Attachment EngineeringStatement

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20110928-00190 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                          Engineering Statement

Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat) proposes to relocate Horizons 2 from its
current orbital location of 74.05º W.L to 84.85º E.L. From this orbital
location, Horizons 2 would operate in conjunction with Intelsat 15, which
currently operates from 85.15º E.L. Additionally, with this application,
Intelsat updates the performance of the Horizons 2 beams.

Horizons 2 is currently authorized to operate from 74.05º W.L. (see FCC
File Nos.: SAT-MOD-20070628-00090 and SAT-AMD-20070731-00108).
In order to meet new customer requirements, Intelsat proposes to operate
Horizons 2 from 84.85º E.L.

To take the impact of this proposed change in orbital location into account,
this engineering statement provides the following technical information: (1)
frequency/polarization plan, (2) beam gain contours and updated beam
performance, (3) link budget and interference analysis, and (4) Schedule S.
In all other respects, the characteristics of Horizons 2 are the same as those
specified in SAT-MOD-20070628-00090 and SAT-AMD-20070731-00108.

It should be noted that there are no power flux density (“pfd”) limits
specified by the Commission or the International Telecommunications
Union (“ITU”) in the space-to-Earth direction for geostationary satellites
operating in the fixed satellite service in the 11700 – 12200 MHz band.
Accordingly, no power flux density calculations are provided for this
frequency band.

1.0) Frequency Plan

The Horizons 2 frequency plan is provided in Exhibits 1A and 1B. It should
be noted that Horizons 2 also has the additional capability to operate in the
14000 – 14500 MHz and 11700 – 12200 MHz band through another set of
dedicated uplink and downlink beams; however, Intelsat does not intend to
utilize this additional capability at the 84.85º E.L. Accordingly, the
frequency/polarization plan for these additional beams has not been included
in Exhibits 1A and 1B.

2.0) Gain Contours

The coverage patterns for Horizons 2 operating from 84.85º E.L are
contained in Exhibits 2A-1 to 2A-4, 2B-1 to 2B-6 and 2C-1 to 2C-2.

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Updated beam peak performance for each of the communication beams is
also provided in Exhibits 2A-1 to 2A-4.

With respect to the Horizons 2 command and telemetry beams associated
with the omni and wide coverage antennas (shown in Exhibits 2B-2, 2B-3,
2B-5 and 2B-6), and the uplink power control beams (shown in Exhibits 2C-
1 and 2C-2), the beam gain patterns could not be provided in the format
specified in Section 25.114(d)(3) of the rules for the reasons given in SAT-
MOD-20070628-00090. Accordingly, Intelsat requests that a waiver of the
provisions of this section of the rules continue to be applied with respect to
these beams at the 84.85º E.L. orbital location.

As previously indicated, Horizons 2 has the additional capability to operate
in the 14000 – 14500 MHz and 11700 – 12200 MHz band through another
set of dedicated uplink and downlink beams; however, Intelsat does not
intend to utilize this additional capability at the 84.85º E.L. The beam
performance and gain contours for these additional beams have not been
included in Exhibit 2A.

3.0) Horizons 2 Link Budgets and Interference Analysis

Link analysis for Horizons 2 was conducted for a number of representative
carriers. Excluding Intelsat 15, the nearest co-frequency satellites to
Horizons 2 are Kazsat 2, located at 86.5º E.L, and Insat 4A, located at 83º
E.L. Kazsat 2 and Insat 4A both utilize the 14000 – 14500 MHz band;
however, neither spacecraft utilizes the 11700 – 12200 MHz band.1

For conservatism, it was assumed that the nearest co-frequency satellites to
Horizons 2 were two hypothetical satellites – one located at 83º E.L and the
other located at 86.5º E.L. The hypothetical satellites were assumed to have
the same operational parameters as Horizons 2. It was further assumed that
each of the hypothetical satellites utilized digital carriers having a maximum
uplink power density -45 dBW/Hz. The maximum downlink EIRP density
of the hypothetical satellites was assumed to be -20 dBW/Hz.

Other assumptions made for the link budget analysis were as follows:
   a) In the plane of the geostationary satellite orbit, all C- and Ku-band
      transmitting and receiving earth station antennas have off-axis co-

  Intelsat 15 is licensed to Intelsat. Intelsat will internally coordinate the co-located operations of Intelsat
15 and Horizons 2.

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        polar gains that are compliant with the limits specified in Section
        25.209(a)(1) or (a)(2) of the FCC’s rules, depending on the frequency
        band under consideration.
   b)   All transmitting and receiving earth stations have a cross-polarization
        isolation value of at least 30 dB within their main beam.
   c)   At Ku-band frequencies, rain attenuation predictions are derived using
        Recommendation ITU-R 618-8.
   d)   At Ku-band frequencies, increase in noise temperature of the
        receiving earth station due to rain is taken into account.
   e)   For the cases where the transponder operates in a multi-carrier mode,
        the effects due to intermodulation interference are taken into account.

The impact of the TV/FM carriers from the adjacent satellites at 83° E.L and
86.5° E.L on the transmissions of Horizons 2 was not considered due to the
fact that TV/FM carriers are known to be high-density carriers with most of
the energy contained within the near vicinity of the carrier center frequency.
Operation of sensitive narrow-band carriers is typically precluded within
these high power density areas of the TV/FM carrier. Accordingly,
placement and operation of TV/FM carriers are normally achieved through
internal coordination and/or coordination discussions with the adjacent
satellite operator, whichever may be the case, rather than through C/I
calculations – since the results of such calculations would show that narrow-
band carriers typically could not operate on a co-frequency basis with
TV/FM carriers.

The results of the Ku-band analysis are shown in Exhibit 3 and demonstrate
that operation of the Horizons 2 satellite from 84.85° E.L. would permit the
intended services to achieve their respective performance objectives while
maintaining sufficient link margin. Additionally, the power and EIRP
density levels of the carriers listed in Exhibit 3 comply with the limits
contained in Section 25.212(c) of the Commission’s rules.

4.0) Adjacent Satellite Link Analysis

At Ku-band, the impact of the proposed Horizons 2 emissions on the
transmissions of hypothetical adjacent satellites located at 83º E.L and 86.5º
E.L was analyzed. It was assumed that each of the hypothetical satellites
had the same operating characteristics as Horizons 2.

For the satellite located at 83º E.L, it was assumed that the adjacent satellites
were Horizons 2, located at 84.85º E.L, and a hypothetical satellite having
the same operating characteristics as Horizons 2 located at 81º E.L. For the
                                  Page 3 of 31

satellite located at 86.5º E.L, it was assumed that the adjacent satellites were
Horizons 2, located at 84.85º E.L, and a hypothetical satellite having the
same operating characteristics as Horizons 2 located at 88º E.L.2

The impact of Horizons 2 emissions on the TV/FM carriers of the adjacent
satellites at 83º E.L and 86.5º E.L was not considered for the reasons
articulated in section 3.0 above. The assumptions made in section 3.0
pertaining to Earth station off-axis gain performance, Earth station cross-
polarization performance and rain attenuation were also applied in the

The results of the analysis are given in Exhibits 4 and 5. The Horizons 2
transmissions will be limited to those levels contained in Section 25.212(c),
as applicable, unless higher levels are coordinated with affected adjacent
satellite operators. In any case, pursuant to the results in Exhibits 4 and 5,
the uplink power density of the Horizons 2 digital carriers operating in the
14000 – 14500 MHz band will not exceed -45 dBW/Hz. Within the 11700 –
12200 MHz band the downlink EIRP density of the Horizons 2 digital
carriers will not exceed -20 dBW/Hz.

It is noted that in the coverage area of Horizons 2 at 84.85° E.L. the band
11700-12200 MHz is allocated to the broadcasting satellite service (BSS).
Operation in this band will be conducted in accordance with the satellite
network USABSS-29 that has already been notified to the ITU.

5.0) Schedule S Submission

Intelsat is providing a Schedule S with its application. The Schedule S
contains only: (1) those Horizons 2 data items that have changed from those
that were shown in the Schedule S for SAT-MOD-20070628-00090; and
(2) data items whose inclusion was required in order for the software
application to function properly.

Intelsat is providing with its application a Schedule S for the operations of
Horizons 2 from 84.85º E.L. In column “g” of Section S13 of the Schedule
S, a link budget file has been included for the first link (i.e., the first row of
data) contained in that section. This link budget file is applicable to all the
links listed in Section S13 and should have been included with each row of
data in that section of the Schedule S. However, given that the link budget

 ST-1 and ST-2 operate from 88º E.L and are assumed to utilize the 14000 – 14500 MHz. As best as can
be determined, neither of these spacecraft utilizes the 11700 – 12200 MHz.

                                           Page 4 of 31

file is rather large and its inclusion with each link (or data row) would lead
to the Schedule S file having an unmanageable size, all other links (or rows
of data) contain a small ASCII file that references the link budget file that is
attached to the first link (i.e., the link budget file attached to the first row of

6.0) Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan

Intelsat is proactive in ensuring safe operation and disposal of this and all
spacecraft under its control. The four elements of debris mitigation are
addressed below.

6.1) Spacecraft Hardware Design

The spacecraft is designed such that no debris will be released during normal
operations. Intelsat has assessed the probability of collision with meteoroids
and other small debris (<1 cm diameter) and has taken the following steps to
limit the effects of such collisions: (1) critical spacecraft components are
located inside the protective body of the spacecraft and properly shielded;
and (2) all spacecraft subsystems have redundant components to ensure no
single-point failures. The spacecraft does not use any subsystems for end-
of-life disposal that are not used for normal operations.

6.2) Minimizing Accidental Explosions

Intelsat has assessed the probability of accidental explosions during and after
completion of mission operations. The spacecraft is designed in a manner to
minimize the potential for such explosions. Propellant tanks and thrusters
are isolated using redundant valves and electrical power systems are
shielded in accordance with standard industry practices. At the completion
of the mission, and upon disposal of the spacecraft, Intelsat will ensure the
removal of all stored energy on the spacecraft by depleting the fuel tank,
venting all pressurized systems and by leaving the batteries in a permanent
discharge state.

As indicated in SAT-AMD-20070731-00108, Horizons 2 does not have the
capability to deplete its oxidizer tank. In this regard, the Commission had
granted a waiver of this requirement.

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62.3) Safe Flight Profiles

Intelsat has assessed and limited the probability of the space station
becoming a source of debris as a result of collisions with large debris or
other operational space stations. Horizons 2 will not be located at the same
orbital location as another satellite or at an orbital location that has an
overlapping station keeping volume with another satellite.

Intelsat is not aware of any other FCC licensed system, or any other system
applied for and under consideration by the FCC, having an overlapping
station-keeping volume with Horizons 2. Intelsat is also not aware of any
system with an overlapping station-keeping volume with Horizons 2 that is
the subject of an ITU filing and that is either in orbit or progressing towards

6.4) Post Mission Disposal

At the end of the mission, Intelsat will dispose of the spacecraft by moving it
to a minimum altitude of 300 kilometers above the geostationary arc. This
exceeds the minimum altitude established by the IADC formula. Intelsat has
reserved 6.8 kilograms of fuel for this purpose. The reserved fuel figure was
determined by the spacecraft manufacturer and provided for in the propellant
budget. To calculate this figure, the “rocket equation” was used, taking into
account the expected mass of the satellite at the end of life and the required
delta-velocity to achieve the desired orbit. The fuel gauging uncertainty has
been taken into account in these calculations.

In calculating the disposal orbit, Intelsat has used simplifying assumptions as
permitted under the Commission’s Orbital Debris Report and Order. For
reference, the effective area to mass ratio (Cr*A/M) of the Horizons 2
spacecraft is 0.04 m2/kg, resulting in a minimum perigee disposal altitude
under the IADC formula of at most 280.4 kilometers above the geostationary
arc, which is lower than the 300 kilometer above geostationary disposal
altitude specified by Intelsat in this filing. Accordingly, the Horizons 2
planned disposal orbit complies with the FCC’s rules.

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                                  Certification Statement

I hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person and am familiar with Part 25 of the
Commission’s rules. The contents of this engineering statement were prepared by me or under
my direct supervision and to the best of my knowledge are complete and accurate.

                /s/ Jose Albuquerque                    September 26, 2011
                  Jose Albuquerque                            Date
                    Senior Director
                  Spectrum Strategy

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                               EXHIBIT 1B: FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS
                                         Uplink                                               Downlink
  Uplink       Uplink                     Center      Downlink     Downlink                     Center     Channel    Channel
Transponder    Beam        Uplink       Frequency    Transponder    Beam        Downlink      Frequency   Bandwidth    Gain
Designation    Name      Polarization     (MHz)      Designation    Name       Polarization     (MHz)      (MHz)       (dB)
     1        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14020           1        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        11720        36        130.1
     2        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14060           2        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        11760        36        130.1
     3        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14100           3        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        11800        36        130.1
     4        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14140           4        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        11840        36        130.1
     5        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14180           5        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        11880        36        130.1
     6        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14220           6        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        11920        36        130.1
     7        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14260           7        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        11960        36        130.1
     8        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14300           8        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        12000        36        130.1
     9        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14340           9        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        12040        36        130.1
    10        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14380          10        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        12080        36        130.1
    11        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14420          11        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        12120        36        130.1
    12        RUSSIA     VERTICAL         14460          12        RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        12160        36        130.1

    13        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14058           13        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        11758         72        132.6
    14        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14138           14        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        11838         72        132.6
    15        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14218           15        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        11918         72        132.6
    16        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14298           16        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        11998         72        132.6
    17        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14360           17        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        12060         36        130.0
    18        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14400           18        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        12100         36        130.0
    19        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14440           19        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        12140         36        130.0
    20        RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14480           20        RUSSIA      VERTICAL        12180         36        130.0

                                                      ULPC 1       GLOBAL      VERTICAL        11701.5      0.008
                                                      UPLC 2       GLOBAL     HORIZONTAL        12198       0.008

Command 1     RUSSIA    HORIZONTAL       14000.5                                                            1.000
Command 2     RUSSIA     VERTICAL        14499.5                                                            1.000
                         LEFT HAND
Command 3     GLOBAL                     14000.5                                                            1.000
                         LEFT HAND
Command 4     GLOBAL                     14499.5                                                            1.000

                                                    TELEMETRY 1    RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL        12196       0.500
                                                    TELEMETRY 2    RUSSIA     HORIZONTAL      12198.625     0.500
                                                                              RIGHT HAND
                                                    TELEMETRY 3    GLOBAL                      12196        0.500
                                                                              RIGHT HAND
                                                    TELEMETRY 4    GLOBAL                     12198.625     0.500

                                                        Page 9 of 31

              (Schedule S Beam ID: RHUP)

                 Beam Polarization: Horizontal
                   Peak Beam Gain: 36.2 dBi
                    Peak Beam G/T: 8.1 dB/K
Saturated Flux Density @ Peak Beam G/T: -105.1 to -80.1 dBW/m2

                                 -8            -2


                                             -15    -20


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              (Schedule S Beam ID: RVUP)

                   Beam Polarization: Vertical
                   Peak Beam Gain: 35.9 dBi
                    Peak Beam G/T: 8.1 dB/K
Saturated Flux Density @ Peak Beam G/T: -105.1 to -80.1 dBW/m2


                                 -6              -10    -15

                         Page 11 of 31

     (Schedule S Beam ID: RHDN)

      Beam Polarization: Horizontal
       Peak Beam Gain: 34.4 dBi
      Peak Beam EIRP: 50.8 dBW

                        -4           -6        -2

                                                     -8 -10
                                          -2        -15

                  -15                -20

                 Page 12 of 31

         (Schedule S Beam ID: RVDN)

            Beam Polarization: Vertical
             Peak Beam Gain: 34.4 dBi
Peak Beam EIRP: 51.0 dBW (for 36 MHz wide channels)
Peak Beam EIRP: 53.6 dBW (for 72 MHz wide channels)


                             -4                     -10
                                   -2                 -20


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              (Schedule S Beam ID: CMDH)

                Beam Polarization: Horizontal
                  Peak Beam Gain: 36.2 dBi
                  Peak Beam G/T: -5.3 dB/K
Command Threshold Flux Density @ Peak Beam G/T: -119.6 dBW/m2

                                -8            -2


                                            -15    -20


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              (Schedule S Beam ID: CMDV)

                  Beam Polarization: Vertical
                  Peak Beam Gain: 35.9 dBi
                  Peak Beam G/T: -5.3 dB/K
Command Threshold Flux Density @ Peak Beam G/T: -119.6 dBW/m2


                                -6              -10    -15

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              (Schedule S Beam ID: CMDO)

            Beam Polarization: Left Hand Circular
                  Peak Beam Gain: 2.8 dBi
                 Peak Beam G/T: -33.4 dB/K
Command Threshold Flux Density @ Peak Beam G/T: -91.5 dBW/m2

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EXHIBIT 2B-3: COMMAND RECEIVE BEAM (Wide Coverage Antenna)
                 (Schedule S Beam ID: CMDW)

               Beam Polarization: Left Hand Circular
                     Peak Beam Gain: 13.2 dBi
                    Peak Beam G/T: -28.9 dB/K
   Command Threshold Flux Density @ Peak Beam G/T: -96.1 dBW/m2

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         (Schedule S Beam ID: TLMH)

        Beam Polarization: Horizontal
         Peak Beam Gain: 34.4 dBi
        Peak Beam EIRP: 23.0 dBW

                         -4           -6        -2

                                                      -8 -10
                                           -2        -15

                  -15                 -20

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                (Schedule S Beam ID: TLMO)

           Beam Polarization: Right Hand Circular
                 Peak Beam Gain: 2.9 dBi
                Peak Beam EIRP: 7.0 dBW

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                   (Schedule S Beam ID: TLMW)

               Beam Polarization: Right Hand Circular
                    Peak Beam Gain: 13.3 dBi
                   Peak Beam EIRP: 15.0 dBW

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         (Schedule S Beam ID: UPKH)

         Beam Polarization: Horizontal
          Peak Beam Gain: 21.0 dBi
         Peak Beam EIRP: 16.2 dBW

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         (Schedule S Beam ID: UPKV)

          Beam Polarization: Vertical
           Peak Beam Gain: 21.0 dBi
          Peak Beam EIRP: 16.2 dBW

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                                EXHIBIT 3: HORIZONS 2 LINK BUDGETS
Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250       14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1           2.1           2.1            2.1          2.1          2.1
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -82.1         -77.1         -88.1         -88.1        -88.1        -88.1
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0           22.0         22.0         22.0
Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     44.8         44.8          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    83.0E        83.0E         83.0E         83.0E         83.0E        83.0E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    86.5E        86.5E         86.5E         86.5E         86.5E        86.5E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F       36M0G7W       10M3G7W       100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          24575          6000           64          512          128
Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         30133         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         36000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  6.1           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.8
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        56.9          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         46.4
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  2.4           1.8           1.8           1.8          1.8          6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        47.5          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8         55.5
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3         33.1
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  80.8          80.5          62.5          42.2         54.3         45.0
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6          228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Uplink C/N(dB)                                   28.5          28.9          17.4          16.7         16.6         13.3
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 44.8          42.8          35.7          15.5         27.5         18.2
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5         -.5          -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3        22.3         33.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.4          12.5          11.8          11.1        11.0         18.6
C/N Uplink (dB)                                 28.5          28.9          17.4          16.7         16.6         13.3
C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.4          12.5          11.8          11.1         11.0         18.6
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           24.2          23.4         23.3         20.1
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          28.1          28.0         28.4         24.7
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          28.1          28.0         28.4         24.7
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            25.3          25.8          14.3          13.6         13.5         10.2
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          21.1          17.5          16.9          16.1         16.0         22.7
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            24.0          24.5          13.0          12.3         12.2          8.9
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          18.1          13.8          13.2          12.4         12.3         20.7

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          12.3          8.9           6.1            5.4          5.3          5.0
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0         -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      11.3          7.9            5.1            4.4         4.3          4.0
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4         -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.3          4.6           1.2            1.4          .9           .6
Number of Carriers                                1           1.0           2.7           285.0        17.9         90.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -42.1         -51.2         -62.7         -63.4        -63.5        -56.3
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -15.2         -26.0         -26.6         -27.3        -27.4        -30.7

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                  EXHIBIT 3: HORIZONS 2 LINK BUDGETS (continued)
Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250       14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1          2.1            2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -82.1        -77.1         -88.1         -88.1         -88.1        -88.1
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0           22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0
Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950       11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     45.0          45.0          45.0          45.0         45.0         45.0
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0         22.0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    83.0E        83.0E         83.0E         83.0E         83.0E        83.0E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    86.5E        86.5E         86.5E         86.5E         86.5E        86.5E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F      36M0G7W       10M3G7W        100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          24575          6000           64          512          128
Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         30133         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         36000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  6.1           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.8
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        56.9          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         46.4
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  2.4           1.8           1.8           1.8          1.8          6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        47.5          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8         55.5
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3         33.1
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  80.8          80.2          62.5          42.2         54.2         45.1
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                          0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6         228.6          228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Uplink C/N(dB)                                   28.5          28.6          17.4          16.7         16.6         13.5
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 45.0          42.8          35.9          15.6         27.6         18.5
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5          -.5         -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3        33.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.6          12.4          12.0          11.3        11.2         18.9
C/N Uplink (dB)                                 28.5          28.6          17.4          16.7         16.6         13.5
C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.6          12.4          12.0          11.3         11.2         18.9
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           24.1          23.4         23.3         20.2
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          28.1          28.0         28.4         24.8
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          28.1          28.0         28.4         24.8
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            25.3          25.5          14.3          13.6         13.5         10.3
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          21.3          17.4          17.0          16.3         16.2         23.1
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            24.0          24.2          13.0          12.2         12.1          9.0
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          18.3          13.7          13.3          12.6         12.5         21.1

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          12.5          8.9           6.2            5.4          5.3          5.2
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0         -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      11.5          7.9            5.2            4.4         4.3          4.2
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4         -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.5          4.5           1.3            1.5          .9           .8
Number of Carriers                                1           1.0           2.7           286.7        18.0         90.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -42.1         -51.5         -62.7         -63.4        -63.6        -56.2
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -15.0         -26.0         -26.4         -27.1        -27.3        -30.4

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                    EXHIBIT 3: HORIZONS 2 LINK BUDGETS (continued)
Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250       14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1          2.1           2.1            2.1           2.1          2.1
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -79.1        -77.1         -85.1         -85.1         -85.1        -85.1
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0          22.0           22.0          22.0         22.0
Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950       11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     47.6          47.6          47.6          47.6         47.6         47.6
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0         42.0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    83.0E        83.0E         83.0E         83.0E         83.0E        83.0E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    86.5E        86.5E         86.5E         86.5E         86.5E        86.5E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F       72M0G7W       10M3G7W       100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          49150          6000           64          512          128
Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         60266         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         72000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  6.1           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.8
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        56.9          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         46.4
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  3.0           1.8           1.8           1.8          1.8          6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        49.2          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8         55.5
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        26.7          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3         33.1
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  80.8          80.7          62.7          42.5         54.5         45.7
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6          228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -77.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Uplink C/N(dB)                                   28.5          26.1          17.7          16.9         16.8         14.1
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 43.3          45.8          35.7          15.5         27.5         18.0
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5         -.5          -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         26.7          22.3          22.3          22.3        22.3         33.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -77.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.6          12.4          11.9          11.1        11.0         18.4
C/N Uplink (dB)                                 28.5          26.1          17.7          16.9         16.8         14.1
C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.6          12.4          11.9          11.1         11.0         18.4
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           24.4          23.7         23.6         14.4
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          28.4          28.2         28.6         23.5
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          28.4          28.2         28.6         23.5
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            25.3          23.0          14.5          13.8         13.7         11.0
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          21.2          17.5          16.9          16.1         16.0         21.9
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            24.0          21.7          13.2          12.5         12.4          9.6
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          18.5          13.8          13.2          12.5         12.4         21.4

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          12.5          8.7           6.2            5.5          5.4           5.2
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0          -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      11.5          7.7            5.2            4.5         4.4           4.2
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4          -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.5          4.3           1.3            1.5         1.0            .8
Number of Carriers                                2           1.0           5.1           542.6        34.1         180.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -42.1         -54.0         -62.5         -63.2        -63.3        -55.6
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -16.7         -26.0         -26.6         -27.3        -27.4        -30.8

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Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250       14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1           2.1           2.1            2.1          2.1          2.1
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -82.1         -77.1         -85.1         -85.1        -85.1        -85.1
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0           22.0         22.0         22.0
Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     44.8         44.8          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    81.0E        81.0E         81.0E         81.0E         81.0E        81.0E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                   84.85E        84.85E        84.85E        84.85E       84.85E       84.85E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0             0             0             0            0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0             0             0             0            0            0
Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F       36M0G7W       10M3G7W       100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          24575          6000           64          512          128
Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         30133         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         36000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  6.1           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.2
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        56.9          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         42.9
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  2.4           1.2           1.8           1.2          1.2          6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        47.5          41.3          44.8          41.3         41.3         55.5
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        25.0          18.8          22.3          18.8         18.8         33.1
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  80.8          80.5          64.7          47.3         59.3         45.9
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6          228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Uplink C/N(dB)                                   28.5          28.9          19.6          21.8         21.6         14.2
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 44.8          42.8          34.2          16.8         28.8         15.4
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5         -.5          -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         25.0          18.8          22.3          18.8        18.8         33.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.4          9.0           10.3          9.0          8.9         15.8
C/N Uplink (dB)                                 28.5          28.9          19.6          21.8         21.6         14.2
C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.4           9.0          10.3           9.0          8.9         15.8
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           16.9          19.1         19.0         11.6
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          25.3          28.1         28.5         20.6
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          25.3          28.1         28.5         20.6
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            26.2          26.7          17.4          19.5         19.4         12.0
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          20.4          11.9          14.1          11.9         11.8         20.2
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            25.3          25.8          16.5          18.6         18.5         11.1
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          21.1          14.5          15.3          14.5         14.4         19.9

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          13.0          6.2           6.2            5.6          5.5          5.1
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0         -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      12.0          5.2            5.2            4.6         4.5          4.1
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4         -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          2.0          1.9           1.3            1.6         1.1           .7
Number of Carriers                                1           1.0           3.5           281.3        17.7         90.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -42.1         -51.2         -60.5         -58.4        -58.5        -51.9
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -15.2         -26.0         -28.1         -26.0        -26.1        -33.5

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 Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
 Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250       14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250
 Uplink Beam Polarization                      Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
 Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
 Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1          2.1            2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1
 Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -82.1        -77.1         -84.1         -84.1         -84.1        -84.1
 Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0           22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0
 Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
 Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950       11.950
 Downlink Beam Polarization                    Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
 Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
 Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     45.0          45.0          45.0          45.0         45.0         45.0
 Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0         22.0
 Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    81.0E        81.0E         81.0E         81.0E         81.0E        81.0E
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
 Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
 Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
 Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
 Satellite 1 Orbital Location                   84.85E        84.85E        84.85E        84.85E       84.85E       84.85E
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0        -45.0
 Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0             0             0             0            0            0
 Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0        -26.0
 Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0             0             0             0            0            0
 Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F      36M0G7W       10M3G7W        100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
 Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
 Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
 Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          24575          6000           64          512          128
 Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
 Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         30133         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
 Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         36000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
 Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
 Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
 Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  6.1           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.2
 Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        56.9          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         42.9
 Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
 Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  2.4           1.2           1.8           1.2          1.2          6.1
 Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        47.5          41.3          44.8          41.3         41.3         55.5
 Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        25.0          18.8          22.3          18.8         18.8         33.1
 Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
 LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
 Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  80.8          80.2          65.4          48.1         60.1         46.4
 Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
 Uplink Rain Attenuation                          0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
 Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
 Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6         228.6          228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
 Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
 Uplink C/N(dB)                                   28.5          28.6          20.3          22.6         22.4         14.8
 Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 45.0          42.8          34.1          16.8         28.8         15.1
 Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5          -.5         -.5
 Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
 Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0          0.0            0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0
 Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         25.0          18.8          22.3          18.8         18.8        33.1
 Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
 Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
 Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.6          8.9           10.3          9.0          8.8         15.5
 C/N Uplink (dB)                                 28.5          28.6          20.3          22.6         22.4         14.8
 C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.6           8.9          10.3           9.0          8.8         15.5
 C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           16.7          18.9         18.8         11.1
 C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          25.1          27.9         28.3         20.2
 C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          25.1          27.9         28.3         20.2
 C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            26.2          26.4          18.1          20.3         20.2         12.6
 C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          20.6          11.8          14.0          11.9         11.7         19.9
 C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            25.3          25.5          17.2          19.4         19.3         11.7
 C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          21.3          14.4          15.3          14.5         14.4         19.7

 C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          13.1          6.2           6.3            5.7          5.6          5.2
 Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0         -1.0
 Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      12.1          5.2            5.3            4.7         4.6          4.2
 Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4         -3.4
 Excess Link Margin (dB)                          2.1          1.8           1.4            1.7         1.2           .8
 Number of Carriers                                1           1.0           3.5           295.0        18.6         90.0
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -42.1         -51.5         -59.8         -57.6        -57.7        -51.3
 Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -15.0         -26.0         -28.2         -26.0        -26.1        -33.7

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Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250       14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1          2.1           2.1            2.1           2.1          2.1
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -79.1        -77.1         -81.1         -81.1         -81.1        -81.1
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0          22.0           22.0          22.0         22.0
Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950       11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     47.6          47.6          47.6          47.6         47.6         47.6
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0         22.0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    81.0E        81.0E         81.0E         81.0E         81.0E        81.0E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                   84.85E        84.85E        84.85E        84.85E       84.85E       84.85E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0             0             0             0            0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0             0             0             0            0            0
Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F       36M0G7W       10M3G7W       100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          49150          6000           64          512          128
Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         60266         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         72000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  6.1           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.2
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        56.9          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         42.9
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  3.0           1.2           1.8           1.2          1.2          6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        49.2          41.3          44.8          41.3         41.3         55.5
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        26.7          18.8          22.3          18.8         18.8         33.1
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  80.8          80.7          65.8          48.4         60.5         46.5
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6          228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -77.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Uplink C/N(dB)                                   28.5          26.1          20.7          22.9         22.8         14.9
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 43.3          45.8          34.1          16.7         28.8         14.8
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5         -.5          -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         26.7          18.8          22.3          18.8        18.8         33.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -77.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.6          8.9           10.2          8.9          8.8         15.2
C/N Uplink (dB)                                 28.5          26.1          20.7          22.9         22.8         14.9
C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.6           8.9          10.2           8.9          8.8         15.2
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           17.0          19.2         19.1         11.2
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          25.4          28.2         28.6         20.3
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          25.4          28.2         28.6         20.3
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            26.2          23.9          18.5          20.7         20.6         12.6
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          20.8          11.8          14.0          11.8         11.7         19.6
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            25.3          23.0          17.6          19.8         19.7         11.7
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          21.2          14.5          15.2          14.4         14.3         19.4

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          13.1          6.1           6.3            5.7          5.6           5.2
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0          -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      12.1          5.1            5.3            4.7         4.6           4.2
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4          -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          2.1          1.8           1.5            1.7         1.2            .8
Number of Carriers                                2           1.0           7.0           543.3        34.2         180.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -42.1         -54.0         -59.4         -57.2        -57.3        -51.3
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -16.7         -26.0         -28.2         -26.0        -26.1        -34.1

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Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250       14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1           2.1           2.1            2.1          2.1          2.1
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -80.1         -77.1         -88.1         -88.1        -88.1        -88.1
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0           22.0         22.0         22.0
Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     44.8         44.8          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                   84.85E        84.85E        84.85E        84.85E       84.85E       84.85E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0             0             0             0            0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0             0             0             0            0            0
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    88.0E        88.0E         88.0E         88.0E         88.0E        88.0E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F       36M0G7W       10M3G7W       100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          24575          6000           64          512          128
Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         30133         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         36000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  9.0           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.8
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        60.2          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         46.4
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  2.4           1.8           1.8           1.8          1.8          6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        47.5          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8         55.5
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3         33.1
Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  82.8          80.5          63.7          43.4         55.5         46.3
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6          228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Uplink C/N(dB)                                   30.5          28.9          18.6          17.9         17.8         14.7
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 44.8          42.8          36.2          15.9         28.0         18.8
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5         -.5          -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3        22.3         33.1
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.4          12.5          12.3          11.6        11.5         19.2
C/N Uplink (dB)                                 30.5          28.9          18.6          17.9         17.8         14.7
C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.4          12.5          12.3          11.6         11.5         19.2
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           18.9          18.2         18.1         15.0
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          27.3          27.2         27.6         24.1
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          27.3          27.2         27.6         24.1
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            26.0          24.5          14.2          13.5         13.4         10.3
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          18.1          13.8          13.6          12.9         12.8         21.4
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            24.9          23.4          13.0          12.4         12.2          9.2
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          18.9          15.3          15.2          14.5         14.4         21.1

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          12.1          8.5           6.0            5.3          5.2          5.0
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0         -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      11.1          7.5            5.0            4.3         4.2          4.0
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4         -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.1          4.2           1.1            1.3          .8           .6
Number of Carriers                                1           1.0           3.3           343.2        21.6         90.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -43.4         -51.2         -61.5         -62.2        -62.3        -54.9
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -15.2         -26.0         -26.1         -26.8        -26.9        -30.0

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  Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
  Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250       14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250
  Uplink Beam Polarization                      Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
  Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
  Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1          2.1            2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1
  Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -82.1        -77.1         -88.1         -88.1         -88.1        -88.1
  Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0           22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0
  Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
  Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950       11.950
  Downlink Beam Polarization                    Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
  Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
  Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     45.0          45.0          45.0          45.0         45.0         45.0
  Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0         22.0
  Satellite 1 Orbital Location                   84.85E        84.85E        84.85E        84.85E       84.85E       84.85E
  Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0        -45.0
  Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0             0             0             0            0            0
  Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0        -26.0
  Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0             0             0             0            0            0
  Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    88.0E        88.0E         88.0E         88.0E         88.0E        88.0E
  Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
  Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
  Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
  Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
  Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F      36M0G7W       10M3G7W        100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
  Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
  Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
  Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          24575          6000           64          512          128
  Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
  Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         30133         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
  Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         36000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
  Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
  Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
  Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  6.1           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.8
  Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        56.9          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         46.4
  Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
  Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  2.4           1.8           1.8           1.8          1.8          6.1
  Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        47.5          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8         55.5
  Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3         33.1
  Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
  LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
  Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  80.8          80.2          63.6          43.4         55.4         46.5
  Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
  Uplink Rain Attenuation                          0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
  Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
  Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6         228.6          228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
  Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
  Uplink C/N(dB)                                   28.5          28.6          18.6          17.9         17.8         14.8
  Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 45.0          42.8          36.3          16.1         28.1         19.2
  Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5          -.5         -.5
  Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
  Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
  Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         25.0          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3        33.1
  Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
  Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -74.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
  Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.6          12.4          12.5          11.8        11.7         19.6
  C/N Uplink (dB)                                 28.5          28.6          18.6          17.9         17.8         14.8
  C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.6          12.4          12.5          11.8         11.7         19.6
  C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           18.9          18.2         18.1         15.2
  C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          27.3          27.2         27.6         24.2
  C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          27.3          27.2         27.6         24.2
  C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            24.0          24.2          14.1          13.5         13.3         10.4
  C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          18.3          13.7          13.8          13.1         13.0         21.7
  C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            22.9          23.1          13.0          12.4         12.2          9.3
  C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          19.1          15.3          15.3          14.7         14.6         21.4

  C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          12.0          8.4           6.1            5.4          5.3          5.2
  Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0         -1.0
  Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      11.0          7.4            5.1            4.4         4.3          4.2
  Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4         -3.4
  Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.0          4.1           1.2            1.4          .9           .8
  Number of Carriers                                1           1.0           3.3           343.6        21.6         90.0
  Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -42.1         -51.5         -61.6         -62.2        -62.4        -54.8
  Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -15.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.6        -26.7        -29.7

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 Uplink Beam Name                              RUSSIA       RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA
 Uplink Frequency (GHz)                         14.250       14.250        14.250        14.250        14.250       14.250
 Uplink Beam Polarization                      Horizontal   Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal    Horizontal   Horizontal
 Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -6.0         -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0
 Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                        2.1          2.1           2.1            2.1           2.1          2.1
 Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                             -77.1        -77.1         -85.1         -85.1         -85.1        -85.1
 Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0         22.0          22.0           22.0          22.0         22.0
 Downlink Beam Name                            RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA        RUSSIA       RUSSIA       RUSSIA
 Downlink Frequency (GHz)                       11.950        11.950        11.950        11.950       11.950       11.950
 Downlink Beam Polarization                    Vertical      Vertical      Vertical      Vertical     Vertical     Vertical
 Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)            -6.0          -6.0          -6.0          -6.0         -6.0         -6.0
 Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                     47.6          47.6          47.6          47.6         47.6         47.6
 Rain Rate (mm/hr)                               22.0          22.0          22.0          22.0         22.0         22.0
 Satellite 1 Orbital Location                   84.85E        84.85E        84.85E        84.85E       84.85E       84.85E
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0        -45.0
 Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0             0             0             0            0            0
 Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0        -26.0
 Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0             0             0             0            0            0
 Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    88.0E        88.0E         88.0E         88.0E         88.0E        88.0E
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -45.0        -45.0         -45.0         -45.0         -45.0        -45.0
 Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                0            0             0             0             0            0
 Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                  -26.0        -26.0         -26.0         -26.0         -26.0        -26.0
 Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)              0            0             0             0             0            0
 Carrier ID                                    36M0F3F       72M0G7W       10M3G7W       100KG7W      1M45G7W      400KG7W
 Carrier Modulation                             TV/FM          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK         BPSK         BPSK
 Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               4            N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A
 Information Rate(kbps)                           N/A          49150          6000           64          512          128
 Code Rate                                        N/A       1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x239/256     R1/2         R1/2
 Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         60266         6771.1         75.4       1229.0        307.0
 Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                        36000         72000         10300          100        1450.0        400.0
 Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                      10.0          3.36          3.87          2.99         3.4          3.4
 Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                           10.0          3.36          3.57          2.79         2.7          2.7
 Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  9.0           6.1           6.1           6.1          6.1          1.8
 Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        60.2          56.9          56.9          56.9         56.9         46.4
 Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
 Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  3.0           1.8           1.8           1.8          1.8          6.1
 Earth Station Gain (dBi)                        49.2          44.8          44.8          44.8         44.8         55.5
 Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                        26.7          22.3          22.3          22.3         22.3         33.1
 Earth Station Elevation Angle                    20            20            20            20           20           20
 LINK FADE TYPE                                Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky    Clear Sky    Clear Sky
 Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                  82.8          80.7          63.9          43.7         55.7         46.5
 Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)               -207.5        -207.5        -207.5        -207.5       -207.5       -207.5
 Uplink Rain Attenuation                           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0          0.0
 Satellite G/T(dB/K)                              2.1           2.1           2.1           2.1          2.1          2.1
 Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                    228.6          228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
 Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -77.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
 Uplink C/N(dB)                                   30.5          26.1          18.8          18.1         18.0         14.9
 Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                 43.3          45.8          36.2          16.0         28.0         18.8
 Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                       -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5         -.5          -.5
 Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)             -205.9        -205.9        -205.9        -205.9       -205.9       -205.9
 Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0         0.0          0.0
 Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         26.7          22.3          22.3          22.3        22.3         33.1
 Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                 228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6        228.6        228.6
 Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                 -75.6         -77.8         -68.3         -48.8        -60.9        -54.9
 Downlink C / N(dB)                               16.6          12.4          12.3          11.6        11.5         19.2
 C/N Uplink (dB)                                 30.5          26.1          18.8          18.1         18.0         14.9
 C/N Downlink (dB)                               16.6          12.4          12.3          11.6         11.5         19.2
 C/I Intermodulation (dB)                        N/A           N/A           19.2          18.5         18.4         15.2
 C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                     27.0          27.0          27.6          27.4         27.8         24.3
 C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                   27.0          27.0          27.6          27.4         27.8         24.3
 C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)            26.0          21.7          14.4          13.7         13.6         10.4
 C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)          18.5          13.8          13.7          13.0         12.9         21.4
 C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)            24.9          20.6          13.3          12.6         12.5          9.3
 C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)          18.9          15.3          15.2          14.5         14.4         21.0

 C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                          12.2          8.2           6.1            5.4          5.3           5.2
 Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0         -1.0          -1.0           -1.0        -1.0          -1.0
 Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                      11.2          7.2            5.1            4.4         4.3           4.2
 Minimum Required C/N (dB)                       -10.0         -3.4          -3.9           -3.0        -3.4          -3.4
 Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.2          3.9           1.3            1.4          .9            .8
 Number of Carriers                                2           1.0           6.1           651.5        41.0         180.0
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                   -43.4         -54.0         -61.3         -62.0        -62.1        -54.8
 Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)     -16.7         -26.0         -26.1         -26.8        -26.9        -30.1

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Document Created: 2011-09-28 17:31:57
Document Modified: 2011-09-28 17:31:57

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