Attachment LETTER


LETTER submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20051020-00204 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                       May 11, 2006

Joseph A. Godles
Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright
1229 19" Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036—2413
Re:     PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Application for License Modification or, in the
        Alternative, Request for Special Temporary Authority
        IBRS File Nos.SAT—MOD—20051020—00204; SAT—STA—20051020—00205
Dear Mr. Godles:

        On October 20, 2005, PanAmSat Licensce Corp. (PanAmSat)filedapplications to
modify the license of the SBS—6 spacecrafl by extending the license term by five years or,
in the alternative, to request special temporary authority (STA) to operate the SBS—6
spacecraftfor a period of 180 days afte the license ofthe SBS—6 spacecraft expires. The
current license term for the $BS—6 spacecraft expired on November 1, 2005.      Both
applications are currently pending before the Satellte Division.
        In orderto determine whether these extension requests serve the public interest,
we require additional information about the operations and post—mission disposal plans of
the SBS—6 spacecraft. Specifically, we request PanAmSat to supply within 30 days ofthe
date ofthis letter the following information:
       (1)     the intended disposal altitude that will be used at end of life for the SBS—6
        (2) the amount offuel,in kilograms, thatisintended to be reserved to
accomplish the intended disposal altitude, as well as the methodology used to derive that
quantity, including the methods used to determine and address fuel gauging uncertainty;
        (3) the amount of fuel,in kilograms, that is currently estimated to be available
to the SBS—6 spacecraft;
       (4)     whether the SBS—6 spacecraft has experienced any in—orbit anomalies in
comnection with is electrical or propulsion systems that could cause loss of control of the
spacceraft and prevent post—mission disposal;

       (5) whether stored energy will be removed at the spacecraft‘s end of life, by
depleting residual fuel and leaving all fuel line valves open, venting any pressurized
system, leaving all bateries in a permanent discharge state, and removing any remaining
source of stored energy, or through other equivalent procedures.
        In addition, we seck confirmation whether the SBS—6 spacecraft will be
maintained within +0.05 degrees ofit assigned orbitallongitude in the east—west
direction during the remainder of ts operational life, as required by Section 25.210() of
the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.210().
       In preparing your response to thisleter, you may wish to consult the Public
Notice of October 13, 2005, entitled "Disclosure ofOrbital Debris Mitigation Plans,
Including Amendment of Pending Applications.""
       Please do not hesitate to contact Karl Kensinger (418—0773) or Stephen Duall
(418—1103) ofmy staffif you have any questions regarding this ltter.

                                        Robert G. Nelson
                                        Satelite Division

‘ Publ Notic, DA 0§—2698, SPB Report No. SPB—112 (October 13, 2008).

Document Created: 2006-05-11 10:27:57
Document Modified: 2006-05-11 10:27:57

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