 satellite (Call Sign S2407). Specifically, this

modification application seeks authority to relocate Intelsat 903 to 31.5° W.L., and to extend its

license term for ten additional years,1 through May 31, 2027.

       In accordance with the Commission’s rules,2 this application has been filed electronically

as an attachment to FCC Form 312. Intelsat provides the technical information relating to the

proposed modification on Schedule S and in narrative form, as contained in the attached

Engineering Statement, pursuant to Section 25.114 of the Commission’s rules.3

        In 2001, the Commission granted Intelsat waivers of § 25.140(b)(2) (Two-degree Spacing
of Satellite Orbit Locations); § 25.202(g) (Telemetry, Tracking and Telecommand Functions); §
25.210(a)(1),(3) (Orthogonal Linear Polarization); § 25.210(i) (Cross-Polarization Isolation); and
§ 25.211(a) (C-band Downlink Analog Video Transmissions) for Intelsat 903. See infra n. 4.
Due to the recent changes to the Commission’s Part 25 rules, many of the aforementioned rules
are have been altered or are no longer required and, as such, Intelsat does not seek to extend
these waivers.
       47 C.F.R. § 25.117(c).
       47 C.F.R. § 25.114.


       A.      Relocation to 31.5° W.L.

       Intelsat requests authority to relocate Intelsat 903 to, and operate the satellite at, 31.5°

W.L.4 Intelsat 903 is currently operating at 34.5° W.L.5 Upon receipt of Commission approval,

Intelsat expects to begin drifting Intelsat 903 to 31.5° W.L. on or about August 23, 2017; the

drift is expected to take approximately fifteen days. Intelsat will be able to ensure continuity of

service at 34.5° W.L., as Intelsat expects to launch Intelsat 35e in the second quarter of 2017 to

replace Intelsat 903 at that location prior to Intelsat 903’s departure.6

       During the drift of Intelsat 903, Intelsat will utilize only the satellite’s telemetry, tracking,

and command (“TT&C”) frequencies and will follow industry practices for coordinating TT&C

transmission during the relocation process. Intelsat 903’s specific TT&C frequencies are as


                  Uplink:                              Downlink:
                  6173.7 MHz                           3947.5 MHz
                  6176.3 MHz                           3948.0 MHz
                                                       3952.0 MHz
                                                       3952.5 MHz

        Because Intelsat 903 is already in-orbit and operating, grant of authority to operate
Intelsat 903 at 328.5° W.L. is not subject to milestone conditions and Intelsat is not required to
post a bond. As such, waiver of Sections 25.164(a) and 25.165 of the Commission’s rules, 47
C.F.R. §§ 25.164(a) & 25.165, is not necessary. See Intelsat License LLC, Modification
Application to Redeploy and Operate Intelsat 16 at 58.1° W.L., File No. SAT-MOD-20160201-
00009, Condition No. 12 (stamp grant May 18, 2016).
       See Intelsat LLC, Application to Modify Authorizations to Operate, and to Further
Construct, and Launch and Operate C-band and Ku-band Satellites that Form a Global
Communications System in Geostationary Orbit, File No. SAT-MOD-20011221-00139 (stamp
grant Mar. 22, 2002).
       See Intelsat License LLC, Application for Authority to Launch and Operate Intelsat 35e,
A Replacement Satellite with New Frequencies, at 34.5° W.L., File No. SAT-LOA-20160408-
00034 (stamp grant Oct. 5, 2016).


       At 31.5° W.L., Intelsat 903 will be co-located with Intelsat 25 (S2804). The chart below

illustrates the frequencies that will be used by Intelsat 25 and Intelsat 903 at 31.5° W.L. Intelsat

will coordinate the operations of both satellites.

                                             Intelsat 25                    Intelsat 903
         3400-3625 MHz                           
         3625-4200 MHz                                                          
         5845-5850 MHz                           
         5850-6425 MHz                                                          
         6425-6645 MHz                           
        10950-11200 MHz                                                          
        11450-11700 MHz                                                         
        12250-12750 MHz                              
        13750-14000 MHz7                             
        14000-14500 MHz                                                         

       B.      Extension of License Term

       Intelsat seeks to extend the license term for the Intelsat 903 satellite through May 31,

2027. The Intelsat 903 satellite was placed into service on May 22, 2002.8 Pursuant to Sections

25.121(a) and (d)(1) of the Commission’s rules, the license term for Intelsat 903 will expire on

        The Commission’s online records in the International Bureau Filing System (“IBFS”)
indicate that the 13750-14000 MHz band is licensed to Intelsat 903. As demonstrated in Table
3.3-1 of Volume II, Annex 1 of Intelsat’s application to launch and operate Intelsat 903, Intelsat
did not request authorization to use these frequencies. The Commission’s order granting the
application for Intelsat 903 did not include a list of frequencies on which Intelsat 903 would be
authorized to operate. See Applications of Intelsat LLC for Authority to Operate, and to Further
construct, Launch, and Operate C-band and Ku-band Satellites that Form a Global
Communications System in Geostationary Orbit, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Rcd
15460 (2000). Intelsat concludes that the inclusion of 13750-14000 MHz on IBFS was a clerical
      See Letter from Jennifer D. Hindin, Counsel for Intelsat LLC, to Marlene H. Dortch,
FCC, File No. SAT-LOA-2000119-00021 (filed May 23, 2002).


May 22, 2017.9 This expiration date is well before the expected end of service life, which was

most recently estimated to be June 2018, assuming no inclined orbit operation; inclined orbit

operation would extend Intelsat 903’s expected end of service life into mid-2027. In order to

accommodate the planned inclined orbit operation of Intelsat 903, Intelsat is requesting that the

license term be extended through May 31, 2027. To the extent the satellite’s projected end of

service life is extended in the future, Intelsat will seek an additional license term.


       Grant of this modification application to relocate and extend the license term of Intelsat

903 is in the public interest because it will allow Intelsat to provide additional capacity at the

31.5° W.L. location and continue providing service on the satellite well beyond the current

license term’s May 22, 2017 expiration date. Further, grant of this application will not impact

continuity of service at Intelsat 903’s current location, as Intelsat has already received authority

to launch a replacement satellite at this location prior to Intelsat 903’s departure.10

       Grant of this relocation request will not result in increased risk of harmful interference.

As noted above, Intelsat will operate only at the above listed TT&C frequencies during the drift,

and will coordinate its TT&C transmissions with operators of satellites in the drift path. Should

any interference occur during the drift, Intelsat will take all reasonable steps to eliminate such

interference. Intelsat will operate Intelsat 903’s communications payload and TT&C frequencies

at 31.5° W.L. in conformance with existing coordination agreements and the FCC’s rules

governing operations vis-à-vis adjacent locations.

       47 C.F.R. §§ 25.121(a)(1) & (d)(1).
       See note 6, supra.


        Grant of this modification application to extend the license term will serve the public

interest by enabling customers to continue receiving service from Intelsat 903. Extending the

license term will also promote the continued efficient use of orbital resources and is consistent

with recent decisions by the Commission to extend satellite license terms.11 There are no single

points of failure on Intelsat 903 that would result in an inability to de-orbit the satellite.

Additionally, the satellite’s TT&C functions are operating nominally, and most of the payload is


        As outlined in the attached Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan, Intelsat intends to dispose of

the spacecraft by moving it 283.3 kilometers above the geostationary arc.12 Intelsat has reserved

47.7 kilograms of fuel for this purpose.13


        Intelsat understands and accepts that its license to operate Intelsat 903 at 31.5º W.L. will

be conditioned as follows:

        (a) Intelsat shall remain a signatory to the Public Services Agreement between Intelsat
            and the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (“ITSO”) that was
            approved by the ITSO Twenty-fifth Assembly of Parties, as amended.

        (b) No entity shall be considered a successor-in-interest to Intelsat under the ITSO
            Agreement for licensing purposes unless it has undertaken to perform the obligations

        See e.g., Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-01156, File No.
SAT-MOD-20160219-00019 (May 6, 2016) (Public Notice) (granting license extension for
Intelsat 1R, a station-kept satellite, based on the satellite’s current projected end of service
including future inclination).
        See Engineering Statement at 6.


           of the Public Services Agreement approved by the Twenty-fifth Assembly of Parties,
           as amended.14

IV.    3600-3650 MHZ, 3650-3700 MHZ, 5850-5925 MHZ, 10950-11200 MHZ, AND
       11450-11700 MHZ FREQUENCY BANDS

       Intelsat understands that operations in the 3600-3650 MHz, 3650-3700 MHz, 5850-5925

MHz, 10950-11200 MHz, and 11450-11700 MHz frequency bands are subject to certain

limitations and obligations, which Intelsat accepts and will fulfill. Specifically, for operation in

the 3600-3650 MHz frequency band, Intelsat accepts the following conditions:

          The operation of the Intelsat 903 space station in the 3600-3650 MHz band (space-to-
           space) is limited to international operations in accordance with footnote US 245 to the
           United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, US 245, which
           states that the 3600-3650 MHz use of the non-Federal fixed-satellite service is limited
           to international inter-continental systems and is subject to case-by-case
           electromagnetic compatibility analysis.

In the 3650-3700 MHz frequency band, Intelsat accepts the following conditions:

          Intelsat’s use of the 3650-3700 MHz (space-to-Earth) band is subject to footnote
           NG185 of the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106
           NG185, which states that the 3650-3700 MHz use of the non-Federal fixed-satellite
           service is limited to international inter-continental systems.

In the 5850-5925 MHz frequency band, Intelsat accepts the following conditions:

          Intelsat’s use of the 5850-5925 MHz band (Earth-to-space) is subject to footnote
           US245 of the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. §2.106,
           US245, which states that the 5850-5925 MHz use of the non-Federal fixed-satellite
           service is limited to international inter-continental systems and is subject to case-by-
           case electromagnetic compatibility analysis. Intelsat shall not claim protection from
           radiolocation transmitting stations operating in accordance with footnote G2.

In the 10950-11200 MHz frequency band, Intelsat accepts the following conditions:

          Operations in the 10950-11200 MHz frequency band shall comply with the terms of
           footnote US211 to the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. §
           2.106, US211, which urges applicants for airborne or space station assignments to

        See Petition of the Int’l. Telecomms. Satellite Org. under Section 316 of the Commc’ns
Act, as Amended, Order of Modification, 23 FCC Rcd 2764, 2769-71 ¶¶ 11-13 (Int’l Bur. 2008).

           take all practicable steps to protect radio astronomy observations in the adjacent
           bands from harmful interference.
          Operations in the 10950-11200 MHz frequency band is limited to international
           operations in accordance with footnote NG 52 to the United States Table of
           Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. 2.106, NG 52.

In the 11450-11700 MHz frequency band, Intelsat accepts the following condition:

          Intelsat’s use of the 11450-11700 MHz band (space-to-Earth) is subject to footnote
           US211 to the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106,
           US211, which urges applicants for airborne or space station assignments to take all
           practicable steps to protect radio astronomy observations in the adjacent bands from
           harmful interference.


       For the reasons set forth above, Intelsat respectfully requests that the Commission grant

this modification application.

                                                     Intelsat License LLC

                                                     By: /s/ Susan H. Crandall

                                                     Susan H. Crandall
                                                     Associate General Counsel
                                                     Intelsat Corporation

Jennifer D. Hindin
1776 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 719-7000

January 31, 2017


                                      Exhibit A
               FCC Form 312, Response to Question 34: Foreign Ownership

        The Commission previously approved foreign ownership in Intelsat License LLC
(“Intelsat”), in the Intelsat-Serafina Order.1 In December 2009 and October 2011, the
Commission also approved pro forma changes in Intelsat’s foreign ownership.2 There have been
no other material changes to Intelsat’s foreign ownership since the date of the Intelsat-Serafina

      Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. and Serafina Holdings Limited, Consolidated Application for
Consent to Transfer of Control of Holders of Title II and Title III Authorizations, Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 22 FCC Rcd 22151 (2007).
       See Intelsat North America LLC, Intelsat LLC, PanAmSat Licensee Corp., PanAmSat H-2
Licensee Corp., and Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd., Applications for Pro Forma Transfer of
Control, File Nos. SAT-T/C-20091125-00128, SAT-T/C-20091125-00124, SAT-T/C-20091125-
00127, SAT-T/C-20091125-00125, SAT-T/C-20091125-00126, SES-T/C-20091125-01505,
SES-T/C-20091125-01502, SES-T/C-20091125-01506, SES-T/C-20091125-01504 and SES-
T/C-20091125-01503 (granted Dec. 3, 2009); Intelsat Application for Pro Forma Transfer of
Control, File Nos. SAT-T/C-20110810-00160, SAT-T/C-20110811-00161, SES-T/C-20110811-
00948, SES-T/C-20110812-00963 (granted Oct. 13, 2011), and 0004825139 (granted Oct. 19,

                                       Exhibit B
             FCC Form 312, Response to Question 36: Cancelled Authorizations

Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) has never had an FCC license “revoked.” However, on June
26, 2000, the International Bureau “cancelled” two Ka-band satellite authorizations issued to a
former Intelsat entity, PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (“PanAmSat”),1 based on the Bureau’s finding
that PanAmSat had not satisfied applicable construction milestones.2 In that same order, the
Bureau denied related applications to modify the cancelled authorizations. PanAmSat filed an
application for review of the Bureau’s decision, which the Commission denied, and subsequently
filed an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit,
which was dismissed in January 2003 at PanAmSat’s request. Notwithstanding the fact that the
Bureau’s action does not seem to be the kind of revocation action contemplated by question 36,
Intelsat is herein making note of the decision in the interest of absolute candor and out of an
abundance of caution. In any event, the Bureau’s action with respect to PanAmSat does not
reflect on Intelsat’s basic qualifications, which are well-established and a matter of public record.

       All licenses previously held by PanAmSat Licensee Corp. have been assigned to Intelsat
License LLC. See IBFS File Nos. SAT-ASG-20101203-00252 (granted Dec. 23, 2010), SES-
ASG-20101203-0150 (granted Dec. 20, 2010), and SES-ASG-20101206-01502 (granted Dec.
20, 2010).
         See PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Rcd 18720 (IB

                                          Exhibit C
                          FCC Form 312, Response to Question 40:
                Officers, Directors, and Ten Percent or Greater Shareholders

The officers and directors/managers of Intelsat License LLC are as follows:

Jacques Kerrest, Chairman
Franz Russ, Deputy Chairman
Michelle Bryan, Secretary
Mirjana Hervy, Director, Finance

Board of Managers:
Jacques Kerrest
Franz Russ
Michelle Bryan

The business address of all Intelsat License LLC officers and members of the Board of Managers
4 rue Albert Borschette
L-1246 Luxembourg

Intelsat License LLC is a Delaware limited liability company that is wholly owned by Intelsat
License Holdings LLC, also a Delaware limited liability company. Intelsat License Holdings
LLC is wholly owned by Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A., a Luxembourg company. Intelsat
Jackson Holdings S.A. is wholly owned by Intelsat (Luxembourg) S.A., a Luxembourg
company. Intelsat (Luxembourg) S.A. is wholly owned by Intelsat Investments S.A., a
Luxembourg company. Intelsat Investments S.A. is wholly owned by Intelsat Holdings S.A., a
Luxembourg company. Intelsat Holdings S.A. is wholly owned by Intelsat Investment Holdings
S.à r.l., a Luxembourg company. Intelsat Investment Holdings S.à r.l. is wholly owned by
Intelsat S.A., a Luxembourg company. Each of these entities may be contacted at the following
address: 4 rue Albert Borschette, L-1246 Luxembourg.

Intelsat S.A.’s ownership was approved by the Commission as part of the Intelsat-Serafina
Order and the recent Intelsat Pro Forma and is incorporated by reference. See Intelsat Holdings,
Ltd. and Serafina Holdings Limited, Consolidated Application for Consent to Transfer of
Control of Holders of Title II and Title III Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 22
FCC Rcd 22,151 (2007) (“Intelsat-Serafina Order”); Intelsat Application for Pro Forma
Transfer of Control, File Nos. SAT-T/C-20110810-00160, SAT-T/C-20110811-00161, SES-
T/C-20110811-00948, SES-T/C-20110812-00963 (granted Oct. 13, 2011), and 0004825139
(granted Oct. 19, 2011) (“Intelsat Pro Forma”). On May 16, 2012, the International Bureau
granted an application to transfer control of Intelsat pursuant to a public offering of newly issued
voting shares by Intelsat, subsequent voting share sales by current shareholders and possible
private placements of newly issued voting shares. In the Matter of Intelsat Global Holdings,
S.A., Applications to Transfer Control of Intelsat Licenses and Authorizations from BC Partners
Holdings Limited to Public Ownership, Order, DA 12-768 (rel. May 16, 2012). This change of
control has not yet been fully consummated.

Document Created: 2017-03-03 15:12:55
Document Modified: 2017-03-03 15:12:55

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