Attachment Technical Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20160225-00022 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                               Technical Exhibit
                                                                          Telstar 12 VANTAGE

                                    Attachment A

Technical Exhibit for “Telstar 12 VANTAGE” Satellite at

A1. Introduction
This document is the technical attachment to the application for modification of Skynet
Satellite Corp. (“Skynet”) with regard to the Telstar 12 VANTAGE satellite (“T12V”) at
the 15° west longitude (WL) geostationary orbital location. Launch and operation authority
for T12V was granted in 2015 1. With this application, Skynet seeks authority to operate
six steerable European spot beams with a wider coverage area than has previously been

In the Technical Exhibit filed with the original application for authority to launch and
operate T12V (the “Original Technical Exhibit”), Skynet provided the technical
information required by paragraph (d) of Section 25.114 2 of the FCC rules. This
information was provided in Sections A2-A9.2 and Annex 1.

In this Technical Exhibit, for each of these sections and Annex 1 Skynet either states there
has been no change in the information previously provided or identifies the changes that
are needed to operate the six steerable European spot beams with a wider coverage area.
Except as stated in this Technical Exhibit, Skynet is making no changes to the Original
Technical Exhibit.

The information specified in paragraph (c) of Section 25.114 of the FCC rules is provided
in Schedule S. Skynet is submitting a modified version of Schedule S together with this
document, to reflect changes related to the six steerable spot beams. A summary of the
modifications is presented in Section A3..

A2. §25.114(d)(1): General Description of the Overall
The T12V satellite network consists of a geostationary satellite at 15° WL and associated
earth station facilities. The T12V satellite provides a range of fixed-satellite services (FSS)
to the United States and various countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle
East. T12V also incorporates Ka-band and Ap30B (13.0 – 13.25 GHz Earth-to-space and
11.2 – 11.45 GHz space-to-Earth) payloads. The Ap30B bands will not be used in the

    FCC file number SAT-LOA-20141010-00107
    47 C.F.R. §25.114

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United States. Authorization for use of Ap30B spectrum was not sought in the original
application for T12V and is not sought in this modification application.

T12V has 45 active transponders of bandwidths 54, 112.5, or 236.5 MHz. This satellite
uses a combination of wide regional beams and spot beams.

The North Sea, Mediterranean, and Arabia spot beams are the subject of this modification
application. The frequency plan for these beams is unchanged from the Original Technical
Exhibit. The service links in these spot beams operate in the bands 14.0 – 14.25 GHz Earth-
to-space and 10.95 – 11.2 GHz space-to-earth. Skynet only is seeking authority in this
modification application to operate the service link portion of the six steerable spot beams
with a wider coverage area, and is not seeking any change to the coverage area for the
gateway portion of the steerable spot beams.

Gateway frequencies for the North Sea beam, which are not covered by the original T12V
application or this modification application, are in the Ap30B bands. Gateway frequencies
for the Mediterranean and Arabia beams, which are not covered by this modification
application, are switchable between the Ku-band (13.75 – 14.5 GHz Earth-to-space/ 10.95
– 11.2 GHz, 11.7 – 12.2 GHz space-to-Earth) and Ka-band (29.25 – 30.0 GHz Earth-to-
space/ 18.3 – 18.8 GHz. 19.7 – 20.2 GHz space-to-Earth).

Figure 1 shows the six steerable spot beams that are the subject of this modification
application. The positions of these beams shown in Figure 1 represent their nominal
positions for initial operation. Skynet identifies the beams as S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 in
this Technical Exhibit and in Schedule S. As shown in Section A3, there is a horizontally
polarized S1 beam and a vertically polarized S1 beam; there is only a single polarization
for S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6. Each of the beams S1 to S6 is capable of being steered to
provide service within the area shown in Figure 2. The service area of the beams is
completely outside the United States.

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                                                                       Telstar 12 VANTAGE

Figure 1: Nominal Positions of Steerable Beams for Initial Operation

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Figure 2: The Service Area of the Steerable Spot Beams

A3. Space station antenna gain contours
The co-pol and cross-pol antenna gain contours, as well as the service areas for all the
beams of the T12V satellite were submitted concurrently with the Original Technical
Exhibit. This information remains unchanged except for the six steerable beams.

The downlink beams S1TXH, S1TXV, S2TXV, S3TXV, S4TXV, S5TXV, S6TXV, and
the uplink beams S1RXV, S1RXH, S2RXH, S3RXH, S4RXH, S5RXH, S6RXH, are
steerable. Therefore, as required by §25.114(c)(4)(vi)(D), the nominal antenna gain
contours for these beams have been provided in the GIMS database
“GIMS_DB_T12V_Steerable_Beams.mdb database submitted with this application. The
gain values of the contours in the GIMS database are relative to the peak gain. The peak
gain values and polarization information for each of the beams is shown in Table 1. The

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area expected to be served by each of these beams when they are steered (which is also
shown in Figure 2) is included in the GIMS database. The nominal contours are for the
positions proposed for the commencement of commercial operation in these beams. These
proposed positions are shifted north by one degree, in satellite coordinates, relative to the
positions that Skynet indicated in its Original Technical Exhibit.

Table 1: List of the steerable satellite beams and their peak antenna gain values
                         Uplink/       Co-pol Antenna       Cross-pol Antenna
      Beam              Downlink       Peak Gain (dBi)       Peak Gain (dBi)          Polarization
     S1TXV              Downlink            37.5                   7.3                     V
     S2TXV              Downlink            38.8                   7.7                     V
     S3TXV              Downlink            38.4                   7.0                     V
     S4TXV              Downlink            38.5                   7.4                     V
     S5TXV              Downlink            38.1                   6.4                     V
     S6TXV              Downlink            38.7                   8.4                     V
     S1RXH               Uplink             40.7                   9.6                     H
     S2RXH               Uplink             39.9                   9.4                     H
     S3RXH               Uplink             39.9                   8.9                     H
     S4RXH               Uplink             39.8                   9.0                     H
     S5RXH               Uplink             39.5                   8.9                     H
     S6RXH               Uplink             39.9                   9.6                     H

An updated version of Schedule S is also provided. The changes, compared to the version
included with Skynet’s Original Technical Exhibit, are as follows:
               (i)   in the “Service Area” tab, five fewer service areas are defined since
                     the six steerable beams share a common service area;

                 (ii)      in the “Antenna Beam” tab, the Maximum EIRP values for S3TXV,
                           S4TXV, and S6TXV are slightly reduced in order to comply with
                           the §25.208(b) PFD limits at all angles of arrival; and

                 (iii)     in the “Beam Diagram” tab, the PFD values are recalculated for
                           all steerable beams.

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A4. Description of the types of services to be provided,
areas served, transmission characteristics, performance
objectives, link noise budget, typical earth station
parameters, and modulation parameters
With the exception of the service area of the steerable beams, this section is unchanged
from Skynet’s Original Technical Exhibit.

A5. Power flux density compliance
The satellite antenna gain contours for the steerable beams if operated as proposed in this
modification application are provided in a GIMS database file, and the peak EIRP levels
are provided in Schedule S. Using the GIMS software, it was verified that the PFD limits
of §25.208 3 and §25.138 4, as well as the PFD limits of the ITU Radio Regulations, are met
in all the operating frequency bands. The steerable beams operate in the frequency band
10.95 – 11.2 GHz. In order to demonstrate the PFD compliance, for each of the steerable
satellite downlink beams in their nominal positions the maximum PFD at the beam peak
and at angles of arrival of 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, and 25° are shown in Tables 2 and 3. In the
tables, θ denotes the angle of arrival. Below is a brief description of these tables:
      •   Table 2 shows the maximum PFD levels for the beams that operate in the frequency
          band 10.95-11.2 GHz for several angles of arrival. Also shown in this table are the
          PFD limits of §25.208(b) and the ITU Radio Regulations.
      •   Table 3 shows the maximum PFD levels at the beam peak for the beams that operate
          in the frequency band 10.95-11.2 GHz. Also shown in this table are the PFD limits
          of §25.208(b) and the ITU Radio Regulations.
      •   For the six steerable beams, the EIRP and PFD values in Tables 2 and 3 are for the
          proposed nominal positions at commencement of commercial service. Should the
          beams be steered elsewhere within the service area, Skynet will comply with all
          FCC and ITU PFD limits, by reducing the peak EIRP if necessary.

    47 C.F.R. §25.208
    47 C.F.R. §25.138

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                                                                                                     Telstar 12 VANTAGE

Table 2: Maximum PFD levels at several angles of arrival for the steerable beams that operate in the frequency
band 10.95-11.2 GHz, when the beams are in their nominal position
                                                                                    Maximum PFD (dB(W/m2/4kHz))
               Peak                     EIRP over
    Beam       EIRP     Transponder     4 kHz BW
    Name      (dBW) 5    BW (MHz)         (dBW)           θ =0°             θ =5°        θ =10°       θ =15°        θ =20°       θ =25°
    S1TXV       58         112.5             13.5         -150.6        -150.6           -150.1       -150.1        -150.6       -153.6
    S2TXV     59.26        112.5             14.8         -151.9        -151.9           -149.9       -149.9        -149.4       -148.9
    S3TXV     58.58        112.5             14.1         -150.2        -150.2           -150.2       -150.2        -149.7       -149.7
    S4TXV     58.49        112.5             14.0         -150.7        -150.2           -150.2       -150.2        -150.2       -149.7
    S5TXV     58.54        112.5             14.0         -150.8        -150.8           -150.8       -150.8        -150.3       -148.8
    S6TXV     58.56        112.5             14.1         -150.2        -150.2           -150.2       -150.2        -149.7       -149.7
    S1TXH       58         112.5             13.5         -150.6        -150.6           -150.1       -150.1        -150.6       -153.6
    PFD limit of §25.208(b) (dB(W/m /4kHz)                -150.0        -150.0           -147.5       -145.0        -142.5       -140.0
    ITU Radio Regulations limit (dB(W/m /4kHz)            -150.0        -150.0           -147.5       -145.0        -142.5       -140.0

Table 3: Maximum PFD at the beam peak for the steerable beams that operate in the frequency band 10.95-11.2
GHz when the beams are in their nominal position

                                                                                      θ at the
                Peak                         Peak EIRP       Max PFD at the            Beam         PFD limit of          ITU Radio
     Beam       EIRP     Transponder         over 4 kHz       Beam Peak                Peak          §25.208(b)        Regulations limit
     Name      (dBW)      BW (MHz)           BW (dBW)       (dB(W/m2/4kHz))            (deg)      (dB(W/m2/4kHz))      (dB(W/m2/4kHz))
     S1TXV       58         112.5               13.5               -149.6              12.5           -146.3                 -146.3
     S2TXV     59.26        112.5               14.8               -147.9              31.4           -140.0                 -140.0
     S3TXV     58.58        112.5               14.1               -148.7              29.0           -140.0                 -140.0
     S4TXV     58.49        112.5               14.0               -148.7              32.6           -140.0                 -140.0
     S5TXV     58.54        112.5               14.0               -148.8              25.5           -140.0                 -140.0
     S6TXV     58.56        112.5               14.1               -148.7              30.1           -140.0                 -140.0
    S1TXH        58         112.5               13.5               -147.6              12.5           -146.3                 -146.3

  Very slight reductions have been made to the EIRP values of beams S3TXV, S4TXV, and S6TXV from
the values shown in the original application in order to comply with the §25.208(b) PFD limits at all angles.

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A6. §25.114(d)(6): Public interest considerations in
support of grant
Grant of this modification application is in the public interest because it will provide Skynet
customers additional flexibility to provide services over Europe and Africa.

A7. §25.114(d)(7): Information specified in §25.140(a)
(Interference analysis and the compatibility of the
proposed system two degrees from any authorized
space station)
This section is unchanged from Skynet’s Original Technical Exhibit.

A8. §25.114(d)(14): Description of the design and
operational strategies that will be used to mitigate
orbital debris
This section and its subsections are unchanged from Skynet’s Original Technical Exhibit.

A9. Sharing with NGSO FSS in the 28.6 – 28.9 GHz and
18.8 – 19.1 GHz Bands
This section and its subsections are unchanged from Skynet’s Original Technical Exhibit.

                          Annex 1 to Attachment A
     Details of the methodology for the calculation of C/I due to
                    adjacent satellite interference

This annex is unchanged from Skynet’s Original Technical Exhibit.

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                     ENGINEERING INFORMATION

I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of the
engineering information contained in this application, that I am familiar with Part 25 of the
Commission's rules, that I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information
submitted in this application and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

                                            Richard Thommes
                                            Communications Systems Engineer
                                            1601 Telesat Court, Ottawa,
                                            ON, Canada K1B 5P4
                                            Phone: 613-748-8700 Ext. 2307

February 19, 2016

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Document Created: 2016-02-25 16:27:34
Document Modified: 2016-02-25 16:27:34

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