Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20140612-00065 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                              Before the
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of                             )
DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                   )                 Call Sign: S2712
For Minor Modification of Authorization to )                 File No. SAT-MOD-___________
Launch and Operate DIRECTV RB-2            )


        On July 27, 2009, the Commission authorized DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

(“DIRECTV”) to launch and operate DIRECTV RB-2, a 17/24 GHz BSS satellite, at the

nominal 103° W.L. orbital location. 1 Since that time, DIRECTV has contracted for a

multi-band, multi-mission satellite known as DIRECTV 15, which will carry a full 17/24

GHz BSS payload that will operate under the DIRECTV RB-2 authorization. 2 The

construction of DIRECTV 15 is now nearing completion and, accordingly, in this

Application DIRECTV requests that its 17/24 GHz BSS authorization be modified in the

manner set forth herein so that it will conform to the parameters of the satellite currently

under construction.

        While the number of changes proposed herein is fairly numerous, upon review it

becomes clear that the changes are relatively minor refinements to what was previously

    See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 24 FCC Rcd. 9393 (Int’l Bur. 2009).
    DIRECTV recently filed an application for authority to operate the Ka-band payload on the DIRECTV
    15 satellite, as well as information related to the 12/17 GHz BSS payload that will not be licensed or
    operated at this time. See Application Narrative, IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-20140604-00055 (filed
    Jun. 4, 2014) (“D15 Application”). As discussed in greater detail below, certain aspects of that
    application are relevant to this application as well, and have been incorporated by reference.

requested and authorized. Indeed, the changes proposed herein do not involve a request

for additional orbital or spectrum resources, and thus should be deemed minor in nature. 3

         In accordance with Section 25.117(d)(1) of the Commission’s rules, DIRECTV

identifies in this Application only those items of information that should be changed from

its original application. For ease of reference, DIRECTV is also submitting a Schedule S,

which includes all of the revised technical information relevant to the 17/24 GHz BSS

payload. DIRECTV hereby certifies that the remaining information in its original

application and the Schedule S that accompanied it has not changed.


         DIRECTV is the nation’s leading provider of satellite direct-to-home video

services, with over 20 million subscribers. It began operations with a single satellite

operating in the Ku-band Broadcasting Satellite Service frequencies at a single orbital

location. In order to keep up with consumers’ demand for more video content and the

increasing bandwidth required to deliver such content (especially in high definition),

DIRECTV currently operates a fleet of satellites operating in the both Ku- and Ka-bands.

In order to meet future demand, including the impending introduction of high-bandwidth

programming in Ultra HD format, DIRECTV is now adding a third frequency band to its

operations – the 17/24 GHz BSS band. The DIRECTV RB-2 payload is an important

part of that expansion effort.

         Since grant of its original license, DIRECTV has worked with its satellite

manufacturer to optimize operational parameters in the 17/24 GHz BSS band, consistent

with all applicable Commission rules. As a result, certain aspects of those operations as

originally envisioned have changed slightly. Granting this Application will serve the

    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.117(d)(2)(iii) (defining major modification requests that must be placed in a
    processing queue pursuant to Section 25.158).


public interest by conforming DIRECTV’s authorization to the parameters of the satellite

currently under construction, and thus help enable DIRECTV to become the first satellite

operator to provide commercial service using the 17/24 GHz BSS band.

          For the foregoing reasons, DIRECTV submits that the Commission should grant

this Application as expeditiously as possible.

           AS REVISED

          In this section, we present those aspects of DIRECTV’s original application for

authority to operate DIRECTV RB-2 that it proposes to modify. For ease of comparison,

the subsection headings in the discussion below correspond to the headings of the

relevant subsections from the original application.

          4. General Description of Overall System Facilities, Operations and Services

          As discussed above, DIRECTV RB-2 is now a 17/24 GHz BSS payload on a

multi-band, multi-mission satellite known as DIRECTV 15. While the coverage area for

the payload has not changed, the manner in which that area will be covered by the

downlink beams has been modified. In addition, one of the two previously identified

uplink locations has also changed. As discussed below, the TT&C for the overall satellite

is now no longer in the 17/24 GHz BSS band, but rather in one of the bands used by

    In a recent Public Notice, the International Bureau set forth an interim waiver policy with regard to a
    number of satellite application information requirements. (See Public Notice, “International Bureau
    Adopts Policy of Granting Interim Waiver of Certain Requirements for Space Station Applications,”
    29 FCC Rcd. 664 (Int’l Bur. 2014)). The information contained in this application and the
    accompanying Schedule S is consistent with the policy set forth in that Public Notice. Accordingly,
    DIRECTV requests grant of a waiver of the information requirements covered by the policy set forth
    therein. Notably, DIRECTV seeks a waiver of Section 25.114(c)(4)(vi), which requires applicants to
    specify the gain of each transponder channel including any adjustable gain step capabilities. As
    required by Footnote 6 of the Public Notice, DIRECTV has entered a value of “1” in columns q and r
    of Table S7. Further in accordance with the instructions provided in Footnote 6, and in reliance
    thereon, DIRECTV states that such entries in these data fields are outside the scope of DIRECTV’s
    certification concerning the accuracy of information provided in this application.


another payload on the satellite. Finally, there are a number of other, smaller changes to

the payload’s operations, which are discussed below.

        5.1     Frequency/Channelization and Polarization Plan

        Details of the DIRECTV RB-2 frequency/channelization and polarization plan

for the communications channels have not changed. As mentioned above, however, the

TT&C frequencies are no longer in the 17/24 GHz BSS band, but are now in the Ka-

band. 5 All uplink communications channels will be fed to DIRECTV RB-2 from two

distinct sites, these being the DIRECTV uplink facilities in Moxee, WA (“NWUF”) and

New Hampton, NH (“NEUF”), whereas previously these were NWUF and the DIRECTV

facility in Tucson, AZ (“SWUF”). The national channels will be delivered to the 48

contiguous states (“CONUS”) plus Alaska through a single beam, and to Hawaii and

Puerto Rico through dedicated spot beams, whereas previously this combined coverage

was provided with a single beam. All these beams will carry identical national HD

programming material.

        5.2.1   Uplink Transmissions

        The maximum G/T of the DIRECTV RB-2 satellite is specified in the

accompanying Schedule S, which is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth

herein. Note that the previous G/T value of 17.5 dB/K has changed to 21.5 dB/K. The

minimum saturation flux density for each uplink beam is specified in the Schedule S and

the maximum saturation flux density is -80.7 dBW/m2 for beam S4 and -78.8 dBW/m2

for beam S5.

    The parameters for TT&C operations are discussed fully in the D15 Application. See D15 Application
    at 11-15 and App. B.


        5.2.2      Downlink Transmissions

        The maximum EIRP and EIRP density of the downlink beams will be as follows:

       Beam                  Max EIRP (dBW/36 MHz)                   Max EIRP density (dBW/MHz)
     CONUS+AK                         58.9                                      43.3
       Hawaii                         57.5                                      41.9
     Puerto Rico                      60.6                                      45.0

These maximum levels are also included in the accompany Schedule S. Note that the

previous maximum EIRP of the single CONUS+AK+HI+PR beam was 58 dBW/36

MHz, and the maximum EIRP density was 42.4 dBW/MHz.

        5.3        TT&C Subsystem

        As DIRECTV RB-2 is now a payload on the DIRECTV 15 satellite, details of the

TT&C subsystem can be found in the application for DIRECTV 15. 6

        6.         Orbital Locations

        DIRECTV seeks authority to operate DIRECTV RB-2 at 102.75° W.L. where it

will be essentially collocated with the SPACEWAY 1, DIRECTV 10 and DIRECTV 12

satellites. 7 This will enable DIRECTV to use a single dish to receive signals from all

four satellites.

    See id.
    Note that SPACEWAY 1 is currently authorized to operate at 102.925° W.L., DIRECTV 10 is
    currently authorized to operate at 102.815° W.L. and DIRECTV 12 is currently authorized to operate
    at 102.765° W.L. Before DIRECTV 15 is launched, DIRECTV will file requests to slightly modify the
    orbital locations of these other two satellites such that the final configuration of these satellites will be
    DIRECTV 15 at 102.75° W.L., DIRECTV 12 at 102.80° W.L., and DIRECTV 10 at 102.85° W.L.,
    with the east-west station keeping of each satellite maintained to within ±0.025°. The location of
    SPACEWAY 1 will remain unchanged in this new configuration.


       7.1     Uplink Beams

       DIRECTV RB-2 will receive communications signals from the DIRECTV uplink

facilities in Moxee, WA and New Hampton, NH. The receive antenna gain contour for

the DIRECTV RB-2 receive beams are given in GXT format in the accompanying

Schedule S.

       7.2     Downlink Beams

       DIRECTV RB-2 will employ a multiple beam transmit antenna system for 17/24

GHz BSS service to provide U.S. national coverage. One beam will cover

CONUS+Alaska, and individual spot beams will cover Hawaii and Puerto Rico. All

beams will be capable of transmitting across the frequency band 17.3-17.7 GHz using

LHCP and RHCP. The antenna gain contours, in GXT format, are given in the

accompanying Schedule S.

       7.3     TT&C Beams

       As discussed in Section 5.3, DIRECTV RB-2 is now a payload on the DIRECTV

15 satellite. The details of the TT&C beams for this satellite can be found in the

application for DIRECTV 15.

       8.2     Link Performance

       Representative communications link budgets for DIRECTV RB-2 are shown in

Appendix A as Tables A-1 to A-5, i.e., one for a city in each of the CONUS downlink

power flux density (“PFD”) regions defined by the Commission’s rules, and one each for

Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Because DIRECTV is applying for an orbital location that is

offset 0.25° from an Appendix F slot, these budgets include an entry for adjacent satellite

interference (“ASI”) from neighboring 17/24 GHz BSS satellites nominally spaced 3.75º,

4.25º, 7.75º and 8.25º away.


       9.      Satellite Orbit Characteristics

       DIRECTV RB-2 will be maintained in geosynchronous orbit at the 102.75º W.L.

orbital location with a maximum N-S drift of ± 0.05°, and a maximum E-W drift of ±

0.025°. The antenna axis attitude will be maintained within a time-weighted 3σ value of

± 0.1° for all modes of operation.

       10.     Power Flux Density

       The allowable PFD levels in the 17.3-17.7 GHz band are defined in Section

25.208(w) of the Commission’s rules on a regional basis for all conditions, including

clear sky, and for all methods of modulation as:

   (1) In the region of the contiguous United States, located south of 38º North Latitude
       and east of 100º West Longitude: -115 dBW/m2/MHz;

   (2) In the region of the contiguous United States, located north of 38º North Latitude
       and east of 100º West Longitude: -118 dBW/m2/MHz;

   (3) In the region of the contiguous United States, located west of 100º West
       Longitude: -121 dBW/m2/MHz; and

   (4) For all regions outside of the contiguous United States including Alaska and
       Hawaii: -115 dBW/m2/MHz.

As discussed in Section 5.2.2 above, the maximum downlink EIRP for DIRECTV RB-2

in the CONUS+AK beam will be 58.9 dBW/36 MHz channel. DIRECTV calculates the

maximum power flux density on the Earth’s surface from this emission as: Max

EIRP/channel minus spreading loss in direction of max gain minus bandwidth correction

factor, or 58.9 dBW/36MHz – 162.4 (dB-m2) – 10log(36) = -119.1 dBW/m2/MHz. The

maximum downlink EIRP for regions outside of the contiguous United States is 60.6

dBW which, through the same calculation, results in a maximum power flux density of

-117.4 dBW/MHz.


        Because DIRECTV RB-2 will be placed at 102.75º W.L. rather than the Appendix

F slot of 103° W.L., there will be 0.25º less spacing between DIRECTV RB-2 and the

next closest on-grid location established in the BSS R&O. This slight offset results in 0.7

dB less discrimination from this adjacent location. 8 The maximum PFD calculated

above, which is 4.1 dB less than the maximum allowed in Section 25.208(w)(1) for

CONUS and 2.4 dB less than the maximum allowed for regions outside of CONUS,

accounts for this slight reduction in discrimination from this next closest location as

required under Section 25.140(b)(4)(iii). This means that the DIRECTV RB-2 system is

necessarily compliant with the PFD levels established in Sections 25.208(c) and

25.208(w)(1) and (4).

        As discussed in Section 7.2 above, the downlink antenna gain pattern for

DIRECTV RB-2 is included in GXT format in the accompanying Schedule S, and is also

represented below for the CONUS+AK beam. Inspection of this pattern shows that (1)

the antenna peak gain is north of 38º North latitude and east of 100º W.L., but as

discussed above the peak PFD density for this beam of -119.1 dBW/MHz complies with

both Section 25.208(w)(1) and (w)(2); and (2) the antenna relative gain west of 100º

W.L. is at least 4 dB below peak gain, which means that the peak PFD density in this

region is below -123.1 dBW/MHz, making this beam compliant with Section

25.208(w)(3). As a result, the maximum PFD on the earth’s surface complies with

Section 25.208(w) in each of the applicable regions defined in the Commission’s rules.

    This value is based on the reduction of topocentric angle and the assumption of a 45 cm receive
    antenna that meets the reference antenna pattern of Section 25.224.


       11.     Arrangement for Tracking, Telemetry, and Control

       DIRECTV has contracted with Intelsat Satellite Operations to perform the TT&C

operations for DIRECTV 15. The Intelsat control center is located in Long Beach, CA.

The primary TT&C uplink will come from DIRECTV’s Castle Rock Broadcast Center, in

Castle Rock, CO. The backup TT&C uplink will come from DIRECTV’s Northeast

uplink facility in New Hampton, NH.

       17.     Interference Analysis

       In order to achieve maximum compatibility between diverse networks, the

Commission has established coordination thresholds for earth station off-axis EIRP

density and spacecraft PFD in Sections 25.223 and 25.208, respectively. As such,

DIRECTV has assumed for the purposes of this application regional maximum downlink

PFD values from neighboring systems consistent with Section 25.208(w), maximum

feeder link earth station off-axis transmit power density consistent with Section 25.223,

and receive earth station compliance with Section 25.224 (i.e., Recommendation ITU-R


       The interference analyses that are included in this application were performed in

conjunction with the end-to-end link performance analyses. Abbreviated link budgets are


presented in Tables A-1 through A-5 in Appendix A, i.e. one budget for each of the

CONUS PFD regions defined in Section 25.208(w) and one budget for each of Hawaii

and Puerto Rico. In each case, the analysis includes the effects of adjacent satellite

interference from satellites nominally spaced 3.75º, 4.25º, 7.75º and 8.25º away in

evaluating whether the system accommodates the various data rates at acceptable C/(N+I)

thresholds. Additionally, adjacent satellite interference was calculated assuming 0.5°

mis-pointing of the receive antenna and 0.05° station-keeping of the interfering satellites.

Tables A-1 to A-5 of Appendix A demonstrate that the DIRECTV RB-2 design described

in this application is compatible with the aforementioned transmission parameters and

interference environment. Accordingly, the proposed 17/24 GHz BSS satellite would

operate successfully in such an environment.

       To properly account for interference from adjacent operating satellite systems, the

uplink budgets include aggregate interference from earth terminals associated with

satellites at 3.75º, 4.25º, 7.75º and 8.25º of orbit separation. On the uplink, the budgets

include a level of interference that accounts for the maximum level of off-axis EIRP

permissible under Section 25.223. On the downlink, the satellites at 3.75º, 4.25º, 7.75º

and 8.25º of orbit separation are each assumed to produce an interference level equivalent

to the maximum PFD value permissible under Section 25.208(w) at that geographical

location. In all cases it is shown that the system, as proposed, will be able to operate

successfully in this interference environment. DIRECTV recognizes that it must accept

any increased interference from compliant systems operating at Appendix F slots that

may result from operating DIRECTV RB-2 at a slight offset from the on-grid slot at 103°



        18.     Orbital Debris Mitigation

        As discussed in this application, DIRECTV RB-2 is now a payload on the

DIRECTV 15 satellite. The details of the orbital debris mitigation plan for the satellite

can be found in the application for DIRECTV 15, and is hereby incorporated as if fully

set forth herein.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC

                                      By:     __/s/________________________
                                              Romulo Pontual
                                              Executive Vice President



The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as

(i)     I am the technically qualified person responsible for the engineering
        information contained in the foregoing Application,

(ii)    I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission's Rules, and

(iii)   I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information contained
        in the foregoing Application, and it is complete and accurate to the best of
        my knowledge and belief.


                                      Jack Wengryniuk

                                      June 12, 2014

          APPENDIX A


                                                                                    Rain Up
                                                                           Clear|   and Rain
                             Miami                                           Sky       Dn
Uplink C/N (thermal), dB     Transmit power, dBW                              22          7.2
Moxee, WA                    Transmit losses, dB                             12           12
                             Ground antenna gain, dB                        65.2         65.2
                             Antenna pointing loss, dB                        0.5         0.5
24.95 GHz                    Free space loss, dB                           211.5       211.5
                             Atmospheric loss, dB                            1.0         1.0
                             Uplink rain loss, dB                            0.0         5.0
                             Satelite G/T, dB/K                             214          214
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K                —228.6      —228.6
Uplink C/N (thermal)                                                        28.4         28.4
                             C (wpol. NPR). dB                              250          250
Total Uplink C/(N+1)                                                        234          234

Downlink C/N (thermal),dB    Satelite EIRP, dBW/36 MHz                      56.9         56.9
                             Free space loss, dB                           208.7       208.7
                              Gaseous                                         0.4         0.4
                              Cloud                                           0.6         0.6
                              Scintillation                                   0.4         0.4
17.5 GHz                      Downlink rain loss, dB                          0.0         5.8
                             Rain temp increase, dB                           0.0         4.0
                             Rain + Atmos Loss, dB                            12          6.9
                             Rev. antenna pointing loss, dB                   1.0         1.0
                             Antenna wetting + noise increase, dB             0.0         1.0
                             Ground G/T, dB/K                               17.9         17.9
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K                —228.6      —228.6
Total Downlink C/N                                                           17.7         7.0

Totals                       Uplink C/N (thermal), dB                       234          234
                             Downlink C/N (thermal), dB                     17.7          7.0
                              x—pol interference, dB                        20.0         20.0
                              Aggregate C/l from ASl                        16.6         16.6
                              Aggregate C/l from TX E/S                     29.6         29.6
                              Adjacent Channel C/1, dB                      25.0         25.0
                               Co—frequency C/l, dB                         99.0         99.0
                             Total inter and intra—system C/1, dB (incl.
                             xepol, ASI, ACL, TX E/S)                        14.4        14.4
                             Total C/(N+1), dB                               124          6.2
                             Required C/(N+!), dB (includes
                             implementation margin)                           4.7         4.7
                             Margin, dB                                       TT          1.5

            Table A—1. DIRECTV RB—2 Link Budget — Downlink to Miami

                                                                                   Rain Up
                                                                          Clear|   and Rain
                            Chicago                                         Sky       Dn
Uplink C/N (thermal), dB    Transmit power, dBW                              22          7.2
Moxee, WA                   Transmit losses, dB                             12           12
                            Ground antenna gain, dB                        65.2         65.2
                            Antenna pointing loss, dB                        0.5         0.5
24.95 GHz                   Free space loss, dB                           211.5       211.5
                            Atmospheric loss, dB                            1.0         1.0
                            Uplink rain loss, dB                            0.0         5.0
                             Satelite G/T, dB/K                            214          214
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                              74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K               —228.6      —228.6
Uplink C/N (thermal)                                                       284          284
                             C (wpol. NPR). dB                             25.0         25.0
Total Uplink C/(N+1)                                                       234          234

Downlink C/N (thermal),dB    Satelite EIRP, dBW/36 MHz                     54.9         54.9
Chicago                      Free space loss, dB                          208.8       208.8
                              Gaseous                                        0.4         0.4
                              Cloud                                          0.7         0.7
                              Scintillation                                  0.5         0.5
17.5 GHz                      Downlink rain loss, dB                         0.0         29
                             Rain temp increase, dB                          0.0         3.3
                             Rain + Atmos Loss, dB                           1.3         4.0
                             Rev. antenna pointing loss, dB                  1.0         1.0
                            Antenna wetting + noise increase, dB             0.0         1.0
                             Ground G/T, dB/K                              17.9         17.9
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                              74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K               —228.6      —228.6
Total Downlink C/N                                                          15.6         8.5

Totals                       Uplink C/N (thermal), dB                      234          234
                             Downlink C/N (thermal), dB                    15.6          8.5
                              x—pol interference, dB                       20.0         20.0
                              Aggregate C/l from ASl                        17.6        17.6
                              Aggregate C/ from TX E/S                     29.6         29.6
                              Adjacent Channel C/1, dB                     25.0         25.0
                              Co—frequency C/l, dB                         99.0         99.0
                            Total inter and intra—system C/1, dB (incl.
                            xepol, ASI, ACL, TX E/S)                        15.0        15.0
                            Total C/(N+1), dB                               11.9         7.5
                            Required C/(N+!), dB (includes
                            implementation margin)                           4.7         4.7
                            Margin, dB                                       72          2.8

           Table A—2. DIRECTV RB—2 Link Budget — Downlink to Chicago

                                                                                   Rain Up
                                                                          Clear|   and Rain
                            Los Angeles                                     Sky       Dn
Uplink C/N (thermal), dB    Transmit power, dBW                              22          7.2
Moxee, WA                   Transmit losses, dB                             12           12
                            Ground antenna gain, dB                        65.2         65.2
                            Antenna pointing loss, dB                        0.5         0.5
24.95 GHz                   Free space loss, dB                           211.5       211.5
                            Atmospheric loss, dB                            1.0         1.0
                            Uplink rain loss, dB                            0.0         5.0
                            Satelite G/T, dB/K                             214          214
                            Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                            Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW!/Hz K               —228.6      —228.6
Uplink C/N (thermal)                                                       284          284
                            C (wpol. NPR). dB                              250          250
Total Uplink C/(N+1)                                                       234          234

Downlink C/N (thermal),dB   Satelite EIRP, dBW/36 MHz                      52.9        52.9
Los Angeles                 Free space loss, dB                           208.8       208.8
                             Gaseous                                        0.4         0.4
                             Cloud                                          0.2         0.2
                             Scintillation                                  0.3         0.3
17.5 GHz                      Downlink rain loss, dB                         0.0         1.6
                             Rain temp increase, dB                          0.0         21
                             Rain + Atmos Loss, dB                           0.8         22
                             Rev. antenna pointing loss, dB                  1.0         1.0
                            Antenna wetting + noise increase, dB             0.0         1.0
                            Ground G/T, dB/K                               17.9         17.9
                            Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                            Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K                —228.6      —228.6
Total Downlink C/N                                                          14.1         9.5

Totals                      Uplink C/N (thermal), dB                       234          234
                            Downlink C/N (thermal), dB                     14.1          9.5
                              x—pol interference, dB                       20.0         20.0
                              Aagregate C/ from ASI                        18.6         18.6
                              Aggregate C/l from TX E/S                    29.6         29.6
                              Adjacent Channel C/1, dB                     25.0         25.0
                              Co—frequency C/l, dB                         99.0         99.0
                            Total inter and intra—system C/1, dB (incl.
                            xepol, ASI, ACL, TX E/S)                        15.5        15.5
                            Total C/(N+1), dB                               11.4         8.4
                            Required C/(N+!), dB (includes
                            implementation margin)                           4.7         4.7
                            Margin, dB                                       6.7         3.7

         Table A—3. DIRECTV RB—2 Link Budget — Downlink to Los Angeles

                                                                                    Rain Up
                                                                           Clear|   and Rain
                             Honolulu                                        Sky       Dn
Uplink C/N (thermal), dB     Transmit power, dBW                              22          7.2
Moxee, WA                    Transmit losses, dB                             12           12
                             Ground antenna gain, dB                        65.2         65.2
                             Antenna pointing loss, dB                        0.5         0.5
24.95 GHz                    Free space loss, dB                           211.5       211.5
                             Atmospheric loss, dB                            1.0         1.0
                             Uplink rain loss, dB                            0.0         5.0
                             Satelite G/T, dB/K                             214          214
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K                —228.6      —228.6
Uplink C/N (thermal)                                                        284          284
                             C (wpol. NPR). dB                              25.0         25.0
Total Uplink C/(N+1)                                                        234          234

Downlink C/N (thermal),dB    Satelite EIRP, dBW/36 MHz                      57.5         57.5
Honolulu                     Free space loss, dB                           200.3       200.3
                              Gaseous                                         0.6         0.6
                              Cloud                                           1.5         1.5
                              Scintillation                                   0.9         0.9
17.5 GHz                      Downlink rain loss, dB                          0.0         7.3
                             Rain temp increase, dB                           0.0         4.7
                             Rain + Atmos Loss, dB                            23          9.4
                             Rev. antenna pointing loss, dB                   1.0         1.0
                             Antenna wetting + noise increase, dB             0.0         1.0
                             Ground G/T, dB/K                               232          232
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K                —228.6      —228.6
Total Downlink C/N                                                          21.9          91

Totals                       Uplink C/N (thermal), dB                       234          234
                             Downlink C/N (thermal), dB                     21.9          9.1
                              x—pol interference, dB                        20.0         20.0
                              Aggregate C/l from ASl                        22.6         22.6
                              Aggregate C/ from TX E/S                      29.6         29.6
                              Adjacent Channel C/1, dB                      25.0         25.0
                              Co—frequency C/l, dB                          99.0         99.0
                             Total inter and intra—system C/1, dB (incl.
                             xepol, ASI, ACL, TX E/S)                        17.0        17.0
                             Total C/(N+1), dB                               15.1         8.3
                             Required C/(N+!), dB (includes
                             implementation margin)                           4.7         4.7
                             Margin, dB                                      10.4         3.6

           Table A—4. DIRECTV RB—2 Link Budget — Downlink to Honolulu

                                                                                    Rain Up
                                                                           Clear|   and Rain
                             San Juan PR                                     Sky       Dn
Uplink C/N (thermal), dB     Transmit power, dBW                              22          7.2
Moxee, WA                    Transmit losses, dB                             12           12
                             Ground antenna gain, dB                        65.2         65.2
                             Antenna pointing loss, dB                        0.5         0.5
24.95 GHz                    Free space loss, dB                           211.5       211.5
                             Atmospheric loss, dB                            1.0         1.0
                             Uplink rain loss, dB                            0.0         5.0
                             Satelite G/T, dB/K                             214          214
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K                —228.6      —228.6
Uplink C/N (thermal)                                                        284          284
                             C (wpol. NPR). dB                              25.0         25.0
Total Uplink C/(N+1)                                                        234          234

Downlink C/N (thermal),dB    Satelite EIRP, dBW/36 MHz                      60.6         60.6
San Juan PR                  Free space loss, dB                           208.9       208.9
                              Gaseous                                         0.2         0.2
                              Cloud                                           0.2         0.2
                              Scintillation                                   0.3         0.3
17.5 GHz                      Downlink rain loss, dB                          0.0         4.9
                             Rain temp increase, dB                           0.0         35
                             Rain + Atmos Loss, dB                            0.6         5.3
                             Rev. antenna pointing loss, dB                   1.0         1.0
                             Antenna wetting + noise increase, dB             0.0         1.0
                             Ground G/T, dB/K                               17.9         17.9
                             Bandwidth, dB—Hz                               74.8         74.8
                             Boltzmann‘s constant, dBW/Hz K                —228.6      —228.6
Total Downlink C/N                                                          21.9         12.6

Totals                       Uplink C/N (thermal), dB                       234          234
                             Downlink C/N (thermal), dB                     21.9         126
                              x—pol interference, dB                        20.0         20.0
                              Aagregate C/ from ASI                         20.3         20.3
                              Aggregate C/l from TX E/S                     29.6         29.6
                              Adjacent Channel C/1, dB                      25.0         25.0
                               Co—frequency C/l, dB                         99.0         99.0
                             Total inter and intra—system C/1, dB (incl.
                             xepol, ASI, ACL, TX E/S)                        16.3        16.3
                             Total C/(N+1), dB                               14.6        10.8
                             Required C/(N+!), dB (includes
                             implementation margin)                           4.7         4.7
                             Margin, dB                                       9.9         61

           Table A—5. DIRECTV RB—2 Link Budget — Downlink to San Juan

Document Created: 2019-04-09 22:11:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 22:11:37

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