Attachment notification





This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20051020-00204 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                     RECEIVED                         Jennifer D. Hindin
1776 K SlREEl NW
                              1   July 10, 2006                                                                       202.719.4975
PHONE     202.719.7000        I                                                        JUL 1 0 2006         
FAX       202.719.7049
                                                                                Metal Communicatioiis Commissror.
Virqinia Office                   Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                         Office of Secret-uy
7025 JONES BFANCH D R I V E       Federal Communications Commission
SUITE 6200
                                  445 12th Street, SW
MtLEAN, VA 22102
PHONE 703.905.2800                Washington, DC 20554
FAX       703.905.2820
                                  Re:      PanAniSat Licensee Corp., Notification of Transfer of Control for Various
                                           Pending Applicalions, File Nos. SAT-MOD-20005 1020-00204, SAT-
                                           MOD-20060303-0001 9, SAT-STA-20005 1020-00205, SAT-STA-
                                           20060627-00070, SAT-STA-20060628-007 1, SAT-STA-20060628-00072,
                                           SES-L1C-20060526-00904, SES-STA-20060629-01089

                                  Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                  PanAiiiSat Licensee Coip. (“PanAmSat”), by its attorneys, files this letter pursuant
                                  to Section I .65 of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission
                                  (“Conimission” or “FCC”)] to notify the Commission that control of the applicant in
                                  each of the FCC applications listed in Attachment 1 was transferred to Intelsat
                                  Holdings, Ltd. effective July 3, 2006.* PanAmSat respectfully requests that this
                                  notification be included in the file for each of the FCC applications. The
                                  Commission has previously held, in its Fi73f Space Stario~zReform Order, that
                                  o\vnership changes arising from transfers of control would be classified as minor
                                  anie~idments.~  Accordingly, the instant amendment is minor, and the referenced
                                  application need not go back on public notice as a result of this amendment.

                                  Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                             47 C.F.R. 5 1.65.
                                             Cotisreliatio~i,LLC, Car-ljde PunAniSut I , LLC, Carlyle PanAniSat II, LLC, PEP PAS, LLC,
                                   arid PEOP PAS, LCC, Traiisfer-or-sarid Iritelsut Holdings, Ltd., Transferee, Consolidated Application
                                  f o r Aurhoritj. 10 Trans@ Control ofPunAniSut Licensee Corp. and PanAniSar 14-2Licensee Corp.,
                                   Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 06-85,B 79 (rel. June 19, 2006).
                                             An~er~dr~~erirof the Coruiiiission ’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report
                                   and Order and Further Kotice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Rcd 10760, 10814 (2003).

Marlene H. Dortcli
July 10, 2006
Page 2

                              Attachment 1

        1 1CEN s1: E        FILE NUMBER          SATELLITE1 LOCATION
                                                 CALL SIGN

    Licensee C o y .                               S2704
    Pan A m Sat                                   PAS-9 I    26.1 5 E.L.
                       SAT-STA-20060628-0007 1     S2704
    Licensee Coip.
    Pan A m Sat                                   Galaxy 9   90.9 W.L.
                       SAT-STA-2006062 8-00072     S2 146
    Licensee Corp.
    Pan Am Sat                                                  NIA
                       SES-LIC-20060526-00904     E060 198
    Licensee Coip.
    Pan Am Sa t                                                 NIA
                       SES-STA-20060629-0 1089    E060 198
    Licensee Corp.

Document Created: 2006-07-11 11:35:24
Document Modified: 2006-07-11 11:35:24

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