Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20091119-00123 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
Satellite CD Radio, Inc.                             )   File No. SAT-MOD-________________
Application for Modification to Extend License       )   Call Sign S2105
Term and to De-Orbit the FM-1, FM-2 and FM-          )
3 Satellites                                         )

                            APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION

       Satellite CD Radio, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sirius XM Radio Inc. (together

“Sirius XM”), hereby applies for a seven-year extension, through February 11, 2017, of the

license for its FM-1, FM-2, and FM-3 (plus a ground spare) non-geostationary satellite orbit

(“NGSO”) spacecraft (call sign S2105, collectively the “Sirius NGSO Satellites”). Sirius XM

also seeks authority to de-orbit these NGSO satellites as they reach the end of their useful life.

In support of this application, Attachment A contains an orbital debris mitigation statement

pursuant to Section 25.114(d)(14) of the Commission’s rules.1 The rest of the technical

information previously provided for the Sirius NGSO Satellites remains unchanged and is

incorporated by reference.2 As shown below, grant of this application will serve the public

        47 C.F.R. § 25.114. The Sirius NGSO Satellites were initially licensed in 2001 and
launched and began commercial operations in 2002. As such, these satellites were constructed
and in orbit well before the October 12, 2004 effective date of the orbital debris mitigation rules.
Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 (2004); Mitigation
of Orbital Debris, 69 Fed. Reg. 54581-54589 (Sept. 9, 2004). Consequently, this modification
application triggers the initial requirement for Sirius XM to provide orbital debris mitigation
information for these satellites. Procedures for compliance with these rules are described in
Attachment A.
        Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Application for Minor Modification of License to Construct,
Launch and Operate a Non-Geostationary Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service System, Order
and Authorization, 16 FCC Rcd 5419 (2001) (“2001 Modification Order”). Sirius XM is not

interest by authorizing Sirius XM to continue operating the Sirius NGSO Satellites for the

remainder of their useful lives and then to remove the satellites to a safe disposal orbit.


       This modification application first seeks Commission authority for Sirius XM to extend

the license term for the in-orbit Sirius NGSO Satellites to February 11, 2017. The current license

term for these satellites commenced on February 11, 2002 and will expire on February 11, 2010.

       Extending the license term for an additional seven years is in the public interest. The

FCC initially selected an eight year license term to comply with the statutory limit on broadcast

license terms at a time when it was unknown whether satellite radio service would be provided

on a broadcast or subscription basis.3 Sirius XM operates on a subscription basis and thus the

statutory limit does not apply. In this case, grant of this extension will conform Sirius XM’s

license to the fifteen year license term that is customary for most other satellites.

       Grant of this application to extend the license term will allow Sirius XM to continue

providing quality satellite radio service to millions of customers. Indeed, continued operation of

the Sirius NGSO Satellites currently is required for customers with legacy Sirius satellite radios

to continue to receive satellite radio service.

       Moreover, extension of the license term for an additional seven years will allow Sirius

XM to maximize the utility of its in-orbit assets. The initial eight year license term provided to

(Continued . . .)
providing Form Schedule S because this modification application does not request any technical
changes to the Sirius NGSO Satellites or the existing interference environment. Consequently,
submission of a Schedule S with the instant application would be duplicative of the previously
provided technical information. For this reason, and to the extent necessary, Sirius XM requests
a waiver of any requirement to provide Schedule S. Sirius XM will, however, prepare and file a
Schedule S in the event the Commission determines that such a submission is necessary.
        Establishment of Rules and Policies for the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service
in the 2310-2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order Memorandum Opinion and Order and
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Rcd. 5754, ¶ 111 (1997).


satellite radio service satellites is well shorter than the design life of the Sirius NGSO Satellites.

Sirius XM estimates that the FM-1 and FM-2 satellites will have a 13 year useful life and the

FM-3 satellite will have a 15 year useful life. These satellites are in good health and are

expected to provide service for many years.

       Finally, Sirius XM’s continued operation of the Sirius NGSO Satellites for the requested

extended license term poses no risk of harmful interference.4 Throughout the extended license

period, Sirius XM will operate these satellites in accordance with the technical parameters on file

with and previously approved by the Commission.5


       This modification application also seeks authority for Sirius XM to remove the Sirius

NGSO Satellites from their operating orbits at the end of their useful lives.6 The public interest

would be served by granting such authority now, well in advance of the expected de-orbit. Sirius

XM proposes to follow the orbital disposal plan set forth in Attachment A. Obtaining FCC

concurrence with this plan today avoids the possibility of a future urgent request for review

shortly before disposal. Moreover, grant poses no risk of interference to other operators. Sirius

XM will also coordinate its orbit raising maneuver TT&C operations with spacecraft existing at

the time of de-orbit to ensure that no unacceptable interference results from its TT&C operations

during disposal operations. Within 30 days of completion of end-of-life maneuvers for each

        To the extent necessary, Sirius XM requests that the waivers granted to the FM-1, FM-2,
and -3 satellites, specifically the waiver of Section 25.202(g) permitting use of C-band TT&C,
continue to apply during the requested extended license term.
        See supra note 2.
        The end-of-life disposal authority provided in Section 25.283(b) of the Commission’s
rules does not apply to non-geostationary satellites. The FCC requires NGSO satellites to obtain
specific de-orbit authority. See Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC
Rcd 11567 ¶ 84 (2004).


satellite, Sirius XM will send a letter notifying the FCC of the apogee and perigee of each

satellite’s disposal orbit.


        For the foregoing reasons, Sirius XM hereby respectfully requests that the Commission

extend the license term for FM-1, FM-2, and FM-3 (plus a ground spare) until February 11, 2017

and authorize Sirius XM to de-orbit the satellites at the end of their useful lives.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      WILEY REIN LLP

                                                      By: /s/ Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                         Robert L. Pettit
                                                         Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                         Wiley Rein LLP
                                                         1776 K Street NW
                                                         Washington, DC 20006
                                                         TEL: 202.719.7000
                                                         FAX: 202.719.7049

                                                         Counsel for Sirius XM Radio Inc.
Dated: November 19, 2009


                            Attachment A: Orbital Debris Mitigation

Sirius’ FM-1, FM-2 and FM-3 satellites (the “Sirius NGSO Satellites”) were designed in 1997.
Each was constructed and tested in 1998-2000, and launched in the last five months of 2000 into
a non-geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”). This was well before the Commission recognized
concerns about orbital debris and adopted regulations in the 2004 Orbital Debris Mitigation
Order.1 The Sirius NGSO Satellites have performed well over the past nine years and are based
on the Space Systems/Loral (“SS/L”) 1300 spacecraft platform, whose many satellites have
never had an orbital debris/disposal issue during the past decade. As described below,
operational measures were undertaken in 2002 to avoid orbital debris concerns and, after
discussions with the Commission last year, Sirius XM adopted a plan intended to place the
subject satellites into a stable disposal orbit when they reach their end of useful life.

Section 25.114(d)(14)(i): Normal Operations and Collisions with Small Debris,
Meteoroids.2 Sirius XM has assessed and limited the amount of debris released in a planned
manner during normal operations of the Sirius NGSO Satellites, and has assessed and limited the
probability of the Sirius NGSO Satellites becoming a source of debris by collisions with small
debris or meteoroids that could cause loss of control and prevent post-mission disposal. Other
than in the event of collisions, the satellites release no debris during normal operations.
Although the satellites were not designed with such collisions in mind, post facto analysis
indicates a low probability of the space stations becoming a source of debris by collisions with
small debris or meteoroids smaller than one centimeter in diameter or which could cause loss of
control and prevent post-mission disposal. Collisions with the background environment,
including meteoroids, were considered as part of satellite design. These effects were considered
on a statistical basis to determine collision risk. The analysis of Sirius XM’s satellite
manufacturer, SS/L, included such environments and review of literature for large size space
objects. There is little prior environmental or orbital collision data for the subject satellites’

       Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 (2004);
Mitigation of Orbital Debris, 69 Fed. Reg. 54581-54589 (Sept. 9, 2004).
       47 C.F.R. §25.114(d)(14)(i).

25.114(d)(14)(ii): Accidental explosions, energy sources on board.3 SS/L and Sirius XM
have assessed and limited the probability of accidental explosions during and after completion of
operations. The satellites are designed so that debris generation will not result from the
conversion of energy sources on board the satellite into energy that fragments the satellite. In
particular, SS/L advises that no structural failures of pressurized containers have occurred on any
of its many satellites to date. Burst tests were performed on all pressure vessels during
qualification testing to demonstrate a margin of safety against burst. Unintentional bipropellant
mixing is addressed by use of valves that prevent backward flow in propellant and pressurization
lines. The batteries will be discharged after the satellites are put in their disposal orbits and
commands sent to fire any unfired pyrotechnics. Upon entering their final disposal orbits, the
satellites’ fuel tanks will be close to empty and any remaining propellants and pressurants
subsequently will be vented using the on-board thrusters.

25.114(d)(14)(iii): Collisions with large debris and operational space stations.4 Sirius XM
has assessed and limited the probability of the Sirius NGSO Satellites becoming a source of
debris by collisions with large debris or other satellites. Specifically, Sirius XM has assessed the
possibility of collision with geostationary satellite orbit (“GSO”) satellites since there are no
known existing or planned satellites utilizing the non-geostationary orbit of the Sirius NGSO
Satellites. The assessment focused on the two crossings of the equatorial plane and showed no
collision possibility, since the NGSO orbit of the Sirius NGSO Satellites intersects that plane
below geostationary satellite orbit altitude. However, Sirius XM reviews these crossings yearly
to ensure sufficient inter-satellite clearances. Sirius XM additionally provides updated orbital
parameters for the subject satellites to GSO operators with satellites in proximity of the
equatorial plane intersections every six months. In the event that similar NGSO satellites are
authorized in the future by the United States or another administration, Sirius XM will
coordinate physical operation of the Sirius NGSO Satellites with that satellite operator to ensure
there is no possibility of collision.

        47 C.F.R. §25.114(d)(14)(ii).
        47 C.F.R. §25.114(d)(14)(iii).


The accuracies with which the orbital parameters have been and are currently maintained are
shown below:
Apogee Radius           53,841 km +/- 211 km
Perigee Radius          30,847 km +/- 211 km
Inclination              63.4 +/- 2 degrees
RAAN*                     120 +/- 0.5 degrees
Apogee Longitude        96 +/- 0.5 degrees
Argument of Perigee     270 +/- 2 degrees
Eccentricity             0.2684 +/- 0.005

       * The three RAANs are kept at a nominal spacing relative to each other of 120 degrees.

Section 25.114(d)(14)(iv): Post –mission disposal plan.5 At the end of the operational life of
the Sirius NGSO Satellites, Sirius XM intends to maneuver them into disposal orbits that will not
intersect the geostationary satellite orbits and will not be co-orbital with currently known or
planned satellites. Sirius XM plans to allocate and to reserve sufficient propellant, namely 333
kg, 345kg, and 419kg, for FM-1, FM-2, and FM-3, respectively, for the final orbit disposal
maneuvers. At mission operations completion, assumed in the following analysis as December
31, 2015, the plan is to circularize the highly inclined, elliptical orbits of the Sirius NGSO
Satellites at 31,000 km (height of orbit above the earth’s center). After orbit circularization, the
remaining propellant will be used to reduce each orbit’s inclination since lower inclination has
been found to have better stability characteristics. The disposal orbits are 1000 km above the
proposed Galileo navigation satellites, 4000 km above the GPS navigation satellites and 11,000
km below the geostationary satellite orbit. As shown later, the orbits show excellent stability for
the analysis period of 100 years.

The analysis used by SIRIUS XM to generate the following predictions is based upon a
commercial flight dynamics application called OASYS (Orbital Analysis SYStem). The
propagator uses a Bulirsch-Stoer Cowell integration algorithm and has been validated against
other independent propagators, such as STK and TRACE, over time spans of a hundred years.
To further validate OASYS, the disposal orbits were also independently simulated by SS/L and
found to produce nearly identical results.

       47 C.F.R. §25.114(d)(14)(iv).


The forces modeled in the below simulations are:
   Earth gravity model (12x12 harmonics)
   Solar gravity
   Lunar gravity
   Solar radiation pressure (assumed area-to-mass ratio of ~0.05)

The starting conditions assumed after circularization and inclination reduction from the
operational elliptical orbits are illustrated below:
                                                    S1             S2                S3
     Semi-major Axis (km)                        31,000         31,000            31,000
     Eccentricity                                0.0001         0.0001            0.0001
     Argument of Perigee                          270.0          270.0             270.0
     RAAN (deg)                                   236.3          116.3             356.3
     Inclination (deg)                             59.2           61.6              59.9
     Assumed Retirement Date                   12/31/2015     12/31/2015        12/31/2015

After disposal, the three satellites have nearly identical orbital parameters except for RAAN.

The following nine figures demonstrate orbit stability for the Sirius NGSO Satellites following
disposal orbit operations.




Sirius XM believes the proposed disposal plan for the Sirius NGSO Satellites meets the
Commission’s objectives with regard to orbital debris. If the Commission accepts Sirius XM’s
orbital disposal plan, any changes necessitated by initiation differences from the above or future
failures in needed satellite subsystems (i.e., tracking, telemetry and command; thrusters; attitude
control; etc.) will be conveyed to the Commission.



                                 ENGINEERING INFORMATION

          I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of

the engineering information contained in this pleading, that I am familiar with Part 25 of the

Commission’s rules that I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information

submitted in this pleading, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and


                                                        /s/ Robert Briskman

                                                        Robert Briskman, P.E.: 8279 (DC)
                                                        Technical Executive
                                                        Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                                                        1221 Avenue of the Americas
                                                        New York, NY 10020
                                                        (212) 584-5210

Dated: November 19, 2009

                            Response to FCC Form 312 Question 40:
                        Officers and Directors of Satellite CD Radio, Inc.

Satellite CD Radio, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sirius XM Radio Inc. (“Sirius XM”).
Liberty Media Corporation, a Delaware corporation, holds a 40% ownership interest in Sirius
XM. The address of Liberty Media Corporation is 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood,
Colorado 80112. Dr. John C. Malone, a United States citizen, owns shares of Liberty Media
Corporation representing approximately 34.4% of the aggregate voting power of the company.
Dr. Malone’s business address is 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112.

No other entities or individuals own a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in Sirius XM.

The Officers of Satellite CD Radio, Inc. are:

Mel Karmazin, President
David Frear, Treasurer
Patrick Donnelly, Secretary

The Directors of Satellite CD Radio, Inc. are:

Patrick Donnelly
Lawrence Gilberti

The Executive Officers of Sirius XM Radio Inc. are:

Mel Karmazin, Chief Executive Officer
James E. Meyer, President, Operations and Sales
Scott Greenstein, President and Chief Content Officer
Patrick L. Donnelly, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
David J. Frear, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Dara Altman, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer

The Directors of Sirius XM Radio Inc. are:

Joan L. Amble
Leon D. Black
David J.A. Flowers
Lawrence F. Gilberti
Eddy W. Hartenstein
James P. Holden
Chester A. Huber, Jr.
Mel Karmazin
John C. Malone
Gregory B. Maffei
John Mendel
James F. Mooney
Jack Shaw

The address of all Satellite CD Radio, Inc. and Sirius XM Radio Inc. officers and
directors is:

1221 Avenue of the Americas
36th Floor
New York, NY 10020

Document Created: 2009-11-19 10:54:36
Document Modified: 2009-11-19 10:54:36

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