Attachment SES Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20110714-00126 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application of                            )
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                         )    File No. SAT-STA-___________
                                                           )    Call Sign S2156
For Modification of the AMC-5 License to                   )
Assign the Satellite to 79.10º W.L. with                   )
+/- 0.1 Degree East-West Stationkeeping                    )

                          APPLICATION OF SES AMERICOM, INC.

                SES Americom, Inc. (“SES Americom”) hereby respectfully requests

modification of the license for the AMC-5 Ku-band in-orbit spare satellite to reassign the

spacecraft to 79.10º W.L. with an east-west stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 degrees.

Authority is sought for telemetry, tracking and command (“TT&C”) operations only – SES

Americom does not seek to activate the communications payload while the satellite is positioned

at 79.10º W.L. Grant of the requested authority will preserve AMC-5’s fuel and extend the

satellite’s operational life, facilitating the spacecraft’s availability to provide future services.

                A completed FCC Form 312 is attached, and SES Americom incorporates by

reference the technical information previously provided in support of AMC-5.1 In addition, SES

Americom is providing information relating to the proposed modification to the AMC-5 license

in the attached Technical Appendix.

    See File Nos. SAT-MOD-20100706-00154; SAT-MOD-20050609-00117; & SAT-MOD-


               AMC-5 is a Ku-band only spacecraft launched in 1998, and the terms of its

current license specify operation at 79.05º W.L. with an east-west stationkeeping tolerance of

+/- 0.05 degrees.2 In order to extend the fuel life of AMC-5, SES Americom seeks modification

of the AMC-5 license to reassign the spacecraft to 79.10º W.L. and permit operations within a

+/- 0.1 degree east-west stationkeeping volume. SES Americom has already implemented this

change pursuant to a grant of Special Temporary Authority,3 and now seeks a modification of the

AMC-5 license in order to retain the changed stationkeeping parameters.

               As SES Americom explained in the AMC-5 STA Request, SES Americom also

operates the AMC-2 C/Ku-band hybrid spacecraft at the nominal 79º W.L. orbital location, in the

stationkeeping volume bounded by 78.90º W.L. and 79.00º W.L.4 SES Americom relies

primarily on AMC-2 to provide Ku-band services at this orbital location, with AMC-5 available

to provide occasional use or back-up capacity as needed.5

      See File No. SAT-MOD-20100706-00154, Call Sign S2156, grant-stamped Jan. 20, 2011,
Attachment to Grant at ¶ 3. Thus, under the terms of its existing license, AMC-5’s
stationkeeping volume is bounded by 79.00º W.L. and 79.10º W.L. The AMC-5 satellite is
currently in inclined orbit. See Letter of Karis A. Hastings, Counsel for SES Americom, Inc., to
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, regarding AMC-5 (Call Sign S2156) dated June 16, 2010.
    See Call Sign S2156, File No. SAT-STA-20110614-00108 (“AMC-5 STA Request”), grant-
stamped June 29, 2011.
    AMC-5 STA Request at 1-2. SES Americom also noted that it has proposed to relocate
AMC-2 later this year to the nominal 5º E.L. orbital location and to operate it there pursuant to
Swedish licensing authority. See File No. SAT-T/C-20110527-00100 (“AMC-2 5º E.L.
     As discussed in the AMC-2 5º E.L. Application, SES Americom is in the process of
transitioning all customer traffic off of AMC-2 in preparation for its planned relocation. See id.,
Narrative at 3.


              SES Americom sought an expanded stationkeeping tolerance for AMC-5 to

extend the satellite’s fuel life. To avoid any overlap with the stationkeeping volume of AMC-2,

SES Americom also proposed to shift the center of AMC-5’s box slightly from 79.05 º W.L. to

79.10º W.L.

              Reassignment of AMC-5 to 79.10º W.L. +/- 0.1 degrees is consistent with

Commission precedent and will not adversely affect other operators. The new stationkeeping

volume does not overlap with that of AMC-2 or any other spacecraft. The proposed

modification does not alter the end-of-life disposal plan for AMC-5, which has already been

approved by the Commission.6

              Furthermore, retaining the changed stationkeeping parameters will not cause

harmful interference. SES Americom seeks authority to perform TT&C only at 79.10º W.L., not

to provide communications services.7 AMC-5 TT&C will continue to be performed consistent

with existing and future coordination agreements applicable to SES Americom’s operations at

the nominal 79° W.L. orbital location, including the coordination agreement addressing the

Argentine Administration’s ITU filings at 81° W.L.8

              Thus, grant of the requested modification will serve the public interest. The

modified stationkeeping parameters will prolong the operational life of AMC-5, extending the

    See AMC-5 Modification Grant, Attachment to Grant at ¶¶ 5-6.
    The AMC-5 TT&C frequencies are as follows:
    Command: 14001 (vertical polarization; uplink)
    Telemetry: 11701 and 11702 (horizontal polarization; downlink).
     SES Americom notes that the satellite previously positioned at 81° W.L., Intelsat 3R, is
being deorbited. See Letter of Susan H. Crandall, Assistant General Counsel, Intelsat
Corporation, to Robert Nelson, Chief, Satellite Division dated June 28, 2011 (notifying the
Commission that pursuant to authority granted in File No. SAT-STA-20110503-00083, Intelsat
expected to begin end-of-life maneuvers for Intelsat 3R on July 6, 2011).


time during which the spacecraft will be available to provide service in response to future

customer requirements.9 The operations of other authorized satellites will not be adversely


                                      WAIVER REQUEST

               As it did in the AMC-5 STA Request, SES Americom seeks a limited waiver of

Section 25.210(j) of the Commission’s rules in connection with the requested AMC-5

modification. Grant of this waiver is consistent with Commission policy:

                       The Commission may waive a rule for good cause shown.
                       Waiver is appropriate if special circumstances warrant a
                       deviation from the general rule and such deviation would
                       better serve the public interest than would strict adherence
                       to the general rule. Generally, the Commission may grant a
                       waiver of its rules in a particular case if the relief requested
                       would not undermine the policy objective of the rule in
                       question and would otherwise serve the public interest.10

               Section 25.210(j) specifies that geostationary space stations “must be maintained

within 0.05º of their assigned orbital longitude in the east/west direction, unless specifically

authorized by the Commission to operate with a different longitudinal tolerance.” 47 C.F.R.

§ 25.210(j). The Commission has previously waived this rule based on a finding that allowing

an increased stationkeeping volume would “not adversely affect the operations of other

spacecraft, and would conserve fuel for future operations.”11

     The AMC-5 license term extends to November 30, 2013, but until recently, SES Americom
had anticipated deorbiting the satellite later this year. However, new calculations performed by
Thales, the satellite’s manufacturer, indicate that the satellite has sufficient fuel to continue to
operate in inclined orbit through the end of the satellite’s existing license term or even longer.
     PanAmSat Licensee Corp., 17 FCC Rcd 10483, 10492 (Sat. Div. 2002) (footnotes omitted).
    See, e.g., SES Americom, Inc. Application for Modification of Satcom SN-4 Fixed Satellite
Space Station License, 20 FCC Rcd 11542, 11545 (Sat. Div. 2005).


               The facts here fit squarely within this precedent. As discussed above, allowing

AMC-5 to be maintained within an increased stationkeeping volume will not harm other

operators. AMC-5’s stationkeeping volume will not overlap with that of any other satellites.

Furthermore, the proposed TT&C operations will not materially affect the interference

environment. Allowing AMC-5 to be flown at 79.10° W.L. in an expanded east-west

stationkeeping volume of +/-0.1 degrees will result in fuel savings for the spacecraft. This will

prolong the time during which AMC-5 will be available to provide service in response to future

customer requirements. Under these circumstances, grant of any necessary waiver of

Section 25.210(j) will serve the public interest.


               For the foregoing reasons, SES Americom seeks modification of the AMC-5

space station license to reassign the satellite to 79.10° W.L. and permit it to be maintained there

with an east-west stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 degrees.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                              By: /s/ Daniel C.H. Mah

Of Counsel                                          Daniel C. H. Mah
Karis A. Hastings                                   Regulatory Counsel
Hogan Lovells US LLP                                SES Americom, Inc.
555 13th Street, N.W.                               Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 20004-1109                         Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (202) 637-5600

Dated: July 14, 2011


                                  Technical Appendix

1.     Introduction
This technical appendix is submitted in support of the application of SES Americom, Inc.
(“SES Americom”) for a modification of its license for the AMC-5 Ku-band spacecraft.
SES Americom seeks reassignment of the spacecraft to 79.10° W.L. with an east-west
stationkeeping tolerance of +/- 0.1 degrees. SES Americom proposes to operate only
the satellite’s TT&C payload at the 79.10° W.L. orbital location, not to provide
communications services. SES Americom incorporates by reference herein the
technical information it has already provided with respect to AMC-5,1 and provides here
technical information that is changing as a result of the proposed modification.

2.      Gain Contours
SES Americom is not submitting new contour maps with this application. The proposed
shift in orbital location from 79.05° W.L. to 79.10° W.L. will produce no visible change in
the gain contours from the maps already on file.

3.      Link Budgets and Interference Analysis
An interference analysis was submitted to the FCC in connection with the initial
operation of AMC-5 at 79° W.L. demonstrating that operation of AMC-5 was compatible
with adjacent satellites and with the Commission’s two-degree spacing requirements.2
The proposed reassignment of AMC-5 and use of TT&C frequencies to maintain the
satellite at the new location will not cause any material change to the interference
environment. Consistent with industry practice, TT&C operations are typically
addressed with adjacent satellite licensees on a case-by-case basis considering the
actual characteristics of the respective networks. Here, the reassignment moves AMC-
5 slightly closer to 81° W.L., but as discussed in the narrative, that orbital location is
being vacated as a result of the deorbit of Intelsat 3R.

Given that the proposed offset and expanded stationkeeping volume for AMC-5 will not
result in any material change to the existing interference environment with respect to
AMC-5 and current or future adjacent satellites, no link budget analysis is provided
herein. SES Americom will perform TT&C for AMC-5 in conformance with existing and
future coordination agreements applicable to the nominal 79° W.L. orbital location,
including its coordination agreement with the Argentine Administration relating to
operations at 81° W.L. In the unlikely event that any future concerns arise relating to
AMC-5 at the proposed offset location, SES Americom will coordinate with the adjacent
operators in order to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solution.

   See File Nos. SAT-MOD-20100706-00154; SAT-MOD-20050609-00117; SAT-
    File No. SAT-MOD-19980113-00002, Attachment C, Interference Analysis for GE-5
Ku-Band Transponders.

4.     Schedule S
As discussed above, the proposed modification of the AMC-5 license will not result in
any material changes to the spacecraft’s operating characteristics or to the interference
environment. As a result, the information requested in Schedule S duplicates
information that is already on file with the Commission concerning the technical
parameters of AMC-5’s operation. In similar cases involving requests for slight offsets
from the nominal orbital position, the Satellite Division has not required the submission
of a new Schedule S.3 Accordingly, SES Americom is not filing a new Schedule S with
this application. SES Americom will nevertheless prepare and submit a Schedule S if
requested to do so by the Satellite Division.

5.     Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
The information required under Section 25.114(d)(14) of the Commission’s Rules is
already on file with the Commission.4 SES Americom incorporates that information by
reference and provides below a few minor updates to its previous showing.

§25.114(d)(14)(i): Onstation operations as proposed require stationkeeping within a
+/- 0.1 degree E-W control box.

§25.114(d)(14)(ii): The Commission has granted SES Americom a waiver of
Sections 25.114(d)(14)(ii) and 25.283(c) of the Commission’s rules in connection with
the residual helium that will remain in the AMC-5 tanks at the end of the spacecraft’s

§25.114(d)(14)(iii): The instant application seeks authority for operation of AMC-5 at the
79.10° W.L. orbital location with a stationkeeping volume bounded by 79.0° W.L. and
79.2° W.L. There will be no overlap between the requested stationkeeping volume of
AMC-5 and that of AMC-2, which will be positioned at 78.95° W.L. SES Americom is
not aware of any other FCC- or non-FCC licensed spacecraft that are operational or
planned to be deployed at 79° W.L. or to nearby orbital locations such that there would
be an overlap with the requested stationkeeping volume of AMC-5.

SES uses the Space Data Center (“SDC”) system from the Space Data Association to
monitor the risk of close approach of its satellites with other objects. Any close
encounters (separation of less than 10 km) are flagged and investigated in more detail.
If required, avoidance maneuvers are performed to eliminate the possibility of collisions.

    See, e.g., File No. SAT-MOD-20040405-00076 (PanAmSat request for authority to
operate SBS-6 at 74.05° W.L. rather than 74.0° W.L.).
    See File No. SAT-MOD-20100706-00154, Technical Appendix, Section 5.
    See File No. SAT-MOD-20100706-00154, Call Sign S2156, grant-stamped Jan. 20,
2011, Attachment to Grant at ¶ 4.


During any relocation, the moving spacecraft is maneuvered such that it is at least
30 km away from the synchronous radius at all times. In most cases, much larger
deviation from the synchronous radius is used. In addition, the SDC system is used to
ensure no close encounter occurs during the move. When de-orbit of a spacecraft is
required, the initial phase is treated as a satellite move, and the same precautions are
used to ensure collision avoidance.



              I, Krish Jonnalagadda, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the
technically qualified person responsible for preparation of the technical information
contained in the foregoing exhibit; that I am familiar with the technical requirements of
Part 25; and that I either prepared or reviewed the technical information contained in the
exhibit and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information
and belief.

                                                /s/ Krish Jonnalagadda
                                                SES Americom, Inc.

Dated: July 14, 2011


Document Created: 2011-07-14 12:49:13
Document Modified: 2011-07-14 12:49:13

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