Response to Comments

OTHER submitted by SES Americom, Inc.

SES Response to Comments


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20140730-00089 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                   )
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                 )   File No. SAT-MOD-20140730-00089
                                                   )   Call Sign S2445
Application for Modification of AMC-1              )
Fixed-Satellite Space Station License              )

                            RESPONSE OF SES AMERICOM, INC.

               SES Americom, Inc. (“SES Americom,” doing business as “SES”) hereby

responds to the comments filed by DIRECTV 1 and Intelsat 2 on the above-captioned application

to modify the AMC-1 license by reassigning the satellite to 47.5° W.L. (the “AMC-1

Modification”). Neither DIRECTV nor Intelsat opposes the modification, and the issues raised

by the parties present no obstacle to grant of the application. Accordingly, SES requests that the

Commission authorize the requested license modification to permit relocation of AMC-1 to

begin as soon as its traffic has been transferred to its replacement satellite, SES-3.

                      DIRECTV’s Request for Deferral Must Be Rejected

               DIRECTV’s expression of concern on behalf of SES’s AMC-1 customers about

continuity of service at 103° W.L. if the Commission were to authorize a relocation of the

satellite before the pending SES-3 replacement application has been granted is both baseless and

disingenuous. As SES has made abundantly clear, it is proposing to relocate AMC-1 to

47.5° W.L. only after the transfer of traffic from AMC-1 to SES-3 has occurred, which in turn

     Comments of DIRECTV, LLC, File No. SAT-MOD-20140730-00089, dated Oct. 20, 2014
(the “DIRECTV Comments”).
    Comments of Intelsat License LLC, File No. SAT-MOD-20140730-00089, dated Oct. 20,
2014 (the “Intelsat Comments”).

can only occur after grant of the pending SES-3 replacement application. 3 There is thus nothing

“misleading” 4 in the AMC-1 Modification in this regard.

               DIRECTV’s purported concern about service continuity for AMC-1 customers is

also blatantly disingenuous. Neither the Commission nor DIRECTV can be in any doubt

regarding SES’s commitment to providing continuous service at 103° W.L. Ensuring such

continuity is the reason SES timely constructed and launched replacement capacity and the

reason why SES and its customer NBCUniversal have been pushing for grant of the long-

pending SES-3 application, consistent with the public interest and established Commission

policy in favor of replacement satellites. Replacement of AMC-1 would already be complete but

for DIRECTV’s opposition to the SES-3 replacement application and the International Bureau’s

unprecedented decision to defer grant of C-and Ku-band authority to “provide a period of time”

for coordination to take place in the unrelated 17/24 GHz BSS band. 5 If DIRECTV were truly

concerned about long-term continuity of service and preventing disruption to AMC-1

customers, 6 it could simply withdraw its opposition to the SES-3 application. Instead, it

continues to abuse Commission licensing proceedings in an attempt to improve its negotiation

position vis-à-vis SES in unrelated frequency bands.

               The harm resulting from DIRECTV’s opposition and the Bureau’s deferral

decision is substantial and irreparable. SES and its customers (at their own risk) have done as

much of the advance work as they can to lay the foundation for a smooth transfer of C- and Ku-

     AMC-1 Modification, Narrative at 2 & n.3.
     DIRECTV Comments at 1.
     SES Americom, Inc., 29 FCC Rcd 3678, 3678, ¶ 1 (IB 2014) (the “SES-3 Deferral”).
     See DIRECTV Comments at 3.


band traffic from AMC-1 to SES-3, following the Commission’s partial grant of TT&C authority

for the SES-3 satellite. 7 For SES’s customer NBCUniversal, this has involved truck rolls out to

hundreds of earth station sites to make the antenna adjustments necessary to permit traffic

transfer before the commencement of the NFL season in August. However, because of the

Bureau’s decision to defer grant of SES-3 replacement authority, SES and its customers could

not complete the transition to SES-3 as scheduled. This delay has caused NBCUniversal to miss

its window to execute an orderly traffic transfer in 2014, and the next window for the transition

will not open until after the end of the NFL season in February 2015 (at the earliest). In the

meantime, NBCUniversal will be at continuing risk of loss of service in the event that AMC-1

develops some kind of anomaly. The delayed replacement of AMC-1 is also causing continuing

harm to the public interest (and SES) by tying up two satellites at 103° W.L. for an

unconscionably long period of time. As the proposal to relocate AMC-1 makes clear, there are

better uses to which the AMC-1 satellite can be put before its retirement than serving as a pawn

in DIRECTV’s attempt to gain coordination leverage.

               The extended delay in the case of SES-3 is especially egregious because it is

completely at odds with Commission precedent. The Commission has consistently made clear

that completion of coordination in a frequency band is not a prerequisite for grant of authority in

that frequency band. 8 Yet, in the case of SES-3, the Bureau is expressly refusing “for a period of

     SES-3 Deferral, 29 FCC Rcd at 3678, ¶ 1.
     See, e.g., DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085, grant-stamped
Jan. 8, 2010 (authorizing DIRECTV to operate the interim RB-2A 17/24 GHz BSS payload at
the nominal 103° W.L. orbital location even though it had not even commenced, much less
completed, coordination in the 17/24 GHz BSS frequencies with SES Americom’s affiliate, Ciel);
SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Limited, File Nos. SAT-PPL-20101103-00230 & SAT-APL-
20110120-00015, grant-stamped Oct. 13, 2011 (adding NSS-703 to the Permitted List and
denying a request that authority be conditioned on the completion of coordination); Loral


time” to grant replacement authority for the C- and Ku-band spectrum on SES-3 because of

coordination issues relating to a completely separate band. The Bureau has not attempted to

explain, let alone justify, its departure from its own precedent.

                 In any event, nothing in the DIRECTV pleading justifies deferring action on the

AMC-1 Modification. DIRECTV’s actions in the SES-3 proceeding have ensured that AMC-1

will not be available for relocation until at least February of 2015, following the end of the NFL

season. However, that is no reason to delay grant of the authority that will be needed when that

time comes.

                 SES Has No Objection to the Condition Requested by Intelsat

                 Intelsat requests that any grant of the AMC-1 Modification specify that the space

station “must comply with all existing and future space station coordination agreements reached

between the Netherlands and other Administrations, including the United States.”9 Intelsat states

that similar language is typically included in Commission authorizations for satellites operating

under non-U.S. International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) filings, including the market

access grant for NSS-806, the satellite with which AMC-1 will be collocated at 47.5° W.L. 10

Intelsat acknowledges that the italicized phrase is not part of the standard condition, but requests

that it be included to avoid any possible misunderstanding. 11

                 SES does not oppose the suggested coordination condition. SES does not believe

there is any risk of misunderstanding, as it goes without saying that satellite operators must abide

Spacecom, 18 FCC Rcd 16374 (Sat. Div. 2003) (adding Telstar 13 to the Permitted List despite
the fact that coordination with a higher priority filing had not been completed).
     Intelsat Comments at 2 (emphasis in original).
     Id. at 2 & n.4.
     Id. at 2.


by existing and future coordination agreements. Nevertheless, if the Commission deems it

advisable to make the requirement explicit, SES has no objection.

               In addition, SES expects that any grant of the AMC-1 Modification will also

include the Commission’s standard language relating to two-degree spacing:

               SES Americom shall comply with the power levels specified in Section 25.212 of
               the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.212, unless SES Americom coordinates
               any operations using power levels exceeding the levels in Section 25.212 with all
               potentially affected adjacent satellites within 6 degrees orbital separation of the
               47.5° W.L. orbital location. SES Americom shall inform the Commission of the
               power levels it has coordinated. In addition, SES Americom must inform all
               affected earth station operators that Section 25.220 of the Commission’s rules, 47
               C.F.R. § 25.220, applies to operations that exceed the power levels specified in
               Section 25.212.

As with the language requested by Intelsat, this condition is routinely included in authorizations

for U.S.-licensed satellites (operating either under U.S. or foreign ITU filings), as well as non-

U.S.-licensed space stations granted market access to serve the U.S., including NSS-806. 12 SES,

however, would oppose any alteration of this standard language, such as the one Intelsat has

recently suggested with respect to its pending application for the Intelsat 29e spacecraft. 13

     See, e.g., SES Americom, Inc., File No. SAT-MOD-20140207-00020, grant-stamped
April 10, 2014, Attachment to Grant at 3, ¶ 15; New Skies Satellites B.V., File No. SAT-MPL-
20130906-00114, grant-stamped Feb. 4, 2014, Attachment to Grant at 3, ¶ 11; New Skies
Satellites B.V., File No. SAT-PPL-20120717-00117, grant-stamped Aug. 1, 2013, Attachment to
Grant at 5, ¶ 20; Hispasat, S.A., File No. SAT-PPL-20130430-00064, grant-stamped Dec. 20,
2013, Attachment to Grant at 1, ¶ 4; Intelsat License LLC, File No. SAT-MOD-20120713-00110,
grant-stamped May 21, 2014, Attachment to Grant at 2-3, ¶ 7; Intelsat License LLC, File No.
SAT-MOD-20130322-00052, grant-stamped Oct. 23, 2013, Attachment to Grant at 2, ¶ 14;
Intelsat License LLC, File No. SAT-RPL-20120216-00018, grant-stamped May 25, 2012,
Attachment to Grant at 3, ¶ 13; Intelsat License LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20110610-00105,
grant-stamped Oct. 9, 2012, Attachment to Grant at 2, ¶ 7.
     Intelsat has argued that the Commission should add a sentence specifying that a “potentially
affected” satellite for purposes of the condition is one with which coordination is required under
the ITU regulations. See Response of Intelsat License LLC, File Nos. SAT-LOA-20130722-
00097 & SAT-AMD-20140718-00087, filed Oct. 29, 2014 at 3. SES will address this claim in
more detail when it files its reply regarding Intelsat 29e. For present purposes, however, we
simply note that Intelsat’s proposed language clearly does not reflect current Commission policy.



               For the foregoing reasons and those set forth in the AMC-1 Modification, SES

requests prompt Commission action allowing relocation of AMC-1 to 47.5° W.L. following the

transfer of traffic to SES-3.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                            By: /s/ Daniel C.H. Mah

Of Counsel                                     Daniel C.H. Mah
Karis A. Hastings                              Regulatory Counsel
SatCom Law LLC                                 SES Americom, Inc.
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                 Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 20004                         Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (202) 599-0975

Dated: November 4, 2014

In the ongoing proceeding on Part 25 reform, the Commission is seeking comment on two-
degree spacing, including on Intelsat’s suggestion that “instead of adhering to the two-degree
spacing rules, the Commission should allow coordination between operators to control
operational requirements and should resolve disputes based on ITU coordination priority.”
Comprehensive Review of Licensing and Operating Rules for Satellite Services, Further Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 12-267, FCC 14-1427 (rel. Sept. 30, 2014) at ¶ 43. As
the Commission’s statement makes clear, the Intelsat proposal would represent a departure from
existing Commission policy. See id. Unless and until the Commission adopts such a change in
its rules, the Commission staff must continue to apply current two-degree spacing policy as
reflected in the condition language set forth above.


                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

               I hereby certify that on this 4th day of November, 2014, a true copy of the

foregoing “Response of SES Americom, Inc.” is being sent by first class, U.S. Mail, postage paid,

to the following:

              Stacy R. Fuller
              DIRECTV, LLC
              901 F Street, N.W., Suite 600
              Washington, DC 20004

              William M. Wiltshire
              Michael Nilsson
              1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
              Washington, DC 20036

              Susan H. Crandall
              Associate General Counsel
              7900 Tysons One Place
              McLean, VA 22102

              Jennifer D. Hindin
              Colleen King
              WILEY REIN LLP
              1776 K Street, N.W.
              Washington, DC 20006-2304

                                              Norma Herrera

Document Created: 2014-11-04 18:01:07
Document Modified: 2014-11-04 18:01:07

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