Attachment LightSquared - Centr

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20101118-00239 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



FAX (573) 443—7283                                                                                                                      (573)
                                                                                                                                           3) 443—1576
         January 16, 2011

         The Honorable Julius Genachowski
         Chairman, Federal Communication Commission                                                                           Rec      s
         Room 8—B201                                                                                                                Eived & ’"Sp’ected
         445 12th Street, SW
                                                                                                                                JAN 26 20”
         Washington, DC 20554
                                                                                                                                      Mail n Com
         Subject: FCC File No. SAT—Mod—20101118—00239,
                                                            LightSquared Subsidiary LLC Request for Modification
                  Authority for an Ancillary Terrestrial Component                                               of Its

     Dear Mr. Genachowski:

     We are deeply concerned that the proposal by LightSquared
                                                                    referenced above will interfere with GPS receiver
     operation. It is imperative that the GPS national utility remain
                                                                      free of impediments to operation for more than 75
     million North American GPS users.

    This is not simply a "turf war" over spectrum allocation. It is a public
                                                                             safety issue that would threaten the national
    transportation grid, national ‘financial system, national security, and
                                                                            virtually everyone in the United States.

    The Lightsafiared proposal will‘result in anunreliable GPS signal receptio
                                                                              n with the following effects:

            v     . Inablllty g)f emerééncy responders to effectively answer calls

            o      Loss o;f pilots‘ primary means of navigation during a final approach

            e      Disruption of training exercises for military service members who routinel
                                                                                              y use commercial GPS systems

           e      Loss of the precise timing provided by GPS which is essential for operatio
                                                                                             n of the financialy system, power
                  grid network synchronization, and—cellular tefephone system sync‘rirohizgifiqn'
                                                                                                 énd co'svt_.account‘inkg ;
    Furthermore, the U.S.. GPS.constellationis currehtly undergoing an $8‘billio
                                                                                 nupgrade. “A‘pbroval of the _
    LightSquared proposal without adequatetesting will result in a poor
                                                                        return on this huge taxpayer investment.

   We urge the FCC to conduct technical interference analysis BEFORE
                                                                         granting a waiver to effectively allow a
   reallocation of spectrum use from .mobile satellite space service
                                                                     to tefrestrial wireless service that is adjacent to
   the band where GPS operates. Further, we urge the FCC to conside
                                                                       r this request.fro[n‘ LightSquared under.the
   Notice of Proposed Rule—Makingprocess initiatéd in ET Docket No.“10—1:
                                                                             42"t0' ensure adequate opport'uni_t'\} for
   public comment.                 thGee Pfi se         oiLoApged ph   cpe muriey 1 eosendie:   con obrend t wi e   PalHTSPT

   Very truly yours,

   Chief Pilot                       i        enaxirscey
   cc:           Commissioner Michael J. Copps
                «Commissioner Robert;M. McDowell: :«
                 Commissioner Mignon L. Clyburn
                "~ Commissioner ‘Méredith A.Ba Ker
                       PXA   9   _ PA}   S3

Document Created: 2019-04-18 10:24:00
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 10:24:00

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