Attachment Schedule S DOC 13

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20100324-00056 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Table 5 Link budgets for 7 typical C-band carriers
                                    H_C              I_C
Parameter                           Digital TV       Digital TV SCPC, 8
                                    MCPC, 40 MBPS,   MBPS, QPSK ¾
                                    QPSK, ¾ RS       RS
Carrier designation                     36M0G7W          6M95G1W
Throughput rate, Mbps                        40                8
Symbol rate, MHz                            28.8              5.8
FEC rate                                    0.69             0.69
Transmit Power (dBW)                       17.1              9.6
Transmit Loss (dB)                          0.5              0.5
Antenna diameter(m)                         10               10
Antenna Gain (dBi)                         54.4             54.4
Ground Station EIRP (dBW)                   71              63.5
Uplink Rain Loss (dB)                        1                1
Free Space Loss (dB)                      200.1            200.1
Satellite G/T (dB/K)                         0                0
Data Rate (dB-Hz)                           76               69
Boltzmann’s Constant (dBW/K-Hz)           228.6            228.6
Eb/No (dB)                                 22.5              22
Eb/Io (dB)                                  18               18
Total Eb/(No + Io) (dB) For 10-7           16.7             16.5

Satellite Carrier EIRP (dBW)                38               28
Downlink Rain Loss (dB)                    0.5              0.5
Free Space Loss (dB)                      196.3            196.3
Ground station antenna dia, m              3.8                6
Ground Station G/T (dB/K)                  21.8             25.2
Eb/No (dB)                                 15.6              16
C/IM                                                         18
Eb/IMo(dB)                                                  16.6
C/I                                         16               16
Eb/Io(ASI)                                 14.6             14.6
Eb/Io (dB)                                 14.6             12.5
Eb/(No + Io) (dB)                          12.1             10.9
Total UP/DOWN C/(N+I)(dB)                  13.5             12.3
Total UP/DOWN Eb/(No+Io)(dB)               10.8              9.8
Required Eb/No(dB)                          5.4              5.4
Required C/N(dB)                            6.8              6.8
Margin(dB)                                  5.4              4.4

Table 6. Link budgets for TV/FM in C-band
                                  Typical TV/FM
Parameter                         link
Carrier designation                    36M0F3F
Noise bandwidth (MHz)                      36
Transmit Power (dBW)                      20.7
Transmit Loss (dB)                         0.5
Antenna diameter                           6.1
Antenna Gain (dBi)                        49.8
Ground Station EIRP (dBW)                  70
Uplink Rain Loss (dB)                       1
Free Space Loss (dB)                     200.1
Satellite G/T (dB/K)                        0
Boltzmann’s Constant (dBW/K-Hz)          228.6
C/N(dB)                                   21.9
C/I ASI (dB)                               22
C/(N+I), dB                                19
Satellite Carrier EIRP (dBW)               38
Downlink Rain Loss (dB)                    0.5
Free Space Loss (dB)                     196.3
Ground station antenna dia (m)              6
Ground Station G/T (dB/K)                  23
C/N(dB)                                   17.2
C/I(dB)                                    18
C/(N+I) (dB)                              14.6
C/(N+I), Up & DL, dB                      13.2
C/(N+I) required(dB)                       11
Margin(dB)                                 2.2

J_C                K_C               L_C              M_C
Digital TV MCPC,   Digital TV, MCPC, 56 Kbps, SCPC,   1.544 Mbps,
60 MBPS, 8PSK,     110 MBPS,         QPSK, ¾ RS       SCPC, QPSK, ¾
2/3 RS             16QAM, 7/8 RS                      RS
    36M0G7W             36M0G7W          100KG1D          1M60G1D
         60                 110            0.056              2
        32.6                34.1           0.037              1
        0.61                0.81            0.75             0.75

      25.1                25.1              -3.4            11.8
       0.5                 0.5               0.5             0.5
       10                  10                4.5             4.5
      54.4                54.4              47.4            47.4
       79                  79               43.5            58.7
        1                   1                 1               1
     200.1               200.1             200.1           200.1
        0                   0                 0               0
      77.8                80.4              47.5            61.9
     228.6               228.6             228.6           228.6
     28.7                26.1              23.5            24.3
       18                  18                18              18
     17.6                17.4              16.9            17.1

      38                  40                 8              25.2
      0.5                 0.5               0.5             0.5
     196.3               196.3             196.3           196.3
      10                  10                 6                6
     33.2                33.2               23               23
     25.2                24.6              15.3            18.1
                                            18               18
                                           16.2            16.2
       20                  22               16               16
      17.3                16.9             14.2            14.2
      17.3                16.9             12.1            12.1
      16.7                16.2             10.4            11.1
      19.3                21.3             12.2            12.9
      14.1                13.8              9.5            10.2
      7.2                 11.5              5.4             5.4
      9.9                 16.6              7.2             7.2
      6.9                  2.3              4.1             4.8

Document Created: 2010-03-25 12:07:23
Document Modified: 2010-03-25 12:07:23

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