Attachment 1200297.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20101118-00239 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


       ALAN NUNNELEE                                                                            washinaton be ornice:
       1st Dietmict, Mississiem                                                          1432 Loncwont: House Orrice Buicomo
                                                                                                    (202) 2254306

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          Suncommnttee on                    Bouse of Representatives                                P.0. Box 218
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          Vererans Arrains                                                                      397A East Man Smeer
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                                                   February 28, 2012

            Chairman Julius C.;en:achowski 20.                                     K/’}W /
            Federal Communications Commission
            445 12"" Street, SW                                                                                  77
            Washington, DC 20554                                                                        %

                        Re: IB Docket No. 11—109

            Dear Mr. Chairman:

            When I contacted you last December regarding LightSquared‘s innovative solution to
            relieve our nation‘s strained wireless infrastructure, I emphasized the importance of
            coming up with a solution that would protect GPS while allowing LightSquared to bring
            their new technology to the marketplace. I realize you have made decisions in the last
            few weeks that seriously impact LightSquared‘s future, but I want to reiterate the
            importance of finding a way to offer both LightSquared and GPS to American

            LightSquared has proven that there are practical, affordable solutions to the interference
            issues that have been presented in the past. Now, as the GPS industry scrambles to keep
            LightSquared out of its own licensed spectrum, it is a huge disappointment that the FCC
            appears to be siding with GPS and ignoring the fact that LightSquared has invested
            billions of private dollars and done everything asked of them up to this point to resolve
            interference with GPS devices.

            To highlight the need for more wireless broadband options, the Mississippi House and
            Senate each passed resolutions, authored by Rep. Bill Denny and Sen. Will Longwitz,
            urging the expansion of mobile broadband infrastructure, especially to underserved and
            rural regions. The benefits that LightSquared can bring to wireless customers in North
            Mississippi and the rest of America will result in lower prices, more competition, and
            better choices. Rather than ceasing expansion of the network that LightSquared has
            invested so much time and money in, and that the industry so desperately needs, I ask that
            the FCC consider all options and engineering alternatives to ensure that this opportunity
            materializes as quickly as possible.

                                                   PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER

Ifthe GPS manufacturers refuse to fix the receivers that have been designed to utilize
LightSquared's spectrum, give LightSquared new spectrum. This technology is too
important to the 260 million Americans looking forward to the affordable access that
only LightSquared can provide, to close the door on the project at this point, and I urge
you to do everything you can to find a solution.

                                   Alan Nunnelee
                                   Member of Congress

Document Created: 2012-03-14 16:37:03
Document Modified: 2012-03-14 16:37:03

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