Attachment redacted





This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20061018-00123 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                  OCT 19 2006                  Chin Kyung Yo0
1776 K STREET NW          October 19,2006                  Federal Communications Commission   202.719.3581
PHONE    202.7119.7000
                                                                 Office of the Secretary                .
                                                                                               cyoo@w rf corn
FAX      202.729.7049

Virginia Office           BY HAND DELIVERY
SUITE 6200                Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
McLEAN, VA 22102
                          Federal Communications Commission
PHONE    703.905.2800
FAX      703.905.2820
                          445 12th Street, S.W.
                          Washington, D.C. 20554
www. wrf .corn
                          Re:    REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION
                                 PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Request for Confidential Treatment,
                                 File No. SAT-MOD-20061018-00123

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          By its attorneys, PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (“PanAmSat”) respectfblly requests
                          that, pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. $6
                          0.457 and 0.459, the Commission withhold fiom public inspection and accord
                          confidential treatment to an amendment to an agreement regarding PAS-9
                          (commercially known as PAS-5), which is being filed in both redacted and un-
                          redacted form with a copy of this letter. This agreement contains commercially
                          sensitive information that falls within Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information
                          Act (“FOIA”). See 5 U.S.C. Q 552(b)(4); 47 C.F.R. Q 0.457(d).

                          Exemption 4 permits parties to withhold fiom public information “trade secrets and
                          commercial or financial information obtained fi-om a person and privileged or
                          confidential-categories of materials not routinely available for public inspection.”
                          Id. Applying Exemption 4, the courts have stated that commercial or financial
                          information is confidential if its disclosure will either (1) impair the government’s
                          ability to obtain necessary information in the fbture; or (2) cause substantial harm to
                          the competitive position of the person fiom whom the information was obtained.
                          See National Parks and Conservation Ass’n v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765,770 (D.C. Cir.
                          1974) (footnote omitted); see also Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d
                          871,879-80 (D.C. Cir. 1992), cert denied, 507 U.S. 984 (1993).

                          Section 0.457(d)(2) allows persons submitting materials that they wish be withheld
                          fiom public inspection in accordance with Section 552(b)(4) to file a request for
                          non-disclosure, pursuant to Section 0.459. In accordance with the requirements
                          contained in Section 0.459(b) for such requests, PanAmSat hereby submits the

                           i i n

October 19,2006
Page 2

(1)     Identi9cation of Specijk Informationfor which Conjidential Treatment is
Sought (Section 0.459@)(1)). PanAmSat seeks confidential treatment for the
enclosed Amendment #2 to the February 14,2002 agreement between PanAmSat
Corporation (now known as Intelsat Corporation) and Arab Satellite
Communications Organization (“ARABSAT”). This amendment relates to
PanAmSat’s continued operation of the PAS-9 satellite at the 26.15’ E.L. orbital
location through September 30,2008. PanAmSat is current1 authorized by the
FCC to operate PAS-9 at this location until January 2,2007.J The ITU filings for
this orbital slot are held by ARABSAT and the government of Saudi Arabia, as the
coordinating administration for the ARABSAT system, has coordinated use of the
C-band frequencies utilized by PAS-9 at that orbital 10cation.~PanAmSat has
coordinated the satellite’s TT&C frequencies with all satellite operators within five
degrees of the 10cation.~The amendment contains commercially sensitive
information that falls within Exemption 4 of FOIA.

(2)    Description of Circumstances Giving Rise to Submission (Section
0.459@)(2)): PanAmSat submits this agreement in connection with its application
to modi@ the license for the PAS-9 satellite because the Commission has in the past
required an applicant to submit the underlying commercial agreement when it
deploys a satellite to a non-U.S. location. As noted above, PanAmSat seeks to
continue to operate the PAS-9 satellite at 26.15’ E.L., an ARABSAT location.

(3)    Explanation of the Degree to which the Information is Commercial or
Financial, or Contains a Trade Secret or Is Privileged (Section 0.459(b)(3)): The
amendment contains sensitive commercial and financial information that
competitors could use to PanAmSat’s disadvantage. The courts have given the
terms “commercial” and “financial,” as used in Section 552(b)(4), their ordinary
meanings. See Board of Trade v. Commodity Futures Trading Comm ’n, 627 F.2d
392,403 & n.78 (D.C. Cir. 1980). The Commission has broadly defined
commercial information, stating that “‘[clommercial’ is broader than information
regarding basic commercial operations, such as sales and profits; it includes

       Amendment #1 to the agreement addressed a change in beam pointing and
was previously submitted to the FCC, as was the February 14,2002 agreement,
under a request for confidential treatment.
       See PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Application for Modijication of License for
the PAS-9 Satellite, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Rcd 16,642 (2004).
       Id., 19 FCC Rcd at 16,644 (75).

October 19,2006
Page 3

information about work performed for the purpose of conducting a business’s
commercial operations.” Southern Company Requestfor Waiver of Section 90.629
of the Commission’sRules, Memorandum Opinion and OrderJ4 FCC Rcd 1851,
1860 (1998) (citing Public Citizen Health Research Group v. FDA, 704 F.2d 1280,
1290 (D.C. Cir. 1983)).

The amendment to the agreement with ARABSAT contains financial information
regarding the continued operation of PAS-9 at 26.15” E.L. The information
contained in this agreement meets both definitions of “confidential.” First, a
decision not to treat this information as confidential could affect the Commission’s
ability to obtain necessary information in the future. Second, disclosure of this
information likely will cause substantial harm to the competitive positions of
PanAmSat and ARABSAT.

(4)     Explanation of the Degree to Which the Information Concerns a Service that
is Subject to Competition (Section 0.459@)(4)): Substantial competition exists in
the telecommunications satellite industry. Other large players in the geostationary
satellite service market include Eutelsat and SES Americom. The presence of these
large competitors makes imperative the confidential treatment of sensitive
commercial information.

(5)     Explanation of How Disclosure of the Information Could Result in
Substantial Competitive Harm (Section 0.459@)(5)): Release of the amendment
could have a significant impact on PanAmSat’s commercial operations. If business
partners/customers or competitors had access to this information, it could negatively
affect PanAmSat’s future negotiations with potential and existing business
partners/customers. Specifically,business partners/customers could use the
information gleaned fiom the agreement to negotiate more favorable terms in their
own service or capacity agreements. Competitors could use this information to
better compete against PanAmSat. Thus, it is “virtually axiomatic” that the
information qualifies for withholding under Exemption 4 of FOIA, see National
Parks and Conservation Ass’n v. Kleppe, 547 F.2d 673,684 (D.C. Cir., 1976), and
under Sections 0.457(d)(2) and 0.459(b).

(6)    Identijkation of Any Measures Taken to Prevent Unauthorized Disclosure
(Section 0.459@)(6)): None of this information is provided to the public, and
PanAmSat does not provide this information to third parties except pursuant to
agreements to maintain confidentiality.


October 19,2006
Page 4

(7)    Identification of Whether the Information is Available to the Public and the
Extent of Any Previous Disclosure of the Information to Third Parties (Section
0.459@)(7)): PanAmSat has not made this agreement available to the public and
has not disclosed this agreement to any third parties.

(8)     Justification of Period During Which the Submitting Party Asserts that the
Material Should Not be Available for Public Disclosure (Section 0.459@)(8)):
PanAmSat respectfully requests that the Commission withhold this agreement from
public inspection indefinitely. On balance, the need to protect PanAmSat from
competitive harm as a result of disclosure of this agreement outweighs any benefit
of public disclosure which, in the ordinary course of business, would not otherwise

Accordingly, for the foregoing reasons, PanAmSat respectfully requests that the
information contained in its amendment to its agreement with ARABSAT be kept
confidential and be withheld fi-om public inspection at all times.

Please contact the undersigned with any questions. Thank you for your assistance.


Chin Kyung Yo0
Counsel for PanAmSat Licensee Corp.

cc:    Robert Nelson
       Karl Kensinger
       Cassandra Thomas
       Fern Jannulnek
       Jabin Vahora


            oc                P us

NOIiL33dSNI 3I18nd XOB - a3iL3VaXZI


                             REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION

 Each of the parties have duly executed and delivered this
 Amendment as of the day and year f i r s t w r i t t e n above.


 Bv: Khrlid     A. Balkheyom

X T k A S
 T i t l e : PreBid   t and CEO

                                                                     .   .
_ .
  Name :
  Title       Chief HnancJaI Officer . .


                          . ..

Document Created: 2006-10-23 15:49:46
Document Modified: 2006-10-23 15:49:46

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