Attachment update





This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20060306-00024 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


 George F. Wazeter                                                      500 Hills Drive
 Director, Regulatory Affairs                                           P.O. Box 7018
                                                                        Bedminster, NJ 07921
                                                                        Tel.: 908—470—2350
                                                                        Fax: 908—470—2453
                                                                         E mail:

                                                           March 20, 2007

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

RE: SAT—MOD—20060306—00024 Additional Information to Update the Record

    Loral Skynet Corporation (Loral) writes to provide updated information to assist the
Commission in making its decision to approve the above—referenced application.

      In March 2006, Loral submitted the above referenced application to modify
Condition #11 of its replacement satellite authorization (File No. SAT—MOD—20011130—
00118) which requires that Telstar 1 1N must begin providing service contemporaneously
with the discontinuation of service on Telstar 11.

      In its application, Loral explained that it discovered that an unexpectedly large
amount of fuel had been consumed during the launch process and that, with the best
estimate available at the time, sufficient fuel remained on the satellite to ensure operations,
consistent with the technical requirements in the Commission‘s rules, until June 2006.

       Prior to filing its application, Loral engaged the services of two firms to help it assess
the accuracy of the estimates of the amount of fuel remaining aboard the satellite. After
months of study and comparison of differing results, Loral now concludes with a high
degree of certainty that sufficient fuel remains to continue to operate the satellite in its
assigned orbital position at least until the end of 2007. Because only a small amount of
fuel is necessary for inclined orbit station—keeping, small increases in the indirectly
measured amount of fuel remaining can result in a longer estimated operating life.

      Updated Launch Status of Telstar 11N

      While this updated fuel analysis is helpful, it does not guarantee that Telstar 11 can
continue to be operated until Telstar 1 1N is launched, tested, and ready—for—service at

     The current construction Schedule for Telstar 1 1N anticipates that satellite
construction will be completed and the spacecraft will be ready for delivery to the launch
site before the end of June 2008. However, at this time, the planned launch vehicle is the
Boeing Land Launch. In light of the recent Sea Launch failure and the fact that virtually
all of the rocket components of the Sea Launch and Land Launch vehicles are the same,
neither launcher will resume flight until the launch investigation and requisite remediation
is complete. Further, resumption of Sea Launches must also wait until repairs to the Sea
Launch platform are completed. As a result, Loral cannot, today, definitively state when
Telstar 1 1N will be launched.

      Loral‘s Practices for End of Life Disposal

      Approval of Loral‘s request for modification of the continuity of service obligation
will promote placement of Telstar 11 in a safe graveyard altitude. Loral Skynet and its
predecessor, AT&T Skynet, have always taken seriously their responsibility to protect the
serviceability of the orbital are by ensuring that retired satellites are raised to a graveyard
orbit that is sufficiently above the geostationary are to ensure that no risk of collision
exists. Even prior to the Commission‘s codification of a minimum graveyard altitude
based on the Interagency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) formula in
§25.283 of the rules, the company established a target altitude of GEO +300 km as a
suitable graveyard altitude. Although Telstar 11 is grandfathered from having to apply the
IADC formula to calculate the minimum graveyard orbit altitude, barring a premature
depletion of fuel, Loral will make its best efforts to ensure that Telstar 11 will be raised to
a safe graveyard altitude. Eliminating the need to maintain Telstar 11 at 37.55° until
Telstar 1 1N is launched simply to satisfy the continuity of service license condition would
further ensure placement in an graveyard orbit at a time when sufficient fuel remains to
achieve the IADC‘s recommended altitude.

      Preservation of U.S. ITU Priority

       Grant of the pending modification request would also facilitate the preservation of
U.S. Ku—band ITU priority at the nominal 37° W.L. orbital location. Based on current fuel
predictions, Loral anticipates continuation of operations of Telstar 11 in inclined orbit at
least until the end of 2007, which will ensure that the current U.S. satellite registration will
remain valid until the end of 2009. This two—year window will enable Loral and its

spacecraft manufacturer to accommodate unanticipated schedule slippage that might occur
in the delivery of Telstar 11 N.

      Loral has already taken steps to ensure continuity of service for its customers

      As described in the text of the original application, on pages 5 and 6 (inserted below),
Loral has taken steps to ensure continuity of service for its customers:

      Loral Skynet has ensured continuity of service by relocating Telstar 11 customers to
      suitable alternative satellite capacity until the launch of Telstar 1IN. At its own
      expense, Loral Skynet has provided Telstar 11 customers with significant service
      engineering, operations and program management support in order to make the
      transition to alternative satellite capacity as seamless as possible. For each of these
      customers, Loral Skynet coordinated individual transmission plan changes and
      permitted dual—illumination periods (at no additional charge) to allow proper antenna
      re—pointing.  In some instances, Loral Skynet sent ground operators to
      customer locations to install equipment and/or re—point their networks. Loral
      Skynet‘s program management team took the lead in the network migration to
      minimize customer impact. Loral Skynet also took measures to ensure that its access
      management facility was ready for migrations that involved multiple sites over a
      short period of time. Upon launch of Telstar 11 N, Loral Skynet will migrate these
     customers back to 37.55° W.L. and provide service incentives and other service
     engineering, operations and program management support arrangements to
     assist customers with the transition.

     There currently are no customers on Telstar 11N and therefore removal of
Condition #11 will not inconvenience any customers.

     In addition to the steps noted above, Loral has attempted to obtain a gap—filler satellite
from various other operators in order to continue serving customers. Such efforts, however,
have been unsuccessful.

      In consideration of the revised fuel data described above, the uncertainty of a firm
launch date, Loral‘s desire to preserve the U.S. satellite registration at 37.55°WL, and raise
Telstar 11 to a suitable graveyard altitude, Loral reiterates its request that the Commission
act promptly to modify the Telstar 1 1N authorization to remove Condition #11 — continuity
of service.

                                                       Very truly yours,

                                                     elerdieql/         ter
                                                       Director, Regulatory Affairs

     ce:    Robert Nelson
           Karl Kensinger
           Richard Engelman

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I hereby certify that, on this 26"" day of March, 2007, a copy of the foregoing

Opposition of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC was served by hand delivery upon:

             Peter A. Rohrbach
             Karis A. Hastings
             Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.
             555 13" Street, N.W.
             Washington, DC 20004

                                                    Lt Fob
                                                   Alex Reyilo%s

Document Created: 2007-03-27 16:02:57
Document Modified: 2007-03-27 16:02:57

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