Attachment Schedule S document

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20070919-00129 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Representative Forward Link Budget
UT Type                                                   Handheld Terminal
Carrier Type                                                  DVB-SH
General Parameters                                 Unit
Gateway elevation angle                            deg          42.0
Minimum user elevation angle                       deg          20.0
Uplink frequency                                   GHz        29.625
Downlink frequency                                 GHz         2.200
Bandwidth/carrier                                  kHz        5000.00
Uplink E/S antenna diameter                          m           13.2
Uplink E/S antenna peak gain                        dBi         69.6
E/S antenna pointing error                          dB           0.5
Clear-sky uplink EIRP                              dBW          60.5
Rain-faded uplink EIRP                             dBW          77.5
Free space loss                                     dB          213.4
Atmospheric loss                                    dB           0.3
Rain attenuation                                    dB          17.0
Satellite antenna pointing error                    dB            0.3
Satellite antenna receive system noise temp.       dB-K          32.1
Satellite receive antenna G/T                      dB/K          17.0
Uplink C/No                                        dBHz         92.2
Uplink C/IMo                                       dBHz         87.8
Uplink C/IoASI                                     dBHz         99.2
Uplink C/Io Intra-system                           dBHz         89.9
Effective Satellite EIRP/carrier (-3 dB contour)   dBW           64.0
Free space loss                                     dB          191.2
Atmospheric loss                                    dB           0.1
User terminal antenna gain                          dB           0.0
User terminal system noise temperature             dB-K          27.0
User terminal G/T                                  dB/K         -27.0
Downlink propagation margin                         dB           2.6
Downlink C/No                                      dBHz         71.7
Downlink C/IMo                                     dBHz         79.5
Downlink C/Io Intra-system                         dBHz         80.4
Downlink C/Io External Interference                dBHz         81.7
End-to-End Performance
End-to-end C/No                                    dBHz         71.6
End-to-end aggregate C/Io                          dBHz         77.7
End-to-end C/IMo                                   dBHz         78.9
Total aggregate C/(No+Io+IMo)                      dBHz         70.1
Total aggregate C/(N+I+IM)                          dB           3.1
Required C/N                                        dB           3.1
System Margin                                       dB           0.0

Document Created: 2007-11-28 11:47:15
Document Modified: 2007-11-28 11:47:15

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