D7S Confirmation Let

LETTER submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

D7S Confirmation Letter


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20140127-00010 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                      March 10, 2014


Marlene H. Dortch
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

           Re: IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20140127-00010

Dear Ms. Dortch:

     In connection with the above referenced request for extension of the license term for
DIRECTV 7S, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC hereby confirms the following:

      1. The spacecraft has no single points of failure.
      2. All subsystems on the spacecraft are operating normally.
      3. The spacecraft has no issues with TT&C links, including back-up links.
      4. DIRECTV has no present intention to move the spacecraft from the nominal 119° W.L.
         orbital location during the requested term of extension.
      5. DIRECTV’s estimate for the remaining useful life of the spacecraft is not based on any
         operations in inclined orbit.

           Please direct any questions regarding this matter directly to the undersigned.

                                                           Sincerely yours,


                                                           William M. Wiltshire
                                                           Counsel for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

cc:        Stephen Duall

      1200 18TH STREET, NW | SUITE 1200 | WASHINGTON, DC 20036 | TEL 202-730-1300 | FAX 202-730-1301 | WILTSHIREGRANNIS.COM

Document Created: 2019-04-13 07:43:10
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 07:43:10

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