Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20080204-00036 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Link Budget for Telecommand at X band

S/S receive antenna gain: 20 dBi
S/S antenna noise temperature: 290K
Losses between antenna and receiver: 7.1 dB
Receiver noise figure: 3.5 dB
Noise Temperature at antenna output flange:

T = 290 + 290*(10^(7.1/10)-1) + 290*(10^(3.5/10)-1)*(10^(7.1/10)) =
= 290*(10^(.35))*(10^(.71) ~= 3300K

Receiver threshold: -107 dBm = -137 dBW
Minimum required margin: 10 dB
Allowance for 20% interference: 1 dB
Receiver minimum input: -126 dBW
Uplink path loss at 7026 MHz for 90° elevation: 200.5 dB
Atmospheric Absorption: 0.1 dB
Uplink e.i.r.p. required: -126 + 7.1 – 20 + 200.5 + 0.1 = 61.7 dBW
Transmit antenna gain: 48.6 dBi
Minimum uplink power: 13.1 dBW
BW = 440 kHz
C/N in 440 kHz:
61.7 – 200.5 – 0.1 + 20 – 10*log(3300) + 228.6 – 10*log(440000) = 18.1 dB

Document Created: 2007-08-30 17:07:14
Document Modified: 2007-08-30 17:07:14

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