Attachment LightSquared - Iowa

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20101118-00239 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                       Receiveg &

       July 8, 2011                                                       JUL 15 2017
       Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                 CC Mail! Room
       Federal Communications Commission
       445 12th Street S.W.
       Washington, DC 20554

       RE: In the Matter of LightSquared Subsidiary LLC Proposed Solution to GPS Interference

       Dear Ms. Dortch,

       I am writing today on behalf of the Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) and our 6,000
       members regarding LightSquared‘s recently proposed solution to the Global Positioning Satellite
       (GPS) interference issue. Although LightSquared plans to cut base station power and use the
       lower end of the wave spectrum, an interruption by the LTC network to the GPS service is very
       possible. ‘It has been estimated the cost to U.S. farmers could range from $15 to $30 billion
       annually. Therefore, LightSquared‘s proposal will not completely resolve the issue at hand.
       ICGA is extremely concerned by the possible interference as it would degrade the GPS system‘s
       accuracy and reliability. GPS usage is essential to farmers nationwide, and the interference
       caused by the company‘s services would also inhibit technology advancements in production

       Corn growers throughout the countryhave 1nd1v1dually invested tens of thousands of dollars in
       GPS and high precision navigation systems to increase the product1v1ty and effic1ency of their
       farms. Farmers are continually in pursuit of improving their stewardship of the environment and
       natural resources as the science and technology evolves to enhance this effort. At stake is
       farmers‘ ability to meet the rising demand for food, feed, fuel and fiber that this country and
       others around the world have come to rely on year after year. Failure to protect high—precision
       GPS services would adverselyimpact fertilizer and pesticide efficiencies, yield and variable rate
       applications. Ultimately, farm operations would have to absorb higher seed, fertilizer, fuel and
       wage costs.

      Increasing adoption of GPS based technology continues as the value becomes more apparent .
      every year.. The tractors, combines and applicators equipped with, theSe systems will not function
      properly if their signals are.overpowered by LightSquared‘ Without dependable GPS
      signals, the machines and services are ineffective.

5505 NW 88th Street, #100      Phone (515) 225 9242

        vJohnston, IA USA      Fax(515) 2250781

               50131 -29.48'   Eims: cornmfo@uowacorn org
                               WebS/te www|dwacorn org   _

ICGA understands the constant demand for expanding and improving consumers‘ access to
broadband communications and wireless services, but such a decision should not come at the
peril of such a valuable business sector. As millions of American jobs depend on GPS
technology, implementation of LightSquared‘s plan will negatively affect the U.S. economy.

LightSquared has yet again changed their proposal due to proven frequency interference, and we
believe a defined system, already in place, should be preserved for current industrial and
consumer purposes without any threat of interference.

In light of the above concerns and recent findings, ICGA requests the FCC to take immediate
action to prevent LightSquared from operating base stations or expanding its network; the
company should not be allowed to use the same frequency as GPS if there is a possibility of
signal interference. ©                ‘

ICGA appreciates your attention and consideration to our concerns and requested actions.


Dean Taylor
ICGA President

Document Created: 2011-07-19 16:10:20
Document Modified: 2011-07-19 16:10:20

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