Attachment Spectrum Five - Comm

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20101126-00245 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Federal Communications Commission
                                                    Washington, DC 20554

International Bureau
                                                      January 13, 2011

         David Wilson, President
         Spectrum Five LLC
         1776 K Street, NW
         Suite 200
         Washington, DC 20006

        Re:        Spectrum Five LLC
                   IBFS File No. SAT—MOD—20101126—00245
                   Call Signs $2667 and $2668

        Dear Mr. Wilson:

        This letter requests additional information concerning the above—referenced application filed by
        Spectrum Five LLC (Spectrum Five).

        On November 29, 2006, the International Bureau granted Spectrum Five authority to access the
        United States from two satellites to be located at the 114.5° W.L. orbital location. The market
        access grant requires Spectrum Five, among other things, to enter into a binding non—contingent
        contract to construct the satellites by November 29, 2007, to complete critical design review
        (CDR) by November 29, 2008, and to complete construction of the first satellite by November
        29, 2010.‘ Failure to comply with these express terms of the grant may result in its cancellation.*

        On November 28, 2007, Spectrum Five submitted a copy of its satellite construction contract
        executed with Space Systems/Loral. On November 25, 2008, Spectrum Five certified that it had
        completed CDR, without providing any supporting documentation.

        On November 29, 2010, Spectrum filed the above—referenced application to extend or waive the
        milestone for completing construction of the first satellite. In the application, Spectrum Five
        asserts that has proceeded diligently, but does not identify any specific satellite construction
        progress. Consequently, we request additional information concerning the degree of progress
        made on the construction of Spectrum Five‘s satellites. To this end, Spectrum Five should
        supplement the application by addressing the following:

               Please state the status of construction of the Spectrum 1A and 1B satellites. Are
               Spectrum Five and Space Systems/Loral continuing to construct these satellites?

        ! Spectrum Five LLC, Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Serve the U.S. Market Using Broadcast Satellite Spectrum
        from the 114.5° W.L. Orbital Location, Order and Authorization, 21 FCC Red 14023 (2006) (Spectrum Five Order).
        * See 47 C.F.R. § 25.148(b); Compass Systems, Inc. Application for Review of EchoStar Satellite Corporation
        Assignament of Direct Broadcast Satellite Orbital Position and Channels, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC
        Red. 10078, 10081 n. 24 (2004).

     Please provide the complete CDR package, including the documentation package
     prepared for payload subsystem CDR and the resulting CDR Report and Action Item
     list (preferably on CD—ROM)

     If construction is not continuing, on what date did construction halt? Has Spectrum
     Five negotiated with Space Systems/Loral, or any other manufacturer, to resume, at a
     later date, construction of DBS satellites designed to operate at the 114.5° W.L. orbital
     location, or to otherwise dispose of any purchased or fabricated hardware?

     If construction is continuing, what payments have been made pursuant to the satellite
     construction contract submitted on November 28, 2007? Please identify —— with specific
     reference to the payment plan in Exhibit E to the contract —— which contract milestone(s)
     were completed and what payments were made.

     If the construction contract submitted to the Commission on November 28, 2007 was
     amended, please submit a complete copy of the current version of the contract, and a
     listing of the items that changed between the version previously submitted and the
     current version.

Spectrum Five‘s response must be filed with the Secretary of the Commuission no later than 30
calendar days from the date of this letter, with a courtesy copy to Mark Young of my staff.
Failure to respond by the specified date may result in dismissal of the application for extension
or waiver." Please contact Mr. Young at (202) 418—0762 if you have any questions.


                                                   L# /

                                                   Robert G. Nelson
                                                   Chief, Satellite Division

* See The International Bureau Provides Guidance Concerning the Critical Design Review Milestone Requirement,
Public Notice, Report No. SPB—204, DA 04—787 (rel. Mar. 25, 2004).
145 C.FR. §§ 25.111(a) and 25.112(c).

Document Created: 2019-04-17 06:11:48
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 06:11:48

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