Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20051014-00200 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                      Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Oct 14 2005 $30:12:006PM
File Number: SAT—MOD—20081014—00200
Cal\ Siqns; S 2676                                      stegont c2 © 70 uo.L.
   CC APrLTATIoN For SPACE AND EARTH STATION:MOD oR AVb — NAIN FORM                         PCUse Only

                     ce 312 MAiN FoRM FoR OFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application toidentify it on the main menu:
Modification to Permited Space Station List Declaratory Ruling for Star One C2 Satelliteat 70 W.L.
1—8 Legal Name ofApplicant
          Name:       SuarOneSA.                       Phone Number:                   ssaizizi0126
          pBa                                          Fax Number:                     ssarieioo
          Streets     Prain de Botafogo 228,30.and     E—Mail:                br
                      PRio de Janciro
          City:                                        State:
          Country: Brzil                               Zipeode:                            —
          Attention: MLuiz Prates

           Sce Mso S6T— AinD—zcosiiis— corz3                                                              m » S6T— MBD—20851G¢—Sm
                                                                                                          c          $267€ onntDue 51“ o5
                                                                                                      |              renieq
                                                                                                      I                       TemDi

                                                                                 uyconarious                  Poli        Brasch Ch‘z%

                      IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—20051014—00200 and
                                      April 20, 2006

Pursuantto Sections 303(), 308, 309, and 310 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 303(308, 309, 310, and Sections 0.261 and 25.137(c)of
Federal Communication Commission (Commission) rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.261, 25.137(c),
Star One SA‘s (Star One) request, IBFS File No. SAT—MOD—20051014—00200, as
amended by SAT—AMD—20051 118—00223, for modification of ts entry‘ on the
Commission‘s Permitted Space Station List(Permitted List) for the Star One C2 satellite
(Call Sign $2678) atthe 70° W.L. orbital location is GRANTED. Specifically, we
modify Star One C2‘s entry on the Permitted Listto delete service to, from, or within the
United States using the C—band frequencies 5925—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space) and 3700—
4200 MHz (space—to Earth)" Accordingly, each U.5—licensed earth station with
"ALSAT" designated as a point of communication, may provide Fixed Satelite Services
(FSS) in the 14000—14500 MHz (Earth—to—space), and 11700—12200 MHz (space—to—
Earth) frequency bands, o, from, or within the United States, by accessing the Star One
C2 satelite (Call Sign $2678) at the 70° W.L. orbitallocation, in accordance with the
terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in its application, the
Commission‘s rules, the Seprember 9, 2005 Permitted List Entry, and the following

        1. Star One‘s request for waiver of the frequency reuse requirement of section
        25.210(0, 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(D, with respectto the Ku—band payload 15
        GRANTED as conditioned. Section 25.210(f) requires all FSS space stations to
        employ state—of—the—artfull frequeney reuse either through the use of orthogonal
        polarizations within the same beam and/or the use ofspatially independent beams.
        The full—frequency reuse requirements were designed to ensure that satellites
        maximized the use oftheir ransponder capacity to the benefit ofthe public.® The
        Commission has waived these requirements where, as in the case of Star One C2
        at 70° W.L., doing so would allow satellte capacity that would otherwise lay
        dormant to be used to provide service as long as such use does not preclude a

* SAT—PPL20080708—00144, authorized by grantstamp on September9, 200(Seprember9, 2008
Permited LiEniy), Public NoticeReport No. SAT—00318 (rel.September 92009)
° Star One‘s modifiation also noted a change o the feederlnk and on station elemetryricking and
command (TT&C). Specifcall, hecemter requency for thfeederk transmission willb at 6424.5
Mite (C:band) and the centerfrequenciesfotheo—station TT&C transmissions will b rom 4199.0 and
41999 Mite (C:band) nd from 11.7008 GHtz and 12.1993 GHtz (Ku—band). These operations will not be
1o,rom,or wthin the UntedStatesso they are notsubjecto the Permited List enty
* Licensing ofSpace Starions in the Domestic Fixed—SatelteService and Related Reviions ofPart 25 of
the Rules and Regulations, Report and Order, CC Docket No. 81—704, 54 RR 2d 577,598 (pra. 70)(1983)
(Iiwo—Degree Spacing Order). See also Systematics General Corporation. Memorandim Opinionand
Onder, ECC 85—421, 103 FCC 2d $79, 81 (para. 6) (1985)(/985 Systemarics Order)

             state—of—the—art satellite from operating atthis location." Grant of this waiver
             requestis consistent with our precedent.® To allow the public to receive service
             from an additional competitor, we grant Star One a waiver of these full—frequency
             reuse requirements. Star One C2‘s operations at 70° W.L., however, are
             authorized conditioned upon it accommodating future satellte networks serving
             the United States that are two—degree compliant.

             2. In light ofthe deletion ofauthority to provide C:—band services to, from, or
             within the United States, the conditional waiver of the Section 25.210(@)(3)
             requirement that C—band Fixed Satellte Service space stations be capable of
             switching polarity upon ground command granted in the Seprember 9, 2005
             Permitted List Entry no Tonger applies to STAR One C2 at 70° W.L. Similarly,
             the conditional waiver ofthe Section 25.211(a) requirement that C—band analog
             video transmissions occur at specific center frequencies no longer applies to the
             STAR One C2 at 70° W.L.

             3. Other than these changes to reflect the updated technical specifications ofthe
             satellite, the conditions of Star One‘s September 9, 2005 Permitted List Entry
             remain unaffected
             4. This action is taken pursuant to Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘srules on
             delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon adoption. Petitions
             for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section
             1.115 ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within
             30 days ofthe date of the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

$e4 alts                                                            2et—mob—200510BtCOrce
set—amo—                                                             Seerée                 «{24,06
2005 i\ \&—06223

                                       uflod&tuu& Fou %Mc{fifi
     * See ex., Sytematics Generl Corporation, For Special Temporiy Authoriy To Operte a
     Communications Satelite System Providing Domestic Fixed Satlite Service, Order andduthorizaton.
     DA 87—1609, 2 FCC Red 7550 (1987) uthorzingthe TDRS—1 and TDRS—3 satlfteswhich id not
     meeting the fullfrequency reae requirement to provideservice rom t 41° W.L. and 62° W.L.orbi
     Jocations unthose loctions were readyto e occupied by complintsatelite). Seealso Columbia
     Communications Corportion. Memorandim Opinion, Order and duthorization, 7 FCC Red 122,123
     (pare.15)(1991) (Columa FullFrequency Reuse Waiver Order)
     * See Columbia Full Frequercy Reuse Watser Order,7 FCC Red t 123 (por. 13)

9—16. Name of Contact Representative
           Name:         Alfed Mamiet                    Phone Numb                        202—420—3000
           Company:       Steptoc & Johnson LLP          Fax Number:                       202—420—3002
           Streets       1330 Connecticut Avenve, NW.    E—M                     

           Cig:       Wasington                          State:                             pe
           Country: USA                                  Zipeode:                          20036—1705
           Attentions                                    Relationship:                      Legal Counsel

17. Choosethe button next to the
ctassifeation that apliesto this flingfor (N/A) b1. ApplicationforLicense of New Sation
both quesionsa. and b. Choose only one    (N/A) b2. Application for Regisrtion of New Domestic Receive—Only Station
for 17a and only one for 176.             @ (NA) b3. Amendment to a Pending Application
   @ 1. Bath Station                       @ (N/A) b4. Modification of License oReistration
                                          bS. Assignment of License or Registation
   @ 32. Space Sution                     b6. TransferofControlof License or Registation
                                           ¢ (N/A) b7. Notifation of Minor Modifeation
                                          (N/A) b#. Applicationfor License of New Receive—Only Station Using Non—U.S. Licensed
                                           (N/A) b9. LetterofIntent o Use Non—U.S. Licensed Satellt to Provide Servicein the United
                                           @ (N/A) b10. Other (Please specify)

  Te Isa fe submited with this application?
0 If¥es,complete and attach FCC Form 159.     If No, indiate reason for fee exemption (se 47 C.FRSection 1.1114).
& Governmental Entiy gy Noncommercialeducationallicensee
@ Othrfplease explain Permited Space Sttion List Declaratory Ruling


Fee Cl     fication BFY — Space Sution Modifcation(Geostationary)

18. Ifthis flingis in reference t an      19. fthisfilngis an amendment to a pending application enter both flds,ifths filing is a
existing sttion, enter                   modification please enteonly thefile number
(@) Call sn of sution:                   (5)Date pending applcation was fied:            (6) File number:

20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This fling is for an authorization to provide or usthe following typels) of srvice(s) Selectall thatapply:

 [R] aFined Satelite
 [C]®. Mobile Satelite
 [C] ©Radiodetermination Satelite
 [C] . Barth Exploration Satelite
 [C] oDirectto Home Fixed Satelite
 [C] & DisialAudio Radio Service
 [C] # Other(please speci)

21. STATUS: Choose the btton next to e applicable satus Choose       [22.1fearth swrton applican, check allthat apply.
lonly one.                                                           [CJUsing U.S. liensed stelites
@ Common Carrier       @ Non—Common Carier                            [CJUsing Non—U.S. icensed stelites
23. IFapplicant is providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, see instructions regarding Sec.214 filings. Choose one. Are tese
& Connected toa Public Swtched Network cp No comnected to a Public Switched Network @ N/A
   24. FREQUENCY BAND(®):Place an X" in the box(es)next to all applcable frequency band).
     a. C—Band (4(6 GHe) gg b. Ku—Band (12/14 Gito)
[C] cOther (Please specify upper and lower fequenciesin Mz)
       Frequency Lower: Frequency Upper: (Pleasespecify additionalfrequencies in an atachment

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose the btton next to the classof sation that applies Choose only one
 ( a. Fixed Barth Sution
 ( b. Temporay—Fixed Earth Station
 @ 0. 12/14 Gltz VSAT Nemork
 ( 4. Mobile EarthSation
 ( ¢. Geostitionary Space S on
 5 Non—Geostationary Space Sation
 @ 1. Other (please spacify) Permitted Space Station List

26. TyPE or EarmsTarION FAGILITY:
& TransmitReceive gy Transmit—Only qy Receive—Only              @ NA
"For Space Sution applications,selct N/A."

27. The purpose ofthis proposed modifiction is to(Pace an   °in thebox(es) next tall that apply)
   [Z] a authorization toadd new emission designatorand related service
    [X] b — authorization to change emissiondesignatorand relatedservice
    [C] e— auhorization tincrease EIRP and EIRP dent
    [C] 4 —authorization to replace anterna
    [C] e—authorization to add antemna
    [C] (— authoriation to relocatefived station
    [¥] s — autoriationto change frequency(ies
    [C] h —authorization to add frequency
    D i      authoriztionto add Poins of Communication (stelites &countris)
    [C]i —authorizationto change Points of Communication (sutelites damp; countics)
    [C] k — authoriation for fcilitesfor which environmental assessment and
radiation hazard reporting required
     [C] ) — authorization to change obit location
    o"         authorization to perform flect management
    [C] n —authorzatio to extend milestones
    ] 0 — Other (Please specity)


 28. Would a Commission grant ofany proposlin this appleation or amendment have a signifieant environmental..   y Yes @ No
 impact as deined by 47 CBR 11307IPYIES, submit the sttement as required by Sections 11308 and 1.131 1 of
 the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR1.1308 and 1.1311, aan exhibtto this application A Radiation Hazard Study
 mustaccompany all applications for new transmiting facifities, major modifieations,ar major amendments.

ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earth station applicants not proposing to provide broadcast, common carrir, aeronautical en route or
aeronauticalfixed radio station services are not equired to respond to Items 30—=34.

 29. s thapplicanta foreign government or the representaiveofany foreign govermment?                            0 1« @ No

 30. Is thapplicant an alienor threpresentaiveof an alen?                                                       @ Yes 0 No 0 NiA

 31. Is thapplicanta corporation ormanized under thlws ofany foreign government?                                @ Ys o No o NA

 32. Isthe aplicant a corporation of which more than one—fth o the capitl stock is ouned ofrecord or voted by   @© Yes o No 0 NiA
 aliens othir representaivesorby a foreign goverment orrepresentativethereaorby any corporation organized
 under helaws ofa foreigncountry?

33. s the applicanta corporation direcly oindirecly controlled by any other cooration ofwhich more than      @ Yes ¢y No <) N/A
one—fourth ofthe capitalstock is ouned ofrecard or voted by aliens, their representatives, orby a foreign
governmentorrepresentative threof orby y corporation organized under thlws ofa foreign country?
34,Ifany answer to questions 29, 30, 31 32 and/or3i Yes,attach asan exhibit an identifiation othalionor Questions 34 and 40
foreign entites,thirnationalit, thirrelationshipto the applicant,and the percentage of stck theyown or vote
35, Doesthe Applicant requestany waivers or exemptions from any ofthe Commission‘s Rules?                       @15     oN
If¥es,attich as an exhibt, copies of the requests for vaivers or exceptions with supporting documents
36. Has the applicanor any partyto this application oamendment had any FCC station authorization or heense      oN«     en
revaked orhad any application foran inital, modifecation or enewal of FCC station authorizaion, cense,or
construction permit denied by the Commission? If¥es,attach asanexhibt, an expliation ofcircumstances.

37. Has th applicant, or any party o this applicaion or amendment,or iny patydirecly oindiectly contraling        gvs   @ No
the applicant ever been convieted o a felony by any sate orfederal court?1Yes, attach as anexhibt, an
explination ofcieumstances.

38, Has any court finall adjudged the applicant, oany person directly oindiectly controlingthe applicant,         ovs   @ No
guilty ofunlawfully monopolizing orattempting untawlull to monopolizeradio communication, direcly or
indirects,through control of manuficture or sale of radi apparatus, eclusive trific arrangement or any other
means or unfair methods of compettionlf ¥es, ttach as an exhibit, an explanation of cicumstances

39.Isthe applicant, or any person diretly or indirecly conralingthe applicant, currenty a patyin any pending      ovs   @ No
matteeferred to in the preceding two tems? If yes, atich asan exhint, an explanation ofthe circumstances

40. fthe applicant is a corportionand is applying foa space tation eense, attich as an exhibi the names,
acldress, and ciizenship ofthosestockholdersowning a recard and/or voting 10 percent or more ofthe Filer‘s
votingstock and the percentages so held. In the case of Aduciary control, indicat the benefciary(iesor class of
beneficiaries Alsolsthe names and addresses ofthe offers and directors ofthe File.

41. By checking Yes,the undersigned certifes, hatneither applicant nor any other patyto the appliationis          e v8           o No
subject t a denil oRederal benefis thaincludes FCC benefits pursuantto Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of
1988,21 U.S.C. Section B6because ofa comviction for possession or ditrbution of a contolled substance. ce
47 CFR 1.2002(b)forthe meaning of Aquotpartytothe application&:quot,forthese purposes
422. Does the applicantintendto use a non=U. S censed sateliteto provideservicein the United States? If¥es,       @s             o No
answer 42b and atach an exhibit providingthe information specifed n 47 CR. 25.137, as approprite. IFNo,
proceed to question 43.
                                                                                                              Ex 1 to Narratve
42b. What administation has icensed or is n the processoeensingthe space station? Ifno icense willb issued, what adininistrtion has
coortinated oi n the process of coordinating the space saonBrzil
3. Descripion, (Summanize the nature ofthe aplicatioand the servicesto be provided). (I the complete descripion does not appear in this
bos, please go to theend of the fom to view it n it entrety)
     see narrative.

[The Applicant waives any claim to he use of any panticulafrequency orothelectromagnetispectrum as againstthe regulatory power ofthe
United States because ofthe previous use ofthe same, whether by lcense or otherise, and requests an authorization in accordance with this
application. The applicant cetifes that rant ofthis application would not eause the applicant to bein violation of the spectrum agaregation limit
in 47 CFR Part 20. All satements made in extibtsarea materiapart hereaf anare incorporated herei as          et out i full in this aplication.
[The undersigned, individuallyand fothe applicant, hereby certfesthatall satements made n this application and in all atached exhibitsare
frve, complete and correctt the best of his or her knowledge and belifand are made in good faith

[4. Applican is a (an(Choosethe button next applicable response.)

 @    Individual
 @    Unincorporated Association
 @    Parmership
 @    Comoration
 @5 Governmental Entty
 £ Other (please specify)

     45. Name of Peson Signing                                           6. Tite of Peson Signing
     Lutz Otivio Vasconcclos Prates                                      Director of Extemal Afirs

                     (U.S. Code,Te 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.5. Code, Tite 47, Section 503).


"The public reporting forthis collection oinformation is estimated t average 2 hours pe response, ncluding thetime for reviewing instructions,
searching existingdata sources, gathering and maintaining the required daa, ancompletingand reviewingthe colection ofinformation. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate,or how we can improve the cllectionand reducethe burden t causesyou, lease write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Papervork Reduction Project(3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects ofthis cllection via the Iterncifyou send them to PLEASE
bo Nor END ComPLETED FoRMS To THis AppRess
Remember — You are not required trespondto a colletion ofinformation sponsored by the Federal govermment, and the government may not
conduct osponsor this collection, unles it displays a currenty valid OMB contral number or if wfal to provide you with this notice.. This
colletion has beenassigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678
1, 1995 44 U.S.C. SECTION as07.


Document Created: 2006-04-21 10:40:45
Document Modified: 2006-04-21 10:40:45

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