Intelsat 709 to 54.8

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Intelsat License LLC

Supplemental Filing


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20091106-00117 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                           Jennifer D. Hindin
1776 K STREET NW          January 18, 2011                                                                 202.719.4975
PHONE     202.719.7000
FAX       202.719.7049
                          VIA IBFS
McLEAN, VA 22102          Robert G. Nelson
PHONE     703.905.2800    Chief, Satellite Division
FAX       703.905.2820
                          International Bureau
                          Federal Communications Commission         445 12th Street, SW
                          Washington, DC 20554

                          Re:     Intelsat License LLC (f/k/a Intelsat North America LLC) Application to
                                  Modify Authorization for Intelsat 709, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-
                                  20091106-00117 (Call Sign S2396)

                          Dear Mr. Nelson:

                          Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) (f/k/a Intelsat North America LLC), by counsel,
                          herein responds to the International Bureau’s (“Bureau”) December 17, 2010
                          request for additional information relating to Intelsat’s above-referenced application
                          for authority to modify the authorization for the Intelsat 709 satellite.

                          In the attached Engineering Statement, Intelsat provides an interference analysis of
                          the effect of Intelsat 709 (call sign S2396) transmissions from the 54.85° E.L.
                          orbital location on adjacent satellites. As set forth in Sections 25.114(d)(7) and
                          25.140(b)(2) of the Commission’s rules, this analysis demonstrates the
                          compatibility of Intelsat 709 two degrees from any authorized space station.1

                                   47 C.F.R. §§ 25.114(d)(7) and 25.140(b)(2). See also International Bureau Satellite
                          Division Information: Clarification of 47 C.F.R. § 25.140(b)(2), Space Station Application
                          Interference Analysis, Report No. SPB-195, DA 03-3863 (Dec. 3, 2003) (Public Notice);
                          International Bureau Satellite Division Information: Clarification of 47 C.F.R. § 25.140(b)(2), Space
                          Station Application Interference Analysis, Report No. SPB-207, DA 04-1708 (June 16, 2004) (Public

Marlene H. Dortch
January 18, 2011
Page 2

Please contact Susan Crandall of Intelsat at (202) 944-7848 or me with any

Respectfully Submitted,

/s/ Jennifer D. Hindin

Jennifer D. Hindin
Counsel for Intelsat License LLC

                           Engineering Statement

Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) (f/k/a Intelsat North America LLC) hereby
supplements its pending application SAT-MOD-20091106-00117 pertaining
to the proposed operation of Intelsat 709 from 54.85º E.L. Specifically,
Intelsat proposes to replace the section titled “Adjacent Satellite Link
Analysis” of the Engineering Statement contained in its pending application
with that provided herein and to include two new exhibits, 6 and 7. The
inclusion of this information was requested by the Commission in a letter to
Intelsat dated December 17, 2010.

The new text for the section “Adjacent Satellite Link Analysis” and Exhibits
6 and 7 are provided below:

Adjacent Satellite Link Analysis

The impact of the proposed Intelsat 709 emissions on the transmissions of a
hypothetical adjacent satellite located at 52.85º E.L and 56.85º E.L was
analyzed. It was assumed that each of these satellites had the same
operating characteristics as the proposed Intelsat 709 spacecraft. In order to
minimize the number of calculations to be performed, the following
combined beam peak performance characteristics were assumed for the
satellites at 52.85º E.L and 56.85º E.L:

                                        Beam                        Beam
                                        Peak       Beam Peak        Peak
            Beam           Beam          G/T       SFD Range        EIRP
            Name        Polarization   (dB/K)      (dBW/m2)        (dBW)
           Global         Circular       -7.0     -91.3 to -77.3     30.5
            Hemi          Circular       -3.0     -92.1 to -78.1     38.3
            Zone          Circular       -3.5     -90.8 to -76.8     38.5
           C-Spot         Circular        3.0     -93.9 to -79.9     36.8
           Ku-Spot         Linear         5.0     -91.8 to -77.8     50.5

For the satellite located at 52.85º E.L, it was assumed that the adjacent
satellites were Intelsat 709, located at 54.85º E.L, and a hypothetical satellite
having the same operating characteristics as Intelsat 709 located at 50.85º
E.L. For the satellite located at 56.85º E.L, it was assumed that the adjacent
satellites were Intelsat 709, located at 54.85º E.L, and a hypothetical satellite
having the same operating characteristics as Intelsat 709 located at 58.85º

                                   Page 1 of 6

For the C-band analysis, it was assumed that Intelsat 709 and the
hypothetical satellites located at 50.85º E.L and 58.85º L.L operated with a
maximum uplink power density of -38.7 dBW/Hz, a maximum downlink
beam peak EIRP density of -36.0 dBW/Hz.

For the Ku-band analysis, it was assumed that Intelsat 709 and the
hypothetical satellites located at 50.85º E.L and 58.85º L.L operated with a
maximum uplink power density of -45 dBW/Hz, and with a maximum
downlink beam peak EIRP density of -24.0 dBW/Hz.

For both C-band and Ku-band, downlink EIRP densities were computed by
dividing the peak EIRP by the minimum occupied bandwidth for full
transponder utilization.

The analysis considered the impact of Intelsat 709’s digital carriers on a
wide band digital carrier of the adjacent satellites located at 52.85º E.L and
56.85º E.L. Wide band carriers typically determine the minimum receiving
earth station size and lead to the highest downlink EIRP density for a
spacecraft. The impact of Intelsat 709 TV/FM carriers on the transmission
of the adjacent satellites at 52.85º E.L and 56.85º E.L was not considered for
the reasons articulated in the section above (titled “Link Budgets and
Interference Analysis”). The assumptions made in the above section
pertaining to Earth station off-axis gain performance, Earth station cross-
polarization performance and rain attenuation were also applied in the

The results of the analysis are listed in Exhibits 6 and 7 and show that the
proposed operation of Intelsat 709 would not have a significant impact on
the operation of a satellite located at either 52.85º E.L and 56.85º W.L.
Accordingly, Intelsat 709 transmissions will be limited to those levels
contained in Sections 25.212(c) and (d) of the Rules, as applicable, unless
higher levels are coordinated with affected adjacent satellite operators. In
any case, pursuant to the results in Exhibits 6 and 7, at C-band, the uplink
power density level of Intelsat 709’s digital carriers will not exceed -38.7
dBW/Hz and the downlink EIRP density of such carriers will not exceed -
36.0 dBW/Hz. Similarly, at Ku-band, the uplink power density level of
Intelsat 709’s digital carriers will not exceed -45 dBW/Hz and the downlink
EIRP density of such carriers will not exceed -24.0 dBW/Hz.

                                  Page 2 of 6

Notwithstanding the above showing, Intelsat agrees to operate Intelsat 709
under the conditions currently included in its Special Temporary Authority.1

    SAT-STA-20100111-0006 (see conditions 15 and 16 of FCC grant on February 12, 2010).

                                             Page 3 of 6

      Exhibit 14: Link Budget For Adjacent Satellite Located At 52.85º E.L.
Uplink Beam Name                               GLOBAL         HEMI          ZONE          ZONE         CSPOT         KSPOT
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                          6.175         6.175         6.175         6.175         6.175         14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR       LINEAR
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)                -4.0          -6.0          -4.0          -4.0          -4.0          -4.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                         -11           -9.0          -7.5          -7.5          -1.0           1.0
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                              -87.3         -86.1         -86.8         -86.8         -89.9         -82.8
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                                42.0          42.0           42.0          42.0          42.0          42.0
Downlink Beam Name                             GLOBAL          HEMI         ZONE          ZONE         CSPOT         KSPOT
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                         3.950         3.950         3.950         3.950         3.950        11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR       LINEAR
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -4.0          -6.0          -4.0          -4.0          -4.0         -4.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                        26.5          32.3          34.5          34.5          32.8         46.5
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                                  42.0          42.0          42.0          42.0          42.0         42.0
ADJACENT SATELLITE 1                             IS709         IS709         IS709         IS709         IS709        IS709
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    54.85E        54.85E        54.85E        54.85E        54.85E       54.85E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                     -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                 0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                    -36.3         -38.0         -40.0         -38.0         -36.3        -24.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)               0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
ADJACENT SATELLITE 2                            SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    50.85E        50.85E        50.85E        50.85E        50.85E       50.85E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                     -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                 0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                    -36.3         -38.0         -40.0         -38.0         -36.3        -24.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)               0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
Carrier ID                                     36M0G7W       36M0G7W       34M0G7W       36M0G7W       36M0G7W       34M0G7W
Carrier Modulation                               QPSK          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           24575         24575         23204         24575         24575         23204
Code Rate                                     1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                          30133         30133         28452         30133         30133         28452
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         36000         34000         36000         36000         34000
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                       3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                            3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  7.0           8.1           8.1           8.1           6.1           6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                         51.0          52.8          52.8          52.8          49.4          56.9
Earth Station Elevation Angle                     20            20            20            20            20            20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                   6.1           3.5           3.0           3.0           3.5           1.2
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                         46.5          41.1          39.7          39.7          41.1          41.3
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         26.2          21.0          19.2          19.2          21.0          18.8
Earth Station Elevation Angle                     20            20            20            20            20            20
LINK FADE TYPE                                 Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                   75.6          76.8          76.1          76.1          73.0          80.1
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)                -200.2        -200.2        -200.2        -200.2        -200.2        -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                            0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                               -11           -9.0          -7.5          -7.5          -1.0          1.0
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                      228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                  -74.8         -74.8         -74.5         -74.8         -74.8         -74.5
Uplink C/N(dB)                                    18.2          21.4          22.4          22.2          25.6          27.7
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                  26.5          32.3           34.5          34.5          32.8          46.5
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                        -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)              -196.3        -196.3        -196.3        -196.3        -196.3        -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0            0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                          26.2          21.0          19.2          19.2          21.0          18.8
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                  228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                  -74.8         -74.8         -74.5         -74.8         -74.8         -74.5
Downlink C / N(dB)                                9.7           10.3          10.9          10.7          10.8          12.9
C/N Uplink (dB)                                  18.2          21.4          22.4          22.2          25.6          27.7
C/N Downlink (dB)                                9.7           10.3          10.9          10.7          10.8          12.9
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                         N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                      25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                    25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)             17.5          16.7          18.3          18.0          14.9          28.6
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)           12.0          11.8          11.1           8.9          10.6          13.8
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)             17.5          16.7          18.3          18.0          14.9          28.6
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)           13.9          16.6          19.9          17.6          15.4          17.2

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                           5.7           6.2           6.8           5.6           5.7           9.1
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0          -1.0          -1.0          -1.0          -1.0          -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                       4.7           5.2           5.8           4.6           4.7           8.1
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                        -3.4          -3.4          -3.4          -3.4          -3.4          -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.4           1.9           2.4           1.2           1.3            4.7
Number of Carriers                               1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                    -50.2         -50.8         -51.2         -51.5         -51.2         -51.3
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)      -44.3         -36.5         -36.0         -36.3         -38.0         -24.0

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      Exhibit 15: Link Budget For Adjacent Satellite Located At 56.85º E.L.

Uplink Beam Name                               GLOBAL         HEMI          ZONE          ZONE         CSPOT         KSPOT
Uplink Frequency (GHz)                          6.175         6.175         6.175         6.175         6.175         14.250
Uplink Beam Polarization                      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR       LINEAR
Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)                -4.0          -6.0          -4.0          -4.0          -4.0          -4.0
Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                         -11           -9.0          -7.5          -7.5          -1.0           1.0
Uplink SFD (dBW/m2)                              -87.3         -86.1         -86.8         -86.8         -89.9         -82.8
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                                42.0          42.0           42.0          42.0          42.0          42.0
Downlink Beam Name                             GLOBAL          HEMI         ZONE          ZONE         CSPOT         KSPOT
Downlink Frequency (GHz)                         3.950         3.950         3.950         3.950         3.950        11.950
Downlink Beam Polarization                    CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR      CIRCULAR       LINEAR
Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)               -4.0          -6.0          -4.0          -4.0          -4.0         -4.0
Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                        26.5          32.3          34.5          34.5          32.8         46.5
Rain Rate (mm/hr)                                  42.0          42.0          42.0          42.0          42.0         42.0
ADJACENT SATELLITE 1                             IS709         IS709         IS709         IS709         IS709        IS709
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    54.85E        54.85E        54.85E        54.85E        54.85E       54.85E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                     -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                 0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                    -36.3         -38.0         -40.0         -38.0         -36.3        -24.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)               0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
ADJACENT SATELLITE 2                            SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2         SAT-2
Satellite 1 Orbital Location                    58.85E        58.85E        58.85E        58.85E        58.85E       58.85E
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                     -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7         -38.7        -45.0
Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                 0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0          0.0
Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                    -36.3         -38.0         -40.0         -38.0         -36.3        -24.0
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)               0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
Carrier ID                                     36M0G7W       36M0G7W       34M0G7W       36M0G7W       36M0G7W       34M0G7W
Carrier Modulation                               QPSK          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK          QPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)               N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A
Information Rate(kbps)                           24575         24575         23204         24575         24575         23204
Code Rate                                     1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204   1/2x188/204
Occupied Bandwidth(kHz)                          30133         30133         28452         30133         30133         28452
Allocated Bandwidth(kHz)                         36000         36000         34000         36000         36000         34000
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                       3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                            3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36          3.36
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                  7.0           8.1           8.1           8.1           6.1           6.1
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                         51.0          52.8          52.8          52.8          49.4          56.9
Earth Station Elevation Angle                     20            20            20            20            20            20
Earth Station Diameter (meters)                   6.1           3.5           3.0           3.0           3.5           1.2
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                         46.5          41.1          39.7          39.7          41.1          41.3
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                         26.2          21.0          19.2          19.2          21.0          18.8
Earth Station Elevation Angle                     20            20            20            20            20            20
LINK FADE TYPE                                 Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky     Clear Sky
Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                   75.6          76.8          76.1          76.1          73.0          80.1
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)                -200.2        -200.2        -200.2        -200.2        -200.2        -207.5
Uplink Rain Attenuation                            0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
Satellite G/T(dB/K)                               -11           -9.0          -7.5          -7.5          -1.0          1.0
Boltzman Constant(dBW/K-Hz)                      228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                  -74.8         -74.8         -74.5         -74.8         -74.8         -74.5
Uplink C/N(dB)                                    18.2          21.4          22.4          22.2          25.6          27.7
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                  26.5          32.3           34.5          34.5          32.8          46.5
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                        -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5           -.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)              -196.3        -196.3        -196.3        -196.3        -196.3        -205.9
Downlink Rain Attenuation                         0.0            0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0           0.0
Earth Station G/T (dB/K)                          26.2          21.0          19.2          19.2          21.0          18.8
Boltzman Constant(dBW / K - Hz)                  228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6         228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB-Hz)                  -74.8         -74.8         -74.5         -74.8         -74.8         -74.5
Downlink C / N(dB)                                9.7           10.3          10.9          10.7          10.8          12.9
C/N Uplink (dB)                                  18.2          21.4          22.4          22.2          25.6          27.7
C/N Downlink (dB)                                9.7           10.3          10.9          10.7          10.8          12.9
C/I Intermodulation (dB)                         N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A           N/A
C/I Uplink Co-Channel (dB)*                      25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0
C/I Downlink Co-Channel (dB)*                    25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0          25.0
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)             17.5          16.7          18.3          18.0          14.9          28.6
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)           12.0          11.8          11.1           8.9          10.6          13.8
C/I Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)             17.5          16.7          18.3          18.0          14.9          28.6
C/I Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)           13.9          16.6          19.9          17.6          15.4          17.2

C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                           5.7           6.2           6.8           5.6           5.7           9.1
Required System Margin (dB)                      -1.0          -1.0          -1.0          -1.0          -1.0          -1.0
Net C/(N+I) Composite (dB)                       4.7           5.2           5.8           4.6           4.7           8.1
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                        -3.4          -3.4          -3.4          -3.4          -3.4          -3.4
Excess Link Margin (dB)                          1.4           1.9           2.4           1.2           1.3            4.7
Number of Carriers                               1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0
Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                    -50.2         -50.8         -51.2         -51.5         -51.2         -51.3
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)      -44.3         -36.5         -36.0         -36.3         -38.0         -24.0

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                          Certification Statement

I hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person and am familiar with
Part 25 of the Commission’s rules and regulations. The contents of this
engineering statement were prepared by me or under my direct supervision
and to the best of my knowledge are complete and accurate.

      /s/ Jose Albuquerque                          January 18, 2011
        Jose Albuquerque                                  Date
    Senior Director, Spectrum

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Document Created: 2011-01-18 17:42:25
Document Modified: 2011-01-18 17:42:25

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