Attachment DA 07-3994

DA 07-3994

DECISION submitted by IB, FCC

DA 07-3994


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20070309-00048 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                             Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                          DA 07—3994

                                          September 21, 2007

Mr. David M. Drucker
Manager, ATCONTACT Communications, LLC
2539 N. Highway 67
Sedalia, CO 80135

   C                                        Re:     ATCONTACT Communications, LLC
                                                    File Nos. SAT—MOD—20070309—00048;
                                                    (Call Sign: $2860)

 Dear Mr. Drucker:

        This letter refers to the above—referenced applications filed by ATCONTACT
Communications, LLC (ATCONTACT). ATCONTACT seeks to modify its license by
relocating one of the geostationary satellite orbit (GSO) satellites in its licensed system from 83°
W.L. to 87° W.L., and adding the following frequency bands: 28.35—28.6 GHz, 29.25—30.0 GHz
(Earth—to—space) and 18.3—18.8 GHz, 19.7—20.2 GHz (space—to—Earth). For the reasons set forth
below, we return the applications as unacceptable for filing without prejudice to refiling1

         Section 25.112(a) of the Commission‘s rules provides that the Commission will return an
application as unacceptable for filing if the applicationis defective with respect to completeness
of answers or informational showings, is internally inconsistent, or does not substantially comply
with the Commission‘s rules unless a waiver of the rules is requested." We find ATCONTACT‘s
applications defective in three respects, each of which renders the application unacceptable for

          First, ATCONTACT represents that it complies with the power flux—density (pfd) limits
set forth in section 25.138(a)(6) of the Commission‘s rules, which specifies —1 18 dBW/m/MHz
for all angles of arrival." Our review of ATCONTACT‘s Schedule S information indicates,
however, that the pfd limits for certain angles of arrival for beam "KTR" are —117 dBW/m*/MHz,
which exceed the limits allowed by the Commission‘s rules." Furthermore, ATCONTACTdid
not request a waiver of section 25.138(a)(6) with the appropriate justification.

   If ATCONTACT refiles an application identical to the one dismissed, with the exception of supplying
the corrected information, it need not pay an application fee. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1109(d).
247 C.F.R. §25.112(a).
*47 C.E.R. § 25.138(a)(6).
* ATCONTACT Modification Application, Schedule S at 5 —section 8, column 1. J, and K.

                                Federal Communications Commission                             DA 07—3994

        Second, section 25.114(d)(3) of the Commission‘s rules requires each applicant to
provide "predicted space station antenna gain contours for each transmit and each receive antenna
beam ... requested."" ATCONTACT‘s application represents in its Technical Appendix that its
GSO satellite will have 45 active receive beams and 45 active transmit beams." ATCONTACT,
however, provided only four "representative" contours, rather than one for each beam. Moreover,
to the extent ATCONTACT did not intend to provide these contours, it did not request a waiver
of section 25.114(d)(3) with the appropriate justification."

        Third, the application is inconsistent with respect to the number of receive and transmit
beams on the satellite. ATCONTACT indicates first in the Technical Appendix that it will use
"45 Ka—band receive beams and 45 active beams" but later states it will use "69 active transmit
and 75 active receive beams for standard communication."" ATCONTACT should address this
inconsistency if it refiles the application.

          Further, although not grounds for dismissal, ATCONTACT should clarify or supplement
its orbital debris mitigation plans set forth in the application in any refiling. Specifically,
ATCONTACT should clarify its statement that "all remaining fuel stores would either be safed or
vented."" The Commission‘s rules governing the assessment and probability of accidential
explosions requires a demonstration addressing "whether stored energy will be removed at the
spacecraft‘s end of life, by depleting residual fuel and leaving all fuel line values open, venting a
pressurized system, leaving all batteries in a permanent discharge state, and removing any
remaining source of stored energy, or through other equivalent procedures specifically disclosed
in the application." See 47 C.F.R. §25.114(d)(14)(ii). ATCONTACT must confirm compliance
with this statement, or if relying on "other equivalent procedures," submit a detailed description
ofthose procedures as well as an analysis ofthe equivalency of those measures to those identified
in the rule. We also note that section 25.283(c) of the rules requires all space stations to ensure
that all energy sources on board are discharged at the spacecraft‘s end of life."

        In addition, ATCONTACT should provide, in any refiled application, an explanation of
the method used to make the assessment ofits safe flight profile analysis. Such an explanation
should address the steps taken and sources used to identify operating satellites — both domestic
and international —— within +/— 0.1 degrees (the station—keeping box) of the requested orbital
location, The information should also include satellites scheduled for launch, and include
references to the specific databases used to determine which satellite networks within the station
keeping box require coordination to prevent possible collisions."‘

j47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(3).
° ATCONTACT Communications, LLC, File No. SAT—MOD—20070309—00048 (ATCONTACT
Modification Application), Technical Appendix at 3; ATCONTACT Communications, LLC, File No. SAT—
AMD—20070309—00049 (ATCONTACT Amended Application), Technical Appendix at 3.
* The Commission may waive its rules when good cause is demonstrated. 47 C.F.R. § 1.3.
* ATCONTACT Amended Application, Technical Appendix at 3 ("45 Ka—band receive beams and 45
active beams will be used") and Technical Appendix at 9 ("69 active transmit and 75 active receive beams
for standard communication").
* ATCONTACT Modification Application, Technical Appendix at 23, ATCONTACT Amended
Application, Technical Appendix at 24.
©47 C.FR. §25.283(c).
" Examples of databases that may be consulted include, but are not limited to, those provided by the
Commission (myIBFS), ITU, NORAD, and other commercially available databases. An explanation of the
method used to make an assessment of"whether there are satellites at, or reasonably expected to be located
at, the requested orbital location,." should also include sources consulted to determine which ITUfilings are
reasonablyexpected to be located at or near the requested orbital location.

                            Federal Communications Commission                      DA 07—3994

           Last, we note that the antenna gain contour diagrams were improperly attached to Form
312, Schedule S, under section S8(E), rather than $8(F). ATCONTACT should correct this error
if it chooses to refile. We urge ATCONTACT to ensure the accuracy and completeness of its
representations to the Commission in any refiling.

        Accordingly, pursuant to section 25.112(a)(1) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §
25.112(a)(1) and Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. §
0.261, we return ATCONTACT‘s applications as unacceptable for filing.


                                                Robert G. Nelson
                                                Chief, Satellite Division
                                                International Bureau

cc: James M. Talens
    Counsel for ATCONTACT Communications, Inc.

Document Created: 2007-09-21 15:10:22
Document Modified: 2007-09-21 15:10:22

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