Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20060228-00017 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                 Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Feb 28 2006 436:44:43PM
File Number: SAT—MOD—20060228—00017
 S2460                Pas—S@ l66°E.L.
                      ree 312 MAIN FoRM FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
PAS—5 mod secking licensed authority for beam repointing (Feb 2006)
1—Legal Name ofApplicant
           Name:       PanAmSat Licensee Corp.           Phone Number:      an2—292—4300
           oua                                           Fax Number:        an—2sn—4378
           Streets    1801 K Strees NW.                  E—Maik:
                      Suite 440
           City:      Washington                         State:

           Country: usA                                  Zipeode:           20006      —
           Attention: M Kalpak S Gude Esq

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                                                              ~~ m           ©AT+op—2ncéor2t—co0n
                                           Attachment                                                  — _W\ 0 &
                                     sar—sTa—20000228—00016                  s                          4
                                                rass                             \1"\06                    ase
                                           Call Sign: 2460                     /W%
                                            April28, 2006                *         S                         —
                                              ‘gf/ua*‘mfi               Pol.aabm Cnse:
PanAmSat Licensee Corp.‘s (PanAmSat)application for Modification, IBFS File Nos, SAT—
MOD—20060228—00017,‘IS GRANTED. Accordingly, PanAmSat is authorized to re—point the
Ku—band SoutheastAsia downlink beam to New Zealand on it Fixed Satelite Service C and Ku—
band satelite, PAS—, at the 166° EL. orbitlocation, Call Sign: $2460, in the frequency band
12.25 — 12.75 GHz (space—to—Earth), The proposed change i imited to the Southeast Asia beam;
the coverage ofPAS—5‘s remaining (uplink and downlink) beams will not change. Otherthan re—
pointing the Southeast Asia downlink beam, the conditions contained in the prior authorization®
remain in effect. Accordingly, PanAmSat i authorized to operate the PAS—5 satelite at the 166°
ELorbit location in the 12.25—12.75 GHtz, 14.0—14.5 GHz, 3700—4200 MHz and 5025—6428 MHz
frequency bands in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set fort in
its application, this Attachment,the PAS—5 Conforming Order,and the Federal Communications
Commission‘s (*Commission®) Rules
1.          PanAmSat is required to obtain all necessary authorizations from each country which
            it secks to serve before beginning service to that country.
3           "To the extent necessary, we are granting PanAmSat‘s STA Request, IBFS File No:
            SAT—STA—20060228—00016," to re—pointthe Southeast Asia downlink beam to New
            Zealand on its PAS—S sateliteatthe 166 EL.for the period of 180 days and
            othervise dismissing it as moot
3           This grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘sruleson delegated
            authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately.

! The modifetion request was placed on Publc Notice on March 10, 2006. See Satelite Space
Apolications AcceptedforFling, Plicy Branch Information, Public Notie, Report No SAT—00347 (rl
March 10,2006). No comments were fled.
° OnJamary 4,2006,theCommision modifedPanAmSat‘s authriztionfothe PAS—$ satelite to
conform to the technieal prameters oftheas built in orbit stelte. See Application for Modificaton of
Authorization to Operate he PAS—5 Satelit t thethe166° degreesEL. Orbial Location, Order and
Authoriation, DA 06—6 (rl. on4, 2006) (PAS—$ Conforming Orde
* The STA request was placed on Publc Notice on March 10, 2006. See Stelite Space Applications
Accepted for iling, Policy Branch Information, Pubilc Noic, Report No. SAT—00247(re. March 10,
2006No comments were filed.
" On Febmiary 17, 2006,thPolicy Branch granted wih conditions PanAmSatrequesfor uthoty,IBFS
Pile No. SAT—STA—20060128—00009,t re—poin the Southeas Asia downlink beam to New Zealand on ts
PAS—3 satlite t the166 EL.forthperiod of 30 days commencing on Febroary 17, 200.

9—16. Name of Contact Represenuative
           Name:         JosephA. Godles, Bsq            Phone Number:                   202—420—4000
           Company:      Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                     202—420—012
           Streets       1229 19thStee,. NW              g—m                   

           City:      Washington                        State:                            pe
           Country: USA                                 Zipeote:                         2o0se—2413
           Attention: Attomey                           Relationshi                       Legal Counsel

17. Choose tbutton next to the
llassifcation that applies t hisfiling for (N/A) 1. Application forLicense of New Station
loth questions . and b. Choose only one (N/A)b2. Application for Repistration of New Domestic Receive—Only Station
for 17a and only one for 176.              & (N/A) b3. Amendment ta Pending Appliation
                                          @ (N/A) b4. Modifiation of License or Reaistation
   @ 1. Earh Sution
                                         bS. Assignment of License or Registration
   @ 32. Space Surtion                   b6. Transfe ofControl o License or Registation
                                          & (N/A) b7. Notifeation of Minor Modification
                                         (NA) b8. Application forLicense of New Receive—Only Station Using Non—U . Licensed
                                         (N/A) b9. Leterof ntent to Use Non—U.S. Liensed Satllite o Provide Service i the United
                                          & (N/A) b10. Other (Please speciy)

 17c Is a fee submited with aplication?
@ 1Yes,complete and attach FCC Form 150. IfNo, indicate reason forfee exemption (se 47 C.RR Section 1.1114).
@ GovemmentalEntity gp Noncommercialeducationl Heensce
@ Otfertplease explain):

Fee Classifeation BFY — Space Sution Modifcation(Geostationary)

18. Ifthis Aling is in reference to an   19. Ifths fling is anamendment to a endingapplication enterboth felds, ifthis fling is a
existing station, enter                  modification please enter onl thefle number
(@) Call signostation:                   (2) Date pending application was Aled:        (b) Fil number:

20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This fling is for anauthorization to provideouse tfllowing type(s) oservic(s) Selectallthat apply

E a. Fixed Satelite
D b. Mobile Stelite
D : Radiodetermination Satelite
 D d Earth Explortion Satelite
 D & Directto Home Fixed Satllte
 D f. Digial Audio Radio Service
 [—] s Other (lease specity)

21. STATUS: Choose the button next t thapplicable status. Choose   [22.IFearth ttion applicant,check allthat apply
only one.                                                          [7] Using U.S. censed satelites
ip Comnging i Momtemsneaniet                                       [C] Using No#—U.S. icensed stelites
23. f applicant is providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, weinstruction regarding Sec, 214 Miings. Choose one. Are these
& Connected toa Public Swtched Network gy Not connected t a Public Swtched Network @ NA
  24. FREQUENCY BAND®G):Place an‘X" in the box(es)nexto all applicable frequency band)
[g] a. C—Bnd (@6 GHt) g b. Ku—Band (12/14.GHe)
[C] cOther (lease specify upper and lowerfequencies in MH)
        Frequency Lower: Frequency Upper: (Please specify additonalfrequenciesin n atachment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose th button next to the class ofstation that appliesChoose only one.
 > 1.Fixed Earth Sution
 @ b. Temporary—Fixed BarthStation
 @ c. 12714 GHz VSAT Network
 @   4 Mobile Earth Suation
 @   ©. Geostationary Space Sution
 >   © Nor—Gosttionary Space Sution
 @   . Other (pleasespecify)

 & TransmivReceive       @ Transmit—Only        & Receive—Only   @ NA
"IFor Space Station applications, select NA."


27. The purposeofthis proposed modifeation is t (Place an       in the bax(es) next tall that apply)

   o        suthorization tadd new emision designator and related service
    [C] b — authorization to change emission designator and related service
    D e~ authorization t       increase EIRP and EIRP density
    [C]J 4— authorzation to replace antenna
    [CJ eauthorization to add antenna
    D F~authorization to relocatfixed station
    [CJ e — authorizationtochange frequeney(ies
    [C] h —authorization to add frequency
    0      — authoriztion o add Pointsof Communication (satelites &countris)
    [C]i—authorizationto change Points ofCommunication (satelftes & counties)
        k authorization forficifitiesforwhich environmentalassessment and
radiation hazard reporting is required
     [—] I —authorization to change orbit lcation
    [C] m —authoriationto perform flect management
    [C]a—authorization to extend milestones
    [¥] 0 — Other (Please specity)


28 Would a Commision grant ofany proposalin this aplication or amendment have a signficant environmental       gy ¥es @ No
impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.1307? IFYES, submit thestatement as required by Sections 1.1308 and 1.1311 of
the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. 1.1308 and 1.1311,as an exhibit o this application A Radlation Hazard Study
must accompany all applications for new transmiting fciltes, major modifcations,or major amendments.

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadcast, common carrier, aeronautical en route or
aeronautical fixed radio station services are not required to respond to Items 30~34.

 29. s the applicant aforeign government orthe representativof any foreign government?                         0 1= @ No

 30. s the applicantan alien orthe reprosentaiveoanalien?                                                      0 8 @ No o NA

 31. s the applicanta corporation organized underth laws ofn foreign government?                               0 8 e > o NA

 32.Isthe applicant a corporation ofwhich morethan one—fith ofthe capial stock is owned ofrecord or voted by qy Yes @ No £y N/A
 aliens or theirepresentatives or bya foreign govemment o representtivethereafor by any corporation organized
 under the lws ofa foreign county?

33. Isthe applicanta corporation drecily oindrecily controiledby any other corportionof which more than          qy Yes @ No <> N/A
one—fourth of the captal stock is wned of record or voted by atiens, thirrepresenttive, or bya foreign
govemment orepresentative thereafor by any corporation organized underthe laws ofa foreigncountry?
34, IFany answer to questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 3 is es,atach as an exhibian identfcation of the aliens or
forcign entiis, their nationalty,ther relationship to theapplicant, and the prcentage ofstock they own or ote.
35. Doesthe Applicant request any waivers or exemptionsfrom any of the Commission‘s Rules?                           oYs     @N
IfYes, attach as an exhibt,copies of the requests for waivers or exceptions with supporting documents
36. Hasthe applicant oanyparty to this applcation or amendment had any FCC station authorization orlcense            evs    oN
revoked orhad any appliation foran intnl, modifieation or renewal of ECC station authorization, lcense, or
constrction permit denied by the Commission? IfYesattach as an exhiit, an explination of eireumstances
                                                                                                                 Ques 36

37. Hasthe applican, or any party t his application or amendiment,or any party direcly or indirecly contrlling       oY     @ No
the applicant ever beenconvicted ofa felony by any state or federl court? IfYosattach as an exhibt, an
explination ofcircumstances.

38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant, oany person direcly oindirecly contollig the aplicant,             ovs    No
guilty of unlawfully monopolizing oratempting unlawfullyto monopolizeradio communication, irectly or
      eils,trough contralof manufictur orsale ofradio apparatus, exclusive triic arrangement o any other
means ounfitr methods ofcompetiion?If¥es,atach asan exhbit, an explanationocieumstances

39.Isthe applicant,or any person drecily oindiectly controlingthe applicant, urrently a patyin any pending           o vs   @ No
matter eferredtoin the preceding two items? If yes, atach asan exhinit, an explanation ofthe circumstances

40. If the aplicant is a corporation and i applying fora space sttionlicense, attach as anexhibit the names,
address, and citzenship   of those stockholders owning a record and/or voing 10 percent or more of the Filer‘s
votingstock and the percentages so held. In the case of iduciary control, indicate the beneficary(les) or class of
beneficiares. Also listthe names and addresses ofthe oficrs and diectorsofthe File.

41. By checking Yes, the undersigned cerfies, that neither applicant nor any other party to the aplicaton is        @5         oN
subject toa denialof Federal benefits hatincludes FCC benefitspursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of
 198§, 21 U.S.C. Seetion 862, becauseofa conviction forpossession or distribution afa contrlled substance. See
47 CFR 1.2002(b)for the meaning of &quotparty t the applietionquot; for these purposes.

423. Docs the applicant intend to use a non—U5.lcensed satellte to provide servie in the United States? If¥es,      qYe        @No
answer 42b and atach an exhibit providing theinformation specifed i 47 C.R. 25.137, as approprite. f No,
proceed t question 43

42b What administration has censed ori n the process of icensing the space station? f no icense willbissued, what admninstation has
coordinated ois in the process of coordinatingth space sation?

43. Descrition.(Summarice the nture of the application and the srvicestobe provided).. (Ifthe complete description docs not appearin this
fbox,please go o the and of he form to view t in ts entrety)
      Panangat Licensee Corp. herein requests a modification of its license for PAG—5 to pernit
      a change in the position of one of the spacecraft‘s downlink beans.



[The Applicant waives any clim t thuse ofany partculafrequency or of the electomagnetc spectrum asagainst the requlatory pover ofthe
United States because of the previous use of the same, whetherby license or otherwise, and requestsan authoriztion in accordance with this
application. The applicantcertifis that rant ofthisapplication would not causethe applicant tobe in violitionothespectrum agaregation limit
in 47 CFR Part 20. All satements made in exhibitsarea mateiapat hereaf and are incorporated herein s if seout in fulin this application.
|[The undersigned, individually and forthe applicant,hereby certifies thatal statements made in thisappliationand in alatached exh
frve, completeand corzectto the bst of is or her knowledge and belef, and ar made in good faith.
1. Applicant is a (an} (Choose the btton nexttoapplicable response)
 0 Individeal
 @ Unincoporated Association
 @ Parnentip
 @ Comoration
 & GovermmentaEntiy
 @ Other (pleas specify)

     5. Name of Person Signing                                         (16. Tite of Person Signing
     Kalpak Gude                                                       Associate General Counsel

                    (U.S. Code,Ti18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Ti47, Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Secion 503).


"The public reportingforthis cllection ofinformation is estimated o average 2 hours per rsponse,includingthetime for eviewing instructions,
searching existing dat sources, athering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or ow we can improve the cllecton and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Prject(3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects ofthis collection viathe Intemetifyou send them PLEASE

Remember — You arenot require to respond to a collectionoinformation sponsored by the Federal government, anthe government may not
conduct or sponsor thi collection, unlessit displays a currenty vaid OMB control number oif we fil t provide you withthis notice._This
collection has beenassigned an OMB cantrol number of 3060—0675.
1, 1995, 41 US.C. SECTION 3507.


Document Created: 2006-05-01 14:31:17
Document Modified: 2006-05-01 14:31:17

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