Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20131114-00133 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of                          )
DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                )                File No. __________________
For Minor Modification of Authorization )                Call Sign S2673
to Operate DIRECTV 5, a Direct          )
Broadcast Satellite, at 110.1° W.L.     )


        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”) hereby requests a minor modification of

its authorization to operate DIRECTV 5, a satellite in the Direct Broadcast Satellite (“DBS”)

service at the 110.1° W.L. orbital location. 1 Specifically, DIRECTV requests authority to

reorient the spacecraft slightly to the East so that it will be able to provide better service to

subscribers of DIRECTV Latin America (“DTVLA”) in Puerto Rico. This proposed

reorientation will not require any additional orbital or spectrum resources, and will have no

effect on the services and programming currently available to DIRECTV subscribers in other

parts of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Accordingly, it will serve the public

interest by improving signal reception for DTVLA’s subscribers in Puerto Rico without any

offsetting impact on any other subscribers.

        In accordance with Section 25.117(d)(1) of the Commission’s rules, DIRECTV

identifies in this Application, Technical Attachment and Annex, and associated GIMS

    See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 20 FCC Rcd. 15778 (IB 2005); Grant Stamp, IBFS File No.
    SAT-MOD-20060717-00074 (Nov. 29, 2006).


container database, 2 only those items of information that have changed from its station

license and associated application(s). DIRECTV hereby certifies that the remaining

information in its station license and associated application(s) has not changed.


        DIRECTV has been providing DBS service from the 110° W.L. orbital location since

1999, 3 where it is authorized to use three of the thirty-two DBS channels available at that

location. DIRECTV 5 is the most recent satellite to operate at this location, having arrived in

2005. Because of the limited amount of spectrum available, DIRECTV has traditionally used

this slot to provide a variety of non-core content, including foreign language programming

and early high definition channels.

        At present, the satellite is being used to enhance the direct-to-home video service

provided to subscribers in Puerto Rico. The programming being transmitted is intended for

DTVLA subscribers, and consists of a subset of the programming available to subscribers in

the United States. In other words, U.S. subscribers outside of Puerto Rico – including those

in Alaska and Hawaii – also have access to all of the programming carried by DIRECTV 5,

but receive that programming from other DIRECTV satellites. Because the transmissions are

redundant with respect to DIRECTV subscribers in areas outside of Puerto Rico, their loss

will not change the services and packages available in those areas. Unfortunately, Puerto

Rico lies at the outside edge of the area currently covered by the DIRECTV 5 downlink

    The reoriented uplink and downlink gain contours are set forth in Figures A-1 and A-2 of the
    Technical Appendix, and are submitted herewith in .GXT format in the associated GIMS
    container database.
    See DIRECTV Enterprises, Inc., 15 FCC Rcd. 6738 (IB 1999) (authorizing operation of
    DIRECTV 1 satellite at 109.8° W.L.).


beam. As a result, the signal received by subscribers in that area is subject to more signal

outages due to atmospheric effects than it would be for a subscriber located on the mainland.

        Accordingly, in this application, DIRECTV seeks authority to reorient the satellite so

that Puerto Rico falls within the portion of the downlink with a higher power level. This will

increase the signal strength available in Puerto Rico by approximately 6 dB – about four

times the power currently available from DIRECTV 5 in Puerto Rico. This will, in turn,

increase the availability of the signal in Puerto Rico to over 99.85%, which is commensurate

with that provided throughout the rest of the United States.

        Clearly, the proposed modification will improve DBS service for subscribers in

Puerto Rico. Moreover, because the programming being transmitted by DIRECTV 5 is

merely duplicative of the programming made available to subscribers outside Puerto Rico

from other DIRECTV satellites, the proposed modification will achieve this improvement for

Puerto Rico without affecting the service enjoyed by other DIRECTV subscribers. For this

same reason, although reorienting the satellite to the East will pull coverage away from

Western portions of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, 4 subscribers in those

areas will continue to enjoy the same level of DIRECTV service they have today. In essence,

the proposed modification will enable DTVLA to provide consumers in Puerto Rico – a U.S.

territory – a video experience of the same high quality that other Americans have come to

expect. 5

    DIRECTV is filing herewith a request for waiver of the geographic service requirements in
    Section 25.148(c) of the Commission’s rules.
    See 8 U.S.C. § 1402 (“All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject
    to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth”).



       For the foregoing reasons, the proposed modification will serve the public interest by

enabling DIRECTV to provide improved service in Puerto Rico without affecting the service

levels or content available to viewers outside that territory. Accordingly, DIRECTV

respectfully requests that the Commission grant this application as expeditiously as possible.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC

                                      By:    __\s\________________________
                                             Romulo Pontual
                                             Executive Vice President


                         ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION

The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as follows:

(i)     I am the technically qualified person responsible for the engineering information
        contained in the foregoing Application,

(ii)    I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission's Rules, and

(iii)   I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information contained in the
        foregoing Application, and it is complete and accurate to the best of my
        knowledge and belief.


                                             Jack Wengryniuk

                                             November 13, 2013


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                        Figure A—1. DIRECTV 5 Uplink Gain Contours


Figure A—2. DIRECTV 5 Downlink Gain Contours


         Table A-1. DIRECTV 5 Link Budget – Downlink to Puerto Rico

DIRECTV 5                             San Juan                  Sky     Rain Dn

Uplink C/N (thermal), dB    Transmit power, dBW                 15.0       17.0
                            Transmit power density
                            dBW/Hz                              -58.8     -56.8
                            Transmit losses, dB                  -2.0      -2.0
                            Ground antenna gain, dB              65.8      65.8
                            Antenna pointing loss, dB            -0.5      -0.5
                            Free space loss, dB                -209.4    -209.4
                            Atmospheric loss, dB                 -0.2      -0.2
                            Uplink rain loss, dB                  0.0      -2.0
                            Satellite G/T, dB/K                   1.6       1.6
                            Bandwidth, dB-Hz                     73.0      73.0
                            Boltzmann's constant, dBW/Hz
                            K                                  228.6      228.6

Total Uplink C/N                                                25.9       25.9

Downlink C/N (thermal),dB   Satellite EIRP, dBW/36 MHz           56.0      56.0
                            Free space loss, dB                -206.4    -206.4
                            Atmospheric loss, dB                 -0.2      -0.2
                            Downlink rain loss, dB                0.0      -2.5
                            Rain temp increase, dB                0.0      -2.2
                            Rcv. antenna pointing loss, dB       -0.5      -0.5
                            Ground G/T, dB/K                     14.4      14.4
                            Bandwidth, dB-Hz                     73.0      73.0
                            Boltzmann's constant, dBW/Hz
                            K                                  228.6      228.6

Total Downlink C/N                                              18.9       14.2

                                                                Sky     Rain Dn
Totals                      Uplink C/N (thermal), dB            25.9       25.9
                            Downlink C/N (thermal), dB          18.9       14.2
                            Total inter and intra-system C/I
                            dB (incl x-pol, ASI, ACI)           17.4       17.4

                            Total C/(N+I), dB                   14.7       12.3
                            Required C/(N+I), dB                 4.6        4.6

                            Margin, dB                          10.1        7.7


                ANNEX 1


                         ANNEX 1 TO APPENDIX 30 FOR USABSS-16

1. Limits for the interference into frequency assignments in conformity with the Regions 1
   and 3 Plan or with the Regions 1 and 3 List or into new or modified assignments in the
   Regions 1 and 3 List

Not applicable to Region 2 modifications.

2. Limits to the change in the overall equivalent protection margin for frequency
   assignments in conformity with the region 2 Plan

With respect to § 4.2.3 c) of Article 4, an administration in Region 2 is considered as being
affected if the overall equivalent protection margin corresponding to a test point of its entry in
the Region 2 Plan, including the cumulative effect of any previous modification to that Plan or
any previous agreement, falls more than 0.25 dB below 0 dB, or, if already negative, more
than 0.25 dB below the value resulting from:
–    the Region 2 Plan as established by the 1983 Conference; or
–    a modification of the assignment in accordance with this Appendix; or
–    a new entry in the Region 2 Plan under Article 4; or
–    any agreement reached in accordance with this Appendix.

A detailed interference analysis was performed using MSPACEg and the uplink and downlink
shaped beams of USABSS-40. 1 Results show that only one administration is affected, namely
Belize. The findings file for USABSS-36A is included immediately below. As can be seen, the
maximum degradation to the Belize entry in the Region 2 Plan is 0.33dB (i.e., 0.08 dB above the
trigger value of 0.25 dB) at one test point of one channel. DIRECTV believes that this
exceedance can be readily resolved.

    Because the network identifier was not known at the time, DIRECTV used the identifier USABSS-
    36A as the alias for this network for purposes of the MSPACEg analysis, which is why that identifier
    appears in the printout of the MSPACEg findings file.


3. Limits to the change in the power flux density to protect the broadcasting-satellite
   service in Regions 1 and 2 in the band 12.2-12.5 GHz and in Region 3 in the band 12.5-
   12.7 GHz

With respect to § 4.2.3 a), 4.2.3 b) or 4.2.3 f) of Article 4, as appropriate, an administration in
Region 1 or 3 is considered as being affected if the proposed modification to the Region 2 Plan
would result in exceeding the following power flux-densities values, at any test point in the
service area of its overlapping frequency assignments:
       -147 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 27 MHz))                           for   0°       ≤ θ < 0.23°
       -135.7 + 17.74 log θ dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 27 MHz))           for   0.23°    ≤ θ < 2.0°
       -136.7 + 1.66 θ2 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 27 MHz))               for   2.0°     ≤ θ < 3.59°
       -129.2 + 25 log θ dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 27 MHz))              for   3.59°    ≤ θ < 10.57°
       -103.6 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 27 MHz))                         for   10.57°   ≤θ

where θ is the minimum geocentric orbital separation in degrees between the wanted and
interfering space stations, taking into account the respective East-West station-keeping

The closest Regions 1 and 3 BSS orbital location in the Regions 1 and 3 Plan or List is a French
assignment at 160° W.L., which is 50° from the 110° W.L. orbital location. Therefore the -103.6
dBW/m2/27 MHz level applies.

The maximum pfd for USABSS-40 is -106.9 dBW/m2 . 24 MHz, or -107.4 dBW/m2 . 27 MHz.
The pfd limit of -103.6 dBW/m2/27 MHz is not exceeded anywhere on the earth’s surface.
Therefore, USABSS-40 is in compliance with Section 3.

4. Limits to the power flux density to protect the terrestrial services of other

With respect to § 4.2.3 d) of Article 4, an administration in Region 1, 2 or 3 is considered as
being affected if the consequence of the proposed modification to an existing assignment in the
Region 2 Plan is to increase the power flux-density arriving on any part of the territory of that
administration by more than 0.25 dB over that resulting from that frequency assignment in the
Region 2 Plan at the time of entry into force of the Final Acts of the 1985 Conference. The same
administration is considered as not being affected if the value of the power flux-density anywhere
in its territory does not exceed the limits expressed below.


With respect to § 4.1.1 d) or §4.2.3 d) of Article 4, an administration in Region 1, 2 or 3 is
considered as being affected if the proposed new assignment in the Regions 1 and 3 List, or if the
proposed new frequency assignment in the Region 2 Plan, would result in exceeding a power
flux-density, for any angle of arrival, at any point on its territory, of:
            -148 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 4 kHz))                        for          θ ≤ 5°
            -148 + 0.5 (θ - 5) dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 4 kHz))          for    5° < θ ≤ 25°
            -138 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 4 kHz))                        for    25° < θ ≤ 90°

where θ represents the angle of arrival.

   There are no Region 1 or 3 territories within the coverage area of USABSS-40 and therefore
   the pfd of USABSS-36A is by default below the strictist limit of -148 dBW/m2 ⋅ 4 kHz.

   Consistent with provision 4.2.3 d) of Article 4 of Appendix 30, these pfd limits apply to
   countires not having frequency assignment in the broadcasting-satellite service in the channel
   concerned. The maximum possible pfd of USABSS-40 is -143.8 dBW/m2 ⋅ 4 kHz, which is
   only 4.2 dB above the mosty restrictive pfd value. The figure on the next page shows the
   USABSS-40 transmit beam with an elevation contour of 25 degrees. This figure shows that
   there are no territories outside of the 25 degree contour that are within the -4.2 dB contour of
   the beam. As such, USABSS-40 meets the pfd limits of Section 4.


  7                        _|hsms                                          _

. (Not used.)

. Limits to the change in the power flux density of assignments in the Regions 1 and 3
  Plan or List to protect the fixed—satellite service (space—to—Earth) in the band 11.7—12.2
  GHz in Region 2 or in the band 12.2—12.5 GHz in Region 3, and of assignments in the
  Region 2 Plan to protect the fixed—satellite service (space—to—Earth) in the band 12.5—12.7
  GHz in Region 1 and in the band 12.2—12.7 GHz in Region 3

  With respect to § 4.2.3 e), an administration is considered as being affected ifthe proposed
  modification to the Region 2 Plan would result in an increase in the powerflux—density over
  anyportion ofthe service area ofits overlappingfrequency assignments in thefixed—satellite
  service in Region 1 or 3 of 0.25 dB or more above that resultingfrom thefrequency

    assignment in the Region 2 Plan at the time of entry into force of the Final Acts of the 1985

    With respect to § 4.1.1 e) or 4.2.3 e) of Article 4, with the exception of cases covered by Note
    1 2 below, an administration is considered as not being affected if the proposed new or
    modified assignment in the Regions 1 and 3 List, or if a proposed modification to the Region
    2 Plan, gives a power flux-density anywhere over any portion of the service area of its
    overlapping frequency assignments in the fixed-satellite service in Region 1, 2 or 3 of less

        -186.5 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 40 kHz))                        for   0°       ≤ θ < 0.054°
        -164.0 + 17.74 log θ dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 40 kHz))          for   0.054°   ≤ θ < 2.0°
        -165.0 + 1.66 θ2 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 40 kHz))              for   2.0°     ≤ θ < 3.59°
        -157.5 + 25 log θ dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 40 kHz))             for   3.59°    ≤ θ < 10.57°
        -131.9 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 40 kHz))                        for   10.57°   ≤θ

    where θ is the minimum geocentric orbital separation in degrees between the wanted and
    interfering space stations, taking into account the respective East-West station-keeping

    All Regions 1 and 3 FSS satellites are greater than 10.57 degrees from the 110° W orbit
    location. Therefore the -131.9 dB(W/(m2 ⋅ 40 kHz)) level applies. As shown in the response
    to Section 4, the highest possible pfd of USABSS-40 is -143.8 dBW/m2 ⋅ 4 kHz, which
    equates to -133.8 dBW/m2 ⋅ 40 kHz , which is below the pfd value for the 10.57 degree
    separation case. Therefore, USABSS-40 is in compliance with Section 6.

    Note 1 pertains to Regions 1 and 3 only


7. Limits to the change in equivalent noise temperature to protect the fixed-satellite
   service (Earth-to-space) in Region 1 from modifications to the Region 2 Plan in the
   band 12.5-12.7 GHz

With respect to § 4.2.3 e) of Article 4, an administration of Region 1 is considered as being
affected if the proposed modification to the Region 2 Plan would result in:
–   the value of ∆T / T resulting from the proposed modification is greater than the value of
    ∆T / T resulting from the assignment in the Region 2 Plan as of the date of entry into force of
    the Final Acts of the 1985 Conference; and
–   the value of ∆T / T resulting from the proposed modification exceeds 6%,

using the method of Appendix 8 (Case II).

The ITU’s GIBC software was used to conduct an Appendix 8 analysis with the USABSS-40
network included in the SPS ALL IFIC 2756 database. No networks were identified as
potentially affected. Therefore, USABSS-40 is in compliance with Section 7.


                        ANNEX 1 TO APPENDIX 30A FOR USABSS-16

1   Not used.

2   Not used.

3   Limits to the change in the overall equivalent protection margin with respect to
    frequency assignments in conformity with the Region 2 feeder-link Plan

With respect to the modification to the Region 2 feeder-link Plan and when it is necessary under
this Appendix to seek the agreement of any other administration of Region 2, except in cases
covered by Resolution 42 (Rev.WRC-03), an administration is considered as being affected if the
overall equivalent protection margin 3 corresponding to a test point of its entry in that Plan,
including the cumulative effect of any previous modification to that Plan or any previous
agreement, falls more than 0.25 dB below 0 dB, or, if already negative, more than 0.25 dB below
the value resulting from:
–    the feeder-link Plan as established by the 1983 Conference; or
–    a modification of the assignment in accordance with this Appendix; or
–    a new entry in the feeder-link Plan under Article 4; or
–   any agreement reached in accordance with this Appendix except for Resolution 42

A detailed interference analysis was performed using MSPACEg and the uplink and downlink
shaped beams of USABSS-40. Results show that only one administration, Belize, is potentially
affected, and that the overall impact is 0.33 dB. MSPACEg calculates the overall equivalent
protection margin (OEPM) which combines the impact of both the uplink and downlink into this
single result. DIRECTV believes that this minor exceedance of the 0.25 dB coordination trigger
is caused purely by the downlink of the USABSS-40 network.

4   Limits to the interference into frequency assignments in conformity with the Regions 1
    and 3 feeder-link Plan or with the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link Lists or proposed new or
    modified assignments in the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link Lists

Not applicable to Region 2 modifications

5   Limits applicable to protect a frequency assignment in the bands 17.3-18.1 GHz
    (Regions 1 and 3) and 17.3-17.8 GHz (Region 2) to a receiving space station in the fixed-
    satellite service (Earth-to-space)

An administration in Region 1 or 3 is considered as being affected by a proposed modification in
Region 2, with respect to § 4.2.2 a) or 4.2.2 b) of Article 4, or an administration in Region 2 is
considered as being affected by a proposed new or modified assignment in the Regions 1 and 3

    For the definition of the overall equivalent protection margin, see § 1.11 of Annex 5 to Appendix 30.


feeder-link List, with respect to § 4.1.1 c) of Article 4, when the power flux-density arriving at
the receiving space station of a broadcasting-satellite feeder-link would cause an increase in the
noise temperature of the feeder-link space station which exceeds the threshold value of ∆T/T
corresponding to 6%, where ∆T/T is calculated in accordance with the method given in
Appendix 8, except that the maximum power densities per hertz averaged over the worst 1 MHz
are replaced by power densities per hertz averaged over the necessary bandwidth of the feeder-
link carriers. (WRC-03)

Interim systems of Region 2 in accordance with Resolution 42 (Rev.WRC-03) shall not be taken
into consideration when applying the above paragraph to proposed new or modified assignments
in the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link List. However, the above paragraph shall be applied to
Region 2 interim systems with respect to Regions 1 and 3 administrations, referred to in § 5.2 b)
of Resolution 42 (Rev.WRC-03). (WRC-03)

The ITU’s GIBC software was used to conduct an Appendix 8 analysis with the USABSS-40
network included in the SPS ALL IFIC 2756 database. No networks were identified as
potentially affected. Therefore, USABSS-40 is in compliance with Section 5.

6   Limits applicable to protect a frequency assignment in the band 17.8-18.1 GHz (Region
    2) to a receiving feeder-link space station in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space)

Not applicable to Region 2 modifications


Document Created: 2019-04-13 13:10:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 13:10:02

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