Attachment Exhibit 1

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20120210-00016 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                            Exhibit 1


               GeoEye License Corp. f/k/a ORBIMAGE License Corp. (“GeoEye”) requests
modification of its authorization to operate a constellation of non-geostationary (“NGSO”) earth
exploration satellite service (“EESS”) remote sensing satellites, Call Sign S2348. 1 In order to
provide enhanced sensing capabilities and better service to its customers, GeoEye intends to add
an additional satellite to its constellation. The new satellite, GeoEye-2, will supply images to a
variety of governmental (including the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal
government agencies) and non-governmental users.

                In particular, GeoEye-2 will provide imaging capabilities to the National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (“NGA”) through the agency’s EnhancedView program pursuant
to a contract that was awarded to GeoEye in August 2010. The new satellite will enable GeoEye
to provide images of a better quality and in a more timely manner than is possible using any
other commercial satellite currently in operation. GeoEye-2, like the existing constellation, will
operate primarily in the X-band.

               GeoEye’s qualifications as a Commission licensee, and its ability to construct and
operate earth exploration satellites, are well-established. As described herein, the proposed
modification is in the public interest, and this application (and the associated waiver requests)
should be granted without delay.


                 GeoEye is a leading commercial provider of high-accuracy, high-resolution earth
imagery products and is a global leader in the creation of enhanced satellite imagery information
products and services. The company operates an integrated system of digital remote sensing
satellites, U.S. and international ground stations, and sales channels to collect, process, and
distribute earth imagery products. GeoEye provides its governmental and commercial customers
with high-resolution and low-resolution imagery, various imagery-derived products, image
processing services, and geospatial information services. GeoEye customers include various
U.S. government, defense, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies including, but not limited
to the U.S. Department of Defense, Air Force, and Army, and the National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency. Other U.S. government agencies that purchase satellite imagery include the
U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the
National Parks Service, NASA, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

              GeoEye’s parent company, GeoEye, Inc., f/k/a ORBIMAGE, Inc., originally was
formed as a subsidiary of the Orbital Sciences Corporation, and has provided geospatial satellite

       See IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-19980203-00012; SAT-MOD-20050511-00097.


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GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

imaging products and services since 1995. GeoEye presently conducts commercial operations
with two earth-imaging satellites: IKONOS, which GeoEye acquired from Space Imaging, LLC
in 2006, 2 and GeoEye-1.

               GeoEye-1 is operated under the license for Call Sign S2348, which GeoEye seeks
to modify through this application. That license was granted in 1999, and initially authorized the
operation of the OrbView-3 and OrbView-4 satellites. 3 OrbView-3 was successfully launched in
2003; 4 OrbView-4 failed to reach its intended orbit and was never put into operation. 5 In 2005,
GeoEye sought and obtained modification of its license to authorize the operation of the
OrbView-5 satellite. 6 That satellite was later renamed GeoEye-1, and was successfully launched
in 2008. Earlier this year, GeoEye successfully de-orbited OrbView-3, after its remote sensing
camera permanently failed in 2007. 7 As such, the license for Call Sign S2348 currently covers
the operations of only a single satellite—GeoEye-1—but following grant of this application also
would cover the operations of GeoEye-2.

                As noted above, GeoEye-2 would enhance GeoEye’s ability to serve its U.S.
Government customers, which have benefited from GeoEye imagery for years. In 2004, GeoEye
was awarded a contract under the NGA’s NextView program. It began delivering imagery under
that contract in 2007. The NextView contract was extended a number of times beginning in
2008 and recently concluded on August 31, 2010, although GeoEye continues to fulfill
NextView value-added products and service orders until such orders are complete.

               Prior to the expiration of its NextView contract, NGA awarded GeoEye a contract
under its EnhancedView program, which replaces the NextView program. The contract provides
for the construction and operation of a new satellite, GeoEye-2, and the purchase of new satellite
imagery. GeoEye-2 will offer faster and higher resolution imagery, and will provide higher
capacity, than any other commercial imaging satellite in the world. When GeoEye-2 enters
service, the company will have two high-resolution satellites in operation.

       See IBFS File No. SAT-ASG-20051006-00197 (authorization granted Dec. 28, 2005;
       consummated Jan. 10, 2006).
       See IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-19980203-00012.
       See Letter from Daniel J. Connors, Acting General Counsel, Orbital Imaging
       Corporation, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-19980203-
       00012 (July 3, 2003).
       See Letter from Armand Mancini, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
       Orbital Imaging Corporation, to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, IBFS File No.
       SAT-LOA-19980203-00012 (Jan. 16, 2002).
       See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20050511-00097.
       See Letter from Gregg Hyde, Manager, Legal & Regulatory Compliance, GeoEye, Inc.,
       to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, IBFS File Nos. SAT-STA-20101202-00250,
       SAT-STA-20110201-00020, SAT-STA-20110228-00040 (Mar. 25, 2011).


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Exhibit 1


                The instant application requests authority to modify GeoEye’s existing NGSO
satellite system, Call Sign S2348, by adding an additional spacecraft. 8 As noted above, GeoEye
currently operates one NGSO satellite, GeoEye-1, pursuant to this system authorization, and
previously operated OrbView-3 alongside GeoEye-1 under the authorization. By this
application, GeoEye seeks authority to replace OrbView-3, which is no longer operational, with
GeoEye-2. As a technical matter, the proposed operation of GeoEye-2 will be substantially
similar to the current operations of GeoEye-1, and to GeoEye’s previously authorized operation
of spacecraft under this system authorization. However, GeoEye-2 will produce dramatically
superior imagery.

                The technical details of the proposed modification are set forth on Schedule S,
and in the attached Technical Annex.


                On March 25, 2010, GeoEye notified the Commission pursuant to Section
25.113(f) of the Commission’s rules that GeoEye had commenced construction of GeoEye-2 at
its own risk. 9 GeoEye subsequently entered into a binding contract with Lockheed Martin Space
Systems Company to build GeoEye-2 and has completed the critical design review for the
GeoEye-2 spacecraft. GeoEye anticipates completing construction and launch of GeoEye-2 and
beginning operations in 2013 in advance of the following milestones specified in Section
25.164(b) of the Commission’s rules:

                     1. Entering into a binding non-contingent contract to construct the licensed
                        satellite system within one year of the date the requested modification is

                     2. Completing the critical design review of the licensed satellite system
                        within two years of the date the requested modification is granted;

                     3. Beginning the construction of GeoEye-2 within two years, six months
                        of the date the requested modification is granted; and

                     4. Launching and beginning operation of GeoEye-2 within three years, six
                        months of the date the requested modification is granted.

       See IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-19980203-00012; SAT-MOD-20050511-00097.
       See Letter from William L. Warren, Sr. Vice President & General Counsel, GeoEye, Inc.,
       to Robert Nelson, Chief, Engineering Branch, Satellite Division, International Bureau,
       FCC (Mar. 25, 2010), attached hereto as Attachment B.


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GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1


                GeoEye-2 will perform downlink functions in the X-band, and will have TT&C
operations in the X- and S-bands. The attached Technical Annex provides a detailed explanation
of the frequencies and power levels that will be used, together with link budgets, antenna gain
patterns, and associated technical data. Likewise, the Technical Annex demonstrates with
specificity that the operation of GeoEye-2 will be compatible with authorized commercial
operations in these spectrum bands.

                As required by the Commission’s rules, GeoEye will coordinate GeoEye-2’s X-
band operations with authorized governmental users. Copies of the frequency coordination
reports for the Dulles and Barrow earth stations prepared by Comsearch are attached to this
application as Exhibit 6.


               As a remote sensing satellite, the non-radiofrequency aspects of the operation of
GeoEye-2 are subject to licensing by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(“NOAA”). GeoEye holds a license from NOAA to operate GeoEye-2 and intends to file an
application amending its license to provide updated GeoEye-2 launch plans, space and ground
segment technical information, and a post-mission disposal plan. Because NOAA regulates the
post-mission disposal plans of commercial remote sensing satellites, the Commission has
recognized that it need not conduct an independent review of orbital debris-related matters raised
by an EESS satellite application. 10 GeoEye nevertheless provides, in Attachment A to the
Technical Annex, information regarding its plans for orbital debris mitigation, which are
consistent with the requirements of Section 25.114(d)(14) of the Commission’s rules. 11


       A.      Request for Waiver of Processing Round Treatment

               As noted above, the existing license for Call Sign S2348 is a constellation license
authorizing GeoEye to operate two EESS satellites in the X- and S-bands. Furthermore,
GeoEye-2 will serve as a de facto replacement for OrbView-3, which recently was
decommissioned. Because GeoEye-2 will operate under GeoEye’s existing constellation license,
within authorized frequencies, the Commission’s processing round procedures should not be
implicated. 12 Nevertheless, GeoEye requests a waiver of Sections 25.156 and 25.157 of the

       See Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 ¶¶ 102-
       04 (2004).
       47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(14).
       See Globalstar Licensee LLC Application for Modification of Non-geostationary Mobile
       Satellite Service Space Station License, Order, 26 FCC Rcd 3948 (IB 2011); Amendment
       of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order,


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GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

Commission’s rules to the extent necessary to enable the International Bureau to consider
GeoEye’s modification application on a first-come, first-served basis as set forth in Section
25.158 of the Commission’s rules. 13

                The Commission generally permits geostationary orbit (“GSO”) satellite
applications to proceed on a first-come, first-served basis, while a processing round proceeding
is the Commission’s default approach to licensing NGSO systems. NGSO EESS satellites,
however, are fully capable of sharing, and currently do share, spectrum through the use of
steerable beam downlink antennas. Multiple earth exploration satellites can simultaneously
transmit using precisely the same frequencies without causing interference, provided that
adequate separation exists between the earth stations and/or the space stations.

                As a result, the International Bureau previously has granted waivers of the
processing round rules to NGSO EESS operators, including GeoEye, based on findings that such
a grant will not preclude other NGSO operators from operating in the band or cause harmful
interference to other EESS systems currently operating in the band. 14 Consistent with that
precedent, and because the instant modification request presents none of the issues of mutual
exclusivity that normally would necessitate processing round treatment of the application, the
Commission should grant GeoEye’s request for waiver.

       B.      Request for Waiver of the “Default Service Rules”

                GeoEye requests a waiver of the “default service rules” contained in Section
25.217(b) of the Commission’s rules, which apply to satellite facilities that operate in frequency
bands in which the Commission has yet to adopt service specific rules. 15 The Commission has
not adopted service specific rules for NGSO EESS in the X-band, but rather has required
operators to comply with technical requirements in Part 2 of the Commission’s rules, and the
applicable ITU rules. 16 As a result, the International Bureau previously has granted waivers of
the default service rules in Section 25.217(b) to NGSO EESS system licensees, including
GeoEye. 17

       18 FCC Rcd 10760 ¶ 103 (2003) (noting the Commission’s policy of granting licenses
       for remote sensing satellite systems outside of processing rounds).
       47 C.F.R. §§ 25.156, 157, 158.
       See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20050511-00097 (granted by date stamp on Jan. 9, 2006);
       see also Space Imaging, LLC, Declaratory Order and Authorization, 20 FCC Rcd 11964,
       at ¶¶ 8-11 (IB 2005) (“Space Imaging Order”); DigitalGlobe, Inc., Order and
       Authorization, 20 FCC Rcd 15696, at ¶¶ 6-8 (IB 2005) (“DigitalGlobe Order”).
       47 C.F.R. § 25.217(b).
       See id. § 2.106 n.US258; Space Imaging Order ¶ 25; DigitalGlobe Order ¶ 15.
       IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20050511-00097 (granted by date stamp on Jan. 9, 2006); see
       also Space Imaging Order, 20 FCC Rcd 11964 ¶ 25; DigitalGlobe Order, 20 FCC Rcd
       15696 ¶ 15 (IB 2005).


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GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1


                Grant of this modification application will permit GeoEye to operate a next-
generation remote sensing satellite that far exceeds the capability available today on other similar
spacecraft. GeoEye-2 will provide highly advanced and significantly enhanced imaging
capabilities to a variety of government and commercial customers consistent with its obligations
under the EnhancedView contract and others. Launch of GeoEye-2 thus will enable the United
States to maintain its leadership position in remote sensing activities, which is vital to the
“national security, foreign policy, economic and civil interests of the United States.” 18
Accordingly, modification of GeoEye’s existing NGSO EESS authorization, Call Sign S2348,
will serve the public interest.

       U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Policy (Apr. 25, 2003), available at


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                TECHNICAL ANNEX


               This Technical Annex supplements the Narrative Statement and Schedule
S and provides further detail regarding the operational attributes for the proposed
GeoEye-2 spacecraft, including radiofrequency use, orbital parameters, interference
analyses, and other technical information.


               GeoEye-2 will be a non-geostationary (NGSO) satellite operating in the
earth exploration satellite service (EESS). The GeoEye-2 satellite will operate in a sun-
synchronous orbit with a baseline altitude of 681 km. It will have an inclination of
98.114 degrees, and an orbital period of 5903 seconds. The orbit of GeoEye-2 will be at
the same altitude as GeoEye-1 satellite in the same orbital plane phased 180 degrees from

               GeoEye-2 will use three discrete downlink channels and one uplink
channel, including:

                  •   Two 400 Mbps X-band (wideband) downlink channels (one in
                      each of two polarizations);

                  •   A narrowband tracking, telemetry, and control (TT&C) downlink
                      in the X-band; and

                  •   A narrowband TT&C uplink in the S-band.

               Figure 2-1 diagrams the GeoEye-2 Narrowband Communications S-band
TT&C receiver and the X-band TT&C Downlink telemetry systems. Both the S-band
receiver and the X-band TT&C Downlink will employ two antennas, on opposite ends of
the spacecraft which provide nearly 100% omni-directional coverage. The primary (PRI)
and redundant (RED) transmitters and receivers are also shown.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                Figure 2-1
          GeoEye-2 Narrowband Communications System Block Diagram

                Figure 2-2 diagrams the GeoEye-2 wideband communications system for
mission (image) data. The wideband antenna is mechanically gimbaled to allow it to
point directly at the earth station with which it is communicating. Separate redundant
transmitters power the right-hand and left-hand polarization.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                 Figure 2-2
            GeoEye-2 Wideband Communications System Block Diagram


       A.     X-Band High Rate Downlink

              1.      Description and Link Budget

              In order to maximize the bandwidth available for transferring images from
GeoEye-2 to the earth, the High Rate Downlink employs frequency reuse. This reuse is
accomplished by transmitting two signals in the same frequency band (8025 to 8400
MHz, Fc 8185 MHz) and placing each on orthogonal polarizations, thereby doubling the
downlink data rate.

                The center frequency (8185 MHz) will not be the arithmetic mean of the
lower frequency (8025 MHz) and the upper frequency (8400 MHz). However, GeoEye
will utilize an output filter to ensure that only spectrum between 8025 and 8400 MHz is
used and that out-of-band emissions outside the 8025-8400 MHz range are within the
acceptable levels prescribed by Section 25.202(f) of the Commission’s rules. The
Commission previously has approved the use of filtering to achieve this result and ensure
compliance with the Commission’s rules. See DigitalGlobe, Inc., Order and
Authorization, 20 FCC Rcd 15696 (IB 2005).

               The communications system will operate two QPSK 400 Mbps X-band
transmitters simultaneously with one transmitting using Right-hand Circular Polarization


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GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

(RCP) and one transmitting using Left-hand Circular Polarization (LCP). The emission
designator for each of the RCP and the LCP is 375MG1D. The link budget for the Dulles
earth station X-band Mission Data Downlink is shown in Figure 2-3. The Dulles ground
station was selected because it is the GeoEye ground station with the smallest link budget

                                      Figure 2-3
                       X-Band Mission Data Downlink Link Budget
        Parameters                                       Units
        Rx Station X-Band
        Antenna Diameter                                 (m)      5.4
        Antenna Efficiency                               (%)      62
        Polarization (circular = 45°)                    (°)      45
        Satellite Elevation                              (°)      5.0
        Distance                                         (km)     2,519.8
        Satellite Link
        Transmitted Downlink Data Rate                   (Mbps)   400.000
        Effective Downlink Data Rate                     (Mbps)   348.387
        Downlink Frequency                               (GHz)    8.185
        Downlink Antenna Diameter                        (m)      0.500
        Downlink Antenna Efficiency                      (%)      44.0
        Downlink Antenna Pointing Error                  (deg)    1.500
        Downlink Antenna Beamwidth                       (deg)    5.33
        Downlink Antenna Pointing Loss                   (dB)     -0.95
        Downlink Availability                            (%)      99.000
        Downlink (Satellite to Station)
        Tx Satellite Power
        Amplifier Power (5W)                             (dBW)    8.8
        Feeder Losses (cable, filter, RJ)                (dB)     9.1
        Tx Satellite Antenna Gain (with pointing loss)   (dBic)   27.9
        EIRP                                             (dBW)    27.6
        Propagation Losses
        Free Space Losses                                (dB)     178.7
        Atm. Gas Attenuation                             (dB)     0.54
        Rain Attenuation                                 (dB)     0.94
        Clouds Attenuation                               (dB)     0.81
        Scintillation                                    (dB)     1.43
        Radome Loss (Included in G/T)                    (dB)     0.0
        Sub-carrier Loss                                 (dB)     0.0
        Subsystem integration margin                     (dB)     0.5
        Polarization Losses                              (dB)     0.5
        Total Losses                                     (dB)     183.0
        Rx Parameters
        RIP (Received Input Power)                       (dBW)    -155.4
        Rx Station Antenna gain                          (dBic)   51.2
        Rx Station Antenna Pointing Error                (deg)    0.1


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GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

       Rx Station Antenna Beamwidth                 (deg)            0.5
       Rx Station Antenna Pointing Loss             (dB)             -0.5
       Clear Sky Noise Temperature                  (K)              60.0
       Feeder Losses                                (dB)             1.0
       Rx Noise Figure                              (dB)             1.3
       Antenna Temp due to Weather                  (K)              56.6
       Temp increase due to Cross Pol               (K)              193.9
       System Noise Temperature                     (K)              366.8
       System Noise Temperature                     (dBK)            25.6
       Rx station Noise Figure : G/T                (dB/K)           29.9
       Downlink Link Budget
       Noise Power                                  (dBW)            -116.9
       Carrier Power (C/No)                         (dBHz)           102.6
       Carrier Power / Noise (C/N)                  (dB)             16.6
       Energy of Bit to Noise Density (Eb/No)       (dB)             17.2
       Correction for Cross Pol Interference        (dB)             14.37
       Space and Ground Implementation Loss         (dB)             4.0
       Forward Error Correction Gain RS (248,216)   (dB)             6.0
       Required Eb/No (OQPSK, 1e-10)                (dB)             13.2
       System Margin                                (dB)             3.17

                 2.     Power Flux Density

                Figure 2-4 gives the maximum power flux density (PFD) levels at the
surface of the earth produced by the transmission of the Mission Data Downlink on the
GeoEye-2 satellite. The maximum antenna gain is used for all elevation angles.

                                     Figure 2-4
                 Mission Data Downlink PFD at the Surface of the Earth
                                PFD from      PFD from
     Elevation        Slant                                                      PFD
                                Modulated      Leakage        NTIA Spec
      Angle           Range                                                   (including
                                  Term          Term
                                                                              cross pol)
             0        2956.72      -163.43          -173.71        -150.0           -160.04
             5        2452.63      -161.80          -172.08        -150.0           -158.42
            10        2049.80      -160.25          -170.53        -147.5           -156.86
            15        1735.55      -158.80          -169.08        -145.0           -155.41
            20        1492.91      -157.49          -167.77        -142.5           -154.10
            25        1305.48      -156.33          -166.61        -140.0           -152.94
            30        1159.77      -155.30          -165.58        -140.0           -151.91
            35        1045.45      -154.40          -164.68        -140.0           -151.01
            40         954.96      -153.61          -163.89        -140.0           -150.22
            45         882.80      -152.93          -163.21        -140.0           -149.54
            50         824.98      -152.34          -162.62        -140.0           -148.95
            55         778.61      -151.84          -162.12        -140.0           -148.45


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GeoEye License Corp.
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             60       741.57       -151.41       -161.70         -140.0         -148.03
             65       712.29       -151.06       -161.35         -140.0         -147.68
             70       689.63       -150.78       -161.06         -140.0         -147.39
             75       672.77       -150.57       -160.85         -140.0         -147.18
             80       661.11       -150.42       -160.70         -140.0         -147.03
             85       654.26       -150.33       -160.61         -140.0         -146.94
             90       652.00       -150.30       -160.58         -140.0         -146.91

               The FCC does not specify power flux density requirements for the 8025-
8400 MHz frequency band in Section 25.208 of the Commission’s rules for non-
geostationary EESS. Therefore, GeoEye has designed GeoEye-2 in order to meet or
exceed the applicable regulations of the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA). As shown below in Figure 2-5, the high rate Mission Data
Downlink is compliant with NTIA regulations.

                  Section 8.2.36 of the NTIA Manual of Regulations and Procedures for
Federal Radio Frequency Management requires that the PFD at the surface of the earth
produced by emissions from a space station, including emissions from a reflecting
satellite, for all conditions and for all methods of modulation, shall not exceed any of the
allowed NTIA regulation maximum values.

               Figure 2-4 shows the maximum PFD produced by the Mission Data
Downlink transmissions in the 8025-8400 MHz is -146.91 dBW/m2/4KHz. This PFD is
well within the level permitted under the NTIA regulations. Figure 2-5 compares the
maximum PFD levels produced at the surface of the earth by the Mission Data link with
the maximum permissible levels under the NTIA regulations.


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GeoEye License Corp.
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                                Figure 2-5
              GeoEye-2 Mission Data Downlink PFD Compared to
                          NTIA PFD Requirement






                                              Power Flux Density Requireme
                                              GeoEye-2 Power Flux Density
    -165 0


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GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

              3.      Antenna Pattern

              The high rate Mission Data Downlink antenna is a conical spiral design
with 27.9 dBic at its peak. The co-polarized and cross-polarized patterns of both the
LHCP and RHCP channels are shown in Figures 2-6 and 2-7.

                                  Figure 2-6
                    LHCP High Rate Downlink Antenna Pattern


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                                    Figure 2-7
                      RHCP High Rate Downlink Antenna Pattern

       B.     X-Band Telemetry Downlink

              1.        Description and Link Budget

                GeoEye-2 will provide TT&C downlink through one QPSK 120 Kbps X-
band channel at 8386 MHz using right-hand circular polarization. The emission
designator for this link is 120K7G1D. The Dulles ground station link budget for the
Telemetry Downlink is shown in Figure 2-8.

                                    Figure 2-8
                    X-Band Telemetry Data Downlink Link Budget
        Parameters                                Units
        Rx Station X-Band
        Antenna Diameter                          (m)     5.4
        Antenna Efficiency                        (%)     62
        Polarization (circular = 45°)             (°)     45
        Satellite Elevation                       (°)     5.0
        Distance                                  (km)    2,519.8


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       Satellite Link
       Transmitted Downlink Data Rate                   (Mbps)   0.120
       Effective Downlink Data Rate                     (Mbps)   0.105
       Downlink Frequency                               (GHz)    8.386
       Downlink Availability                            (%)      99.000
       Downlink (Satellite to Station)
       Tx Satellite Power
       Amplifier Power (1W)                             (dBW)    5.4
       Feeder Losses (hybrid, diplexer, cable)          (dB)     7.7
       Tx Satellite Antenna Gain (with pointing loss)   (dBic)   -7.8
       EIRP                                             (dBW)    -10.0
       Propagation Losses
       Free Space Losses                                (dB)     178.9
       Atm. Gaz Attenuation                             (dB)     0.55
       Rain Attenuation                                 (dB)     1.01
       Clouds Attenuation                               (dB)     0.85
       Scintillation                                    (dB)     1.46
       Radome Loss (included in G/T)                    (dB)     0.0
       Space-Ground Implementation Loss                 (dB)     2.4
       Sub-carrier Loss                                 (dB)     0.0
       Subsystem integration margin                     (dB)     0.5
       Polarization Losses                              (dB)     0.5
       Total Losses                                     (dB)     185.3
       Rx Parameters
       RIP (Received Input Power)                       (dBW)    -195.3
       Rx Station Antenna gain                          (dBic)   51.4
       Rx Station Antenna Pointing Error                (deg)    0.1
       Rx Station Antenna Beamwidth                     (deg)    0.5
       Rx Station Antenna Pointing Loss                 (dB)     -0.5
       Clear Sky Noise Temperature                      (K)      10.0
       Ground Noise Temperature                         (K)      10.0
       Feeder Noise Temperature                         (K)      10.0
       Feeder Losses                                    (dB)     1.0
       Rx Noise Figure                                  (dB)     1.6
       Rx Noise Temperature (clear sky)                 (dBK)    22.8
       Rx Noise Temperature (rain/clouds)               (dBK)    24.6
       Rx station Noise Figure : G/T                    (dB/K)   30.0
       Wideband Interference                            (dB)     0.5
       Downlink Link Budget
       (C/N0) downlink                                  (dBHz)   62.8
       Data Rate (120 Kbps)                             (dB)     50.2


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Exhibit 1

         Forward Error Correction Gain RS (248,216)   (dB)      4.20
         (Eb/N0) downlink                             (dB)      12.1
         Required Eb/No (BER 1e-6)                    (dB)      10.60
         System Margin                                (dB)      5.7

               2.      Power Flux Density

                Figure 2-9 gives the power flux density (PFD) levels produced by
GeoEye-2 at the baseline mission altitude of 681 km. The maximum antenna gain is used
for all elevation angles.

                                   Figure 2-9
                Telemetry Downlink PFD at the Surface of the Earth
                                                PFD                        Aggregate
                                 PFD from
         Elevation    Slant                     from                          PFD
                                 Modulated                   NTIA Spec
          Angle       Range                    Leakage                     (including
                                                Term                       cross pol)
                 0     2956.72       -164.68    -184.91           -150.0      -164.64
                 5     2452.63       -163.06    -183.28           -150.0      -163.01
                10     2049.80       -161.50    -181.73           -147.5      -161.46
                15     1735.55       -160.05    -180.28           -145.0      -160.01
                20     1492.91       -158.74    -178.97           -142.5      -158.70
                25     1305.48       -157.58    -177.81           -140.0      -157.54
                30     1159.77       -156.55    -176.78           -140.0      -156.51
                35     1045.45       -155.65    -175.88           -140.0      -155.61
                40      954.96       -154.86    -175.09           -140.0      -154.82
                45      882.80       -154.18    -174.41           -140.0      -154.14
                50      824.98       -153.59    -173.82           -140.0      -153.55
                55      778.61       -153.09    -173.32           -140.0      -153.05
                60      741.57       -152.67    -172.90           -140.0      -152.63
                65      712.29       -152.32    -172.55           -140.0      -152.28
                70      689.63       -152.04    -172.26           -140.0      -151.99
                75      672.77       -151.82    -172.05           -140.0      -151.78
                80      661.11       -151.67    -171.90           -140.0      -151.63
                85      654.26       -151.58    -171.81           -140.0      -151.54
                90      652.00       -151.55    -171.78           -140.0      -151.51

               Again, in the absence of FCC specifications regarding power flux density
in the X-band, GeoEye has engineered the downlinks on GeoEye-2 to comply with the
NTIA regulations for power flux density.

               As shown in Figure 2-9, the PFD produced by the Telemetry Downlink
transmissions in the 8025-8400 MHz is -151.51 dBW/m2/4 KHz. This PFD is well
within the level permitted under the NTIA regulations. Figure 2-10 compares the


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

calculated PFD levels produced at the various degrees of ground elevation from the earth
by the Telemetry Downlink to the maximum levels permitted under the NTIA rules.

                                 Figure 2-10
      GeoEye-2 Telemetry Downlink Maximum PFD Compared to NTIA PFD







                                                         Power Flux Density Requireme
                                                         GeoEye-2 Power Flux Density

              3.      Antenna Pattern

                The Telemetry Downlink uses a conical spiral type antenna. The edge
gain for the co-polarized antenna pattern is 3 dBic. Figure 2-11 shows the co-polarized
antenna pattern.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                       Figure 2-11
                           Telemetry Downlink Antenna Pattern

       C.      S-Band TT&C Uplink

               1.        Description and Link Budget

               GeoEye-2’s S-band TT&C Uplink uses a BPSK modulation scheme.
Caribou and AES-256 encryption are provided for uplink encryption. The 2052 MHz
right-hand circular polarized carrier provides an uplink command bit rate of 64 Kbps.
The emission designator for this link is 64K7G1D. The Dulles ground station link budget
is shown in Figure 2-12.

                                             Figure 2-12
                                         S-Band TT&C Uplink
         Parameter                                        Units
         Tx Station S-Band
         Latitude                                         (°)      39.0126
         Longitude                                        (°)      -77.4282
         Height                                           (km)     0.061
         Antenna Diameter                                 (m)      5.4
         Antenna Efficiency                               (%)      51
         Polarization (circular = 45°)                    (°)      45
         Satellite Elevation                              (°)      5.0
         Distance                                         (km)     2,519.8
         Satellite Link
         Uplink Data Rate                                 (Mbps)   0.064
         Uplink Frequency                                 (GHz)    2.052
         Uplink Availability                              (%)      99.000
         Uplink (Station to Satellite)
         Tx Station Power


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

        Amplifier Power                                  (dBW)    14.8
        Feeder Losses                                    (dB)     6.3
        Max. Antenna Gain                                (dBic)   38.4
        Tx Station Antenna Pointing Error                (deg)    0.1
        Tx Station Antenna Beamwidth                     (deg)    2.0
        Tx Station Antenna Pointing Loss                 (dB)     -0.03
        EIRP                                             (dBW)    46.8
        Propagation Losses
        Free Space Losses                                (dB)     166.71
        Atm. Gas Attenuation                             (dB)     0.42
        Rain Attenuation                                 (dB)     0.00
        Clouds Attenuation                               (dB)     0.05
        Scintillation                                    (dB)     0.67
        Radome Loss                                      (dB)     0.7
        Space Implementation Loss                        (dB)     2.0
        Sub-carrier Loss                                 (dB)     0.0
        Subsystem integration margin                     (dB)     0.5
        Polarization Losses                              (dB)     0.5
        Total Losses                                     (dB)     171.50
        Rx Parameters
        RIP (Received Input Power)                       (dBW)    -124.7
        Rx Satellite Antenna Gain (with pointing loss)   (dBic)   -3.20
        Feeder Losses (hybrid, diplexer, cable)          (dB)     5.40
        Feeder Noise Temperature                         (K)      290.00
        Rx Noise Figure                                  (dB)     5.00
        Rx Noise Temperature                             (dBK)    35.02
        Rx Satellite Noise Figure : G/T                  (dB/K)   -38.22
        Uplink Link Budget
        (C/N0) uplink                                    (dBHz)   65.69
        Data Rate (64 Kbps)                              (dB)     48.06
        (Eb/N0) uplink                                   (dB)     17.62
        Required Eb/No                                   (dB)     10.6
        System Margin                                    (dB)     7.0

              2.       Antenna Pattern

              The S-band uplink transmitter antenna has a gain of 38.4 dB. The S-band
uplink antenna pattern captured during a recent test is illustrated in Figure 2-13.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                     Figure 2-13
                                 S-Band TT&C Uplink


                                                                                -10   l

                                                                                -30   r


                                                                         -40
              120       80       40          0             40   80     120
                                      Off Boresite Angle


                GeoEye expects that GeoEye-2 will support global communications with a
number of earth stations for both TT&C and data downlink purposes. Currently, there
are two primary TT&C earth station antennas located in the U.S. at the Dulles earth
station in Virginia and the Barrow earth station in Alaska. The call signs for these
stations are: E980375 and E980376, respectively. These ground stations will be modified
to support communications with the GeoEye-2 satellite. GeoEye will seek any authority
necessary for such modifications through separate earth station applications.

GeoEye-2 TT&C capabilities and communication opportunities will be provided by earth
stations outside of the U.S. leased from Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) at the
following locations:

      •   Tromso, Norway
      •   Troll, Antarctica
      •   Dongara, Australia
      •   Curepipe, Mauritius.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

Additional foreign earth stations may be added for the future support of GeoEye-2
downlinks as usage increases. The usage of these foreign ground stations will be
coordinated with the corresponding foreign countries in cooperation with KSAT.


       A.      Safeguards to Minimize Potential for Interference with Other Satellite

                There is minimal likelihood of interference among satellites and earth
stations in the EESS due to the combination of the large apparent motion of a low altitude
orbit and the narrow beam ground station antennas.

                As previously mentioned, GeoEye-2 TT&C functions will be incorporated
into the existing, currently licensed GeoEye-1 earth stations, which have been
coordinated. Those facilities use a 5.4 meter Full-Motion ViaSat parabolic antenna. The
S-band TT&C uplink (commanding) 3dB beam-width is 2.3 degrees with 99% of its
radiated power contained within 4.4 degrees of the antenna boresight. The earth stations
will employ a small 64 KHz TT&C uplink channel and state-of-the-art filtering. GeoEye
will share the S-band with other non-governmental satellite networks through the same
techniques that have successfully worked on the prior generations of EESS spacecraft.
These successful techniques included the utilization of narrow uplink channels, narrow
uplink beam widths, and state-of-the-art RF filtering.

                As demonstrated in this Technical Annex (Figures 2-5 and 2-10), the
power flux densities and emission levels produced by GeoEye-2 are well within the
permissible tolerances provided by the NTIA and also by the ITU. Moreover, GeoEye-2
transmissions will be coordinated with government authorized users in connection with
this application.

               In the unlikely event that two EESS space stations did attempt to transmit
on the same frequencies from the same point in the sky to earth stations in close
proximity, the consequence would at worst be that those particular downlink
transmissions would fail, and the information would have to be re-transmitted on the next
orbital pass.

               To ensure compliance with the ITU Recommendation ITU-R SA.1157
Protection Criteria for Deep Space Research, the GeoEye-2 Mission Data Downlink uses
an Aeroflex bandpass filter with an 8 to 8.4 GHz pass band. Attenuation in stop-band
(deep-space) @ 8400 MHz is ~50 dB increasing to >66 dB beyond 8450 MHz.

             This Aeroflex filter also ensures that GeoEye-2 also adheres to the spectral
emission mask found in Section 5.6.3 of the NTIA Manual of Regulations (Figure 2-14).


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                   Figure 2-14
                        GeoEye-2 X-Band Filter Performance

                GeoEye-2 will also adhere to the spectral emission mask found in Section
5.6.3 of the NTIA Manual of Regulations. Figure 2-15 provides a visual comparison of
the GeoEye-2 filtered wideband Power Spectrum Density (PSD) to the NTIA
specification requirements for the lower frequency out of bandwidth frequency spectrum.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

                                   Figure 2-15
                        GeoEye-2 X-Band Filter Performance

               GeoEye understands that the 8185 MHz is not the arithmetic mean
between the lower (8025 MHz) and upper (8400 MHz) edges of the EESS allocation in
the X Band. However, the GeoEye-2 filtering process will ensure that GeoEye-2 uses
only spectrum between 8025 and 8400 MHz and that out-of-band emissions outside the
8025-8400 MHz range are stay within acceptable levels prescribed by Section 25.202(f)
of the Commission’s rules. The filter that GeoEye-2 will employ is a newer version of
the Aeroflex filter used by Digital Globe on the WorldView 110A space station, which
was approved by the Commission in 2005. See DigitalGlobe, Inc., Order and
Authorization, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20040728-00151, 20 FCC Rcd 15696 (IB


                The GeoEye-2 satellite Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan is also being
submitted to NOAA. Because NOAA regulates the post-mission disposal plans of
commercial remote sensing satellites, the Commission has recognized that it need not
conduct an independent review of the orbital debris-related matters raised by an EESS
satellite application. GeoEye nevertheless provides information about its orbital debris
mitigation plan as a courtesy in Attachment A.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1


               I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for
preparation of the engineering information contained in this pleading, that I am familiar
with Part 25 of the Commission’s rules, that I have either prepared or reviewed the
engineering information submitted in this pleading, and that it is complete and accurate to
the best of my knowledge and belief.


                                                     Sherffield Whaley
                                                     Space Systems Project Manager
                                                     GeoEye, Inc.
                                                     2325 Dulles Corner Boulevard
                                                     Herndon, Virginia 20171
                                                     (303) 254-2189

FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1


               The GeoEye-2 satellite is designed to minimize orbital debris with respect
to NASA and NOAA commercial satellite requirements. No orbital debris will be
generated as part of the nominal planned GeoEye-2 mission. In addition, the propulsion
subsystem can be used to lower the satellite into a disposal orbit which will result in a
timely re-entry and disposal of all space hardware at the end of the imaging mission.

              1.      Spacecraft Hardware Design

               The GeoEye-2 spacecraft has a fully redundant design that is resistant to
micrometeorite or debris smaller than one centimeter. The propulsion system design
includes a greater than 35% fuel margin in excess of anticipated mission requirements.
Any fuel remaining at the end of the GeoEye-2 mission can be used to lower the GeoEye-
2 orbit and accelerate its rate of orbital decay.

               GeoEye-2 has 7 moving mechanical deployment assemblies that are
released on orbit. The 5 solar arrays and camera door are released by paraffin release
mechanisms. The high-gain gimbaled antenna is released via pin-puller. None of these
assembly releases produce any orbital debris.

                GeoEye-2 will use an Atlas V/401 launch vehicle. Space station
separation is achieved via Space Vehicle qualified Split Spool Release Device (SSRD)
design. The launch vehicle Centaur Forward Adapter and all associated attached
hardware will be placed into an earth escape trajectory following separation from the
second stage. The Centaur Forward Adapter escape burn is not performed until a
minimum safe separation distance is achieved with the space station. No orbital debris is
anticipated as a result of launch or orbit insertion.

              2.      Minimizing Accidental Explosions

               The GeoEye -2 satellite is designed to prevent any accidental explosions.
There are 3 sources of stored energy on the orbiting GeoEye-2 spacecraft: the propulsion
system, the 2 batteries, and the Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMGs).

   • The propulsion tank maximum expected operating pressure is 375 psia (2.75
     MPa). It is proof designed to 600 psia (4.14 MPa) with a burst design to
     800 psia (5.52 MPa). It has been burst demonstrated at 600 psia (4.14 MPa).
     The entire propulsion system (tank, lines, valves, etc.) is proof tested
     together to 525 psia. There are no electrical sources of ignition within the
     tanks or lines and each electronically controlled, redundant valve heater is
     thermostatically controlled to prevent an “always on” condition which might
     overheat the system.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

   • The 2 Lithium Ion 156 Amp-hour batteries, 2 8s52p modules per battery,
     built by ABSL. Due to the inherent design of Lithium Ion batteries, there is
     no danger of explosion caused by internal battery pressure build-ups.

   • The four control moment gyroscopes (CMGs) supplied by Honeywell
     Aerospace enable the spacecraft to operate with an acceleration of 1.04
     deg/sec2 and a vehicle rate up to 2.7 deg/sec. The energy of concern in the
     CMG derives from the rotating flywheels. Each CMG has an internal health
     check that monitors temperatures and motor currents. Each CMG will
     perform an autonomous shut-down if its flywheel experiences an over-speed

                At the end of the GeoEye-2 mission, all stored energy sources will be
depleted to the maximum extent possible; batteries will be discharged, pressure vessels
will be depressurized to minimum levels, CMGs will spin down, and fuel (propellant)
remaining in the tank will be depleted to lower the space station to the lowest possible
disposal orbit.

               3.     Nominal Mission Orbit

              The GeoEye-2 nominal mission orbit will be maintained using onboard
propulsion and have the following characteristics:

        •   Sun synchronous, (Right ascension of the ascending node will precess 360
            degrees in one sidereal year.)
        •   Circular
        •   Orbit equatorial radius = 681 kilometers
        •   Inclination: 98.11 degrees
        •   Descending node (equator) crossing time = 10:30 ±20 minutes.

The propulsion system design includes enough fuel to allow for 2 orbit altitude changes
of up to +/- 150 km.

               4.     Safe Flight Profiles

               GeoEye-2 includes a propulsion system to maintain the design orbit. The
spacecraft design orbit is a sun synchronous, circular orbit with a descending node
crossing time of 10:30 ±10 minutes for its seven year lifetime. The right ascension of the
ascending node will complete one 360 degree circle in the period of one sidereal year.
The currently planned nominal circular orbit altitude will be maintained at an equatorial
radius of 681 ±8 kilometers and the inclination will be maintained at 98.11 ±0.25 degrees.

                The GeoEye-2 satellite’s on-board attitude control system in combination
with its high performance GPS receiver tracking capabilities gives the GeoEye-2
operations team the capability to support preemptive collision avoidance maneuvers.
GeoEye (through its launch service provider Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

Services) will plan and execute the launch event to preclude a collision with existing
space objects. GeoEye will coordinate all orbit change activities (including nominal orbit
maintenance and end-of-life deboost operations) with the Joint Space Operations Center
(JSpOC) to avoid any potential collisions. GeoEye’s public disclosure of its orbital
parameters will assist third parties in identifying potential collision risks, and will allow
those parties to structure their own orbital parameters to minimize such risks.

               GeoEye also participates in the Space Data Center program, which allows
for direct comparison of the best available orbital position data for the satellites of
participating members and provides contact information to facilitate coordination in the
event of a predicted conjunction.

                In addition to these external services, GeoEye conducts daily, in-house
screenings of satellite predicted ephemerides against the public catalog. This provides
three separate sources of information that enable GeoEye orbit analysts to monitor and
mitigate potential conjunctions.

                The only habitable orbiting objects at this time are the International Space
Station and the Chinese Tiangong-1 Space Station. The International Space Station
altitude is approximately 385 km and the Chinese Tiangong-1 Space Station altitude is
approximately 360 km. Therefore, both are more than 290 km below the nominal
GeoEye-2 orbit.

                Other planned manned stations likely to be on orbit during GeoEye-2’s
expected lifetime include the Bigelow Aerospace Sundancer and Bigelow BA-330
modules. None of these spacecraft have made their planned operational orbits publicly
available. Should any of these future manned spacecraft orbit near GeoEye-2, GeoEye is
confident that its current conjunction assessment and collision avoidance practices will be

               5.      Post-Mission Disposal

                At the end of the mission life, when the allocated station keeping fuel has
been exhausted, the satellite will be placed in a disposal orbit such that it will naturally
re-enter the atmosphere within 25 years. The NASA Debris Assessment Tool (DAS
2.0.1) was used to determine the perigee altitude required to comply with post mission
disposal recommendations.

               The GeoEye-2 space vehicle has at least 120 kg of propellant that if used
for deorbit can provide approximately 120 m/sec of velocity change. From the nominal
operational orbit of 681 km this delta-V would lower perigee altitude to 220 km, which
would result in re-entry within a year.

              The highest perigee altitude that results in less the 25 years lifetime per the
Debris Assessment Tool is 530 km and can be reached from the nominal operational orbit
with 33 m/sec of delta-V.


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1

               6.      Debris Casualty Evaluation

                The Debris Casualty Area was evaluated using the NASA Debris Analysis
Software (DAS) Version 2.0.1. Assessments were made following guidelines 4.6-1 (post
mission disposal of space structures) and 4.7-1 (Casualty Risk from Reentry Debris) of
the NASA standard NASA-STD 8719.4 “Process for Limiting Orbital Debris.” The
primary satellite structure is made of aluminum struts and aluminum honeycomb panels.
The nominal altitude of 78 km was used for the breakup point of this parent object.

                 The DAS tool provides a simplified but conservative analysis for
uncontrolled reentry. The major spacecraft components were entered in the component
list of the assessment page along with materials when possible. A list of the components
and the assessment results is provided in Table 1 below.

                The total casualty expectation according the Debris Assessment Tool is
1:2100, with a debris casualty area (DCA) of 38 square meters. The major spacecraft
components that are predicted to survive reentry are the solar arrays (or portions thereof),
portions of the Bus structure, the CMG rotors and MCP structure, the propellant tank, the
STA enclosure, the primary and secondary mirrors, and the payload FPU (Figure A-1).
Due to the conservative nature of the DAS model, it is expected that a higher fidelity
model would result in a lower casualty expectation value.


       FCC Form 312
       GeoEye License Corp.
       Exhibit 1

                         Figure A-1: Debris Assessment Tool Re-entry Assessment List
                                                                 Thermal      Diameter                     Demise   Total       Kinetic
Row                                                  Body        Mass         /Width     Length   Height   Alt      DCA         Energy
No.   Name                  Qty   Material           Type        (kg)         (m)        (m)      (m)      (km)     (m2)        (J)
  1   GeoEye-2                1   Graphite Epoxy 1   Cylinder      2030            2.6      5.4                      37.94
  2   Bus Structure           1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box          282.33          2.25      2.6     1.52        0     7.92      144260
  3   CMG Module Cover        1   (generic)          Cylinder       12.3             1      0.6               74            0        0
  4   Bus/PL Interface        1   Graphite Epoxy 1   Box          100.58           1.2      1.2      0.3     70.5           0        0
      Payload I/F                                    Flat
  5   Hardware                8   Aluminum 6061-T6   Plate             6.78        0.3      0.3              48.5           0        0
  6   MLI Blankets            5   MLI                Plate             4.91        0.6      0.6              76.7        0           0
  7   Attachment Brackets    30   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box                1.9        0.1      0.1      0.1      65         0           0
  8   STA Enclosure           1   Inconel 600        Box              29.35        0.3      0.4      0.3        0      0.9       68210
  9   Misc Mechanisms        57   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               0.77        0.1      0.1     0.05     69.8        0           0
 10   Gimbal-2 Axis           1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Cylinder         14.73        0.3      0.4              63.7        0           0
 11   Misc Thermal            2   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               3.39        0.1      0.2      0.1     65.3        0           0
 12   CMG Electronics         4   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               11.4        0.3      0.6      0.3     68.2        0           0
 13   MCP Structure           1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Sphere              70        0.6                          0     1.28      318498
 14   CMG Case                4   Aluminum 6061-T6   Cylinder             5        0.4      0.2              71.7        0           0
 15   CMG Rotor               4   Steel AISI 321     Cylinder            26        0.4      0.2                 0     3.12       66051
 16   SIRU                    1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               6.91        0.2      0.3      0.2     65.6        0           0
 17   Star Tracker            2   Aluminum 6061-T6   Cylinder         13.17        0.2      0.5              63.1        0           0
 18   GPSR                    2   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               3.88       0.15     0.21     0.13      66         0           0
 19   Torque Rods             3   Iron               Cylinder          5.57       0.03     1.22              60.3        0           0
 20   Magnetometer            2   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               0.64        0.2      0.2      0.2     76.1        0           0
 21   Sun Sensor              2   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               0.44        0.2      0.2      0.1     76.1        0           0
 22   MCU                     2   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box              14.76       0.26     0.31     0.23     55.1        0           0
 23   GCE                     1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               5.45       0.14     0.22     0.12     62.1        0           0
 24   MCE                     1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               6.01       0.21     0.25     0.12     61.6        0           0
 25   DSU                     2   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box              34.07        0.3     0.49     0.26     45.4        0           0
 26   Comm Electronics        8   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               3.46       0.15     0.15     0.08     60.4        0           0
 27   Comm Hardware          12   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               0.73        0.1      0.1      0.1     72.3        0           0
 28   Solar Array             5   GaAs               Box               20.4       1.17      2.7     0.05        0    17.74        2863
 29   Batteries               4   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               21.3       0.29     0.36     0.18     42.8        0           0
 30   PPDU                    1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               26.1       0.27     0.47     0.27     53.3        0           0
 31   PAPU                    1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box               12.4       0.23     0.27     0.21     55.7        0           0
 32   MPIU                    1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box                  9       0.36     0.53      0.2     67.2        0           0
 33   Diode Box              30   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box                0.2       0.06     0.06     0.06     74.4        0           0
 34   Harness                10   Copper Alloy       Cylinder         15.02        0.1        5              73.7        0           0
                                  Titanium (6 Al-4
 35   Propellant Tank         1   V)                 Cylinder         48.27       1.07     1.07                 0     2.79       18615
 36   Components             18   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box            0.84           0.1      0.1      0.1     71.5        0           0
 37   Primary Mirror          1   Zerodur            Box          146.58           1.1      1.1      0.3        0     2.18      262046
 38   Secondary Mirror        1   Zerodur            Box           51.58           0.5      0.5      0.1        0     0.97      174542
 39   FPU                     1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box           55.68           0.3      0.6      0.3        0     1.05      211221
 40   OBA                     1   Graphite Epoxy 1   Cylinder      91.52           1.2      1.8              74.9        0           0
 41   Payload PSU             1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box            54.5           0.3     0.76      0.3     44.2        0           0
 42   Payload DPU             1   Aluminum 6061-T6   Box           30.06          0.33     0.66     0.33     57.3        0           0
 43   Cables                 44   Copper Alloy       Cylinder          1          0.01        2              75.8        0           0
 44   Payload Mount HW       31   Aluminum 6061-T6   Plate               1         0.3      0.3              73.8           0        0


FCC Form 312
GeoEye License Corp.
Exhibit 1


Document Created: 2012-02-10 11:30:11
Document Modified: 2012-02-10 11:30:11

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