Attachment LightSquared - USGPS

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20101118-00239 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                                                GPS Industry Council
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                                                                                                          TE OR LATE FILED
                                                                       January 25, 2011          EX PAR

                              By Hand Delivery                                                              FILED/AccerPrep
                              Honorable Julius Genachowski, Chairman                                              JAN     2
                              Honorable Michael J. Copps, Commissioner                                              AN        25 ?7011
                              Honorable Robert M. McDowell, Commissioner                                  Federal Communications Commission
                              Honorable Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner                                            Office of the Secretary
                              Honorable Meredith Atwell Baker, Commissioner
                              Federal Communications Commission
                              445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

                                           Re:    LightSquared Subsidiary LLC Application for
                                                  Modification of Authority for Ancillary Terrestrial Component,
                                                  File No. SAT—MOD—20101118—00239

                              Dear Mr. Chairman and Commissioners Copps, McDowell, Clyburn and Baker:

                                      I am writing to you on behalf of the U.S. GPS Industry Council ("the Council"),
                              its members and the hundreds of entities, including most Federal agencies, who operate
                              and use the U.S Global Positioning System for thousands of national security, public
                              safety, commercial and non—commercial applications. I will not reiterate the hundreds of
                              comments and presentations that all of these entities, including the Council, have
                              submitted to the record or presented verbally to each Commissioner‘s office and the
                              various responsible Bureaus over the last few weeks, as these speak for themselves. I am
                              writing instead to ensure that you understand fully the irresponsibility of the January 21,
                              2011 suggestion by LightSquared Subsidiary LLC ("LightSquared") that its above—
                              referenced satellite—system modification application and request for waiver of
                              Commission rules —— a request for reallocation of spectrum in thinly—veiled disguise ——
                              should be granted subject to the outcome of post—grant studies to determine the extent of
                              interference the proposed operation will cause to the reception of GPS signals.‘

                                      First and foremost, the record of this proceeding is replete with references to the
                              real and unavoidable interference impact the LightSquared proposal for independent,
                              non—gated, high—power mobile broadband transmitters in the 1525—1559 MHz band will

                              ‘_See Letter dated January 21, 2011, from Sanjiv Ahuja, Chairman & CEO, LightSquared, to Secretary,
                              FCC, File No. SAT—MOD—20101118—00239 ("January 21 Letter").

                                                 2000 K Street, NW * Suite 600 e Washington, DC 20006—1809
                                                                     Tel. (202) 416—6282

Hon. Julius Genachowski
Hon. Michael J. Copps
Hon. Robert M. McDowell
Hon. Mignon Clyburn
Hon. Meredith Atwell Baker
January 25, 2011
Page — 2 —

have on the entire base of hundreds of millions of installed users of the GPS system. The
National Telecommunications and Information Administration ("NTIA") has made clear
that LightSquared‘s November 2010 application reflects a fundamental change to the
company‘s previous operating model that will transform LightSquared‘s use of the
mobile—satellite service spectrum immediately adjacent to the GPS "L1" frequency band
at 1559—1610 MHz from an ancillary, gap—filler solution to enhance the coverage and
reach of the mobile—satellite service system into an independent, stand—alone terrestrial
mobile broadband application that will completely preclude access to the mobile—satellite
service and to all GPS signals in urban areas where LightSquared intends to roll out tens
of thousands of high—power transmitters. NTIA‘s conclusion that the proposal will create
substantial interference is supported by the Department of Defense, the Department of
Transportation, the Department of Homeland Security, the FAA and other agencies that
operate and make use of GPS. These very same concerns have been raised by the
Council, including an empirical demonstration of the impact of LightSquared devices on
avionics certified by the FAA for critical aeronautical maneuvers, such as precision
landing of aircraft in private and commercial civil aviation.

         Earlier this month, the Council provided the Commission with a proposal for a
succinet testing program, fairly administered by NTIA, that includes the participation of
all interested and affected parties. Under the Council‘s proposal, a conclusive report is to
be delivered to the Commission within 90 days of the testing program‘s commencement.*
This is a fair and neutral manner to study and consider the science and operating
scenarios of LightSquared and GPS users." The Council remains committed to this
course of action, and believes that it will allow the Commission to answer the
fundamental compatibility issue between high—power terrestrial mobile broadband
services and low—power satellite services in the same and adjacent frequency bands
without imposing any unnecessary or unreasonable delay on LightSquared.

* See Letter dated January 7, 2011, from Raul R. Rodriguez, Counsel for the U.S. GPS Industry Council,
to Secretary, FCC, File No. SAT—MOD—20101118—00239, recommending five—prong approach for
undertaking analysis of the potential interference from LightSquared terrestrial broadband transmissions to
receiver equipment operating with the Global Positioning System ("January 7 Testing Proposal").

> Logic and experience dictates that any testing and computation of the results of the interference
investigation must be conducted by a neutral third party in a clearly transparent process that lends
credibility to the result. LightSquared clearly is not the party to conduct the studies. As it advocated in its
January 7 Testing Proposal, the Council believes that NTIA, which is charged as a steward of the spectrum
as well and carrying out the President‘s telecommunications policy, is the best —— probably the only — entity
that is truly qualified to undertake the necessary analysis, testing, and reporting of the results within a 90—
day window.

Hon. Julius Genachowski
Hon. Michael J. Copps
Hon. Robert M. McDowell
Hon. Mignon Clyburn
Hon. Meredith Atwell Baker
January 25, 2011
Page — 3 —

        As a consequence of the demonstrated need for testing, the Council strongly
opposes LightSquared‘s proposal in its January 21 Letter that the Commission grant the
November 2010 modification application subject to the conditions that the Commission
create "a process to address interference concerns regarding GPS," and that the process
be completed to the Commission‘s satisfaction "before LightSquared commences
offering commercial service ....""* This suggestion would require the Commission, in the
face of compelling evidence already in the record of this proceeding of inherent
incompatibility between high—power terrestrial broadband transmitters and low—power
satellite signals, to abdicate its responsibility to make the threshold determination of
whether such terrestrial services can be operated in the 1525—1559 MHz band without
causing harmful interference to GPS services. The Commission has no business granting
any authorization — conditional or otherwise — unless and until this fundamental
compatibility question is answered in the affirmative. It is inconceivable that there could
be any public or even private interest rationale that would justify a Commission
determination that granting LightSquared such conditional authority overrides the
interests of the hundreds of millions of direct and indirect users of the GPS system that
will be abrogated by LightSquared‘s commercial exploitation of its spectrum.

        In its January 21 Letter, LightSquared also contends that the November 2010
application is but a "minor modification" in the manner in which LightSquared intends
"to provide an integrated satellite—terrestrial broadband service,"" and infers that the
proposal flows naturally from an authorization issued in March 2010 on an earlier
modification application from LightSquared‘s predecessor, SkyTerra Subsidiary LLC.°
LightSquared completely overlooks the fact that the March 2010 Order addressed truly
ancillary terrestrial use of the mobile—satellite service spectrum; gating criteria still
applied and the operating premise was that the dual satellite/terrestrial handsets had to
function in a way that the low—powered mobile—satellite service signal was not blocked by
the higher—power signal from the terrestrial component.‘ The November 2010
modification application, with its requests for waivers of the gating criteria, decouple the

* January 21 Letter, at 2.

°* Id. at 1.
° 1Id. LightSquared is supposedly referring to the International Bureau‘s March 26, 2010 Order and
Authorization in SkyTerra Subsidiary LLC, DA 10—534 (Int‘l. Bur., released March 26, 2010) ("March
2010 Order‘).

‘ It was on this basis, and the presumption of required compatibility within the mobile—satellite service
system, that the Council and SkyTerra reached accommodations on the additional protections required for
adjacent—band GPS receivers. Id., DA 10—534, at 45.

Hon. Julius Genachowski
Hon. Michael J. Copps
Hon. Robert M. McDowell
Hon. Mignon Clyburn
Hon. Meredith Atwell Baker
January 25, 2011
Page — 4 —

terrestrial and satellite components of the LightSquared system in a way that leaves the
mobile—satellite service receivers incapable of operating in the presence of the high—
power terrestrial broadband signals LightSquared seeks to operate throughout the
country‘s urban areas. Without the built—in safeguard of LightSquared‘s protection of its
own satellite signal, the interference danger to receivers of the low—power, adjacent—band
GPS signal trying to operate in the same areas increases exponentially. As NTIA
Administrator Strickling explained to the Chairman in his January 12, 2011 letter
regarding the LightSquared application, "LightSquared‘s new business model creases a
new and more challenging interference environment ...."*

       LightSquared‘s November 2010 modification application is no mere minor
adjustment to the gating rules." LightSquared‘s proposal for terrestrial—only operations
offered on a wholesale basis is diametrically contrary to the purposes of the gating rules,
and thus a grant of the waiver would effectively nullify the rules being waived. No
bureau has the delegated authority to change completely or nullify a rule duly adopted by
the full Commission. Thus, whatever the March 2010 Order accomplished, it was of a
totally different character and policy impact than what LightSquared is seeking to
accomplish now. The International Bureau is not competent to make this decision within
the scope of its delegation of authority, and the Commission needs to think long and hard
about how it goes about reversing decades of spectrum allocation and use policy.

        It is amply clear to all who follow this proceeding — from fellow mobile—satellite
service system operators, to the manufacturers and users of GPS equipment, to the
Federal agencies that rely on GPS for defense, transportation, public safety and homeland
security applications —— that LightSquared is using the fiction of a minor modification
application to fundamentally reallocate the mobile—satellite service spectrum at 1525—
1559 MHz to primary terrestrial use, without consideration of the consequences of that
reallocation to hundreds of millions of users of the GPS system. The GPS system alone
is a $22+ Billion investment by the Congress in what has resulted in the most critical
national, albeit global, utility. Users of the system have invested orders of magnitude
greater amounts of dollars in developing applications that serve a plethora of industries
and communities. GPS represents tens of thousands of American jobs and the impact
GPS has on economic productivity cannot be measured.

® Letter dated January 12, 2011, from L. Strickling, NTIA Administrator, to J. Genachowski, Chairman,
FCC, in reference to LightSquared November 2010 Modification Application, at 2 ("NTIA Letter").

° If anything in the March 2010 Order suggested or even contemplated the introduction of terrestrial—only
transmitters that had no functional nexus to the mobile—satellite component, the instant proceeding would
be unnecessary and a moot exercise.

     Hon. Julius Genachowski
     Hon. Michael J. Copps
~_   Hon. Robert M. McDowell
     Hon. Mignon Clyburn
     Hon. Meredith Atwell Baker
     January 25, 2011
     Page — 5 —

             Any jeopardy to GPS must entail careful, constructive, deliberative and
     transparent analysis by a party that is best suited to develop the appropriate methodology
     and test scenarios, analyze the resulting data, and provide an unbiased report that all
     parties can rely on for its impartiality and seriousness. The Council urges the
     Commission not to grant the waiver application until NTIA has completed its interference
     analysis and has reported its results.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              F. Michael Swiek
                                              Executive Director

            ce: (by e—mail):

                    E. Lazarus
                    R. Kaplan
                    J. Giusti
                    A. Giancarlo
                    L. Peraertz
                    C. Mathias
                    J. Knapp
                    M. de la Torre

Document Created: 2019-04-18 14:15:59
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 14:15:59

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