Attachment Virtual Geo Surrende

Virtual Geo Surrende


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20070118-00018 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      February 5, 2007

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington DC 20554

               Re:     Virtual Geosatellite, LLC,
                       C-band/Ku-band Non-Geostationary Satellite-Orbit System
                       (Call Sign S2366, File No. SAT-LOA-19990108-00007, et al.)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        In an Order and Authorization released December 21, 2006 (see Virtual Geosatellite,
LLC, DA 06-2560 (Int’l. Bur., released Dec. 21, 2006)), the Commission’s International
Bureau granted Virtual Geosatellite, LLC (“Virtual Geo”) an authorization to launch and
operate an 18-satellite non-geostationary satellite orbit (“non-GSO”) system in the Ku-band
and C-band fixed-satellite service frequencies. Among the provisions of the December 21
order was a direction from that Virtual Geo post, pursuant to Section 25.165 of the
Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.165, a system implementation bond in the amount of $5
million on or before January 20, 2007. At Virtual Geo’s request, the International Bureau
extended the deadline for the posting of the implementation bond to February 5, 2007.

         Due to unfortunate circumstances and despite the best efforts of company principals
to secure the necessary funding to post a timely bond, Virtual Geo was unable to timely
satisfy the bond requirement of Section 25.165. With no further options left to it, and for the
reasons set out in the attached letter to Chairman Martin, Virtual Geo regrets that it must
hereby surrender its authorization.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Stephen D. Baruch
                                               Raul R. Rodriguez
                                               Stephen D. Baruch
                                               Attorneys for Virtual Geosatellite, LLC


Chief Executive Officer

                                           February 5, 2007

The Honorable Kevin J. Martin
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington DC 20554

                      Re:   Virtual Geosatellite, LLC,
                            C-band/Ku-band Non-Geostationary Satellite-Orbit System
                            (Call Sign S2366, File No. SAT-LOA-19990108-00007, et al.)

Dear Mr. Chairman:

        In an Order and Authorization released December 21, 2006 the International Bureau
granted Virtual Geosatellite, LLC (“Virtual Geo”) the referenced satellite authorization.
Among the provisions of the December 21 order was a direction that Virtual Geo post a
system implementation bond in the amount of $5 million on or before January 20, 2007. At
Virtual Geo’s request, the International Bureau extended the deadline for the posting of the
implementation bond to February 5, 2007.

        Virtual Geo has worked with diligence to arrange for the funding of the required
bond, and came very, very close to succeeding in this effort. Virtual Geo is a start-up
company with an extraordinarily innovative but ultimately commercially unproven concept
for maximizing the satellite capacity that is achievable in the C-band and Ku-band FSS
frequencies. Unfortunately, Virtual Geo found that the requirement to arrange the posting of
an externally-financed $5 million bond within just over six weeks after licensing provided
some entities that possess the financial wherewithal to join Virtual Geo in this great venture
with an incentive to want to take control of Virtual Geo’s destiny and vision on firesale
terms. In this way, the bond requirement the Commission adopted to ensure that licensees
are incentivized to proceed with their authorized systems left Virtual Geo, a committed new
licensee, with the unenviable choice of having to agree to cede eventual control of its license
in return for the posting of the bond or to surrender its license and start again from scratch.
To Virtual Geo, there was only one option. It is thus with great regret and temporarily
dashed expectations that Virtual Geo hereby surrenders its authorization.

 Ellipso, Inc. 4410 Massachusetts Ave, NW #385Washington, D.C. 20036   Tel: 202-466-4488 Fax: 202-466-4493

         Although it will no longer hold the license it has pursued with great determination
since 1999, Virtual Geo emphasizes that its intention is that the effort the Commission has
expended in developing a regulatory environment that fully satisfies Virtual Geo’s system
objectives for a highly-elliptical orbit non-GSO system in the FSS at C-band and Ku-band
will not go for naught. Virtual Geo will continue its drive to line up investors that share its
commitment to maximization of the use of the orbital/spectrum resource, and expects in the
very near future to apply anew for precisely the same authorization it is now surrendering.
Virtual Geo is sure that with the issuance of a new authorization, and despite the fact that it is
a start-up company, it will be in a position timely to meet the $5 million bond obligation that
has hamstrung it so unfortunately today. Virtual Geo intends as well to continue to play an
active role in the development and advancement of Commission and U.S. satellite and
spectrum policies.

        The decision to surrender the authorization it worked so hard to acquire is not one
that Virtual Geo makes lightly. The company specifically expresses its gratitude to all within
the Commission and its International Bureau who recognized the promise that Virtual Geo’s
“Virgo” system offers. Virtual Geo looks forward to the continuation of its good relationship
in the years to come.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 David Castiel, PhD.
                                                 Managing Director
                                                 Virtual GeoSatellite, LLC

Document Created: 2007-02-05 23:16:01
Document Modified: 2007-02-05 23:16:01

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