Attachment request


SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD submitted by Loral Orion



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20060306-00024 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHERn»                                               175 K Sn e
                                                                         Wabingos. Do mtass
                                                                         rac 20 s tss
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     April 28, 2006
                                                sier          t
      * Hand Delivery                           Loral SiynetrinCorporaton
     Ms. Andrea Kelly
     International. Bureau
    Federal Communications Conmission
    445 12" Street S.W.
    Washington, DC 20554
          Re: Loral Orion, Inc.
          First Milestone Manufacturing Contract
          Call Sign §2357 (Telstar 11M)
    pear Ms. Kelly
                Please find attached,        pursuant    to your request,
    a confidential full version copy of the above—referenced
    contract. It should be noted that this will be the third
    copy that Loral has submitted to the Commission.
              If there is a need for further information, I
    may be reached at (202)303—1167.
                                    Sincerely,              ?
                                    Asmez D. Rardwick
                                    Legal Assistant
    ce: Karen Henein (w/o attachment)
           Nes Your W¥asiincron Paris Lowpon Mc Rowut Proscruer Brosns

‘ConBidentat— Subject o Requex for Confidental Treximent— Notfor Pubic ospectin B0 NOT COPY

WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHERu»                                  WF&G                              1ers K Seen hw

                                                       stamipin                                 "#3% .s io

                                                   REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT
September 28, 2005
via nanp purvery                                                                 RECEIVED
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                              SEP 2 8 2005
Federal Communications Commission                                                        s
445 12® Sreet, SW TW—A325                                                    seomfiaay*
Washington, DC 20554
        Re:—   Loral Orion, Inc.(Debtor in Possession)
               Fizst Milestone Manufacturing Contract Submission
               Call Sign: $2357 (Telstar 1IN)
Dear Ms. Dortch:

Pursuant tothe Commission‘s rules, Loral Orion, Inc. (Debtor in Possession) ("Loral Orion") hereby
submits a binding, non—contingent satellte manufacturing contract and accompanying exhibits
executed between Loral Orion and Space Systems‘Loral, Inc. (Debtor in Possession) ("SS/L") for
Telstar 1IN, to be located at 37.55° W.L." Loral Orion submits two versions ofthe satelite
manufacturing contract: a redacted version for publi inspection and an unredacted version thatis
confidentia, subject tothis request for confidentia treatment.
Consistent with Commission policy, Loral Orion requests confidential treatment of the unredacted
copy ofthe satelite manufacturing contract. The unredacted satellite manufacturing contract contains
highly sensitive commercial and financial information, including details regarding amounts due,
payment terms and schedules, financial and performance incentives, technical specifications, and
unique commercial terms and conditions. The disclosure of this information likely would cause

‘ Telstar 1 1N was previously referred to as Telstar L1R. While the TL satelite was originally
Ieunched into 37.5° WLpursuant to a March 2005 coordination agreement with SES Americom,
Inc., the satelite is operated at 37.55° W.L.. A modification to the license to reflec this relocation was
granted on May 6, 2005. Policy Branch Information Actions Taken, International Bureau, 20 FCC
Red 8839 (2005). A modification to the Telstar 1 TN authorization will be sought to permit continued
operation at this revised orbital location.

                New Yors: Wanuneron. Pans: Loweow. MRout. Proourr Bivos

‘Confdental— Subjectto Reques t .onfidetal Trextment— Not o Publc nspecion uo NOT COPY
Request for Confidential Treatment
substantial financial and competitive harm to Loral Orion and S&/L, and is therefore exempted from
mandatory disclosure under Exemption 4 ofthe Freedom ofInformation Act ("FOIA®)° and section
0.457(d) of the Commission‘s rules.® The unredacted satellte manufacturing contract should be
withheld from public inspection and should not be placed in the public file.

In support of its request for confidentil treatment and pursuant to the requirements of section 0.459(b)
ofthe Commission‘s rules,‘ Loral Orion states the following:
    1. Loral Orion seeks confidential reatment ofthe unredacted copy of ts satelite manufacturing
       contract,including related exhibits, with SS/L. The unredacted contract and its exhibits contain
       trade secrets, unique and negotiated commercial erms and conditions, technical specifications,
          payment terms and schedules, and financial and performance incentives. Thisinformation has
          been redacted from the version oftcontract that is available for public inspection.. In
          addition to portions of e contract, exhibits A through E have been omitted from the public
          inspection copy.
   2.. The satelite contract is submitted pursuant to section 25.164(e) ofthe Commission‘s rules,
       which requires a satelite licensee to submit a copy of ts manufacturingcontract with the
       Commission on or before the deadline for entering into such a contract."
   3.. The stellite manufacturing contract contains trade secrets, unique and negotiated commercial
       terms and conditions, tchnical specifications, payment terms and schedules, financial and
       performance incentives, and other commercial financial and technical information that is
       customarily guarded from competitors." This information is exempt from disclosure under
       FOIA Exemption 4" and section 0.457(d) ofthe Commission‘s rules.® The satellte
       manufacturing contract details unique financial and commercial terms and conditions that have
       been negotiated extensively by the parties. It also detailsthe negotiated satellite construction
       schedule,including exhibits A through E, which provide technical specifications for
       construction, testing, and deployment ofa sophisticated, unique GSO FSS satelite. Thus, this
       information in the satelite manufacturing contrct qualifiesas a trade secret, which is defined
       as "a seeret, commercially valuable plan, formula, process,o device that is used for the
       making, preparing, compounding, or processing oftrade commodities and that can be said to be

* 5 USC § 552b)(4). See Public Citien Health Research Group v. FD4, 704 F.2d 1280, 1290—91
(p.c.cin 1983),
  a7 crR § 04570
*47 CFR §04590).
47 CR § 25.164(c). In addition, the Commission required submission ofthe satellte
manufacturing contract when it granted a November 29, 2001 modification request on September 28,
2004. Policy Branch Information Actions Taken, International Bureau, 20 FCC Red 960 (2004).
tar CrR $045700).
* s UsC § 5520)0).
*a7 CrR$04570.


Conidentat— Sabjct o Requesfo befdentalTrextment— Notfor Public Inpecton bu NOT COPY
Request for Confidential Treatment
          the end product of either innovation or substantial effort."" Neither Loral Orion nor SSA
          customarily discloses any of tinformation redacted or omited from the satellite
          manufacturing contract to competitors o to the public. Therefore, all ofthe aforementioned
          information is exempt from disclosure.
    4.. Loral Orion faces competiton from a substantial number of companies involved in or
        developing Ku—band satellite systems, along with other companies currently providing
        comparable services using other satellte frequencies. These competitors include, but are not
        Himited to, PanAmSat Corp, Intelsat, SES Americom,Inc. and New Skies Satelltes.
    5. Disclosure of the aforementioned trade secrets, unique and negotiated commercial terms and
       conditions, technical specifications, payment terms and schedules, inancial and performance
       incentives, and other commercial, financial and technical information that would customarily
       be guarded from competitorslikely would resultin substantial competitive harm to both Loral
       Orion and SSL. Release ofthis information would provide Loral Orion‘s competitors with
          commercial information developed by Loral Orion and SS/L. The contract and is exhibits
          contain detailed descriptions oft satelite‘s performance requirements and provide a roadmap
          ofLoral Orion and SS/L‘s satellite construction. Release ofthat information would provide
          competitors with valuable proprietary information at no expense, allowing competitors to
          imitate or build on Loral Orion and S8/L‘s innovations without expending funds for teir own
          research and development. Competitors could use the information disclosed to develop a
          competitive marketing strategy likely o cause harm to Loral Orion and SSAL. Furthermore,
          disclosure of Financial information contained in the contract would provide competitors with
          valusble insight as t how Loral Orion and SS structure and price satelliteprograms.
          Disclosure likely would cause SS/L to be disadvantaged in competing for future contract
          procurements by allowing competitors and potential customers to better estimate and undercut
          SSML‘s bids. Indeed, release of redacted and omitted portions ofthe satelite manufacturing
          contract would provide competitors with a "model contract" to use when soliciting SSTL‘s
          elients. It could also be used to provide other satelite manufacturers with key contractual
          provisions that they can use in tailoring competitive strategies, adversely affecting Loral Orion
       and SSML‘s future negotiating postures.
   6.. Article 28 ofthe satellite manufacturing contract contains specific provisions requiring both
       partiesto maintain the confidentiality ofproprietary information included in the contract and
       disclosed orally during discussions connected with the contract
   7. Neither Loral Orion nor SS/L customarily discloses the information redacted or omitted from
      the satelite manufacturing contract to competitors or to the public.
   8. Loral Orion requests that the unredacted copy ofthe satelite manufacturing contract and
        exhibits be considered confidential indefinitely or for ten years as consistent with Article 28 of
        the satelite manufacturing contract. Premature disclosure of the redacted and omitted

° See Public Citizen Health Research Group v. FDA, 704 F.24 1280, 1288 (D.C. Cir. 1983) (ciation


(Gontdeit~ ubjec to equst s._ofiental Trextment— Not or Publc Inspection — . NOT COPY
Request for Confidential Treatment
Page 4
        information would unfairly advantage other satelite operators and damage Loral Orion‘s
       competitive position.
    9.. Using the National Parks test, commercial, echnical, o financial data is kept confidentiaifts
        disclosure would either (1) impair the government‘s ability to obtain necessary information in
        the future, or (2) cause substantial harm to the competitive position of the person from whom
       the information was obtained."* The Commission has previously determined that the financial
       and technical data contained in a stellte manufact\n'ing contract are considered confidential
       under the second prong ofthe National Parks        tes." Disclosure of this information would
       cause the satellite operator t "lose its competitiveedge"" Loral Orion‘s satellite
       manufacturing contract containsjus such proprietary and confidential financial and technical
       information. Disclosure would cause substantial competitve injury.
To provide appropriate protection from public disclosure, the Commission should strietly limit
distribution ofthe unredacted copy of Loral Orion‘s satelite contract within the agency. Should any
person outside the Commission request disclosure ofthe unredacted copy, Loral Orion requests to be
notified immediately in order to oppose such request otake other actions as deemed necessary."
Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this submission.
Kind regards,

Phiip L. Verveer
Jennifer D. McCarthy
Karen Henein®
Counsel to Loral Orion, Inc. (Debtor in Possession)


cc: Andrea Kelly w/ enclosures (confidentil version)

* Admited onlyto the Maryland Bar. Prtiing underthsipervision ofmembers ofhe D.C. Br.

‘" Narional Parks and Conservation Association v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765, 770 (D.C. Cir. 1974).
‘" See American Satellte Company; Requestfor Inspection ofRainbow Satellte,Inc. Documents,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 1985 FCC LEXIS 3117 at 417 (1985).
‘* Please note that although the final page is not numbered in sequence, the contractas submitted is
complete as agreed to and executed by both parties.


Document Created: 2006-06-01 10:44:11
Document Modified: 2006-06-01 10:44:11

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