Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20051206-00262 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                   ~ime §07— w»%wua
                                                                                       ~ tC               6 ies
                                                                        cnsin     S2HEH            ze/6t.
                                                   |                    &                                   Approved by OMB
                                                   |                            ge¢ ts bas       Ate G:Dihess Mebabtt
Date & Time Filed: Dec 62005 2:12:                                                                    thet Slell o
File Number: SAT—MOD—20081206—00262                                             fl}.,l» é./{)fi/)v/           E"jl\("“} Zr—;_d_
                      Fee at2 MAIN FORM FoR OFFICIAL USE ONY

Entera description ofthis application to identfy it on the main menu:
G12 mo to 125.10 WL (Dec 2005) — FINAL
1—8. Leyal Name of Applicant

          Namez        PanAmSat Licensee Corp.          Phone Number:                   202—202—4300
          oBa                                           Fax Number:                     an—202—4078
          Streets      1801 K Steet. NW                 E—Mai
                       Suie 440
           Cig:        Washington                       State:                          pe
           Country:     USA                             Zipeode:                        2006      —
           Attention: Mr Kalpak S Gude Esg

                                 Conditions of Authorization
                                      January 26, 2006
    1. PanAmSat Licensee Corp.‘s application, SAT—MOD—20051206—00262 (CallSign $2422),
       18 GRANTED. Accordingly, PanAmSat Licensee Corp.‘s authorization to operate its
       GALAXY 12 geostationary—orbit fixed satelite a the 125,25° W.L. orbitlocation in the
       frequency bands 3700—1200 MHz (space—to—Earth) and 5925—6425 MHz (Eartho—space),
       18 MODIFIED to reassign GALAXY 12 to the 125.10° W.L. orbit location. Other than
       the change in orbital location, the conditions contained in the prior authorization remain
       in effectand the GALAXY 12 satelite will operate in accordance with the terms,
       conditions, and technical specifications set forth in it application, this Attachment, and
       the Federal Communications Commission‘s (*Commission") Rules
   2.. PanAmSat Licensee Corp.shall prepare the necessary information,as may be required,
       for submission to the ITU to initate and complete the advance publication,international
       coordination, duediigence, and notification process ofthis space station,in accordance
       with the ITU Radio Regulations. PanAmSat Licensee Corp. shall be held responsible for
       all costrecovery feesassociated with these TT flings. We also note that no protection
       from interference caused by radio stations authorized by other administrations is
       guaranteed unless coordination and notifcation procedures are timely completed or, with
       respect o individual administations, by successfully completing coordination
       agreements. Any radio station authorization for which coordination has not been
       completed may be subject to additional terms and conditions as required toeffect
       coordination of hefrequency assignments of other administrtions. See 47 CER. §
   3.. PanAmSat Licensee Corp. is afforded thiry days from the date of release othis grant
       and authorization to declinethis authorization as conditioned. Failure to espond within
       this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization as conditioned.
   4.. This grant iissued pursuiant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘srules on delegated
       authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petiions for reconsideration
       under Section 1.106 or applicationsfor eview under Section 1.115 of the Commissions
       rules, 47 CER. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days ofthe date ofthe public
       noticeindicating thatthis action was taken.

‘ IBFS File Number SAT—LOA—20000929—00136 (Call Sign $2422)as amended by SAT—AMD—
20021 107—00203, and later modified by SAT—MOD—20050815—00159.

5—16. Name of Contat Represcntative

          Name:       JosephA. Godles,Esg               Phone Number:                     2m—129—4900
          Companys    Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Numbers                         200—429—4912
          Streets      1229 19th Steet NW               E—Mail:                 

          City:        Washington                       Stat                               pe
          Country:     USA                              Zipeode:                          20036—2413
          Attention: Attomey                            Relationship:                      Legal Counsel

17. Choose the btton next tohe
lelassifation that applis to this ting for (NA) . Application for License of New Sution
both questiona and b Choose only one (N/A) b2. Applicationfor Registation of New Domestic Receive—Only Sution
for 17a and only onefor 170.                & (N/A) 13. Amendment to a Pending Application
   ( a1. Eath Sution                        @ (N/A) b4. Modifictionof License or Registation
                                           bS. Assignment of License or Registration
   @ ©2. Space Sution                      6. Tranferof Contrl of License or Registation
                                            ( (N/A) b7. Notification of Minor Modifiation
                                           (NA) b& Applicationfor License of New Receive—Only Sttion Using Non—U.S. Licensed
                                            (N/A) 9. Leterof ntent to Use Non—U.S. Licensed Sateit toProvide Servicein the United
                                            & (NA)b10. Other (Pleas speciy)

 T7e.Isa fee submited withths applicaton?
@ 1¥es,complete and atiach FCC Form 159. If No,indlatereason fofee exemption (see 47 C.RRSection 1.1114).
£ GovernmentalEntity gy Noncommercial educational icensce
@ Othertplease cplain):

Free Classifiation BFY — Space Sution Modifiation(Geostationary)

18. If this filing is i reference t an   19. If hisiling an amendment t a pending applicationeterboth ields,ifthisfing i
existing staion,ener                     modifiction please emter only thfile number:
(@) Callsign of strion:                  (@Date pending application was fled:        () File number

20. NiTuRE oF SERVICE: This      mg is foran authoriation to provide or use thefllowing Ype(s)ofservices)Selet l that apply:
     a. Fied Sutelite
 [C]® Mobile Selite
 [C] ©Radiodetermination Stelite
 [C] 4 Bath BuplonaionSatllte
 [—] c Direct o Home Fixed Satelte
 [] £Disital Audio RadioService
 [7] s Other (nlease specity)

21. STATUS: Choos the btton next t the applicable satus. Choose   22. f earth stion applicant,check all haapply
only one.                                                         [—] Using U.S. censed stelites
 gp Common Carrer @ Non—Common Canier                             [C] Using Non—U.S. censed stelites
23. Ifapplicant is providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER servic, see instritions reparding Sec, 214 flings. Chooseone. Arethese
@ Conneeted toa Public Switched Network gy Not connected o PublSwitched Network @ N/A
  24. FREQUENCY BAND®: Place an ‘Xin the boxtes) next to all aplicable frequency bando)
      C—Band (4/6 GHe) [C]J b.Ku—Band (12M4 i)
[C] Other(Please specify upperand lowerfrequencies in MHz)
       Frequency Lower: Frequency Upper: (Please specify additionalfequenciesin n atichment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choosethe btton next to theclass of sation thatapples. Choose onl one
 &    a.Fixed Eath Station
 (    b. Temporiy—Fixed BarthStation
 @    0. 12714 GHte VSAT Nework
 (5   0. Mobile Earth Sution
 @    c Gcostationary Space Sution
 &    . Non—Geosttionary Space Station
 @    #. Other(lease specity)

6. TyPE or Eagmn sTaION FACITY
@ TransmitvReceive gp Transmit—Only gy Receive—Only           e NA
"For Space Station applications,select NYA."


27. The purpose of this proposed modifation is o: (Plac an ‘X"in the box(es)next to all that apply)

   [C]J a —authoriation to add new emission designator and related service
    g* suthoriztion to change emission designato and related service
             authorizatio to increase EIRP and EIRP density
              authorization to replace antemna
             authorization to add antemna
             suthorizationto relocae fixed stition
              authorization to change frequencyies)
            — authorization toadd frequency
             authorization to add Points of Communication (stelites & countics)
     [C] i —suthoriation to change Points of Communication (stelites &countics)
          k — authorizationforficiftiesfor whichenvironmental assessment and
radiation hazard reporting is required
     [x] —authoriztionto change orbit lcation
     [C] h —aithorization to perform flect management
     [C] n —suttoriztion t extend milestones
     [C] 0 — Other (Please specify)


 28. Would a Commission grant of any proposalin this appliationor amendment have a signifcant envronmental.   gy ¥es @p No
 impactasdefined by 47 CFR 113079 If YBS, submitthe statement as required by Sections1.1308 and 1.1311 of
 the Commission‘s riles, 47 C.ER11308 and 1.1311,asanextibtto this aplication A Radiation Hazard Study
 must accompany all aplicationsfor new transmiting facilties, major modlfations, or majoramendments

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadcast, common carrier,aeronautical en route or
aeronautical fixed radio station services are not required to respond to Items 30—34

 29, s the applican freign government o threpresetative of any foreign government?                            0 18 @ No

 30. Isthe applicant an alien ortherepresentativeof anaien?                                                   0 18 @ No o NA

 31. I the applicnt a corporaton ontanized under thlws oany forsign government?                               0 Yes @ No o NA

 32. s the applicana corporation of which morethan one—fith ofthe capia stock is owned ofrecord or voted by gy Yes @ No @» NA
 aliens or ther representaives or by a foreign government orrepresentative thereaf or by any corportion orpanized
 uundethe laws ofa foreign country?

33. s thapplicana corporation direcly orindireely contraled by any other corporation of which more than            gy Yes @ No «y N/A
one—fourth ofthe capitl stock is owned ofrecord ovated byaliens,their representtives, or by a foreign
govermment orrepresentativethereaf or by any corporation organized under the laws ofa foreign country?

34. If any answertoquestions 29,30, 31, 32 and/or 33 is Yes, atach as an exhibit an identifcation of thaliens or
foreign entiestheir nationalty,thirrelationship t th applicant, and the preentage of stock they own or vore.


35, Doesthe Applicant request any waivers or exemptions rom any ofthe Commission‘s Rules?                              qs     oN
1f Yesattach asan exhibicopies of therequestsfor walversor exceptions with supporting documents

36. Has thapplicantorany party to this aplication or amendment had any FCC station authorization or lcense             es     oN
revoked ohad any appliation for an i; modification or eneval of FCC station authorization, lcense,or
construction permit denied bythe Commission? If ¥es,attach asanextibit, an explination of circumstances.
                                                                                                                   Ques 36

37. Has th applicant,orany party to this application oramendment,orany partydiecly or indirecly conroling         o is   e Ne
the applicantever en comvited ofa felony by any stateor federal court? If Yes, attach as an exhibi, an
explination of circumstances

38. Has any court finally adjudged theapplicant, oany person drectly oindirecty contrllig the applicant.          o vs   @ No
guily of unlawfully monopolizingoattemptig untawfull to monopolice radio communication,drectly or
indirectlythrough contrl of manifacture or sae of radio apparatus, exclusive taffic amangementorany other
means ounfaimethods of competition®lf Yesatiach as an exhibit, anexplanation of circumstances

39. s thapplicant, or any person direcly orintiretly contrailing the applicant,curenty a patyin any pending       s      @le
mater refered o n the preceding two iems? If yesatach asan exhint, anexplanation of the circumstances.

40. If the applicant is a corporation and is applyingfor a space sttion leense,attach asan exhibithe names,
address, ind citzenship of thosestackholdersowning arecard and/orvoting 10 percentormore of the Filer‘s
voting stock and the percentages so held. In thecase offiduciary cantrol, indicate the benefciaryiesor class of
beneficiarie. Als istthe names and addresses ofthe ofices and directos of th Filer

41. By checking Yesthe undersigned certifes, hatnether aplcant or any othe party tth application is               es         oN
subject a denialof Feder! benefits thatincludes RCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drig Actof
194, 21 U.5.C. Seetion 862, because ofa comvitionforpossesion oditrbation ofa contrlled substance. See
47 CFR 1.2002(b) forthe meaning of &quotpart tothe application@iquatforthese purposes

422. Does the applcant itend to use a non—U.. lcensed satlfite to provideservie in the United Sares? If Yos       o5         N
answer 42b and atach anexhibit providing the information specifed in 47 C.ER, 25.137,asapproprite. If No,
proceed to quesion43.

42b, Whatadministation has lcensed or i n the process of lcensing the space sttion?If no Teense willbisued. what adininistration has
coordinated oris in theprocess of cootiating the spacestation?

[3 Descripton. (Gummarize th natureof the aplication and tservicestobe provided). (Hf he complete descrption does nt appear in this
bos, please go o the end o th form tovew it n is entrety)
    Aplicant herein seeks modification of its authorization to operate its Galaxy 12
    spacecraft from 125.10 io.


[The Applicant waives any clim to the use of any paticular frequency oofthelecromagnetic spctrum as against the regulatory power f the
[United States because ofthe previous use of the same, whether by icense oothervise, and requestsan authorization n accordance withthis
applicationThe applicantcenfis thatrant of this applcation would not causethe applicant tobe in violationof thespectrum azregation it
in 47 CFR Part 20. All strements made in exhibts are a materialprthereof anareincorporated herein asif seout ifll n this appliction:
‘The undersigned.individually and fothe applican, hereby cefi that alstatements made in thi applcation and in all attached exhibtsare
Ime, complete and correttothe best of is or her knowledgeand belif,and are made in good fith.
4. Applicant is a (any (Choose the btton next to applicable response.)
 g    Individual
 @5   Unincorporated Associaion
 @    Partnership
 @    Comontion
 @    Governmental Entty
 @5   Other(lease specify)

      5. Name of Person Signing                                          6. Twie of Person Signing
      Kalpak Gude                                                        Associte General Counsel

                     (U.S. Code, Tite 18,Setion 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Te 47, Setion 312G)(1)AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.5. Code, Tite 47, Section 503)


ree Nomick requiken By THE rAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The public reporingfor this collection oinformation is estimated to average 2 hours peresponse, includingthe time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing datasources, athering and maintaningthe required data, and completingand reviewing the collectionof nformation. If you
have any comments on this burden esimate, or how we canimprove the colection and reduce the burden it causes you, lease write to the
Federl Communications Commission, AMD~PERM; Paperwork Reduction Proect (3060—0678),Washington, DC 20554. We will lso accept
your comments regardingthe Paperork Reduction Act aspectsofthis callection via theInterctifyou send them to Jboley @fcegov. PLEASE
bo Nor sENp comPLtip FoRMS To THIs AbrESs.
Remember — You arenorequired to respond to a collction o information sponsored by the Federal government, and the govemment may not
conduet osponsor this colletionunles it displays a currently valid OMcontol number or if wfailto provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.
1, 1995, 44 US.C. SECTION 3507.


 reoare                                  rebera communications commssion                             Page 1: General,
 Scheduies                              sateure seace staion AuthoRizations                          Frequency Bands,
                                           (Technical and Operational Descrition)                    an aso omat
on aenervs nrornow consine ratwoite
o Sm BetorrSacmeremcn ane           reammmnaresmntec                        fiire w mt en ie Gomen ttm
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                                            dn K

IReason or savin e sancon (Onroun

                                                rebena communications commssion
                                              satezure seace srarion autontzations
                                     ECC Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Technical and Operational Description)
s« onerrac nrommnon ron nowacostanowy serewutes ony
     Sta. TouNurberot Satitas n Nawocor Sm                      St: utniaAelomnce B(tarh Sin, Moon, ac)
     5toToNumber t Ortal Paros in NawotcorStan:                 sis on Erecn Oe
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                                            rebera communications commssion                        Page 2: Service Arcas
                                          sarevure space station autontzamions
                                FGC Form 312 — Schadule 5: (Technical and Operational Description)
se.ervice Aneh cHamacrerisn8 ornch sc e povie
wenteme epeau Ee                         [maie Dervin rece mopant sas pae maone V5emant meserrersie a
    s        sEreme        Ilume (oxr¥in btvca mabopen

                                               reberacommunications commssion                        Page Antorns Beams
                                             satezuire seace sration aurHonizations
                                    FCG Form 312 — Schodule S(Technical and Operational Doscription)
ar. serce stamion antems nA CHARAGTERGNSFo ach ies boan orde
 a 18 |=eares _8               [.9.— 1#                        n             Tass:                    :
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                                              on                       c             Emiesdicaie:

                                         reberacommunications conmssion                       Page 5: Beam Diagams
                                       satetuire seace stamion authontzations
                              FGG Form 312 Schedule S(Technical and Operational Descrition)
 ce anrenna BEA O1AGRANSFo ench bean satermovde h eunnce ousc mageand rumarca un
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          wsere |wonee
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                                            reperaL communications commssion                          Page 6: Channat
                                          sarevure seace station authontzations                       Transponders
                                 FGC Form 312 — Schadule S:(echnical and Oporational Description)
Sn SPAGE STATIONGHANNELSForoach ewarc ramral rova.— 10.SPAGE STATION TRATPONDERS Foreach ramponter wonte
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                                           satevure space station authonizamions
                                 FGG Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Technical and Operational Description)
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                                             rebera conmunications conmssioN                    Page 8:Analog Modubation
                                          sarevure space station aurhonizations
                                ECC Form 312 — Schadule 5: (Technical n Operational Descrption)
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                                     revera communications commssion
                                   sateuire space station authontzations
                          FGC Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Technicaland Operational Description)
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                                              rebena. communications commssion                             Page 10: TT and
                                            sateure space station aurhonizations
                                   FGG Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Technical and Operational Description)
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                                      FGG Form 312 — Schedule 5: (Technical and Operational Doscri             Ceniications
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i                                                    Commisuons crn gasie

                           Engineering Statement

PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (*PanAmSat") proposes to operate its Galaxy 12
spacecraft from 125.10° WL. Galaxy 12 will utilize the 5925 — 6425 MHz
and 3700 — 4200 MHz frequency bands.
Galaxy 12 was originally licensed in March 2003 to operate from 74° WL
(RCC File Nos: SAT—LOA—20000929—00136 & SAT—AMD—20021107—
00203). In March 2004, the Commission granted PanAmSat Special
Temporary Authority to relocate Galaxy 12 to 125.25°WL [See FCC File
No.: SAT—STA—20031224—00366]. Subsequently, in December 2004, the
Commission granted PanAmSat Special Temporary Authority to relocate
Galaxy 12 from 125.25° WL to 125.05° WL [See FCC File No.: SAT—STA—
20041208—00216]. The spacecraft currently operates from 125.05° WL.

In October 2005, the Commission granted PanAmSat‘s license modification
application, which had requested authority to relocate Galaxy 12 to 125.25°
WL following the successful launch and operation of Galaxy 14 [See FCC
File No.: SAT—MOD—20050815—00159]. PanAmSat had intended to operate
Galaxy 12 at 125.25° W.L. to serve as an in—orbit back—up for the western
edge of the U.S. arc. Shortly before PanAmSat‘s license modification
application was granted, however,           a determination was made to
decommission SBS—4, which had been located at 124.95° W.L. This
determination meant that PanAmSat would have additional stationkeeping
flexibility, because it would only be operating two satellites in the vicinity of
125° WL (ie, Galaxy 12 and Galaxy 14) rather than three satellites (%e,
SBS—4, Galaxy 12 and Galaxy 14).. Following an evaluation ofits options,
PanAmSat determined. that it could optimize stationkeeping by locating
Galaxy 12 at 125.10° WL and Galaxy 14 at 125.0° WL. Accordingly,
PanAmSat proposes herein to operate Galaxy 12 from 125.10° WL.
(PanAmSat is filing a separate modification application secking authority to
operate Galaxy 14 from 125.0° WL.)
To take the impact of this proposed change in orbital location into account,
this engineering statement updates, as appropriate, the following technical
information that PanAmSat had previously submitted (for the 125.25° WL
orbital location): (1) gain contours, (2) PFD levels and (3) link budget and
interference analysis.

                                  Page 1 of5

The coverage pattems for Galaxy 12 operating from the 125.25° WL orbital
location were previously submitted in SAT—MOD—20050815—00159. The
coverage pattems for Galaxy 12 operating from the proposed 125.10° WL
orbital location are the same as those contained in SAT—MOD—20050815—
00159. Changing the proposed orbital location from 125.25° WIL to 125.10°
WIL will produce no visible change in the gain contours.— Accordingly, no
new beam gain contours are being submitted.
Power Flux Density Levels
The power flux density ("PFD®) levels at the Earth‘s surface produced by
Galaxy 12 operating from the proposed 125.10° WL orbital location are
presented in Exhibit 1.
Link Budget and Interference Analysis
The operational co—frequency satellites nearest to the proposed 125.10° WL
orbital location are Galaxy 108, located at 123° WL, and Galaxy 13, located
at 127° WL. Galaxy 10R and Galaxy 13 are licensed to PanAmSat. The
operating parameters of Galaxy 10R and Galaxy 13 are specified in FCC
FileNos._SAT—LOA—19990518—00054 and. SAT—LOA—19991207—00118
(SAT—AMD—20030228—00020), respectively.
An earth station receiving transmissions from Galaxy 10R and having
antenna off—axis gain characteristics that are in compliance with Section
25.209(a)(1) of the FCC Rules would have an off—axis gain of 20.2 dBi in
the direction of Galaxy 12 operating from 125.25° WL.. With Galaxy 12
operating from 125.10° WL, the off—axis gain of the receiving earth station
would be 20.9 dBi. Hence there would be a resulting increase in the off—axis
gain of the earth station antenna of 0.7 dB. Such an increase in the off—axis
gain will not significantly change the interference environment of Galaxy
10R receiving earth stations. Similarly, the potential for interference from
Galaxy 10R transmissions into Galaxy 12 receive earth stations would be
substantially unchanged (0.7 dB variation).

With respect to an earth station receiving transmissions from Galaxy 13, the
off—axis antenna gain of the receiving antenna would be reduced from 22.9
dBi to 22.0 dBi — a decrease of 0.9 dB. Such a decrease in the off—axis gain
of the Galaxy 13 receive earth station will not significantly change the
interference environment of Galaxy 13 receiving earth stations. Similarly,

                                Page 2 of 5

the potential for interference from Galaxy 13 transmissions into Galaxy 12
receiving earth stations would be substantially unchanged (0.9 dB variation).
Given that the proposed relocation of Galaxy 12 would not result in any
significant change to the interference environment as it pertains to Galaxy
12, Galaxy 10R and Galaxy 13, no link budget analysis is provided herein.
In any case, given that Galaxy 10R, Galaxy 13 and Galaxy 12 are all
Hicensed to PanAmSat, in the unlikely event that Galaxy 12 operating from
125.10° WL were to adversely affect the transmissions from Galaxy 10R
and/or Galaxy 13, PanAmSat would take appropriate actions to resolve the
matter through internal coordination.

Schedule S Submission
PanAmSat is providing a Schedule S with its application.. The Schedule S
contains only: (1) those Galaxy 12 data items that have changed from those
that were shown in the Schedule S for SAT—MOD—20050812—00159; and
(2) data items whose inclusion was required in order for the software
application to function properly. The Schedule S does not, however, contain
a link analysis for Galaxy 12 at the 125.10° WL orbital location, because
there would be no significant change in the Galaxy 12 links from this
location as compared to those associated with 125.25° WL, which were
provided in SAT—MOD—20050815—00159. Additionally, no contour gain
pattems have been included in the Schedule S since there is no significant
change from the coverage pattems already provided for Galaxy 12 (at
125.25° WL) in SAT—MOD—20050815—00159.

                                Page 3 of 5

                          Certification Statement

1 hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person and am familiar with
Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations. The contents of this
engineering statement were prepared by me or under my direct supervision
and to the best of my knowledge are complete and accurate.

    /s/ Abdolmajid Khalilzadeh                     December 2, 2005
      Abdolmajid Khalitzadeh                            Date
       PanAmSat Corporation
Senior Manager, Asset Enginecring

                                Page 4 of 5


Digital Carrier
Hevaton Angle Gegres            s          s        o         s     [[    3     %
Asimed EIRP @aBw)              ar        aro|      ar        us uz[ ar| mz
Spreating loss dBim‘)          Ne|       Te3      12|       ieo ies ies Te
Maximum PPD Bm‘akite           ass      cisne     sns       ciare cisrs c1srd —Ise6
(30.133 Mite Digial Carien
PrD Limidamalito               ce        ce       css        on ces ce( ce

AnalogTV Carrie
Hlevaton Angle Gegreco)    o               s        u         B     ®    Ts  |—%
Assumed EIRP (dBW)        sn            is         a7        ar    a7 a7 a7
Spreating loss (Bm‘)      164            163|     1e2       io     ts leas Nea
Maumm PFD Bmit            se            ciszo"|   cans      cana   c12 ~anul n
(%6Mitz Analog TV Mc EDS)
PrD Lini(diin‘kito        ce             ce       css        oa7   aas ce ce
* Theearethmaximum EIRP vauesat 0and 5 fora bampesk BIRP of3 7 dBW. Trerefor, for
"TV/EM cariens the EIRP would haveto be reduced by0.5 B from ts maximum of442 dBW.

rrec omnn
Elevaton Angle deareeo)         o         s        o         s   ®       s   s
Assimed HIRP (aiw)             sa        se        sa        sa  se      is  5s
Spreading lossm‘)             ied       1e3       62        ina ies     ies en
Maximum PFD m akito           iss       —nsa      —nsa      —sa «ns |   nse "rea
(@50kite Digial Carien
TED Lini(dBmwaktto            ae|        e        cans      on |s       ce ce

Elevaton Angl Gegreeo)           o        s         to        5—    ®—~T~3~    %
Assumed EIRP (dW)               is       is        4s         is    4s    4s   as
Spreatinloss diim‘)            lea      Tma       12         1mo ts Toas Toa
Maximum PFD (Bim it           "1res     —rea      —irea     —1mea —1re.| »Ie0 —ms2
PD Limi(diin‘ito               ce        ce       ces        o7 ce ce e

TT&C (Refecton
Hlevation Angle degreeo)         o         s         u        B3          3    T#
Assmed EIRP (dBW)               z0        zo        2o        2|z         2|   z0
Spreating loss dBim‘)          fea       Te3       162      Teo Tes 1e3 To
Maximum PPD @Bim‘Akito        miera     cler2"    ~ler2"|   ~l6L0 "1609 —1608 1000
(250kite Digial Carien
PrD Lini(dam‘aiito             me|       ce       ns         c| d o e

                                      Page 5 of 5

               PanAmSat Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan

PanAmSatis proactive in ensuring safe operation and disposalothis and all spaceeraft
under iss control. The four elements of debris mitigation are addressed below:
Spacecraft Hardware Design: The spacecraftis designed such that no debriswill be
released during normal operations. PanAmSat has assessed the probability ofcollisions
with meteoroids and other small debris (<1 em in diameter) and has taken the following
steps t limit the effects of such callsions: (1) eriical spaceeraft components are located
inside the protective body ofthe spacecraft and properly shielded: and (2) all spacecraft
subsystems have redundant components to ensure no single—point failures. The
spacecraft does not use any subsystems for end—of—lif disposal that are not used for
normal operations.
Minimizing Accidental Explosions: PanAmSat has assessed the probability ofaccidental
explosions during and after completion of mission operations. The spaceeraftis designed
in a manner to minimize the potentialfosuch explosions. Propellanttanks and thrusters
are isolated using redundant valves and electrical power systems are shielded in
accordance with standard industry practices. At the completion ofthe mission, and upon
disposal oftspacecraft, PanAmSat will ensure the removal ofallstored cnergy on the
spacecraft by depleting all propellant tanks, venting all pressurized systems, isolating the
batteriesfrom the spaceczaft bus, and tuming offall active units.
Safe Flight Profiles: PanAmSat has assessed and limited the probability ofthe space
station becoming a source of debris s a result ofcollsions with lrge debris or other
operational space stations. Except as stated below, Galaxy 12 will not be located atthe
same orbital location as another satellte orat an orbita location that has an overlapping
stationkeeping volume with another satelite.
"The proposed orbitallocation for Galaxy 12 is 125.10° W.L. and PanAmSatis filing a
modification application proposing t locate Galaxy 14 at 125° W.L. PanAmSat will
coordinate the stationkecping ofestwo satelites, which will have tangent — but not
overlapping —stationkeeping volumes. SES Americom has been authorized to launch
and operate AMC—21 at 125° W.L. PanAmSat will coordinate with SEAmericom with
respect to thstationkecping of PanAmSat‘s satelites and the stationkeeping ofAMC—21.
PanAmSatis not aware ofany other FCC licensed system, or any other system applied
for and under consideration by the FCC, having an overlapping stationkeeping volume
with Galaxy 12. PanAmSat also is not aware of any system having an overlapping
stationkeeping volume with Galaxy 12 that is thsubject ofan ITU filing and that is
cither n orbit oprogressing towards launch.

Post—Mission Disposal: At the end ofthe mission, PanAmSat willdispose ofthe
spaceeraft by moving it to a minimum altiude of 300 km above the GEO arc. This
exceeds the minimum altitude established by the IADC formula. PanAmSat has reserved
5.4 kg of fuel for this purpose. TThe reserved fuel figure was determined by the spaceeraft
manufacturer and provided for in the propellant budget. To calculate this figure, the
manufacturer used the "rocket equation," «.it plugged in the expected mass ofhe
satelite at end oflif and the required delis—velocity to achieve the desired orbit
PanAmSat has assessed fuel gauging uncertainty and has provided an adequate margin of
ffrl reserve to address the assessed uncertaity in remaining propellant
In calculating the disposalorbi, PanAmSat has used simplifying assumptions as
permited under the Commission‘s Orbital Debris Report and Order. For reference, the
effective area to mass ratios (Cr*A/M ofthe spacecraf in PanAmSat‘s fleet are all less
than or equal t 0.04198, resultig in a minimum perigec disposalatiude under the
IADC formula ofat most 277.0 km above GEO, whichis lower than the 300 km above
GBO disposalatitide specified by PanAmSatin thi fling.

                                                          PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
                                                                   ECC Form 312
                                                                        Exhibit B
                                                                       Page 1 of 1
                                     Exhibit B
                              Response to Item 36
                       Regarding Cancelled Authorizations
      PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmat") never has had an FCC license
"revoked." However, on June 26, 2000,the International Bureau "cancelled"" two
Ka—band satellite authorizations issued to PanAmSat, based on the Bureau‘s
finding that PanAmSat LC had not satisfied applicable construction milestones.
See In re PanAmSat Licensee Cory., Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00—1266,
15 FCC Red 18720 (IB 2000). in that same order, the Bureau denied related
applications to modify the cancelled authorizations. PanAmSat filed an
application for review of the Bureau‘s decision, which the Commission denied,
and subsequentlfiled an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit, which. was dismissed in January 2003 at
PanAmSat‘s request. Notwithstanding the fact that the Bureau‘s action does not
seem to be the kind of revocation action contemplated by question 36, PanAmSat
is herein making note of the decision in the interests of absolute candor and out
of an abundance of caution.
       In any event,the Bureau‘s action with respect to PanAmSat does not
reflect on its basic qualifications, which are well—established and a matter of
public record.

Document Created: 2006-01-26 16:59:06
Document Modified: 2006-01-26 16:59:06

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