Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20160513-00050 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                         Technical Exhibit
                                                                                Telstar 12

                                 Attachment A

Technical Exhibit for “Telstar 12” Satellite at 109.2°WL

A1. Introduction
This document is the technical attachment to the application of Skynet Satellite Corp.
(“Skynet”) for authority to relocate the Telstar 12 satellite (“T12”) to the 109.2° west
longitude (WL) geostationary satellite orbit location. The technical information
required by paragraph (d) of Section §25.114 1 of the FCC rules is provided in this
document. The information specified in paragraph (c) of that section is provided in
Schedule S.

A2. §25.114(d)(1): General Description of the Overall
The T12 satellite is currently deployed at 15° WL. 2 Now that the replacement satellite
for T12, Telstar 12V, is operational at 15°WL 3 and customers have been transferred
from T12 to T12V, Skynet is seeking permission to relocate T12 to 109.2°WL slot and
operate it there. The T12 satellite network will consist of the geostationary satellite
at 109.2° WL and associated earth station facilities. At the new orbital location, T12
will be capable of providing a range of fixed-satellite services (FSS) to the United
States (including Hawaii) and countries in the Caribbean, Central America, and South

This satellite is designed to implement three regional beams. However, at 109.2W,
not all beams will be used simultaneously. Rather, T12 will operate in one of two
configurations. For both configurations, Skynet seeks authority to operate the beam
as steerable.

Configuration 1 is shown in Figure 1, with the beams shown in their nominal location.
Beam A is positioned over the southeastern USA, the Caribbean, and South America.
Beam C is positioned over Hawaii. When Beam C is active, the signal transmitted to it
is duplicated in Beam B. However, the duplicated signal will not be used to provide
any service in Beam B. The extent of the steerable range requested for Beam A is
indicated by the red bounding rectangle, and for Beam C the steerable range is
indicated by the blue rectangle.

1 47 C.F.R. §25.114
2 FCC file number SAT-MOD-19991213-00120
3 FCC file number SAT-LOA-20141010-00107

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Configuration 2 is shown in Figure 2. Beam B is shown in its nominal position over
the United States and the Caribbean. Beams A and C are turned off. The extent of the
Beam B steerable range requested is indicated by the red bounding box.

Beam A has 15 usable transponders with bandwidths of 54 MHz each. The uplink and
downlink frequencies all fall within the Standard Ku band (respectively, 14.0-14.5
and 11.7-12.2 GHz). 14 of the 15 transponders operate in loop-back and one has its
uplink in Beam C.

Beam B has 12 usable transponders with bandwidths of 54 MHz each. The uplink
frequencies fall within both Standard and Extended-Ku (respectively, 14.0-14.5 and
13.75-14 GHz), while the downlink frequencies fall entirely within Extended-Ku
bands (10.95-11.2 and 11.45-11.7 GHz). All 12 transponders operate in loop-back.

Beam C has one 54 MHz transponder. Its uplink is in Beam A. The uplink frequency
falls in Standard-Ku band and the downlink in the Extended-Ku band.

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Figure 1: T12 Coverage Configuration 1: Beams A, B, and C indicated. The red rectangle
around Beam A and the blue rectangle around Beam C indicate the extents of their steerable

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Figure 2: T12 Coverage Configuration 2: only Beam B is active. The red rectangle indicates the
extent of its steerable range

The frequency bands that will be implemented on the T12 satellite are summarized
in Table 1.

Table 1: Frequency bands of T12
 Lower             Upper                Downlink/Uplink      Beams Using the
 Frequency         Frequency Limit                           Band
 Limit (GHz)       (GHz)
       10.95             11.2                Downlink                 B
       11.45             11.7                Downlink                B,C
        11.7             12.2                Downlink                 A
       13.75             14.0                 Uplink                 B,C
        14.0             14.5                 Uplink                A,B,C

Skynet seeks FCC authority to operate T12 in all of the frequency bands shown in
Table 1. The downlink bands 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45–11.7 GHz will be used in the
United States only for international links, i.e., for services between the United States
and other countries.

As requested in §25.114(d)(1), an explanation of how the uplink frequency bands
are connected to the downlink frequency bands is as follows: The uplink band
13.75-14.0 GHz is connected to the downlink band 10.95-11.2. The uplink band
14.0-14.5 GHz may be connected to the downlink bands 11.45-11.7 or 11.7-12.2
GHz. The strapping information has been provided in Schedule S, which has further
details of how the uplink frequency bands are connected to the downlink frequency
bands as well as the corresponding beams and the geographical coverage.

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The polarization used for the Ku-band signals is linear. Frequency reuse will be
exploited through the use of orthogonal polarization. All transponders will contain
step attenuators which can be adjusted remotely by ground commands.

The satellite TT&C operations will be performed from the following address:

         1305 Industrial Park Road, Mt. Jackson, VA 22842, USA
         Phone: 540-477-5520

The Mt. Jackson TT&C location is usable only in part of the steerable range indicated
in Figures 1 and 2. Should Skynet steer the beams to a position where TT&C
operations must be performed from a different location, Skynet will notify the FCC
as required by §25.172(b) 4 of the Commission’s rules.

The TT&C frequencies and polarization plan are provided in Schedule S.

Satellite transmission on each transponder can be individually turned on and off by
ground telecommand signals, enabling cessation of emissions from the satellite, as
required by §25.207 5.

Skynet previously notified the Commission it was commencing inclined orbit
operation of T12 at 15° WL. 6 Skynet will continue to operate T12 in an inclined orbit
at 109.2°WL slot. The initial inclination will be 0.05°, with a rate of change of 0.88°
per year. The expected end-of-life of the satellite, accounting for inclined orbit
operation and the maneuvers specified under §25.283 of the Commission's rules:
March 2029.

A3. Space station antenna gain contours
The co-pol and cross-pol antenna gain contours, as well as the service areas for all the
beams of the T12 satellite, have been provided in the GIMS database
“GIMS_DB_T12.mdb”, which is submitted separately. The gain values of the contours
in the GIMS database are relative to the peak gain. The peak gain values and
polarization information for each of the beams is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: List of the satellite beams and their peak antenna gain values
                      Uplink/       Co-pol Antenna       Antenna Peak
     Beam           Downlink        Peak Gain (dBi)        Gain (dBi)                  Polarization
       ATX            Downlink                 31.3                     0.5              H and V
       BTX            Downlink                 34.5                     2.0              H and V

  47 C.F.R. §25.172(b)
  47 C.F.R. §25.207
  See letter, dated April 19, 2016, from Joseph A. Godles, attorney for Skynet, to Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, FCC.

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         CTX            Downlink            39.8             1.5              H
         ARX             Uplink             32.5             1.3          H and V
         BRX             Uplink             31.9             0.3          H and V
         CRX             Uplink             40.4             1.2              V

A4. Description of the types of services to be provided,
areas served, transmission characteristics, performance
objectives, link noise budget, typical earth station
parameters, and modulation parameters

The T12 satellite can provide a range of fixed satellite services (FSS) to the continental
United States (including Hawaii) and countries in the Caribbean, Central America, and
South America. The services that can be provided by T12 include VSAT services and
point-to-point communication links.

When operating in Configuration 2, Skynet will comply with FCC regulations
requiring that extended-Ku band frequencies 7 be used for international
communications by linking all extended Ku-band earth station signals originating or
terminating in the United States via T12 with a gateway located outside the United
States. Likewise, in Configuration 1, all extended Ku-band beam C signals originating
or terminating in Hawaii will be linked with a gateway located outside the United

Typical digital modulation and emission schemes that will be used, along with their
performance objectives, are listed in Table 3.

Table 3: Typical modulation/emission schemes and the corresponding performance

                     FEC        Emission    Emission     Total C/N
     Modulation      Rate      Designator   BW (kHz)   Objective (dB)
        QPSK          1/2         54M0G7W     54000         1.0
        QPSK          2/3         54M0G7W     54000         3.3
        8PSK          2/3         54M0G7W     54000         7.5
        8PSK          3/4         54M0G7W     54000         8.5
      16APSK          3/4         54M0G7W     54000        11.2
      16APSK          4/5         54M0G7W     54000        11.9

        QPSK          1/2         1M12G7W      1200         2.2
        QPSK          2/3         1M12G7W      1200         4.4
        8PSK          2/3         1M12G7W      1200         8.4
        8PSK          3/4         1M12G7W      1200         9.8

    47 C.F.R. §2.106, footnote NG 52

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        8PSK            6/7   1M12G7W    1200           12.3

A typical gateway earth station antenna diameter will be 4.6m, and a typical terminal
earth station antenna diameter will be 2.2m. The earth station antennas will meet
the antenna performance requirements specified in §25.209 8 of the Commission’s
rules, and the uplink transmit power will comply with the requirements of §25.204. 9

Typical link budgets and overall performance analysis, including the analysis of the
effects of each contributing noise and interference source, are provided in Table 4 and
Table 5. Table 4 shows typical link budgets when both the gateway and the terminal
operate at standard-Ku in Beam A under Configuration 1. Table 5 shows typical link
budgets when the terminal and gateway operate in extended-Ku band in Beam B
under Configuration 2.

    47 C.F.R. §25.209
    47 C.F.R. §25.204

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Table 4: Typical standard-Ku link budgets for Configuration 1: Gateway and terminal
located in Beam A
  TX ES Location                                      Mt. Jackson, VA (38.7N,78.6W)   Cancun, Mexico (21.2N,86.5W)
  RX ES Location                                      Cancun, Mexico (21.2N,86.5W)    Mt. Jackson, VA (38.7N,78.6W)
  Emission BW (kHz)                                              54000                            1200
  Modulation type                                               16APSK                           8PSK
  Information rate (kbps)                                       131,623                           2250
  FEC Rate                                                         4/5                             3/4
  Uplink Frequency (GHz)                                         14.219                          14.157
  Uplink ES antenna diameter (m)                                   4.6                             2.2
  Uplink ES antenna gain (dBi)                                    54.5                            48.4
  Uplink Antenna feed flange power (dBW)                          19.5                             6.2
  Uplink ES to Satellite Distance (km)                           38,164                          36,802
  Uplink Free-Space Loss (dB)                                    207.1                           206.8
  Satellite RX antenna gain towards the TX ES (dBi)               23.3                            26.9
  Satellite Rx system noise temperature (K)                       400                             400
  Uplink Thermal C/N (dB)                                         15.6                            16.1
  Uplink C/I (ASI) (dB)                                           30.6                            24.6
  Uplink C/I (Xpol) (dB)                                          27.3                            26.2
  Uplink C/I (IM) (dB)                                            43.4                            42.3
  Uplink C/(N+I) (dB)                                             15.2                            15.2
  Downlink Frequency (GHz)                                       11.919                          11.857
  Satellite TX antenna gain towards the RX ES (dBi)               30.5                            27.5
  Downlink Antenna feed flange power (dBW)                        18.1                            -0.2
  Downlink ES to Satellite Distance (km)                         36,802                          38,164
  Downlink Free-Space Loss (dB)                                  205.3                           205.6
  RX ES antenna diameter (m)                                       2.2                             4.6
  RX ES antenna gain (dBi)                                        46.9                            52.9
  RX ES system noise temperature (K)                             132.7                           128.1
  Downlink Thermal C/N (dB)                                       19.6                            22.4
  Downlink C/I (ASI) (dB)                                         23.0                            29.0
  Downlink C/I (Xpol) (dB)                                        29.1                            27.4
  Downlink C/I (IM) (dB)                                          100                             16.2
  Downlink C/(N+I) (dB)                                           17.7                            14.0
  Overall Link C/(N+I) (dB)                                       13.2                            11.5
  Required C/(N+I)       (dB)                                     11.9                             9.8
  Margin (dB)                                                      1.3                             1.7

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Table 5: Typical Extended-Ku link budgets for Configuration 2: Gateway and terminal
located in Beam B
  TX ES Location                                      Mt. Jackson, VA (38.7N,78.6W)   Cancun, Mexico (21.2N,86.5W)
  RX ES Location                                      Cancun, Mexico (21.2N,86.5W)    Mt. Jackson, VA (38.7N,78.6W)
  Emission BW (kHz)                                              54000                            1200
  Modulation type                                               16APSK                           8PSK
  Information rate (kbps)                                       131,623                           2250
  FEC Rate                                                         4/5                             3/4
  Uplink Frequency (GHz)                                         13.840                          13.875
  Uplink ES antenna diameter (m)                                   4.6                             2.2
  Uplink ES antenna gain (dBi)                                    54.2                            48.2
  Uplink Antenna feed flange power (dBW)                          17.1                             4.4
  Uplink ES to Satellite Distance (km)                           38,164                          36,802
  Uplink Free-Space Loss (dB)                                    206.9                           206.6
  Satellite RX antenna gain towards the TX ES (dBi)               26.4                            27.4
  Satellite Rx system noise temperature (K)                       400                             400
  Uplink Thermal C/N (dB)                                         16.3                            14.8
  Uplink C/I (ASI) (dB)                                           30.6                            24.6
  Uplink C/I (Xpol) (dB)                                          24.3                            25.0
  Uplink C/I (IM) (dB)                                            41.3                            42.1
  Uplink C/(N+I) (dB)                                             15.5                            14.0
  Downlink Frequency (GHz)                                       11.013                          11.075
  Satellite TX antenna gain towards the RX ES (dBi)               33.0                            27.2
  Downlink Antenna feed flange power (dBW)                        14.6                            -2.2
  Downlink ES to Satellite Distance (km)                         36,802                          38,164
  Downlink Free-Space Loss (dB)                                  204.6                           205.0
  RX ES antenna diameter (m)                                       2.2                             4.6
  RX ES antenna gain (dBi)                                        46.2                            52.3
  RX ES system noise temperature (K)                             132.7                           128.1
  Downlink Thermal C/N (dB)                                       18.7                            19.2
  Downlink C/I (ASI) (dB)                                         23.0                            29.0
  Downlink C/I (Xpol) (dB)                                        28.5                            27.4
  Downlink C/I (IM) (dB)                                          100                             16.2
  Downlink C/(N+I) (dB)                                           17.0                            14.1
  Overall Link C/(N+I) (dB)                                       13.2                            11.0
  Required C/(N+I)       (dB)                                     11.9                             9.8
  Margin (dB)                                                      1.3                             1.2

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A5. Power flux density compliance
T12’s satellite antenna gain contours are being provided in a GIMS database file
separately, and the peak EIRP levels are being provided in Schedule S. Using the GIMS
software, it was verified that the PFD limits of §25.208 10 and §25.138 11 , as well as
the PFD limits of the ITU Radio Regulations, are met in all the operating frequency
bands. In order to demonstrate PFD compliance in this document, for each of the
satellite downlink beams the maximum PFD at the beam peak and at angles of arrival
of 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, and 25° are shown in Table 6 to Table 7 . In the tables, θ denotes
the angle of arrival. Below is a brief description of these tables:
       •    Table 6 shows the maximum PFD levels for the beams that operate in the
            frequency band 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz for several angles of
            arrival. Also shown in this table are the PFD limits of §25.208(b) and the ITU
            Radio Regulations.
       •    Table 7 shows the maximum PFD levels at the beam peak for the beams that
            operate in the frequency band 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz. Also shown
            in this table are the PFD limits of §25.208(b) and the ITU Radio Regulations.

Table 6: Maximum PFD levels at several angles of arrival for the beams that operate in the
frequency band 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz
                                                                         Maximum PFD (dB(W/m2/4kHz))
                Peak                       EIRP over
     Beam       EIRP     Transponder       4 kHz BW
     Name      (dBW)      BW (MHz)           (dBW)     θ =0°    θ =5°         θ =10°     θ =15°        θ =20°     θ =25°
      BTX       52.1         54              10.8      -166.6   -166.6        -166.6     -161.6        -161.6     -159.6
   CTX          49.6         54               8.3      -156.2   -156.2        -155.7     -155.2        -154.7     -156.2
 Emission        13         0.85             -10.3     -176.3   -176.3        -176.3     -176.3        -174.3     -174.3
       PFD limit of §25.208(b) (dB(W/m /4kHz)          -150.0   -150.0        -147.5     -145.0        -142.5     -140.0
     ITU Radio Regulations limit (dB(W/m2/4kHz)        -150.0   -150.0        -147.5     -145.0        -142.5     -140.0

     47 C.F.R. §25.208
     47 C.F.R. §25.138

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Table 7: Maximum PFD at the beam peak for the beams that operate in the frequency band
10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz

                                             Peak                       θ at the
                  Peak                    EIRP over    Max PFD at the    Beam        PFD limit of       ITU Radio
       Beam       EIRP      Transponder   4 kHz BW      Beam Peak        Peak         §25.208(b)     Regulations limit
       Name      (dBW)       BW (MHz)       (dBW)     (dB(W/m2/4kHz))    (deg)     (dB(W/m2/4kHz))   (dB(W/m2/4kHz))
        BTX       52.1          54          10.8          -151.6         45.4          -140.0             -140.0
       CTX        49.6          54           8.3          -154.7         18.5          -143.3             -143.3
     Emission      13          0.85         -10.3         -172.3         75.1          -140.0             -140.0

A6. §25.114(d)(6): Public interest considerations in
support of grant

 T12 operations at 109.2° WL will provide new capacity to support services in the
Unites States, Caribbean, and Central and South America. Customers will benefit from
rate competition and a greater diversity of possible services. Grant of this application
will therefore be in the public interest.

A7. §25.114(d)(7): Information specified in §25.140(a)
(Interference analysis and the compatibility of the
proposed system two degrees from any authorized
space station)
In this section the information specified in §25.140(a) 12 is presented (as required by
§25.114(d)(7)): the demonstration of the compatibility of the proposed space system
two degrees from any authorized space stations.

There are currently four geostationary satellites within 2 degrees of 109.2° WL with
frequency bands that overlap with T12. Three are collocated at 107.3° WL: Anik F1,
Anik F1R, and Anik G1. In addition, Anik F2 is located at 111.1° WL. All four of these
satellites are owned and operated by Telesat Canada, which is an affiliate of Skynet.

In this analysis, earth station (ES) antenna diameters of 2.2m (user terminals) and 4.6
m (gateways) are considered for the T12 satellite network and the adjacent satellites.
Table 8 shows the uplink carrier to interference ratios (C/I) due to ASI and Table 9
shows the downlink C/I due to ASI. The details of the ASI calculations have been
presented in Annex 1.

     47 C.F.R. §25.140(a)

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The ASI values presented in Table 8 and Table 9 were used in the link budget
calculations in Table 4 and Table 5. Those calculations indicate that the required
carrier to noise plus interference ratios C/(N+I) are met. This confirms that the T12
satellite network can perform efficiently with the presence of Anik F2 and Anik
F1/F1R/G1 – each within 1.9° of T12. Similarly, it follows that the ASI from T12 into
these adjacent satellite networks will be tolerable. Furthermore, since Skynet and its
affiliates own and operate all the satellites mentioned, it can self-coordinate by
adjusting uplink and downlink power levels if required.

Table 8: Uplink aggregate ASI from adjacent satellites at ±1.9 degrees away in Standard
and Extended Ku band
   TX Earth Station Antenna   Ku-band uplink C/I due to ASI
        Diameter (m)                      (dB)
                2.2                       24.6
                4.6                       30.6

Table 9: Downlink aggregate ASI from adjacent satellites at ±1.9 degrees away in Standard
and Extended Ku band
   RX earth Station Antenna   Ku-band downlink C/I due to
        Diameter (m)                   ASI (dB)
                2.2                       23.0
                4.6                       29.0

A8. §25.114(d)(14): Description of the design and
operational strategies that will be used to mitigate
orbital debris
§25.114(d)(14)(i), Debris Release Assessment. The T12 satellite has been
designed so that in the normal operation of the satellite no debris will be released by
the spacecraft. Its hardware has been designed so that individual faults will not cause
the loss of the entire spacecraft. All critical components (e.g., computers and control
devices) have been built within the structure and shielded from external influences.
Items that could neither be built within the spacecraft nor shielded (e.g., antennas)
are able to withstand impact. The spacecraft can be controlled through both the
normal payload antennas and wide angle antennas. The likelihood of both being
damaged during a small body collision is minimal. The wide angle antennas on this
spacecraft are open waveguides that point towards the earth (there is one set on each
side of the spacecraft and either set could be used to successfully de-orbit the
spacecraft). These wide angle antennas would continue to operate even if struck and

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§25.114(d)(14)(ii), Accidental Explosion Assessment. Skynet has reviewed
failure modes for all equipment to assess the possibility of an accidental explosion
onboard the spacecraft. In order to ensure that the spacecraft does not explode on
orbit, Skynet takes specific precautions. All batteries and fuel tanks are monitored for
pressure or temperature variations. Alarms in the Satellite Control Center inform
controllers of any variations. Additionally, long-term trending analysis is performed
to monitor for any unexpected trends.

The batteries are operated utilizing the manufacturer’s automatic recharging scheme.
Doing so ensures that charging terminates normally without building up additional
heat and pressure. As this process occurs wholly within the spacecraft, it also affords
protection from command link failures (on the ground).

In order to ensure that the spacecraft has no explosive risk after it has been
successfully de-orbited, stored energy sources onboard the spacecraft will be
removed by venting excess propellant, and all propulsion lines and latch valves will
be vented and left open. This includes all fuel and helium contained within the
propulsion system.

§25.114(d)(14)(iii), Assessment Regarding Collision with Larger Debris and
Other Space Stations. The Telstar 12 satellite has been operating at the 15° WL
orbital location since 1999 and Skynet has continuously monitored and minimized
the probability of the space station becoming a source of debris by collisions with
large debris or other space stations. Skynet will use the same approach for T12 at its
new 109.2° WL orbit location to minimize the probability of collisions with large

In order to protect against collision with other orbiting objects, Telesat Canada has a
contract with MIT/Lincoln Labs to provide notification and high-precision orbits for
drifter objects when close approaches with our operational satellites are
projected. Processing of the notifications is fully automated to ensure efficient
response should avoidance maneuver(s) be required to eliminate any threat of
collision with the drifter object. For nearby operational satellites Skynet coordinates
with operators directly and/or by providing ephemerides to the Space Data Center
and the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC). The JSpOC also provides notifications
to Skynet for any object they see approaching a Skynet satellite.

To further limit future potential for collision, Skynet will continue to monitor new
satellite launches to ensure that future satellites do not present a danger to T12. If a
new satellite is located in the vicinity of T12, Skynet will coordinate station keeping
activities with the satellite operator to avoid any risk of collision.

Combined, these systems constitute a best practice approach to collision avoidance.

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§25.114(d)(14)(iv), Post-Mission Disposal Plans. At end-of-life, the T12 satellite
will be removed from its geostationary orbit at 109.2° WL to an altitude with a perigee
no less than 290.4 km above the standard geostationary orbit of 35786 km. This
altitude is determined by using the FCC-recommended equation in section
25.283(a) 13 regarding end-of-life satellite disposal. The corresponding calculations
for the T12 satellite are presented below:

Minimum De-orbit Altitude= 36021 km + (1000×CR×A/m) (Eq.1)
CR = solar pressure radiation coefficient of the spacecraft = 1.16
A/m = area to mass ratio, in square meters per kilogram, of the spacecraft = 0.04776
Result: (Eq.1) Minimum Deorbit Altitude = 36021 km + (1000×1.16×0.04776) = 36076.4 km which is
290.4 km above the geostationary orbit of 35786 km.

The propellant needed to achieve the minimum de-orbit altitude is based on the delta-
V required. Based on an estimated end-of-life mass of 1600 kg, and the delta-V
required, approximately 8.6 kg of propellant will be reserved to ensure that the
minimum de-orbit altitude is obtained. Any remaining propellant will be consumed
by further raising the orbit until combustion is no longer possible. The remaining
species of propellant, either Oxidizer (N204) or Fuel (MMH), will be vented, placing
the propulsion system on the spacecraft in “safe” mode.

Propellant tracking is accomplished using a bookkeeping method consistent with
industry standards. Using this method, the ground control station tracks the number
of jet seconds utilized for station keeping, momentum control and other attitude
control events. The amount of fuel used is determined from the number of jet
seconds. This process has been calibrated using data collected from thruster tests
conducted on the ground and has been found to be accurate to within a few months
of life on the spacecraft.

Propellant Gauging System (PGS) tests can be performed throughout the operational
life. This test uses heaters and heat transfer curves to determine the actual fuel still
aboard the spacecraft. As the amount of fuel in the tanks decreases, the accuracy of
the test results increases. Therefore, operationally, the PGS tests will be performed
as the satellite approaches its end of propellant life in order to verify bookkeeping

A9. Request for waiver of Footnote NG52
Footnote NG52 of the U.S. Table of Allocations (formerly footnote NG103) limits
operations in the 10.95-11.2 and 11.45-11.7 GHz bands that are included on T12 to
international services. 14 Skynet respectfully requests a waiver of NG52.

     47 C.F.R. §25.283(a)
     See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, footnote NG52.

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                                                                                                Telstar 12

Grant of a waiver would be consistent with precedents in which the Commission has
waived NG52/NG103 because: (1) the footnote is intended to prevent a
proliferation of earth stations in the affected bands; and (2) only a limited number
of earth stations in the affected bands have been proposed. 15 In this case, Skynet
will operate only a single earth station in the affected bands.

A10. Request for waiver of Section 25.114(c)(4)(vi)(A)
Section 25.114(c)(4)(vi)(A) of the Commission’s rules in general requires applicants
for space stations in geostationary orbit to provide predicted space station antenna
gain contour(s) for each transmit and receive antenna beam. Skynet, however, is
unable to provide antenna gain contours for T12’s TT&C beams. Skynet does not
have these patterns in its possession, and T12’s manufacturer, Space Systems/Loral,
could not locate copies, either, due to the age of the satellite. Accordingly, Skynet
requests a waiver of Section 25.114(c)(4)(vi)(A).

Table 6 and Table 7provide upper bounds on the PFD of the Telemetry beam at its
peak and various angles of arrival. As indicated, the values fall well below the limits
of 25.208(b) in all cases.

  See, e.g., EchoStar KuX Corporation, Order and Authorization, DA 04-3162 (Sept. 30, 2004), ¶¶ 14-17
(EchoStar granted a waiver of NG104 permitting it to operate a single TT&C station in the United States).

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                        Annex 1 to Attachment A
     Details of the methodology for the calculation of C/I due to
                    adjacent satellite interference

In this annex, the details of the methodology for the calculation of the carrier to
interference ratio (C/I) due to the adjacent satellite interference (ASI) are presented
and it is shown how the uplink and downlink C/I values in Table 8 and Table 9 were

Anik F1R and F2, at standard Ku, and Anik G1, at extended-Ku, provide a DTH (Direct
To Home) service exclusive to the Canada market. This service is vulnerable to ASI
due to the small terminals used. Skynet has conducted analysis to ensure there is
sufficient geographic separation between the nominal coverage of T12 in its two
possible configurations, as indicated in Figure 1 and Figure 2, and the Canadian
border, to ensure there is no impact on the DTH service. However, should Skynet elect
to steer Beam B to provide coverage over Alaska in Configuration 2, there would be
insufficient geographic isolation to prevent significant ASI if the seven transponders
whose frequency bands overlap with the DTH service are used. Therefore, in this case
Skynet would only operate the five transponders which will not interfere with the
DTH service.

Anik F2 also provides FSS service in the United States, and Anik F1 and G1 provide
FSS service in South America. Since these areas overlap with those proposed for T12,
interference analysis is necessary. In these areas, the three adjacent satellites all
operate at standard Ku. The following considers a 2.2m Ku-band earth station within
the T12 satellite network, and calculates uplink and downlink C/I due to ASI from the
adjacent satellites ±1.9° away from T12.

Table A1 shows the calculation details of the uplink ASI C/I due to an earth station in
the United States transmitting to Anik F2, which is 1.9° away from T12. The on-bore
uplink power density for the antenna is assumed to the same as that of an antenna
transmitting to T12. The results are the same when considering an earth station in
South America transmitting to Anik F1 or G1.

Table A2 shows the calculation of the aggregate uplink ASI due to an earth station in
South America transmitting to Anik F1 or G1 simultaneously with an earth station in
the United States transmitting to Anik F2 at the same frequency.

The calculation details for downlink C/I due to ASI from Anik F2 are shown in Table
A3. The calculation of the maximum aggregate downlink ASI from Anik F1/G1 and F2
is shown in Table A4. Since the overlap of Anik F1/G1 and Anik F2’s coverage falls in
an area where each satellite’s power is significantly lower than at its beam peak, the
maximum aggregate downlink ASI is a loose upper bound on the actual value.

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Calculations for the uplink and downlink ASI C/I for a 4.6 m antenna gateway follow
analogously and are not shown.

Table A1: Calculation of Standard Ku-band uplink ASI C/I due to an earth station
transmitting to Anik F2 at 1.9° away
  T12 Orbital Location                                                   Deg WL          109.2
  Anik F2 Location at 1.9 degrees away                                   Deg WL          111.1
  Station Keeping Tolerance                                              Deg               0.05
  Minimum Geocentric Effective Separation                                Deg                1.9
  Topocentric Separation (θ)                                             Deg                2.1

  Uplink ASI C/I Calculation
  Frequency                                                              GHz             14.25
  T12 TX Earth Station
     Antenna Diameter                                                    m                  2.2
     Antenna Gain                                                        dBi               48.5
  Anik F2 TX Earth Station
     Antenna Off-axis gain toward T12 (29-25log(θ))                      dBi               20.9
  C/I (Uplink ASI)                                                       dB                27.6

Table A2: Aggregate Standard Ku-band band uplink ASI from Anik F2 and Anik F1/G1
  Uplink C/I due to ASI from Anik F2                                     dB               27.6
  Uplink C/I due to ASI from Anik F1/G1                                  dB               27.6
  Aggregate Uplink C/I due to ASI                                        dB               24.6

Table A3: Calculation of Standard Ku-band downlink ASI C/I for a 2.2 m earth station
antenna due to ASI from Anik F2 at 1.9° away
  T12 Orbital Location                                                   Deg WL          109.2
  Anik F2 Location at 1.9 degrees away                                   Deg WL          111.1
  Station Keeping Tolerance                                              Deg               0.05
  Minimum Geocentric Effective Separation                                Deg                1.9
  Topocentric Separation (θ)                                             Deg                2.1

  Downlink ASI C/I Calculation
  Frequency                                                              GHz             11.95
  T12 Receive Earth Station
     Antenna Diameter                                                    m                  2.2
     Antenna Gain                                                        dBi               46.9
     Antenna Off-axis gain toward Adjacent Satellite (29-25log(θ))       dBi               20.9
  C/I (Downlink ASI)                                                     dB                26.0

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Table A4: Aggregate Standard Ku-band downlink ASI from Anik F2 and Anik F1/G1
  Uplink C/I due to ASI from Anik F2                                dB               26.0
  Uplink C/I due to ASI from Anik F1/G1                             dB               26.0
  Aggregate Uplink C/I due to ASI                                   dB               23.0

Anik F1 and F2 are also licensed to operate at Extended-Ku band, although they only
utilize a small portion of the band for telemetry and command. Nevertheless, for the
purpose of modeling the worst-case ASI that may arise in a future scenario, the link
budgets in Section A4 assume the same ASI C/I values for both standard and
extended-Ku band.

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                                                                               Telstar 12

                       ENGINEERING INFORMATION

I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation
of the engineering information contained in this application, that I am familiar with
Part 25 of the Commission's rules, that I have either prepared or reviewed the
engineering information submitted in this application and that it is complete and
accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                         Richard Thommes
                                         Communications Systems Engineer
                                         1601 Telesat Court, Ottawa,
                                         ON, Canada K1B5P4
                                         Phone: 613-748-8700 Ext. 2307

May 13, 2016

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Document Created: 2016-05-13 12:28:10
Document Modified: 2016-05-13 12:28:10

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