10-2 Ex Parte.pdf


Ex Parte Letter


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20060511-00060 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Pantelis Michalopoulos                                                          1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
202.429.6494                                                                     Washington, DC 20036-1795
pmichalo@steptoe.com                                                                       Tel 202.429.3000
                                                                                           Fax 202.429.3902

October 2, 2009


   Marlene H. Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   12th Street S.W.
   Washington, D.C. 20554

   Re:      Motion for Stay of International Bureau Order DA 09-1850, Call Signs S2346,
            S2680, S2681, S2682, and S2683

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

   On October 2, 2009, representatives of AtContact Communications, LLC (“AtContact”)
   participated in a telephone call with: Austin Schlick, Joel Marcus, Dan Harrold, and Richard
   Welch from the Office of General Counsel; Roderick Porter, Fern Jarmulnek, and Cassandra
   Thomas from the International Bureau; and Jennifer Schneider, Legal Advisor to Commissioner
   Copps. The meeting addressed the October 1st letter sent by the Commission’s Chief Financial
   Officer to Safeco Insurance Company of America (“Safeco”) regarding the performance bond
   maintained by AtContact for the above-referenced satellite licenses.1 A copy of that letter is

   At the meeting it was confirmed that, pursuant to the Chief Financial Officer’s letter, Safeco,
   acting as the surety for AtContact’s performance bond, is not being asked and does not have to
   make payment until ten calendar days after a further notification, which will be in writing. As

           Letter from Mark Stephens, Chief Financial Officer, FCC, to Bruce Echigosima, Safeco
   Insurance Company of America (Oct. 1, 2009).

Marlene H. Dortch
October 2, 2009
Page 2

the letter states: “… [the Commission] will not act in further response to the Bond terms, or
otherwise exercise any right thereto without first providing Safeco a courtesy notification of our
intent and a period of ten (10) calendar days to comply.”2

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206(b), this notice is being filed electronically with a copy emailed to
the Commission officials that participated on the telephone call.

                                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                             Pantelis Michalopoulos
                                                             Christopher Bjornson
                                                             L. Lisa Sandoval
                                                             Counsel for AtContact
                                                             Communications, LLC

Dan Harrold
Fern Jarmulnek
Joel Marcus
Roderick Porter
Austin Schlick
Jennifer Schneider
Cassandra Thomas
Richard Welch

           Id. at 2.

                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                        Washington, D. C. 20554
                                             OCT 1    2008


     Mr. Bruce S. Echigoshima
     Western Region Surety Claims
     Post Office Box 34670
     Seattle, WA 98124

                                         Re: Principal: ATCONTACT Communications, LLC
                                         Bond Number: 6321647

     Dear Mr. Echigoshima:

            Thank you for your letter (Letter) dated September 3, 2009," on behalf of Safeco
     Insurance Company of America (Safeco) acknowledging our demand" (Demand) for payment of
     the amount due on the above referenced bond (Bond). In accordance with paragraph 3 of the
     Bond,* our Demand, which included a copy of the relevant Order," notified Safeco that the
     Commission issued a Notice of Default of the satellite authorization issued to ATCONTACT
     Communications, LLC (ATCONTACT).© We have complied with all conditions precedent, and
     we believe that under the ordinary meaning of the terms of the Bond (taking into account
     subsequent riders to the maximum penal sum), Safeco is obligated to pay three million dollars
     ($3,000,000) no later than October 5, 2009, which is "thirty (30) business days of [the] Notice of
     Default." Safeco‘s Letter, however, requests the Commission "either withdraw its claim or stay
     any demand until all administrative and/or judicial remedies have been exhausted by

     ‘ Letter to Mark Stephens, Federal Communications, Satellite Division, International Bureau (sic), 455 Twelfth
     Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554 (September 3, 2009) (Safeco Letter). We note that Mark Stephens is the
     Commission‘s Chief Financial Officer, and not assigned to the Satellite Division of the International Bureau.
     * We understand that on September 22, 2008, Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. finalized its acquisition of Safeco, but
     such acquisition does not alter our contact with Safeco.
    _3 Among other things, see Letter to Safeco Insurance Company of America, Safeco Plaza, 1001 4"" Avenue, Seattle,
     WA 98184 (August 26, 2009). Unless we are advised otherwise, this and future correspondence from us will be to
     your stated return address.
     * Paragraph 3 provides in relevant part:

              In the event of a Notice of Default (i.e., an order or public notice revoking Principal‘s
             authorization) issued by the FCC to the Principal and the Surety regarding the performance of the
             milestones specified above during the terms of this bond, the Surety shall be liable only up to the
             current outstanding maximum penal sum amount after giving effect to applicable milestone

     * ATCONTACT Communications, LLC, Order, DA 09—1850, (IB, rel. August 21, 2009) (A4uthorization
     ° contactMEO Communications, LLC, Order and Authorization, DA—06—864, 21 FCC Red 4035 (Int‘l Bur. 2006)
     (ATCONTACT Authorization). In June 2006, the licensee notified the Commission that it changed its name from
     contactMEO Communications, LLC to ATCONTACT Communications, LLC. Letter to Marlene H. Dortch,
     Secretary FCC, from James M. Talens, Counsel to ATCONTACT Communications, LLC (June 5, 2006).

[ATCONTACT].”7 In regard to that request, Safeco states it had "not yet had an opportunity to
hear from [its] principal directly[,] and [Safeco is] unaware if there are any valid defenses to [the
Commission‘s] claim against the bond."" Furthermore, Safeco stated an impression that
ATCONTACT was "evaluating its options," including "1) pay the amount of the claim; 2) move
for reconsideration of the administrative ruling or 3) file an appeal in District Court." We note,
ATCONTACT filed a Petition for Reconsideration and a Motion for Stay, but the filings do not
alter Safeco‘s obligation."

         Safeco‘s obligations under the terms of the Bond are clear, and time is of the essence, i.e.,
the payment date is October 5, 2009. The Bond iterates ATCONTACT‘s five milestones,"" only
two of which ATCONTACT met. Indeed, as is evident from the Authorization Revocation,
ATCONTACT failed to meet its burden of proof to satisfy its third milestone to "[blegin the
physical construction of the first satellite by October 15, 2008," hence the authorization is null
and void. Moreover, ATCONTACT stated it "no longer intended to proceed with its NGSO
satellites and two of its GSO satellites.""‘ Finally, we note that ATCONTACT‘s authorization
contained a fourth milestone, to "[cJomplete construction and launch the first satellite by October
15, 2009.""" Hence, we expected Safeco to provide either payment of the amount due or a
detailed explanation why Safeco believes it is permitted to defer a timely payment in compliance
with its contractual obligation. We now specifically request that Safeco respond whether it has
further reviewed the tentative position expressed in the Letter, and that Safeco provide us with a
detailed discussion of its current position on the matter.

       In summary, Safeco has not to date provided a persuasive argument why payment to the
United States should be deferred. Moreover, if such reason does exist, it has not been presented
by Safeco or ATCONTACT. Because we invite Safeco to provide us with the results of its
discussion with ATCONTACT, and we seek Safeco‘s reasoned explanation why it believes
payment should be deferred, we will not act in further response to the Bond terms, or otherwise
exercise any right thereto without first providing Safeco a courtesy notification of our intent and
a period of ten (10) calendar days to comply. Should there be a decision on ATCONTACT‘s

" Safeco Letter, [ 2.
8 1d., 43.
° Under 47 C.F.R. § 1.102(b)(1), the Authorization Revocation was effective and binding upon its release.
 Rond, [ #1; see also 47 C.F.R. § 25.164; A4TCONTACT Authorization, { 68; and Authorization Revocation, " 3.
" Authorization Revocation,   5.
° ATCONTACT Authorization, [ 68.

Petition for Reconsideration and Motion for Stay in the interim, we will notify Safeco of the
outcome. Any deferment in this regard is not and should not be construed as a waiver of any
right of enforcement of the terms of the Bond.


                                               ark Stephens
                                             Chief Financial Officer

Copies to:

James M. Talens
Counsel for ATCONTACT Communications, LLC
6017 Woodley Road
McLean, VA 22101

contactMEO Communications, LLC
Attention: David Drucker, Manger
2539 North Highway 67
Sedalia, CO 80135

Pantelis Michalopoulos
Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036—1795

Document Created: 2009-10-02 17:37:33
Document Modified: 2009-10-02 17:37:33

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