Attachment Comment Letter re Ex

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20101126-00245 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


W- *                   WILTSHIRE
              mt       & GRANNIS uur

                                            January 13, 2011


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

        Re:     Petition of Spectrum Five LLC
                IBFS File No. SAT—MOD—20101126—00245

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        In the above referenced proceeding, Spectrum Five LLC ("Spectrum Five") has requested
a declaratory ruling that would extend or waive a construction milestone associated with its
authorization to provide Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") service from a "tweener‘" orbital
location at 114.5° W.L.‘ Specifically, Spectrum Five filed an application on November 26, 2010
seeking relief from the requirement that it complete construction of its first satellite by
November 29, 2010. Although that request has not yet been accepted for filing by the
Commission, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") submits this letter to identify two
critically relevant matters that Spectrum Five should be required to address before its request is
processed further.

        As Spectrum Five recognizes, the first factor traditionally considered by the Commission
in evaluating a request for extension of a DBS due diligence milestone is "those efforts made and
not made."" The Petition discusses a wide range of factors that it claims should explain "those
efforts . . . not made" and excuse its failure to meet the construction milestone. However, it is
entirely silent on the other side of the coin: those efforts actually made to comply with the
milestone by completing construction of its first satellite. In order to correct this glaring
deficiency and provide the Commission with a proper record for assessing its request, Spectrum
Five should be required to submit information on two factual questions.

    See Spectrum Five LLC, Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Modify Its Authorization to Serve the
    U.S. Market Using BSS Spectrum from the 114.5° W.L. Orbital Location, IBFS File No. SAT—MOD—
    20101126—00245 (filed Nov. 26, 2010) ("Petition").

2   See id. at 7 (citing United States Satellite Broadcasting Co., 7 FCC Red. 7247, 7252 (Int‘l Bur. 1992).


Marlene H. Dortch
January 13, 2011
Page 2 of 3

        First, Spectrum Five should explain in detail the status of its first satellite. Presumably,
the contract submitted to satisfy its first milestone provided for completion of that satellite before
the November 29, 2010 date required under its authorization." Given that Spectrum Five did not
file its request until three days before construction was to have been completed, one would
expect that its satellite would be virtually (if not actually) ready for delivery. If that is not the
case, the Commission is entitled to know what efforts were made (and not made) in constructing
the satellite and how far from completion it is at present."

        Second, if (as indicated in the Petition) construction of that first satellite is not yet
complete, presumably Spectrum Five‘s construction contract with Space Systems/Loral ("SS/L")
has not been performed as submitted to the Commission. It could have been breached (e.g., by
Spectrum Five‘s failure to pay or SS/L‘s failure to deliver the satellite on time), or it could have
been modified by the parties to reflect a new delivery and payment schedule. In either case, the
status of that contract (including any amendments thereto), the extent of any payments submitted
(or not submitted) thereunder, and other aspects of the parties‘ performance thereunder are
highly probative of "those efforts made and not made" by Spectrum Five. Accordingly, the
Commission should require Spectrum Five to disclose this information as a prerequisite to
proceeding further in processing its request.5

       To be clear, DIRECTV can see no basis for granting the relief requested by Spectrum
Five based on its existing petition, and intends to present its views on the merits of the Petition if
and when such comments are appropriate. But in order for the Commission to have a full record

    The public record includes only a redacted version of this contract in which the delivery dates for all
    items have been excised. See Letter from Todd M. Stansbury to Marlene H. Dortch, IBFS File Nos.
    SAT—LOI—20050312—00062 and —00063 (Nov. 28, 2007).

    In order to ensure specific and comprehensive responses, the Commission should require Spectrum
    Five to provide answers to questions such as:
    —   Has the Communications Panel Integration been completed and, if so, when?
    —   Has the Communications Panel been mated to the Bus Module and, if so, when?
    —   Has Antenna Range Testing been completed and, if so, when?
    —   Has Spacecraft Level Vibration testing been completed and, if so, when?
    —   Has Spacecraft Thermal Vacuum Testing been completed and, if so, when?
    —   Have Final Integrated System Test begun?

    Here again, the Commission should require answers to specific questions such as:
    — How much of the Payment Plan in Exhibit E of the SS/L contract has been performed to date?
    —    Has the Payment Plan in Exhibit E of the SS/L contract been revised and, if so, when and how?
    —   Has the Delivery Schedule or any of the Deliverable Items in Article III of the SS/L contract been
        revised and, if so, when and how?
    —   Have launch services been procured as contemplated in Article III of the SS/L contract and, if so,
        what are those arrangements and when were they made?


Marlene H. Dortch
January 13, 2011
Page 3 of 3

upon which to determine whether to accept that Petition, Spectrum Five should be required to
submit information on the two highly probative factual issues discussed above.

                                            Respectfully submitted,


                                            William M. Wiltshire
                                            Counselfor DIRECTV

ce:    Robert Nelson
       Steve Duall
       Kathyrn Medley
       Andrea Kelly
       Chip Fleming
       David Wilson (President, Spectrum Five LLC)

Document Created: 2011-01-13 14:57:07
Document Modified: 2011-01-13 14:57:07

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