Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by GlobalStar



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20070608-00080 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                                                                                               William T. Lake

                                                      July 23, 2007                                            +1 202 663 6725 (1)
                                                                                                               +1 202 663 6363 (f)
 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 Secretary                                                             JUL 2 3 2007
 Federal Communications Commission                             Foder      imipabians   Bscc o
 445 12th Street, S.W.                                             %C;zmggfgg;gfimw
 Washington, D.C. 20554                                                      C SeBSIAry

            Re:        TerreStar Networks, Inc. — Request for Milestone Extension, FCC File No. SAT—
                       MOD—200700608—00080; Use of Returned Spectrum in the 2 GHz Mobile
                       Satellite Service Frequency Bands — IB Docket Nos. 05—220 and 05—221

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Globalstar, Inc. ("Globalstar") submits this letter for the record in the above—referenced
proceedings, in which the Commission has reserved all of the spectrum in the 2 GHz Mobile
Satellite Service ("MSS") band to TerreStar Networks, Inc. ("TerreStar") and ICO Satellite
Services ("ICO‘").+‘ TerreStar‘s recent request for a ten—month extension ofits launch milestone*/
highlights the validity of a point that Globalstar has emphasized in its prior pleadings: The
Commission‘s decision to reserve all of the 2 GHz spectrum to TerreStar and ICO is inconsistent
with its policy of having at least three licensees in any band and creates an unnecessary risk that
there will be a lack of effective competition in the 2 GHz MSS marketplace.*‘

1/      See Use of Returned Spectrum in the 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service Frequency Bands,
Order, 20 FCC Red 19696 (2005) ("2 GHz Order"). Although TerreStar‘s 2 GHz spectrum
reservation originally was made in favor of TMI Communications and Company, Limited
Partnership ("TMI‘), on May 10, 2007, the International Bureau approved the request by TMI
and TerreStar to modify TMI‘s spectrum reservation to list it in TerreStar‘s name. See TMI
Communications and Company, Limited Partnership, and TerreStar Networks, LLC —
Application for Modification of Spectrum Reservation for 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service
System, FCC File Nos. SAT—ASG—20021211—00238 and SAT—AMD—20061127—00143, 22 FCC
Red 8602 (Int‘l Bureau 2007).

2/    See TerreStar Networks, Inc. — Request for Milestone Extension, FCC File No. SAT—
MOD—200700608—00080 (filed June 8, 2007) ("TerreStar Extension Request").

3/      See, e.g., Petition of Globalstar for Reconsideration, IB Docket Nos. 05—220 and 05—221
(filed Jan 9, 2006) ("Globalistar Petition"); Reply of Globalstar to Oppositions to Petition for
Reconsideration, IB Docket Nos. 05—220 and 05—221 (filed Feb. 27, 2006) ("Globalstar Reply").

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July 23, 2007
Page 2

       Globalstar and others have documented that the Commission‘s decision to award all of
the 2 GHz MSS spectrum to only two entities — neither of which has a proven track record of
providing actual MSS service to the public safety community or other customers — was a
dramatic and unjustified departure from its sound and longstanding policy favoring three or more
competitors in a given market for the provision of satellite services.‘ In shutting all other
competitors out of the 2 GHz marketplace, the Commission failed to account for the fact that,
given the enormous financial undertaking associated with the construction and launch of a
satellite system, there is no guarantee that a new entrant such as TerreStar or ICO will ultimately
make it to market. If either TerreStar or ICO — let alone both — fails to put a system into
operation, the public interest benefits that should flow from competitive offerings in this
spectrum will never be realized."‘

       Now, only a year—and—a—half since the Commission‘s decision, both of the entities for
which the Commission has reserved the 2 GHz MSS spectrum have sought extensions of their
implementation milestones, and the uncertainty about whether one or both will fail ultimately to
provide service is palpable. In the case of ICO, the Commission already has granted not one, but
two milestone extensions, delaying the date by which ICO‘s system must be placed into
operation by 17 months." And TerreStar now has sought a ten—month extension of the deadline

4/      See, e.g., Globalstar Petition at 10 ("The Commission‘s decision to license only two
competitors in the 2 GHz band...departs from its own policy without explanation or
justification"); Globalstar Reply at 2 ("Neither [TerreStar] nor ICO has ever provided any MSS
public safety services and thus entrusting all of the 2 GHz spectrum to them hardly ensures the
deployment of the advanced public safety services the 2 GHz spectrum is intended to support —
particularly in light of the very real possibility that one or both of those entities may never
deploy a 2 GHz MSS system"); Inmarsat Ventures Limited and Inmarsat Global Limited,
Consolidated Petition for Reconsideration, IB Docket Nos. 05—20 and 05—221 (filed Jan. 9, 2006)
at 13 (arguing that any of the alternate proposals before the Commission "would have produced a
better result than awarding the entire 2 GHz band to only two entities, each of which remains
years away from implementing its 2 GHz system."); Comments of T—Mobile USA, Inc. in IB
Docket Nos. 05—220 and 05—221 (filed Feb. 16, 2006) at 7—8 (The Commission‘s suggestion in
the 2 GHz proceeding "that the grant of a 2 GHz duopoly to [TerreStar] and ICO would serve the
public interest by bolstering publicsafety and expanding rural broadband service is wholly
unsupported."); Comments of CTIA—The Wireless Association® in Support of the Petitions for
Reconsideration, IB Docket Nos. 05—220 and 05—221 (filed Feb. 16, 2006) at 2 ("CTIA agrees
with Inmarsat and Globalstar that the assignment of spectrum [in the 2 GHz band] should be

5/     See, e.g., Globalstar Petition at 12—13.


July 23, 2007
Page 3

by which it must launch its 2 GHz satellite."" These developments make crystal clear that the
assumption underlying the Commission‘s decision, namely that "ICO and [TerreStar] will be
able to bring the spectrum into use more quickly — and thus offer public safety and rural
broadband service more quickly — than would be possible if the spectrum were assigned to
another party,”-g-/ was in error.

        Globalstar reiterates that, as an MSS provider with eight years of experience, it remains
committed and financially able to construct and launch a robust and viable 2 GHz MSS system,
if given the opportunity. Globalstar currently serves over 274,000 subscribers in 120 countries, a
significant number of which are first responders and other federal, state, and local public safety
officials. Globalstar has proven that it has both the technical and the business capacity to
provide services and meet customer needs. In late 2006, Globalstar announced that it has
executed a contract with Alcatel Alenia Space, now Thales Alenia Space ("Thales Alenia"),
under which Thales Alenia will design, manufacture, and deliver the Globalstar second—
generation constellation of 48 LEO satellites."" These satellites will be backward compatible
with Globalstar‘s existing constellation and with its global gateways, will have a lifespan through
at least 2025, and will ensure that Globalstar will be positioned to provide reliable, efficient, and
effective voice and data services over the long term.

6/      See ICO Satellite Services — Application for Modification of 2 GHz LOI Authorization
and Petition for Declaratory Ruling or Waiver, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Red
9797 (Int‘l Bur. 2005) (granting an approximately one—year extension of the deadline for satellite
launch); New ICO Satellite Services G.P. — Application To Extend Milestones, Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 22 FCC Red 2229 (Int‘l Bur. 2007) (granting an approximately five—month
extension of the time to complete satellite construction, launch, and operation).

7/      See TerreStar Extension Request; Public Notice, Policy Branch Information — Satellite
Space Station Applications Accepted for Filing, Report No. SAT—00453 (rel. June 22, 2007). At
this point, TerreStar has not yet sought an extension of the deadline by which it must place its
system into operation.

8/     See 2 GHz Order at 4| 26.

9/     See "Globalstar, Inc. Signs Contract with Alcatel Alenia Space for Second—Generation
LEO Satellite Constellation" (Dec. 4, 2006) available at


July 23, 2007
Page 4

        If the Commission were to grant Globalstar‘s Petition for Reconsideration‘" of the
cancellation of its 2 GHz authorization, which now has been pending for close to three years, it is
well positioned financially and has the proven technical and business experience necessary to
implement a 2 GHz system in accordance with ambitious milestones. With a 2 GHz
authorization, Globalstar would provide services complementary to its existing voice and data
services, as described in its reconsideration filings, for the benefit of its many public safety and
other customers.

        In light of the growing uncertainties about the ability of TerreStar and/or ICO to deploy
service within the timeframe envisioned by the Commission, Globalstar once again urges the
Commission to reinstate its 2 GHz MSS authorization and ensure that there is true competition in
the 2 GHz MSS marketplace.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                             William T. Lake
                                             Counsel to Globalstar, Inc.

co:     Chairman Kevin J. Martin
        Commissioner Michael J. Copps
        Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein
        Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate
        Commissioner Robert J. McDowell
        Michelle Carey
        Erika Olsen
        Bruce Gottlieb
        Barry Ohlson
        Aaron Goldberger
        Angela Giancarlo
        Helen Domenici
        Henry Goldberg
      ~ Douglas Brandon

10/     See Globalstar, Petition for Reconsideration, File Nos. SAT—LOA—19970926—
00151/52/53/54/65 et al. (filed July 26, 2004) ("Petition for Reconsideration"); Supplement to
Petition for Reconsideration, File Nos. SAT—LOA—19970926—00151/52/53/54/65 et al. (filed
Aug. 26, 2005).

Document Created: 2007-07-25 12:15:53
Document Modified: 2007-07-25 12:15:53

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